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    Friday, November 13, 2020

    Hearthstone 19.0 Patch Hotfixes

    Hearthstone 19.0 Patch Hotfixes

    19.0 Patch Hotfixes

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 05:07 PM PST

    Hey all,

    We're planning to deploy a few hotfixes to address some of the issues introduced in the 19.0 patch. We'll update this thread with changes after they've gone live.

    • We've disabled rating floors in Battlegrounds after identifying a critical bug. We're aiming to bring rating floors back online in a future patch.
    submitted by /u/cmdylux
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    In light of the Regis "Will Trump win" video, I wanted to share this old classic

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 06:43 AM PST

    Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Giveaway! Win 1 of 100 Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Mega-Bundles!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:06 AM PST

    Well Met!

    To celebrate the upcoming expansion, Blizzard have graciously given us 100 (!!!) Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Mega-Bundles to give away to the /r/Hearthstone community!

    The Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Mega-Bundle includes the following:

    • 80 Madness at the Darkmoon Faire card packs!
    • 5 Golden Madness at the Darkmoon Faire card packs!
    • A random Golden Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Legendary!
    • The N'Zoth Warlock Alternate Hero and Card Back!
    • Battleground perks which last for the duration of the Madness at the Darkmoon Faire expansion cycle!

    All 100 Mega-Bundles will be handed out to redditors picked at random who comment in this thread. To enter, simply reply to this post! Your reddit account must be created on or before November 12th, 2020 to be eligible to win. Be advised, multiple comments will disqualify you from winning! (You may however reply to other comments without worrying about disqualification!)

    The giveaway ends Today, November 13 at 10PM Pacific Time, at which point the thread will be locked. Winners will contacted shortly thereafter!

    This bundle, and the normal pre-order bundle (which includes 45 MatDF packs, the N'Zoth card back, and a random MatDF legendary) are both available for pre-order on the Blizzard Store! (And yes, you can redeem both of them!)

    Madness at the Darkmoon Faire launches Tuesday, November 17th!

    If you already purchased the Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Mega-Bundle, you will not be able to redeem the code. You will however still be able to give the code to a friend!

    Good luck!

    submitted by /u/powerchicken
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    Hearthstone's New Progression System Doesn't Meet Expectations

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 12:27 PM PST

    Hey all, J_Alexander_HS back today to discuss what the New Battle Pass system means for me and discussing why it fails to live up to the very clear and explicit expectations set my multiple Hearthstone developers.

    This idea has been discussed already in good detail (see here, and here), but I figured I would post this up because, well, I already wrote most of it. Hopefully putting this out there helps as well.

    Here's the issue: A very clear and explicit expectation was set that the new reward pass would reward as more (or more) gold than the previous reward system to ALL players (as well as additional rewards), and all the math says it seems to reward less by quite a bit.

    To head off the common comments:

    • No, I'm not counting non-golden rewards. Why not? Because the clear expectation was set by the developers of the game that players would not earn less gold than they currently do. If we do not earn as much raw gold as before, this expectation isn't being met

    • Isn't it better for section X of the playerbase? That doesn't matter, because Hearthstone's economy is made up. It's not a zero-sum game where something has to get worse for some section of the players for it to get better for others. Everyone could be given 1000 free gold tomorrow and no one needs to lose anything. That said, it doesn't seem to look much better for almost anyone from what we've seen so far.

    With that in mind, here's the info we have at present, data-minded from OutofCards:

    • It will take 644,000 XP to max out the free pass, rewarding 19,200 gold (Yes, there will be other rewards. I'm going to focus on gold specifically as a clear expectation was set here)

    • You should earn about 400 XP per hour of gameplay

    • Each week, you can earn 6,000 XP from three weekly quests

    • Each day, you should receive about 1,000 XP from a daily quest

    So here's a bit of an estimate for myself, given my play patterns.

    • Approximately 5 hours a day of playing (2000 XP per day) and 120 days per expansion = 240,000 XP from playing

    • Approximately 13,000 XP from quests a week and 16 weeks per expansion = 208,000 XP from quests

    • Total XP for the expansion = 448,000

    • 644,000 - 448,000 = 196,000 uncompleted XP for the pass = approximately 44 missed levels, or 6,600 missed gold

    • 19,200 - 6,600 = 12,600 expected gold, per expansion from playing Standard and completing quests

    • Time left to unlock remaining gold: 490 in-game hours, or an extra 4 hours a day

    With that number in mind, let's compare this to the previous system. I'm going to use my last month as an estimate for what I'd expect over 4 months:

    • Over 4 months, I would have earned 8,000 gold from playing Standard

    • Assuming 60 gold per day from quests, I would have earned another 7,200 gold over that same period.

