• Breaking News

    Saturday, September 26, 2020

    Hearthstone One of the craziest finishes to a game I've ever had! Never count yourself out (or in) against a Mage

    Hearthstone One of the craziest finishes to a game I've ever had! Never count yourself out (or in) against a Mage

    One of the craziest finishes to a game I've ever had! Never count yourself out (or in) against a Mage

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    Y’all remember wall preist? Made back in early 2019

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    Murlocs appreciation post

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 03:54 AM PDT


    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    This guy....

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    elekk 100X education and 30+ tess

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    Managed to pull off Exodia in Tombs of Terror

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    New Wild Player Here!

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Recently made the switch over to wild from standard and I love it! I play mostly for fun and the amount of variety in Wild is awesome. I don't have that large of a collection so I'm currently using a bit of a memey libram Paladin chip damage deck centered around libram of wisdom and pen flinger that I've been having a lot of fun with. Any tips for new Wild players? What's the best way to expand my collection? I've heard league of explorers has some good cards. Should I get it? Thanks!!!

    submitted by /u/phillipstheyerington
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    Ah the infamous turn 1 guardian animals

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    Draenei Paladin hero portrait

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    Paladin have lots of Draenei artwork on their cards right now. Would love to see a Hero portrait to compliment this!

    submitted by /u/benfrancois
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    Any ideas when the alternate heroes skins will be back in the shop?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    Just want to get some skins to spice up my experience

    submitted by /u/artstyle13
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    My favourite murloc build so far (first golden brann)

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Hearthstone price makes the game worse for those who can afford it

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    I've played Hearthstone since release and I have sunk hundreds of dollars into it. But now I'm quitting.

    But it's because of a problem with the pricing model that people don't talk about enough. It's not because I can't afford to pay. It's because the exclusionary pricing model has actually made the game worse.

    The main way you can see this is that Hearthstone is a social game, and the enjoyment of the experience is partly based on playing with other people. People you know, or make friends with through the game. The community makes the game more enjoyable. But none of my friends play anymore, and they all give the exact same reason: the price. The price drives away our friends, drives away the community, and precludes people coming back into the game. It makes the community sour and bitchy. This subreddit is half just people complaining, half the players hate the company. And it is Blizzards fault. You are just finding some peak in a pricing curve, I get that, but games are different to clothes or cars, making the product exclusive makes the product worse.

    So I've had enough, you've killed the game for me, you've driven away my friends and made the community painful to be a part of. I'm not buying anything else in Hearthstone, I will not be buying any other Blizzard products. This pricing model has to come at a cost to Blizzard if they are ever going to stop, so I hope you join me.

    I'd like to hear if other people agree or had the same experience.

    submitted by /u/OrkimondReddit
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    Nerf Jandice. Too much value for 5 mana

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 12:08 AM PDT

    BGs | Getting to 9K- A guide (part 2):

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    Hey guys!
    After the great feedback I got on the previous guide I wanted to help players that are looking to go beyond 8k. The strategy I outline below really took my game to the next level and got me from 10k to 12k

    Combining this guide with the previous one will take you to 9k at least! Therefore if you haven't read the 8k guide yet, please do so first as this one is based on it


    I want to talk about two things, the importance of pairs, and something called "Triple delay" - as you can tell, it's about delaying your triples.

    The Triple Delay - Basic curve

    What do I mean by triple delay?
    So… you are at tier 2, you found a pair of Harvest golem, and at 7 gold turn you found the third.

    You are happy, YES! You got a triple. But!!!!!!

    Most of you will level and take it right away into a 4 drop. BIG MISTAKE!

    Why? 4 drops will not dictate your comp. As you remember from our previous guide, we commit to a build after we get the right minion, and we can't find them at 4!!!!

    So, the right thing to do is to freeze the harvest golem, buy something else.

    Now, depends if you found it on 7 or 8 gold turn:

    Finding a triple on 7 gold turn

    You buy another minion, level up and freeze. So next turn you are at 8 gold, with a pair and a frozen triple. Next, you will level and freeze again and on the turn after that you can get yourself a juicy 5 drop.

    Finding a triple on 8 gold turn

    So you level to 3 with a pair and now you have two rolls and two buys.
    Somewhere in the turn you find yourself a triple. You will freeze, buy two other minions, and on the next turn, you can level and complete the triple.

