• Breaking News

    Monday, July 12, 2021

    Hearthstone Why you always gotta lie like this to me Bob ...

    Hearthstone Why you always gotta lie like this to me Bob ...

    Why you always gotta lie like this to me Bob ...

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    Still relevant in clash tho

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    Warrior trying to Brawl away your minions? "Oh My Yogg!" has got you covered.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    Appearently i'm betatesting the new mode "Blind Hearthstone" where you can't see your opponents health now.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    When you say priests aren't that big of a problem...

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 10:33 PM PDT

    Any idea why I can do this?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    Any idea why I can do this?

    Trying for achievements and using stealer of souls in a deck. My guess is that I can place it in a standard deck, and then use the standard deck in a wild game mode without it noticing the banned card.


    submitted by /u/LessInstruction
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    11 hoggers for 8 gold every time you buy a pirate plus Edward= Profit

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 02:05 PM PDT

    I made this Carbot-styled comic (for funz'n'lulz)

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 01:43 PM PDT

    Lord Jaraxxus But 50% off!!!!

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 08:39 AM PDT

    I can tell you it felt so good ��

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 07:19 AM PDT

    A story in three pictures

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 10:34 AM PDT

    Can we address insane early games? I feel like this is the most unhealthy part of the game.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    I got 2 kel'thuzad off jandice while playing kel'thuzad

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    Hafu casually roasts the Battlegrounds community

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    Does buying 10 packs for a legendary apply to older expansions?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 12:46 PM PDT

    Just a quick question stated above. I have 1000 gold and i heard buying 10 packs of a "new expansion" will guarantee you a legendary. But if i buy older expansions where i don't own the cards does that still apply to a legendary in the first 10 packs? I want a new legendary, and i plan on preordering the new expansion anyways so i want to buy an older expansion with this 1000 gold if i will get a legendary.

    submitted by /u/xhellspawn
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    Cheevos in the Rearview: Forged in the Barrens

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 11:24 PM PDT

    Good day to all cheevo hunters out there, hope Barrens has treated you well. With the introduction of Classic and Core cheevos I'm sure you've all been busy, but now is a time to look back on the expansion specific challenges.

    This isn't a guide, but more of a commentary and tier list, with each achievement getting a category and a grade. The category refers to what you can expect, and the grade is simply a subjective score (going from A+ as the best example of an achievement to E as both impossibly hard and boring, badly designed) based on a mix of difficulty and imaginativeness. Feel free to leave your own feedback and thoughts, would love discussion on the best achievements this expac.


    • Grind - an achievement you have to put a lot of time into.
    • Outside the Box - an achievement that requires some deck-building thought before you tackle it.
    • Leprechaun - pure luck.

    Demon Hunter:

    • Destroy 30 minions with Kurtrus Ashfallen
      • Grind
      • C
      • Able to be achieved with Illidari Studies making it more accessible to F2P, will be achieved without grinding forever, but not particularly imaginative.
    • Summon 50 Deathrattle minions without playing them, as Demon Hunter
      • Grind
      • B-
      • Deathrattle Demonhunter being a meta relevant deck means most players would hit it. Not exciting as a result but its free XP.
    • Trigger 20/60/200 Sigils
      • Grind with some Outside the Box
      • B-
      • Initially a massive grind, but made easier with the introduction of Sigil of Summoning. You could make a greedy deck in Standard or Wild to maximize spell discovers and duplicate spells with Zai for some fun hunting.
    • Force Your opponent to spend 15/45 extra Mana with Taintheart Tormentor
      • Grind
      • D-
      • Absolutely horrendous grind in a non-meta relevant deck. Might be bugged because spells that instantly kill Taintheart (i.e. Coerce) don't count as tick even if you see the extra mana spent by opponent.