    • Together, that would total 15,200 gold, or about 3,000 more than under the new system.

    • In terms of a ceiling, we could earn 100 gold a day, over 120 days, which was 12,000 gold from playing. I earned about 66% of that in 5 hours a day, so I should earn the additional possible gold with 2.5 extra hours. That would raise our total to 19,200 gold (the new cap), except it doesn't take 9 hours of play a day to hit it. Instead, it should only take about 7.5.

    So, currently, I'm not making as much raw gold as I would be under the old system. I'm about 3,000 short. Moreover, if I wanted to hit the ceiling, I'd need to play HS for about 9 hours a day instead of 7.5. In practice, then, my ceiling also went down.

    Now achievements offer some additional XP under the new system, but it doesn't close the gap (might add about 1,000 gold) and requires that I play the game in modes I'm not interested in (like duels) and in ways I might not want to play.

    This system 100% fails to meet the expectations set by the developers.

    • I'm making less gold (by 3,000); not the same or more

    • The time it takes to hit the ceiling has risen (by 1.5 hours per day); not stayed the same or fallen

    To make matter worse, the game itself just got more expensive with the new mini-expansions. By how much, I can't quite say, but it's added cost that makes these numbers seem even less flattering. The game got more expensive and the free rewards got worse, falling short of the explicit expectations set. They had months to get these numbers right, so why am I finding out the numbers are wrong within an hour of the new system being datamined and doing some basic napkin math?

    With all that said, here's what I wanted out of a new system: one that was obviously better, and not just by a small margin. I shouldn't have to be doing a ton of math to figure out exactly whether I'd be worse off or not because it would feel better from the outset. The game is already expensive to the point I don't recommend it to other people. When $80 doesn't even get you all the content from the new expansion, that's fairly insane as a price point for a video game. When that same $80 bundle doesn't even give you the new tavern pass? That's just straight lunacy. The game is already stingy with its rewards, and now it just got stingier for me. The tavern pass is even bad compared to battle passes we've seen from other games, which can be purchased in currency other than cash and usually reward enough to get the next pass for free, so long as you complete it.

    This could have been a slam-dunk, make-the-game-better move. As it stands, it doesn't feel that way. It feels like expectations were set and then not met because someone was working very hard to try and get the numbers exactly right, rather than ensure they were even a little bit more generous and everyone knew it.

    In fact, to understand why this new system likely isn't as good as advertised to be, we can just think about the fact that the system is very dense to understand. If the system were obviously better, Blizzard would be screaming it from the top of their lungs. They'd be showing us exactly how much better it is and why for everyone. Again, this is not a case where some players need to be worse off so others can be better off. Everyone could be better off. But it doesn't seem that mark was met.

    Solutions are simple: all involve making the game more rewarding to play and spend money on. The only system of 10 gold per 3 wins could be added back into the game (that would earn me an extra 5k gold per expansion, which would be great for me, but also good for everyone else). The XP rewards for playing could be doubled. Making the system better is easily doable. Unfortunately, you only get one chance to make a first impression, and the first impression I got was that Blizzard wasn't trying to be more generous or are quite bad at executing on that goal. Neither is a good look.

    submitted by /u/Popsychblog
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    New Rewards track is a huge disappointment

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:48 AM PST

    New Rewards track is a huge disappointment

    First of all, English is not my first language, so I apologize for my grammar in advance.

    There are many topics on this subject, but I feel the need to be vocal about it, because this is something that concerns us all, and at this point we cannot remain silent.

