• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 12, 2020

    Hearthstone 19.0 Patch – Known Issues

    Hearthstone 19.0 Patch – Known Issues

    19.0 Patch – Known Issues

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 10:34 AM PST

    Hey all! We added a LOT of new things to Hearthstone today. As expected with a major update such as this, there are a few bugs and other issues on our radar that we'll be investigating. If you encounter a bug with this patch, let us know in this thread. You can find the issues we're currently tracking below, pardon our dust!

    • We're aware of and working on a fix for Duels matches not rewarding XP.
    • We're aware of and working on a fix for Madness of the Darkmoon Faire cards not showing up in Duels loot buckets.
    • We're aware of a bug where some actions, such as editing or deleting existing decks, are being incorrectly tied to unlocking the Demon Hunter. We're planning to address this in a future patch. The current workaround is to play through the Demon Hunter Prologue and unlock the class.
    • We're aware of several older pack reward pop ups being displayed on login related to Duels and Master of Everything.
    • We're aware of and tracking several visual bugs introduced with this patch.
    • We're investigating a bug where the Samsung Galaxy card back is missing from accounts that have earned it.
    • We're investigating an issue which may impact minimum spec mobile devices (those with fewer than 2GB of memory) on this patch which may result in degraded performance. This behavior may be triggered by accessing the new in-game Journal. We're advising players to exit and relaunch Hearthstone if they encounter these issues.
    • We're aware of and investigating incorrect progress being shown for Solo Adventure Achievements.
    • There is a known issue that sometimes causes Collection Achievements to appear to have incorrect progress—this will be fixed in an upcoming patch. When that happens, Collection Achievements will update to the correct progress, but no Achievements will be taken away.
    • The descriptions for the following Achievements around controlling minions meeting certain criteria are rather unclear. Specifically, these Achievements check that you are meeting their criteria at the end of your turn. These descriptions will be updated in a future patch (For example, "Control a minion 20/20 or larger" will be updated to something along the lines of "End your turn with a minion 20/20 or larger in play."):
    1. An Even Larger Man
    2. Unique, Just Like Everyone Else
    3. Not So Lonely
    4. Ride Together, Die Together
    5. Hall of Mirrors
    6. Coulrophobia
    8. My Shiny Fangs and Me
    submitted by /u/cmdylux
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    Even after the new expansion Silverback Patriarch is NOT a victim of power creep (a comprehensive data analysis)

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 12:31 AM PST

    New Card Back for January 2021 - Ironforge

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 10:10 AM PST

    A most royal bucket

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 11:18 AM PST

    a reminder

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 03:15 AM PST

    Pre-order legendary suggestion: instead of being random let people Discover a legendary.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 07:27 AM PST

    There is nothing more frustrating than your random legendary being one you know you'll never use. At least if we got to choose from three randomly offered choices you would have a better chance to get one for the class/archetype you enjoy.

    submitted by /u/MUTigermask
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    Blizzard really stepped up their game with these Achievement names

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 10:20 AM PST

    Really not sure what they were expecting...

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 06:27 AM PST

    I made Hearthstone irl - thought Reddit likes it

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 07:09 AM PST

    You are not prepared!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 07:15 AM PST

    Patch 19.0 is now live!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 10:05 AM PST

    Clown fiesta

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 12:47 PM PST

    New Warrior Hero - Nagrand Garrosh

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 10:31 AM PST

    Hearthstone's New Progression System, the Reward Track, Has Time-Based Experience - XP Per Hour, No Daily Cap... Yet

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 09:19 AM PST

    Almost 7 years from release, ALL classes finally have FEMALE characters

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 01:32 PM PST

    Rewards can give new legendaries

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 10:12 AM PST

    Dread it. Run from it. Mill-loc still arrives.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 07:56 PM PST

    Been playing the game since Boomsday Project, and I wanted to share the achievement that I'm most proud of with you guys!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 01:13 PM PST

    So ... combo is a thing in standard again

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 11:36 PM PST

    The Rewards Track - 644000 Experience Required to Get to Level 150

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 12:16 PM PST

    I finally did it. I can finally stop playing the game

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 07:04 AM PST

    Blizzard has forever immortalized F2P Players everywhere!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 10:16 AM PST

    Well that didn't take long to find a bug

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 10:45 AM PST

    If you dusted bad legendaries from old Adventures like Maexxna, Moroes and Rend Blackhand (like you should even if you do play Wild) you can't get the achievements because it's based on your current collection. If you bought the Adventure and completed it, you should have the achievement regardless.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 10:49 AM PST

    The title.

    I bought the adventures when they came out. I completed them. Then I dusted the bad unplayable cards because they are really bad, even though I only play Wild.

    If I bought the Adventure and completed it, then I for sure had all the cards once before.

    This is so dumb.

    I understand for the other expansions but for adventures they have ways of tracking this other than looking at your collection.

    The same thing happens for Ranked achievements. I have the get to legend once achievement, but I don't have the ones to get to specific ranks.