    As soon as you get your comp dictating minion, you can start scaling up and have a much higher chance of winning the lobby! Don't settle for 4 drop!
    If you are still not sure how to make it happen, here is a link to a video from a coaching session we had in our community.
    in this example we found a triple on 8 gold turn:

    The importance of pairs

    1 small thing to sum it all up.
    This game is all about early 5 drops, and it's very hard to do that without pairs. If you see a pair that is not garbage, it might be better to buy it over a minion that is just a bit stronger. Pairs have the potential to change your games and it's really recommended to hold at least one.

    In my games when I get to tier 4 with no triples, I know this game is going to be bad and I can't win it most of the time.

    The Triple Delay - Rafaam Maiev curve (more complicated Hero Specific Examples)

    Another situation is with Maiev and Rafaam and it's a bit different because they have a different curve.
    So, let's say you are Rafaam, and if you played the Rafaam curve:
    3 gold: buy
    4 gold: HP Buy
    5 gold: HP buy roll
    6 gold: Level HP buy

    But! Let's say on 6 gold you find a sweet sweet triple. Delay it all the way to tier 4 to triple into 5 drop! Just keep freezing HP all the way up! (especially with rafaam, since you are not buying minions at the next turns, just level HP)

    7 gold: Level HP Freeze
    8 gold: Level hero power freeze

    9 gold: Triple


    7 gold: Freeze

    8 gold: Level, Triple

    Sometimes this is not possible to do (found a triple on 6 gold turn and all the other minions are crap), but! Before you triple to anything that is not a 5 tier minion, think again, you really want an early dictation comp minion.

    To sum up!
    Buy pairs, delay triples. 1K tip guaranteed.

    For more great guides, 1 on 1 free coaching sessions, any questions and basically an Educational active BG community, join us at:

    submitted by /u/Tenacity191
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    I am struggling so much with Arena

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    Just for context I am a wild player who has made the legend ranks a couple times. Because of this I thought I was at least good, but consistent Arena blowouts have made me reconsider.

    I have played 16 Arena drafts, and I average 3.19 wins. My highest win count has been 6 with hunter.

    I'm just trying to understand how to get better or if it's mostly just luck of the draw. Whenever I think I have a good draft I que into mages with Kalecgos and like 3 Azure Explorers and just get absolutely smoked and lose to what feels like absurd RNG from created by's and otherwise casino effects.

    My last game I thought I had a killer Druid deck; I had 2 Emerald Explorers, a Marsh Hydra, and a great mid game. I lost to two mages highrolling with power of creation and conjurers calling and what felt like a constructed guardian animals druid, who had Kael'Thas and actually got guardian animals off.

    I am just trying to figure out if I blatantly suck at arena, or if my time just hasn't come yet. 16 drafts doesn't seem like much but it's pretty discouraging to have such an abysmal win rate. Can any arena pros shed any glimmer of hope on my pathetic Arena experience?

    submitted by /u/SirGonads
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    Is this a new shaman skin?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    What adventure should I get first?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    I'm kind of new to wild who likes to play aggressive decks and fun decks. I want to get league of explorers for finley, but loatheb seems like a great card for pirate warrior. Then there's also thaurissian and the amazing reno for other decks I want to play. Thanks in advance.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/truehav0c
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    Yogg is trying his hardest to protect me from lethal

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    How do I beat control warrior with big demon hunter?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    I just played this matchup and I lost, but I think I did a good job of baiting out their removals (brawl, coerce, bladestorm ,etc.) How do I win?

    submitted by /u/Suluborg
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    Micro Mummy can still be played with Zerus

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    Learning to improve APM for Hearthstone

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    This might be a weird question because I've googled it and there don't seem to be any guides for what I want to learn. But I've been playing for over five years now, I believe I've gotten great at the strategy/general gameplay of Hearthstone, but I still feel like I have very little understanding of how to perform quick actions and not be bogged down in the animations. I often find myself spending a long time thinking through turns and running out of time at the end because I can't perform all my actions with the animations before my rope runs out. I know this happens to lots of players, but I sometimes see my opponents just go APM-crazy and get through everything with animations that run well after the end of their turn, and I feel like this is a skill I haven't been able to learn at all.

    Are there any guides, videos, or general advice about making improvements here? My actual dexterity with a mouse is okay, not great (one reason I started playing Hearthstone is because I needed something that was the complete opposite of Dota 2 which I sucked at) but I feel like it's more a case of me not even knowing how to game the animations rather than my mouse skills not being quick enough.

    One other thing worth noting is that I almost never watch streams except highlights. Of course I'm sure one big piece of advice will be to watch streamers, and I will do that, but any recommendations for specific videos, or who to watch, would also be much appreciated.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/prezuiwf
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    I don't think they really thought that one through...

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:00 AM PDT

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