    We were told and assured from Dean Ayala that "the gold you earn per expansion should remain relatively flat from what you earn now. This should make your ability to buy packs on day 1 similar to what you get now, but with more non-gold rewards added on top." (source)

    This simply is not true. The amount of gold gained through the expansion cycle shrinks in my case approximately by 22% from 7900 to 6150 gold. This feels horrible. The table looks like this (considering playing 0.5 hour a day with average - deck 10 minute games, win rate 55% - completing all quests):


    But this system is so flawed, that even if I play two hours a day, I will end cycle with 1350 less gold than before this "rework" - 9900 vs 8550g:


    Break even point is at 6.5 hours played per day for duration of entire 120 days, which is insane:


    But remember, this is true only for deck with game duration averages in 10 minutes and 55% win rate. If you used to play face hunter with average 6 minute games and 60% win rate, you are screwed. You were able to max out gold by playing 5 hours a day, earning 19200g per expansion. It is still possible to earn that much gold, but you must now play 8.7 hour every day! This is madness (at the Darkmoon Faire, ba dum tsss).

    I'm personally not playing much on ladder, up to now I win on ranked ladder cca 20 games per season - only to fully benefit from star bonus every season. Rest of the games are played in Tavern brawls and against friends where I completed most of the quests. I have never skipped a daily quest, and always rolls for 60g. In a week I played 2-3 hours and was happy.

    On the other hand, the new system forces me to spend much more time in the game to earn less and that's because of weekly quests. Now I need to win on ranked at least 28 so I don't fall behind on XP due to the quest to earn 7 ranked wins. And that's only one of these time consuming new weekly quests, of which I hoped to be a nice XP boost, but it turns out that they are MANDATORY if you want to even think about those disappointing 6150g. Weekly quests give you almost half of quest XP rewards. Without them I would end the season at measly 44th level and with pathetic 3300 gold.

    But what about the nongold rewards? At first glance it looks nice - free legendaries, handful of packs, some tavern tickets... But I don't need old packs. I already have everything I want from past expansions. These rewards should be ON TOP of gold, not INSTEAD. And the first few levels on track give you legendary and three packs from the newest expansion - that's something we've always gotten from Blizzard anyway.

    Oh, and haven't you heard about the miniexpansion after two months? That's even more expenses during the expansion cycle. How should I be supposed to afford to buy more packs, when I've already been ripped off by Blizzard?

    There's more I can complain about (many achievements behind paywall, as well as Duels perks, no more class quests completion in Tavern Brawls), but the victim is already dead, no need to beat a dead horse.

    Until now free 2 play experience in Hearthstone was though, but this looks unbearable. After we crunched the numbers, my brother has already uninstalled the game and I'm not far from that.

    This was a huge opportunity for Blizzard to do something great for the community, but they decided to be even more greedy. And that's sad.

    submitted by /u/Torgalko
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    In case you were wondering whether you got screwed by the new reward sytem or not.... (I did)

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 05:07 AM PST

    Wrong Trump YouTube

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 05:35 PM PST

    Quests in hearstone be like:

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:49 AM PST

    Late stage of the new system is garbage

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Many folks haven't realized that the new system has a steep curve of diminishing return.

    Roughly speaking, after lv 40, each week of playing ~2 packs.

    • Lv 42 requires 7200XP and grants 1 Year of Dragon pack. Quests give you 1000*7+1750*2+2250=12750XP.
      So 1 week = 1.5 level up = 1 old pack.
    • Lv 45 – Lv 50 requires 43500XP, which only amounts to 600 gold, 2 packs and 1 skin. The commitment is more than 3 weeks.
      So 3.5 weeks = 800g = 8 packs.
    submitted by /u/rasras0
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    The most important HS economy change people are not focusing on

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 10:10 AM PST

    You need to collect 35 more cards now.

    So from all the other posts what I am seeing is that we lose about 2000 gold and gain a legendary an epic, 7 new packs, 9 old packs and 2 tickets. While I am not sure if the 2k gold is worth more or less than these extra rewards, I am sure that the difference between them is insignificant compered to the game having 25% more cards to collect. So even if we assume that these new rewards are equal in value to the 2000 gold, the game still got 25% more expensive!

    And another thing to remember is, the fact that the extra 35 cards come in later makes this increase even worse. Because they come in late it means you will be forced to choose between 2 not ideal options:

    Option A - hoard packs

    Lets say you keep 20 packs for the mini expansion. Some of these might have contained epics and legendries you ended up crafting.

    Option B - open all packs immediately

    When mini set hits, you will be missing all the commons and rares and will either need to wait until you open enough packs and play without them, buy packs with money, buy packs with gold you normally would have kept for next expansion.