    If I got to legend once, then I certanly passed those ranks and I should have the achievements. It makes no sense.

    submitted by /u/grandmalta
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    You NEED to be able to purchase Hearthstone's "Tavern Pass" with something rather than real money. (like almost EVERY SINGLE other "big game" with a Battle Pass).

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 11:50 AM PST


    Hearthstone Tavern Pass costs $20 (USD) every expansion for cosmetics and XP boosts. There is zero opportunity for players to get these unless they pay $20 an expansion EVERY expansion.

    Apex, Fortnite, League of Legends, etc ALL have a way that if you BUY that Battle Pass once, with enough playtime, you can get the next one for free (not to mention most of them are cheaper $ wise).

    Hearthstone needs to add a way to earn the Tavern Pass again after you buy it once, so you can still earn cosmetics and XP like most other big-name games.


    I understand it's called a Tavern Pass but bear with me.

    Look it's no surprise that Blizzard likes their money. But it's quite frankly insulting that this is one of the only games on the market whose battle pass is not purchasable with earnings from the previous one.

    Blizzard NEEDS to implement a system where you can buy the battle pass ONCE with real money and EARN the next season's one completely free.

    I know it's shameful to compare to Fortnite, but honestly, we need a system like that.

    Apex, league of legends, Fornite all have a system where you only buy the pass once, and you complete it, you get to get the next one for free. Obviously, this entails a good amount of grinding for these extra "tokens" they offer, but my point is that should be in the game regardless.

    This could mean at the very least hearthstone could put a milestone at the VERY END of the Tavern Pass where if you max out on THIS season's Battle Pass, you get the next season's battle pass for free.

    I feel like this is not an unpopular opinion. The premium hearthstone tavern pass offers XP and cosmetics if you are unaware. That means sinking roughly $20 (USD) every expansion for cosmetics and XP boosts. 20 real dollars every expansion with no workarounds for free players is tragic.

    It can be hard, it can be grindy, but it needs to be achievable. I am fine with paying $20 once if it means if I can keep getting the Tattle Pass forever. If I mess up and miss out on an expansion, my fault, and I will pay the $20 for the next one.

    Obviously, this is an optimistic opinion of mine but I don't think it's unrealistic. Most FTP games with a Battle Pass put you on an even playing field with your opponents (Not enough cards to play the deck you want? Buy more or wait weeks until you can earn enough gold/dust).

    I feel like it's REALLY the least they could do. What do you think?

    EDIT* mistakingly wrote every month instead of every expansion!

    submitted by /u/pwnteddybear
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    Hearthstone Economy history and the Tavern Pass

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 02:54 AM PST

    So let me get this straight, for the folks actually supporting the game with real life money. TL;DR below. Detailed history of Hearthstone monetization and Blizzard lies in the text.

    We started with one pre-order deal that gave a card back and a bunch of packs at a discount. That made the card backs exclusive, but that isn't a big deal considering that now ever pre-order card backs seem to be obtainable through the shop for gold/money.

    Then Adventures. Small sets of cards that you could get fully for 20 bucks or in game currency. Pretty good deal!

    Then we had alternate hero skins with card backs. 10 bucks each. 10 bucks for a skin? Oh man that seems a bit much. But oh well, it's only cosmetic.

    Then we got occasional bundles for cards beyond expansion pre-release stages. Nice. A deal of buying packs with real-money is always good.

    Then adventures no longer were a thing. "We know you love solo content so we'll keep doing it though - just no more mini sets, and it will be free too". Bummer. But okay. Now we have three expansions a year. Which if you buy every deal Blizzard makes at this point, represents an investment of about 170$ on the whole year. That's not cheap is it? 14 bucks per month. That's a full price WoW subscription!!! And WoW is a much larger and more involved game to develop. Besides, nobody pays that anymore for WoW. The large majority of people like pay on average 10 bucks per month for it thanks to the 6 month recurring discount deal. But if you play Hearthstone a lot and like the game, shouldn't you support it? Sure. Let's do that. So by the end of KnC, we're at 170 bucks per year minimum for everything. Keep that number in mind.

    Then we got two pre-order per expansion Starting with Boomsday. But that's okay, we had one big bundle and one small bundle. The big one contained all the benefits of the small one. And if you can spare the cash, you can buy both. That's more packs. Cool.

    Then solo content suddenly became, oh surprise, paid again. But, with no cards to earn this time, aside stuff like Zayle. Priced, as much as adventures of old, without the cards. Sure, why not. Dungeon run is fun. Until Galakron's awakening that is. Then all pretence of "Three expansions per year and solo content for free" was officially dropped. And price kept increasing accordingly. Did we get our money's worth ? ... Still. But this is getting very pricey for a CCG. You know the sort of game where you actually pay for pixels that will not gain in value over time like say my MTG collection? While having a price to maintaining a collection that is at this point THE SAME?! I can buy full sets for each news expansions right now for the price I pay for Hearthstone in a year!