    Overall Score: C-


    • Play 5 cards in a single turn that naturally cost 8 or more
      • Outside the Box
      • B+
      • Solid achievement for memeing. Quite fun to try in Wild with Giants and trying to be a scuffed version of Darkglare.
    • Cast 5 Druid Nature spells in a single turn, 25 times
      • Grind
      • C+
      • Even though Token Druid was top tier for most of the Barrens meta, it's still somewhat hard to get this regularly. Easier if you purposely target rather than try and win.
    • Copy 5/20/50 minions with Plaguemaw the Rotting
      • Grind with some Outside the Box
      • D
      • Only buoyed by the fact that there are quite a few taunt synergies in Druid now so you can get creative with deckbuilding. Massive grindfest nonetheless as opponents will destroy Plaguemaw on sight.
    • Play Druid beasts for 30/100 less Mana than their normal cost
      • Grind
      • B
      • Easy achievement with Living Seed and Umbral Owl, especially now that Owl Druid might become meta relevant.

    Overall Score: C+


    • Trigger the Frenzy on a 5th-generation Sunscale Raptor
      • Outside the Box
      • A-
      • Cheap spells, beast draw and penflinger make for some fun deck building shenanigans. How long does it take for your opponent to work out what you're doing?
    • Summon 10/30/75 Beasts with Tavish Stormpike
      • Outside the Box with some Grind
      • D+
      • Much simpler to attempt in wild which may be restrictive for some F2P players. There are just not enough standard synergies yet, and getting all the pieces together to hit this achievement can take a while, even if the deck building is creative.
    • Summon 6 Swift Hyenas in a single turn
      • Outside the Box
      • B+
      • Encourages thinking about synergies while being quite easy to complete, especially with the introduction of Sin'dorei Scentfinder.
    • Destroy 20/60 minions with Poisonous Beasts and weapons
      • Grind
      • C-
      • Simple, boring and easy. Just chuck scorpid in all your decks (including non-Hunter ones).

    Overall Score: B-


    • Destroy 50 Frozen minions
      • Outside the Box with some Grind
      • B-
      • Made a lot easier with Wailing Caverns cards, this is just about packing as much freeze options as possible in and going to town. Can be fun for a spin.
    • Deal 75/150/300 damage with your Hero Power as Mage
      • Grind with some Outside the Box
      • C-
      • Mostly a grind but thankfully will just happen over time. If you want to play a Tier 4 deck you can craft a HP Mage to try out the new cards and get there faster.
    • Refresh 8 Mana Crystals with Refreshing Spring Water in a single turn
      • Leprechaun
      • D
      • Boring and easy if you are like everyone else and played Spell Mage when it was good.
    • Freeze 25/75 characters with Elementals
      • Grind with some Outside the Box
      • C
      • Nothing terribly exciting and a little less worth your effort in Standard, but with extra options in Wild it is glorious against a Kingsbane Rogue.

    Overall Score: C-


    • Buff 60/200/600 minions with Invigorating Sermon
      • Grind with some Outside the Box
      • A-
      • Not a bad grind and quite fun to make a specific deck for it. Just load it up with a bunch of cheap minions, 2 copies of FDoS, 2 copies of Invigorating Sermon and don't forget your Knights of Anointment. Can combine with Neutral cheevos like caravans.
    • Cast 5 Paladin Holy spells in a single turn, 15 times
      • Grind
      • B-
      • Not having to think about an achievement can be good in its own right. Libram Paladin being a meta relevant deck means most players would hit this. Not exciting as a result but it's free XP.
    • Trigger 5 Paladin Secrets in one turn
      • Outside the Box
      • A
      • Rewards thinking about which achievements go well together. An example of a great achievement.
    • Summon 3/4 of the same Adventurer with Party Up!
      • Leprechaun
      • D-
      • Maybe you get it, maybe you don't. This expacs Yoggchamp.

    Overall Score: B-


    • Attack and kill the drained minion with Serena Bloodfeather, 5 times
      • Outside the Box
      • C-
      • Really the only thought process is Serena plus Broom so not that amazing, plus you have to do it 5 times.
    • Start 5/20/50 turns with a full hand as Priest
      • Grind
      • D-
      • Just priest things
    • Restore 40 Health to heroes in one game as Priest
      • Leprechaun
      • D-
      • Just priest things
    • Destroy 10 minions with a single Against All Odds
      • Outside the Box
      • B
      • Just smash it into a Control Priest build and play Wave of Apathy depending on board state. Also just go to Wild and play Mad Summoner.

