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    Sunday, November 15, 2020

    Hearthstone Wait you mean Blizzard LIED to people? Why I never.

    Hearthstone Wait you mean Blizzard LIED to people? Why I never.

    Wait you mean Blizzard LIED to people? Why I never.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 09:14 AM PST

    The list of their lies is endless. I'll just cover the big ones.

    -Warcraft 3 Reforged. That's it. That's the tweet. The entire game was a lie and it still holds the record for lowest Metacritic score.

    -I'll let Asmongold speak for the litany of WoW stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GxAldSmX3Q

    -Ditto for The Decline of Blizzard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0FIoXo0aWw

    -The Diablo Immortal incident. Just think of how awful you have to be to get booed at your own convention! Do you guys not have phones?

    -Pulling support from HOTS and Starcraft 2 after saying they would never do it.

    -Literally calling the players too stupid to understand a nerf beyond mana costs when nerfing Fiery War Axe.

    -Lying to players when deciding not to update Deathstalker Rexxar for each new set, claiming it's too difficult to code due to text size. Mike Donais got DESTROYED on reddit for this one, including by actual coding experts who showed him that it's a 5 minute fix tops.

    -Claiming no Druid cards are a problem in MSOG before nerfing the problem Druid cards immediately after Smash Bros. Ultimate came out and stole away a massive amount of Hearthstone players.

    -Claiming Vicious Syndicate's article about polarity (https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/meta-polarity-and-its-impact-on-hearthstone) is wrong because Blizzard's internal data says so. This one is just LAUGHABLY stupid given play data is public information, but Blizzard has gotten away with lying to people for 20 years so why not keep trying?

    -Claiming Cubelock was only the 12th best deck in the game after nerfing every other tier 1 deck, then having to nerf Cubelock anyway.

    -Waiting a year to fix Naga Sea Witch in wild, which only happened because one angry player took out ad space on the Hearthstone subreddit and attracted media attention.

    -Nerfing Unleash the Hounds because they don't like players punished for playing minions, then printing Spreading Plague and refusing to touch Mind Control Tech, before banning Mind Control Tech in arena and eventually having to ban it in standard.

    -When nerfing Tess Greymane, they outright lied and tried to slide it in under "bug fixes" so they wouldn't have to give players the free dust, then blamed the players for being mad about it. Kripp, the #1 Hearthstone streamer, made a video saying that people should in no way be celebrating a victory here for convincing Blizzard to change course, as them being dumb and trying this in the first place is a massive insult. This adds to a long line of Kripp being a massive coward because he doesn't want to risk losing perks.

    -They printed The Caverns Below, a card so badly designed that it was nerfed four times, and they tried to not nerf it at all by citing win rate stats before saying it should be nerfed due to 'player feels'. Two nerfs for Caverns directly, one for Giggling Inventor because Caverns easily abused it, and a fourth nerf to make sure Sonja overrode the Caverns ability. This was also the fault of the players, according to Blizzard. You cannot make this shit up. At least when Demon Hunter came along they had learned their lesson and were quick to deliver.... 13 nerfs to the class.

    -Their constant lying about arena deserves its own rant, but just know that a topic like this happens about 5 times per year at least: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/75h2io/blizzard_is_lying_about_the_arena_again_either/

    -Failing to properly test Jan'alai's battlecry with Brann Bronzebeard, then lying to players and claiming it was a client side issue.

    -Lying to players about sales data and play rate metrics when this information is all public, which is similar to what Wizards tried to pull with Magic not too long ago.

    -In March of 2019, Dean Ayala asked for player feedback about what would get them back into the game. Blizzard lied and claimed Hearthstone was not losing players, and that this survey was purely random. Turns out Blizzard was lying, because half the players left due to frustrations with the company: https://mmos.com/news/superdata-releases-digital-games-market-for-february-2019

    -Censoring artwork for China while claiming it was a maintenance update, and never actually including it in patch notes. Nerfs, bug fixes, and censorship tucked away in maintenance updates is a pattern with Blizzard games as a whole, not just Hearthstone. And why? Because Blizzard is a bunch of liars.

    -Remember the Saviors of Uldum fiasco when rewards got slashed? I do. You'll notice a familiar theme here of "rewards are shrinking and people are complaining about it".






    -Remember when people were getting banned left and right for playing Snaplock in Wild and *not* using scripts, because Blizzard's cheat detection software is garbage? In fact, the only people who got banned were people not cheating! The internet certainly remembers: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/d4tnb4/time_to_say_goodbye/

    Remember how long it took for those bans to get reversed? And we STILL don't have better animation speed - at least, not to 2020 standards. Fixing poison and Spreading Plague were nice, but this entire game needs a speed overhaul.