    Not a fun choice to make. Either way your gold usage efficiency gets hurt making the actual increase in price MORE than 25%.

    Another effect to consider. The mini set could potentially make some cards you crafted earlier not needed anymore (there are only so many cards that can fit in the meta). Had they come at the same time as the main expansion, you might have not crafted them at all. So this is another hidden cost that's hard to evaluate in size.

    Lastly, Duels requires you to own all sorts cards to have access to some treasures and hero powers. Assuming at least some of these are ones you wouldn't have crafted otherwise and there's another price increase for you.

    Bottom line. Game is at least 25% more expensive now (likely more as I explained). And while getting packs instead of gold in the reward track is annoying, it's not even the biggest problem and mostly serves as a distraction from the main issue.

    submitted by /u/CaptainEmeraldo
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    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 02:15 PM PST

    Entering arena should not consume a tavern ticket!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 02:32 AM PST

    If you enter the "arena" game mode a ticket is automatically consumed (if you have one or more) and you start a draft, with the new thing about tickets having multi purposes this is very bad, you don't even have a way to see how many tickets you have and only by simply opening the arena you are starting a draft (and spending your so precious ticket) without even wanting to do it.(It would be good if we had the option to spend the ticket, gold or real money).

    submitted by /u/canidiz
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    Blizzard be like...

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 03:35 PM PST

    Hearthstone battlepass portraits in Tier 1 sets of World of Warcraft

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 05:56 AM PST

    "We're absolutely not taking away any of the gold you can earn. One of the goals of the new progression system is to give you more gold, more rewards and more cosmetics for all players. No matter if you play the game 10 hours or a 1000 hours per expansion, you should be more rewarded for your time"

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 02:44 PM PST

    Quests should be completable in all game modes

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 04:50 AM PST

    Some people like playing Ranked/Casual, others like Solo Adventures, Battlegrounds, Arena, Tavern Brawl, Duels. Why force them to play a game mode they don't enjoy playing?

    submitted by /u/Elanif
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    Look... we just simply don't talk about these things.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Another Rewards Track Analysis. Graph, explanation and my $2 included! Let's discuss!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 05:26 AM PST

    More Battle Pass math

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 02:19 AM PST

    YESSSS!!! Bless me with your Rng.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 10:16 AM PST

    Post Game Salt: Tavern Pass Edition

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 12:56 PM PST

    QOL proposal - end of the game screen (win or defeat) should show XP gained

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:52 AM PST

    With the reward track, we also get XP from just the raw time playing. It would be very good QOL fo everyone if we could see how much XP we earned playing the current match.

    submitted by /u/Roboserg
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    "Playing" the game means spending 80 EUR (Bundle) + 20 EUR (Tavern Pass). It's insane to have to spend that much but almost get nothing.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 10:11 AM PST

    I was stoked for the new progression system and the new expansion, but oh boy how short the epiphany was when I realized that the bundle does not even include the tavern thingy.

    There is no way I can find any good reason to spend that kind of money every three months to be "allowed" to "play" the game. You either stay/become F2P and simply struggle, or you spend 100 EUR to get a fraction of the new cards and a little less grindy journey experience.

    It's insane. I love the game since day one, but unless I start to play only Hearthstone all day every day I can't find any reason to spend that much. Of course there are a lot of different types of players/spenders, and I'm sure they made the right calculus in order to keep on getting money. But speaking for myself and all of my friends (I'm the only one still playing Hearthstone), it's insane. And once I feel it's insane and don't "commit" to the new expansion, not log often to play and complete quests, getting packs and cards, I'll loose interest even more. And I'll find it even less justifiable to spend. The train will be long gone.

    From Adventure-only buyer, to one or two bundle a year, to absolutely nothing because it feels crazier and crazier.

    I'm not even sure I'll be willing to spend 100 EUR every three months if it would buy me the whole new set at once.

    submitted by /u/GrahamTheRabbit
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    Why do we have to go into the Journal and click on everything to receive rewards?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 05:43 AM PST

    Between achievements and level up rewards it's a lot of clicking. And a lot of navigating back and forward through menus. Why is this necessary?

    submitted by /u/Kysen
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    Blizzard, please remove Nemsy's mustache which causes terrible misplays every now and then

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 09:42 AM PST

    Card game I purchased recently included this beauty.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 11:38 AM PST

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