    Overall Score: D+


    • Play 6/9/12 cards in a single turn as Rogue
      • Outside the Box
      • B+
      • Just Rogue things, but takes a bit of effort. Play a Miracle Rogue in Standard or Wild and hold cards until you can just go off. A fun sight to behold.
    • Coat a Swinetusk Shank in 4 different Poisons
      • Outside the Box
      • C-
      • Just Weapon Rogue things. Will happen eventually, but pity the deck isn't more viable right now.
    • Yoink! All 10 Hero Powers
      • Outside the Box
      • A-
      • A fun one to attempt, you have to remember that the 10th class is Rogue. Either double yoink (play wandmakers to get more) or put Finley in your Wild Rogue deck.
    • Give 10/30 minions Stealth with Shroud of Concealment.
      • Outside the Box with some Grind
      • B
      • You can just spam this out with cheap minions and defensive tools. Card is currently more viable in Wild though.

    Overall Score: B


    • Deal 30/60/150 extra damage with Nature spells
      • Outside the Box with some Grind
      • B
      • Perfectly serviceable achievement if you want to spam AoE, spell damage minions and Brukan. Moarg Artificer might help too.
    • Destroy 50 enemies with Murlocs as Shaman
      • Outside the Box/Grind
      • C+
      • Murloc Shaman is a real deck in wild so might be prohibitive for F2P standard players. Not that special otherwise.
    • Play an Elemental 5 turns in a row
      • Outside the Box
      • D+
      • Very easy since Wailing Caverns, and nothing to write home about.
    • Destroy 25/75 enemies with Perpetual Flame
      • Outside the Box with some Grind
      • B+
      • A little bit more fun than the usual grind because it allows you to think about ways to maximise chances to discover/copy Flame, and how to maximise each turn (some minions have more than 3 health!).

    Overall Score: C+


    • Summon 25/100/250 Imps
      • Grind with some Outside the Box
      • A-
      • Easier in Wild, but search 'Imp' when making a deck and go from there. Surprisingly won me quite a few games and your opponent doesn't know what is going on.
    • Cast 80 0-Cost Warlock Shadow spells
      • Grind
      • C+
      • If you just play Priest enough Raise Dead will get you there.
    • Destroy 3 Legendary cards with a single Altar of Fire
      • Outside the Box
      • C-
      • Just fill your deck with leggos and mulligan for Altar. Too easy.
    • Spend 30/100 Health on Warlock cards.
      • Grind with some Outside the Box
      • B
      • Perfectly serviceable achievement that was completed in about 2 games when Plotlock was a thing in Wild. Requires a little bit of deck building skills to make viable in Standard.

    Overall Score: C-


    • Use Bulk Up to create a 4th copy of the same minion in your hand
      • Outside the Box with a little bit of Leprechaun luck
      • B-
      • Quite easy to target, just hold on to the right cards for the right moment.
    • Gain 14 Armor with a single Rancor
      • Outside the Box
      • B
      • Once you remember this is only 7 minions it's a bit easier. Use Barov.
    • Have 10/40/100 friendly minions survive damage on your turn, as Warrior
      • Grind
      • D
      • A lot of people achieved this before the expac came out, bit lame.
    • Attack 20/60 times with Turtle Spikes

      • Grind
      • B
      • Fairly simple as Kresh is meta relevant in different Standard and Wild decks, so just takes a bit of times.

