• Breaking News

    Monday, November 23, 2020

    Hearthstone Weekly and Daily Quest Status

    Hearthstone Weekly and Daily Quest Status

    Weekly and Daily Quest Status

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 01:51 PM PST

    Since the launch of the new daily and weekly quest system, we've been working to correct an issue that could prevent some players from receiving weekly quests, and we've recently discovered that daily quests can be affected in some instances as well. They are separate but related issues, so here's a quick update on both.

    Weekly Quests

    Last week, we put out an initial fix for this issue, but we've found instances where the issue could still occur. We're working on the fix to prevent all instances of this issue from happening in the future. We're also aware that some players have missed one or even two weeks of weekly quests, and we're in the process of identifying all affected accounts so we can provide the missing XP. Please be aware that the compensation may not happen until next week and may happen in different groups at different times. We'll give updates as soon as any new progress is made.

    Daily Quests

    We've recently identified the issue with daily quests and believe we have a fix. We're hoping to apply this fix this week and will provide an update as soon as possible. Similarly to weekly quests, we will be offering compensation for those who missed out on daily quests. We've just begun the work to identify affected accounts and determine the right way to compensate them. We'll have an update as soon as we know more, but the best estimate for compensation is currently next week.

    submitted by /u/cmdylux
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    Stay Strong

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 07:16 AM PST

    Dear Devs: we actually care about the game. I hope you know that that's why we're upset.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 02:51 AM PST

    Both Scholomance and Darkmoon Faire had well designed cards and enjoyable metas. Duels is a fun game mode. Demon Hunter is a great addition to the game, despite the early balance troubles.

    The art is distinctive and great. The card design varied and fun. Voice acting is always on point. We know a lot of time is spent on the distinctive hearthstone "style" and we appreciate it.

    I hope you're not being spammed or threatened by angry kids who blame you for the business model. And I imagine it feels really bad to work for a year on an expansion, only for it to be met by anger from your fans.

    But the business model really is terrible for players. Being f2p feels horrible, it takes forever to get a decent deck and you never get to experiment with your own ideas (one of the most fun parts of the game!). Paying for the game also feels horrible. It's very expensive, and at the end of it you still have to grind to play more than one or two decks. It feels absolutely awful to spend money on a big bundle and feel like you still can't really play the way you want to. And then you go into the same unrewarding grind as the f2p players to find some variety. It's been bad for a while. It's reached a boiling point.

    We care about this game. That's why we're upset about this. We hope you let your colleagues know if you agree with us about the game economy. Don't be disheartened. Help us in trying to make this a better game for everyone.

    submitted by /u/reno-priest
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    Better rush this quest before Blizzard nerf the reward

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 10:26 AM PST

    They haven't introduced a free, casual arena while I wasn't looking, have they? With the amount of gold we earn daily now, even quests are p2w

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 01:00 AM PST

    It’s clear at this point that Blizzard is hoping people get bored and accept this garbage.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 08:59 AM PST

    Needless to say, I'm proud of this community for not giving them what they want. We deserve to be treated like more than an algorithm.

    submitted by /u/UltimaterializerX
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    Returning player. Haven't seen a single quest since I started playing again three days ago... Am I missing something or did Blizzard become even more incompetent over the last year?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 05:50 AM PST

    I have seen a lot of people say "they don't care about what people say on reddit, it's just a small part of the whole community". That's not correct. Keep voicing your concerns

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:40 AM PST

    I have seen people comment on some of the outrage posts in these days about all of this being pointless, that blizzard don't care what we say in here and that we are only a small part of the entire community. It might be true that the actual playerbase is much bigger, but the r/hearthstone community is the most dedicated part of the community.

    The game isn't that popular on any other platform, twitter is the only other platform where hearthstone has some talk but that's only because devs and streamers use it to communicate with the community. This is were people always expressed their opinion about the game, and the devs always reacted on what people had to say here.

    They even dedicated an entire pre-release event JUST for the reddit community (sure it was a failure, but that's a sign that THIS is the main place where the community can make its voice heard)

    If you want something to change, this is where you have to express your opinion, and don't stop just because they are being silent, otherwise you are just letting them win

    submitted by /u/Wingo21
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    The End of the Legendary Road. The direction the game went is not the road I want to follow, I wanted to share my memories.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 12:45 PM PST

    using this one simple trick, i was able to improve my win rate by 400%

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:56 AM PST

    This release week I played the least hearthstone in all release weeks.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 06:29 AM PST

    I never pre-ordered an expansion and didnt enjoy playing and not being hyped by the new cards like now. And I don't think it's the sets fault. I only played the first day and didnt even try out all my new legendaries. The new reward system discourages playing so much, I'm tired of playing hs for now, I really hope they rework that. Until then I luckily got a ps5, so yeah at least I have that. I'm not mad, I'm just dissapointed.

