• Breaking News

    Monday, October 14, 2019

    Hearthstone To the person who posted the three Shimmerfly mass rez, I raise you.

    Hearthstone To the person who posted the three Shimmerfly mass rez, I raise you.

    To the person who posted the three Shimmerfly mass rez, I raise you.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:06 AM PDT

    Blizzard Chose Tyranny (The Jimquisition)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 10:35 AM PDT

    Do people hate on Blizzard because it’s censoring free speech or because it’s supporting the wrong side of history?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 04:59 AM PDT

    I want to ask this risking getting downvoted. I'm genuinely curious because I've been neutral on this issue and cant wrap my head around the one sided opinions on reddit.

    Using esports and public streaming as political propaganda seems inappropriate to me, so I dont see why Blizzard's ban sparks so much hate.

    Ok yes it does seem that Blizzard banned Blitzchung in fear of losing the Chinese market. But what if, in an entirely imaginary scenario and alternative universe, some mainland Chinese expresses his anti-freeHK propaganda at GM and got banned by Blizzard. Would people still hate on Blizzard for censoring free speech? Or would people say Blizzard did the right thing by supporting democracy, despite it violating speech rights.

    submitted by /u/shaggyday
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    This Fight Is For All Of Us

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    This fight is not only for Hong Kong, but for all of us.

    What happens when it becomes more cost effective to distribute media that kowtows to Beijing rather than cutting specifically for the Chinese market? What happens when you - in the United States, in Brazil, in Germany - are forced to play, read, and watch media that is forced to navigate the political sensitivities of a country half the world away?

    We are being tested as a market. We are being asked, "Does this hurt? How about this? And this?"

    Our answers to these questions will establish the bar for corporations interested in how much their democratic markets are willing to tolerate. And - a few years from now - when that bar has become unobtrusive, when it is a standard we no longer think about and have forgotten the origin of, they'll test again, and push further; on and on and on.

    It's in this spirit that I am imploring this community to fight, and to fight until victory. We will have attained that victory when Blizzard expressly condemns the Chinese government's brutality and repression. It will not be a difficult fight: as gamers, we are spoiled for choice, and I implore this community to make the dignified choice and play something else until such a time as we have won.

    Our actions - your actions - reflect the courage, dignity, and nobility with which we conduct our lives, and the unity of those actions contributes to the conduction of our world. And so I implore you: be noble! be dignified! be courageous! Fight for a world that is all of these things! Do not let your interest in a game debase your dignity, defraud you of your courage, or diminish your nobility! Fight!

    As you can see by my account history, I did not begin this account to express political views, but rather to explore professional game writing. However, the situation is urgent, and I felt compelled by my conscience to say something, anything. We cannot flag. We cannot relent. If the politics cannot persuade you, let your passion for the hobby: do you really want to see the quality of the games you play diluted by the needless burdens of censorship and accommodation?

    I don't.

    Please: fight. Fight today. Fight tomorrow. Fight until we have won.

    submitted by /u/JSGameWriting
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    1000 wins portraits bug fixed

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 01:25 PM PDT

    Since there's only China on the frontpage and much scrolling down is needed to see if this bug even exists, it's fixed now with the recent patch and I'll hope this message reaches the people who were waiting for it.

    submitted by /u/Jro69
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    you monster!

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 04:23 PM PDT


    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:25 PM PDT

    When you have a bad day

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 02:40 AM PDT

    priest is cool and all, but have you tried malygoose shaman

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 04:45 AM PDT

    Blizzard needs to explain their Hearthstone Weibo post.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 03:45 PM PDT

    First off, I feel "okay" about the reduction to Blitzchung's punishment, but only because he's now eligible for the next Grandmasters, and there's apparently not much for him to attend between now and then.
    I still think 6 months for the casters is way too long, and yes, I know they gave Blitzchung the go.

    But if they don't want to reduce the suspension further, I want them to simply to explain their post on Weibo.

    Link to the Weibo post:


    The post in itself is problematic and also contradicts J. Allen Brack's statement, "our relationships in China had no influence on our decision.".

    As Mark Kern makes it even clearer in this Twitter thread, that is effectively Blizzard speaking.

    So my questions are:

    1. Did Blizzard indeed approve the Weibo post to be posted?

    2. Do they still hold the same stance they have stated in the Weibo post? If not, why haven't they addressed it at all?

    3. How did the contradiction between the Weibo post and Alan Brack's statement happen?

    I don't know if I've covered everything but I believe Blizzard's response to this will be key to a better understanding of Blizzard's priorities. And depending on their response, have something to hold them to in the future.
    If they have nothing to hide, it shouldn't be too much to ask.

    submitted by /u/cepirablo
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    Just your typical turn 4 in Hearthstone

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:00 AM PDT

    Two moons are stronger than the sun.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    I just love this card, hate how its so weak though. This change might make it at least viable

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 12:53 PM PDT

    Mark Kern, throws his hat into the ring about the official Blizzard statement.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 04:38 PM PDT

    iPad users need help from r/hearthstone!!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 12:02 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I'm hoping the subreddit can help upvote a major bug that's keeping a ton of iPad players from accessing their accounts.

    I play on an iPad Air 2(supported device) and on the EU servers. However, ever since last week's update, the change region button is suddenly missing for the tablet version of Hearthstone(both Android & iOS). I and many others went to the forums to report this bug, but it's been nearly a week, and the best response I've found is the generic "will be addressed in an upcoming patch". I'll post a link below.

    This bug is keeping a group of players from accessing their accounts, so how can it be acceptable to make them wait until the next content patch or longer?!? This is not just a cosmetic issue...it's keeping us from participating in the current event, which will be over by the time of the next patch release.

    I can't express how much I and the other players would appreciate you upvoting this post to hopefully get this issue in front of someone higher that the customer service/QA folks who monitor the official forums. Please help us be able to play the game we all love!!

    Appreciate your time


    submitted by /u/Mkluvin1515
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    And I quote “I cleared the board for you, you’re welcome.” I’m never playing tavern brawl again

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 03:27 PM PDT

    Was up against a Murloc Shaman...there's a good chance he hates me.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 11:47 AM PDT

    A pleasing Mass Resurrection for the opponent

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:40 AM PDT

    jurrasic park

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 03:28 PM PDT

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