    -Remember when Blizzard suspended someone for a year for saying China should recognize Hong Kong's independence, but someone else said a homophobic slur during an Overwatch tournament and only got suspended for four matches? The internet remembers.





    Blizzard is so awful that they actually got Congress to agree on something even with how divided our politics are. Consider how impossible that is.

    -Remember when Blizzard laid 800 people off due to financial concerns and then Bobby Kotick gave himself a 30 million dollar bonus in 2019?

    I could go on. Of *course* Blizzard leaked a survey about the rewards track and lied about how it gives the same amount of gold.

    That's what pathological liars do. They continue to lie.

    Blizzard will eventually respond and "adjust the numbers", but people need to be aware of something called the Overton Window: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window

    Blizzard knows that we know they're a bunch of trash, so any changes they make are done with this tactic in mind. Here's how it works. Blizzard, or any corrupt institution, knows you won't budge from where you're at to their desired new belief because you've been lied to so long -- in their case, it's accepting less rewards in Hearthstone for a bigger time and money investment. The way to get you there is to introduce something so laughably outrageous and corrupt (the current rewards track) that the eventual reversal feels like good will. In reality, they're only walking it back to the original desired end point they had in mind. That's how moving the Overton Window works. This is a very common strategy among corrupt governments and big companies.

    What this means in layman's terms is that you can 100% guarantee Blizzard's eventual reversal will still overall be giving you less rewards for a bigger time investment. What you the players need to do is keep revolting against these idiots until you get the outcome that you want, not what benefits them.

    submitted by /u/UltimaterializerX
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    Blizzard lied to us about the Battle Pass and it should not be tolerated.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 03:14 AM PST

    This makes my BLOOD BOIL!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 10:49 AM PST

    The New Reward Structure is WORSE than I estimated last time

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 01:30 PM PST

    Hey all, J_Alexander_HS back again today to correct my previous post.

    You might have seen my last post, where I discussed how the new reward structure should leave me missing about 3,000 gold per expansion cycle. As it turns out, the new reward structure is worse than the original estimate I had for it.

    The reason is simple: I had estimated that I'd earn 400 XP per hour of play time. That much is roughly true. However that 400 figure refers to in-match time. When I stream for 5 hours during the day, not all those hours are spent in game. Some are spent waiting for a match.

    As it turns out, this matters a lot. I tracked my XP today and, after 5 hours, I earned 1,544 XP. That's almost 25% less than I estimated using the 400 XP/HR estimate we got from the devs.

    You can see the results here. Figures worth noting:

    • I played 5 hours

    • I gained 1,544 XP over that time, not counting quest completion

    • I had a 56% win rate over 45 games. Under the old system, I would have earned 80.3 gold today. Had I have leveled past 50, that would amount to about 51 gold in terms of total XP gain.

    • I earned about 430 XP/HR, but that's in-match time. I was only in matches for 3.6 of those five hours

    • This revises my last calculation. Assuming I made 1,500 XP a day for 120 days between expansions, I should earn 180,000 XP from the new system, rather than the 240,000 I originally estimated. The net gold estimate drops by ANOTHER 2000. So, rather that missing out on 3,000 gold, I should be missing out on 5,000 total gold.

    • This also means the in-game time required hit the level cap increases as well. Grinding 9 hours a day won't max out the pass, as I thought it might. It takes functionally longer, accounting for time in queue.

    To sum up, when Blizzard said we'd earn 400 XP per hour, they meant that in terms of play-time and don't account for queue time. The system is even greedier than I originally estimated, those original estimates sucked compared to the previous system, and the previous system sucked too.

    We're dealing with a progression system designed for a game when there was a single expansion. More expansions increased the cost of the game. Moving from adventures to expansions increased it again. Adding mini-sets and nerfing more regularly increased that cost further. And now the battle pass system worsens the number of rewards you get by more than I thought it would.

    This is getting embarrassing.