    Just wanted to add to the new-system-hate because I didn't comment or post anything until now, thanks for reading. Goodbye for now I guess.

    submitted by /u/Nigogigogigolas
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    Another week without weekly quests

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 02:06 AM PST

    And again I didn't get any weekly quests, the counter simply reseted to 7 days. Thank you Blizzard, this really helps and makes the new system a lot of fun

    submitted by /u/Muffi8968
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    [PART 1] alternate Hero Power art for Warlock

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 03:29 AM PST

    Counterpoint: Hey Devs. I've been playing for 4 years. Honestly? I could take HS or leave it.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 06:31 AM PST

    Here's the other side of the coin from the fervent, locked-into-bundles fanboys out there.

    I've been a casual HS player since the Naxramas days. Never cared enough to go for legend, but I get my rank 4 or rank 3. Easy stuff, you know? As befits a casual player. Also as befits a casual player I buy myself a couple packs here and there. Let's say I spend about 10$ every expansion, and try to gain the rest through free play and some fun arenas.

    However you are walking on dangerous territory by reducing the F2P rewards for us casuals. We aren't really devoted to the game. You have to understand for me, if I leave Heartstone I lose nothing. I don't care about my "collection". I genuinely won't miss it because of the high quality of card games out there. Right now HS is on top because of inertia.

    This may not be such a big deal individually, but you make your money in 2 ways: whales, and the few drips here and there from a huge audience of casuals.

    If you give free rewards, we'll buy a couple of packs just to round out those decks we want to try. If you reduce free rewards so that we are three legendaries away from a meta deck with any class (As I currently am right now) then you can just go get stuffed up the giblets like a Thanksgiving turkey.

    There's NO possibility that I up my casual purchases to make up for it. There's EVERY possibility that I immediately uninstall HS.

    Right now I'm focusing on Runeterra, but who knows. Maybe you'll earn back my very divided and very fickle attention.

    submitted by /u/Thatguyjmc
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    I'm a veteran Hearthstone player and I have realised it's time to quit

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 04:19 AM PST

    I never thought I would be one of the people creating these "I'm quitting posts" (in fact I have made fun of them in the past) but after 5 years I think this is the end. I have been logging in every day (with a few exceptions) for half a decade - it has been part of my daily routine.

    I guess recent events are 'the final straw' but the truth is I should have quit some time ago. It's not like the whole reward track thing is even that big a deal in the grand scheme of things - it's basically what I should expect at this point. It's like when you are part of an abusive relationship, or a toxic friendship, and the other person does something that isn't really a big deal in itself, but in the context of everything else something suddenly clicks and you realise "hey, this relationship is toxic, I should get out".

    I don't even enjoy logging in any more, I can't really remember the last time I did. It's just something I felt I have to do for FOMO. But the rewards, pitiful as they always were, aren't worth it, and now I can't even get them in the way I want to, you now only get rewarded for doing very specific things. Well it's time to get out of the skinner box.

    I'm fed up with being lied to. I'm fed up with having numbers fed to me that are, at best, being used in a misleading and manipulative ways. I'm fed up with being told "this is fine, this is normal, this is fun" when it so clearly isn't. I honestly have no idea how so many people have the audacity to defend what has happened in the last week. I can only assume they are so desperate for something meaningful in their lives that they are willing to put up with literally anything. Maybe that was me at one point, but no more, I'm out.

    So my decision is clear, as of today I am unsubscribing from r/hearthstone (I will still be playing Hearthstone obviously, Hearthstone is cool).

    submitted by /u/PiemasterUK
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    This is the 2nd week in a row my I didn't get any weekly quests.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 02:36 AM PST

    Fuck this, I'm done with this game. Been playing since SEASON 1. I even have the pandaria card back to prove it. I was free2play until Scholomance and Darkmoon Fair was the first expansion I actually pre-purchased and now after spending about 110 Euros I don't even want to play the game anymore. I'm probably not coming back until they fix/completely overhaul the core mechanics of the journal.

    Goodbye for now.

    submitted by /u/grooni_xd
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    The Welcome Back Bundle should include packs from the 3 most RECENT expansions, not the prior year that is about to rotate out.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 07:49 AM PST

    Day 8 of Protesting For Fair Monetization For Players

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 10:42 PM PST

    I know everyone, im sure youre tired of these. But we need to keep making a fuss, we have to in order to be treated fairly, to be treated like we matter. Because you know what? We do

    Heh haha do doo doodoo hehe

    Anyway, lets get serious once more Blizzard, or should I say... '$€£₩₩¥!' I wanna discuss what we really want.