      Overall Score: C+


    • Play 15/50 Watch Posts
      • Grind
      • C+
      • Easy enough given how good the Posts are.
    • Build custom Golems using 6/9/12 different herbs
      • Outside the Box
      • B
      • Have to keep track of your choices but you'll get there.
    • Cast 10/40/100 Rank 3 spells
      • Grind
      • B-
      • Easier with some classes than others. Priest probably easiest, Rogue often too. Again, can build decks to discover/duplicate the spells.
    • Trigger 10/40/100 Frenzy effects
      • Grind
      • C+
      • You'll get there eventually playing Miracle Rogue, Rush Warrior or Arena.
    • End your turn with 7 Gruntled Patrons
      • Outside the Box
      • A-
      • Encourages fun deck building to make it work, if a little hard and you lose.
    • Destroy 25 minions with Venomous Scorpid
      • Grind
      • D+
      • Very very easy, no thought needed.
    • Start 10/40/100 turns with a Caravan
      • Grind/Outside the Box.
      • D
      • Well, caravans suck, so you have to make a specific deck to make it work. I found Paladin or Priest with Gift of Luminance worked, but jeez this takes a long time.
    • Find Mankrik's Wife + get lethal damage with the summoned Mankrik
      • Outside the Box/Leprechaun
      • A
      • Great achievement. You can get it randomly OR you can build a shuffle rogue and just send angry Mankriks at your opponents face.
    • Copy 5 Secrets with a single Horde Operative
      • Outside the Box/Leprechaun
      • B-
      • You either have to get lucky, or you make a janky Lorewalker Cho deck to feed your opponent secrets in the hope they play them all for you to copy.
    • Swap a 0-Cost minion with a 10-Cost minion with Shadow Hunter Vol'jin
      • Outside the Box
      • B
      • Simple enough and a bit of a fun.
    • Summon 50 Demonspawn with Burning Blade Acolyte
      • Grind/Outside the Box
      • A-
      • Fairly fun to try and get with a Deathrattle or Big Priest shell in Wild.
    • Summon 50 Hogs with Hog Rancher
      • Grind/Outside the Box
      • A-
      • Similar to above, these cards aren't inherently good, but you can find ways
    • Summon a 10-Cost minion with Primordial Protector
      • ???
      • C
      • Just play Clown Druid
    • Summon 30/100 Adventurers
      • Grind
      • C
      • Just spam Party Up! in Libram Pally
    • Eat 7/20 minions with Mutanus the Devourer that are 4/4 or larger
      • Outside the Box with a little Leprechaun
      • B+
      • Great because you can just get it, or you can get rewarded for making a meme deck that plays as many Mutanuses as possible.
    submitted by /u/More-Addition-3726
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    I don't think it's supposed to work like this

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 01:00 PM PDT

    Bugged Frozen throne prologue

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 04:58 AM PDT

    How do you guys work your collection regarding dust?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 08:26 AM PDT

    Difficult to condense this into one simple question, so bear with me.

    I've always just collected cards and never really disenchanted any for dust, since I keep thinking "I might need this later". I find it very hard to find cards I'm sure I won't need later, since I don't have a specific deck(or decks) I run.

    My question is what you do- do you also collect and just open a bazillion packs to disenchant duplicates, or do you disenchant everything that's not in your curent deck? How do you pick what cards to disenchant? Does anyone really have 2000 dust lying around to craft a deck they find online?

    I'm just curious about everyone's input and looking for inspiration to build a sustainable collection-disenchanting strategy :>

    submitted by /u/woollyhatt
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    Bugged Mask of C'thun?! #standard #Aegwynn #DR-mage

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 03:19 PM PDT

    Is it worth it to wait for the new expansion to hit legend?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 08:16 AM PDT

    So, I started playing sometime in the middle of the Forged in the Barrens expansion, so this is my first new expansion. From what I've seen of the new cards, they look incredibly fun to use and could bring about several new archetypes

    Since I'm new, I've still never hit legend, and the achievement gives you a random legendary from the most recent expansion. Currently, I'm diamond 1 with 2 stars, so legend is definitely within reach.

    Is it ever worth it to just wait for next season to hit legend? Should I wait for more cards to be revealed? Or just hit legend now? Thanks!

    I'm playing wild so the meta is relatively safe, if that helps

    submitted by /u/LetMeLiveImNew
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