    [EDIT]: One thing I forgot to mention involves checking XP bar itself. I had to go over to the quest tab between games to monitor it, since it doesn't usually show up after the game itself. I noticed it pops up after a match when one of two things happens:

    • You complete a quest

    • You level up

    This is likely intentional. They don't want you to see this bar except when it feels good and moves a lot, because noticing how little progress you make filling it after your games would make you feel bad. So, rather than fix the system to help make the game feel better, they try to hide the bad parts.

    submitted by /u/Popsychblog
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    The new meta in Hearthstone after Tavern Pass

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 01:33 AM PST

    Following Zeddy and speaking up against the Battle Pass

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 02:01 PM PST

    Finally understand why Blizzard created this card

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 03:27 AM PST

    Keep the social distance, Blizz!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 05:14 AM PST

    Zeddy speaks the truth

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 03:40 AM PST


    Kudos to Zeddy for being the voice of the community and speaking the harsh truth about Blizzard lying and the continuing silence of popular streamers.

    submitted by /u/KcoolClap
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    Really OP.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 05:18 AM PST

    Blizzard thinks the player base are idiots

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 02:18 AM PST

    Frodan comments on Progression overhaul & community reaction

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 10:49 AM PST

    Blizzard in a nutshell

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 02:35 AM PST

    Blizzard when reading negative comments

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 08:48 AM PST

    Scrolling through reddit found this similar to something...

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 05:00 AM PST

    For when we get that inevitable official response....

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 06:04 PM PST

    Thank you for new reward system! I've finally uninstalled Hearthstone - I'm going to do something more productive 1 hour per day!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 10:06 AM PST

    Blizzard be like:

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 11:31 AM PST

    Figured I'd post this before someone else does...

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:10 PM PST

    The new reward system makes playing Hearthstone for long periods of time feel super unrewarding.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 01:09 AM PST

    I have always played Hearthstone on and off. Last month, I started to like playing it again and started playing more than i ever have. And now, I'm not saying that the 10g/3w was a good system, but it kept me motivated to play over long periods of time, knowing that I'll get at least a little bit of resources.

    The new reward system makes me not want to play anymore, because the rewards you get just for playing are so minimal. My feeling from 2 days of playing like 5 hours of ranked in diamond 8-6 (if thats relevant), I got maybe half of tier 15 (after completing daily and weekly quests, i was basically exactly at tier 14). So my problem is, that the xp you get is so minimal for playing, you would expect some rewards at least for playing like 5 hours a day, but they are so small that you pretty much won't see any progress, even after long periods of playing.

    Off topic: This is my first Reddit post ever so sorry if it's structured badly, or if my english is bad.

    submitted by /u/robuscusscz
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    Meme about the recent situation

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 01:30 PM PST

    This aged amazingly

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:44 PM PST

    There are now more Jaina portraits than portraits for most classes.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 06:28 AM PST

    With the introduction of the new progression system came a lot of controversy, and an absolute truckload of new hero portraits in the game. Each class now gets one as a reward for achieving level 50 in the new system. In addition, the paid track includes an extra 3 portraits each for Mage and Shaman, featuring variations of Jaina and Thrall respectively.

    Now you might be wondering, "Didn't we just get a Jaina portrait this expansion?" Yes, yes we did. Here's four more! Now everyone's favorite Kul Tiran with trust issues comes in seven wonderful flavors:

    • Jaina (default)
    • Fire Mage Jaina (1k wins)
    • Scholar Jaina (Book of Heroes bundle)
    • Arcanist Jaina (Reward track completion)
    • Apprentice Jaina (Tavern Pass reward)
    • Archmage Jaina (Tavern Pass reward)
    • Kul Tiran Jaina (Tavern Pass reward)

    To put that in perspective, that's more Jainas than portraits for Druid (6), Rogue (4), Hunter (6), Demon Hunter (4), Priest (5), and Warlock (6). Paladin and Warrior match that number with 7 portraits each. Shaman is the one exception with 10 (6 of which are Thrall).

    I guess she must really like having her picture taken. Some mages just like to show off...

    submitted by /u/deevee12
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    Where are the streamers' criticism?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 04:52 AM PST

    This subreddit has been up in arms for days now, but I haven't seen a single streamer give their perspective. In times like these, I always look to folks like Kripp or Kibler for a well thought-out response on reddit or YouTube, but there's been nothing? Patiently waiting for their take.

    submitted by /u/SoyCueva
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    We need visual feedback about EXP gains after winning matches. Just did an hour session of Hearthstone and I couldn't tell if I was actually progressing at all until I checked my Rewards Track

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 05:24 AM PST

    If we're stuck with this system, then here. Here's a way to improve it, please give us some kind of visual feedback on the EXP we earned after every match without having to go back to the Reward Track itself to look at our EXP total.

    It could be like " VICTORY +82 EXP" or something. Please, anything. Aside from climbing rank, my experience honestly felt really hollow. This one change would go a long way in improving long sessions of Hearthstone. As of now, even though I DID make progress, I felt stagnant the entire time because the game wasn't telling me I was making progress, EXP wise.

    submitted by /u/Alphazonex
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