    Blizzard please please please gimme free stuff pleaaaaaaaaaassseeee! I need more packs so I can get the new card that has a 50% chance to attack the RIGHT enemy haha that is literally funny. Blizzard please I have been a good boy, free packs now!

    submitted by /u/Jackisawesome3
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    What's the deal with this quest??!!!!! It only goes up when you play a non corrupted version of a corrupt card, isn't the whole point to corrupt them????

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 08:06 AM PST

    Day 9, just kidding it's just a picture of Day9

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 04:48 AM PST

    your money is gone

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:49 AM PST

    That’s cool and all but I do not own one yet? Why so specific?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 04:54 AM PST

    Today is a great day ! I’m finally part of the big family of players who aren’t allowed to get new weekly or daily quests !

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 02:47 AM PST

    As a four-year Hearthstone player, I've decided it's time for me to quilt

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 10:27 AM PST

    I've been playing Hearthstone on and off since WOTOG, buying the pre-order bundle every expac since Witchwood, but I've decided it's time. Time to finally quilt.

    I've been thinking of quilting for some time now, but it seems that today is the day to do it. JoAnn's has a BOGO deal on fabric so I'm going to pick some up, watch some online tutorials, and get quilting.

    submitted by /u/MahjongDaily
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    MODS Can we get a sticky with all the known current bugs?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 05:07 AM PST

    Current Known Major Bugs

    Update: A fix is in the works for the first 2. Also those who missed quest will be compensated with xp. Some already receiving but may be into December. Still no word on #3 returning players bug.

    1. Weekly quest not resetting. (the hot fix did not work) (one theory is that it is linked to not completing all weekly quest before weekly reset) i.e. Many who did not complete all of the x amount of Duels wins in week one did not receive quest in week two.
    2. Daily quest not resetting (was a bug pre DMF)
    3. Returning players having a blank quest screen (making it impossible for them to get any quest)(may be linked to new players having to complete certain quest under the old system no longer available in the new)

    Other known bugs

    1. Having to reset the game to see quest progression
    2. The corrupt achievement not working properly (cards need to be played uncorrupted to count)
    3. Quest OTK Old God Shaman hand bug when lowering and raising cards. (seems to be this specific deck hand gets stuck down and cards get stuck behind other cards) see Dekksters YouTube.
    4. Yogg wheel freezes game
    5. Any special effects for your hero like frozen, immune, can only take 1 damage at a time, elusive, ect. remain after you explode from taking to much damage or conceding.
    6. Some decks in wild having the same problem as #3. cards being layered oddly so as to be hard to cast. (may be all decks that play a quest that changes the hero power)
    7. Yogg card text saying it is ready although not glowing. When played the wheel does not spin.
    8. Related to #10 Yogg: Counts spells that have been counterspelled on card text but does not activate. You can drop a yogg that says "active" but isn't.
    9. Oh my yogg is bugged with choose one cards. it currently casts both. Sometimes cast second option twice.
    10. DH collection quest saying "all" 10 DMF cards when there are actually 15
    11. Relentless Pursuit can't be played on a full board and says you have too many minions
    12. Samsung card back missing
    13. Some having issues playing on cell networks. Game never loads.
    14. There's a bug in the friendly challenge where if your friend disconnects, you get softlocked in the game. You used to be able to open the options menu and press End Game to exit, but those buttons don't work after the patch. The only way out is either your friend reconnecting or waiting an hour or more for the server to cancel the game.


    1. Duels after win or loss returning to card buckets freezes game restart needed
    2. Duels. after a win or loss after picking a treasure card buckets are missing and no ability to select one. Need to back out of duels and rejoin to have all buckets appear and be able to select one.
    3. duels. game freeze permanently on the rewards at the end of the run and make u impossible to play the mode again.
    4. Heroic Duels does not reward XP, afaik, and it is supposed to. Causing many to not want to play Duels.


    1. If you have an incomplete arena run, you recieved a tavern ticket when Madness launch. Well if you recive a tavern ticket from the reward track, the former will dissapear (poof).
    2. 13 DMF cards excluded from Arena.
    3. Epics drops too frequent in arena
    4. Total arena wins no longer visible, only longest streak per class. Maybe not a bug but intended but some players enjoyed seeing their thousands of wins.

    Please everyone list all the bugs so it's clear how bad this update is at the moment.

    submitted by /u/RecoveringThatGuy
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