    And then arrives the Year of the Phoenix. And stonks, we skyrocketed - the year isn't even over yet. This year we get mid expansion bundles on top of the seasonal ones. Let me list those. 2 pre-orders, three times a year = 130 bucks Up to now 6 bundles for cards/extra heroes = 135 bucks So far. Now you're telling me that the mega bundle doesn't include everything despite what it said at first (and despite common sense that it should). That I have to shell another 20 bucks, on top of the like 10 bucks you'll ask for each chapter of the Book of Heroes bundle (that at this rate will last until the beginning of the next standard year so another 80 bucks at least, not counting seasonal, etc.) See below for precise count of deals (not including card packs bought extra).

    Now why am I angry at this? I can just not buy all these various bundles right? Indeed. What is the problem then? Beyond the fact that the tavern pass isn't included in the mega-bundle - for which we got LESS for the SAME price this time around without no explanation. We've got less card packs! Because of early access? For like what, two weeks tops? When regardless it's free starting today? So even that invited you to think that the pass was included. Hell they didn't even rename it. "Tavern Pass", the Perks + 4 tickets that have been included since Battlegrounds were first introduced. That is deliberately misleading and dishonest.

    Beyond that, you're not supporting your community. The Tavern Pass paid track, should be cosmetic only. For twenty bucks getting seven skins + golden legendary and alternate art for the coin? Sure why not.

    But what I actually find disgusting is that XP boost on top of everything. Much like the already overpriced so called "Perks" that are just "Pay 15 bucks if you're a pleb that can't afford/doesn't want to buy a pre-order" just to have extra hero picks in BG. Where that actually makes a difference.

    I've looked at my transaction history and Blizzard in detail, this is a no go. I can keep supporting you if I so desire, but as good as Darkmoon Faire looks to be, I no longer want to. When I bought the pre-order, the tavern pass was listed as part of the bundle. When this was changed, I immediately contacted a GM to sort this out. The GM candidly explained that the tavern pass I checked out was the Scholomance academy one. False advertising. No official statements. And deliberately misleading.

    I am not spending one more cent on this game before you go back to the drawing board with your more and more overt greed. I wish to support the developers, you know the people actually making the game what it is and deserving of support. But not an any price, especially given the recent history I just stated. It's time to say no. Firmly.

    Signed a whale who supported the game and still can, but refuses unless this trend of power creeping costs without offering actually anything more stops.

    Also be aware that after the conversation with the GM, expecting to be disappointed I didn't ask for a refund until I had confirmation. I will do so now however. And also contact UFC Que choisir (major consumer rights organization in my country) over the false advertising of the original bundles.

    For reference, yearly Hearthstone spendings (not counting packs I bought without discounts, especially at the very beginning during beta).

    2013: 30 (Blizzcon)

    2014: 49 (Naxxramas and various bundles)

    2015: 124 (TGT, BRM, LoE, Blizzcon, various bundles)

    2016: 161 (OG, MSoG, Blizzcon, various Bundles)

    2017: 175 (UNG, KFT, KnC, Blizzcon)

    2018: 320 (RR, BP, Blizzcon, various bundles, WW)

    2019: 435 (RoS, Dalaran Heist, SoU, Tombs of Terror, Blizzcon, DoD, various bundles)

    2020: 525 (GA, AoO, SA, Darkmoon, various bundles) - expected to go up to to at least 650 (Book of Heroes, Tavern Pass, holiday bundles).

    As for the packs I bought "full price", it oddly followed the opposite trend. A lot at the start, and progressively a lot less. Right now, this year, and the last, I haven't spent a dime on card packs outside of pre-orders and bundle deals.

    TL;DR: Tavern Pass should have been included in the Mega Bundle instead of having to pay extra, again. And if not it shouldn't have been real money only for the xp bonus. Because that turns a 100% cosmetics thing into an actual important asset for players like the perks for Battlegrounds.Deliberate misleading advertisement and lack of communication on the subject make this outrageous, it is time to say "No" to this bullshit.

    Edit: As for expenses, regarding an answer below, this covers every deal there ever was for Hearthstone. If you remove those that gave nothing exclusive (card back, portrait) it becomes the following.

    2013: 30 (actually 32 since you had to buy at least 1 classic pack to unlike Golden Gelbin. In 2013 I bought actually 1600 packs, but I don't count full price packs/non bundle discounts)
    2014: 49 or 30 (Naxx could be bought for gold for the same result - there were no pre-order advantages with real money before BRM which gave the molten core card back, and that was the next year)
    2015: 124. That includes Medivh. Would have been 142 had I decided to buy Alleria and Magni that year as well. I waited the next year for those.
    2016: 156. The difference comes from the original welcome bundle.
    2017: 165. The difference comes from the two welcome bundles (you could buy them again when they changed these because your account no longer was flagged as having bought it)
    2018: 140. Difference comes from various card pack bundles and discounting the smallest pre-order deal from Boomsday.
    2019: 375 with Dalaran Heist (but there is no real money pre-order advantage for it), 355 without.
    2020: 325 with Galakron's Awakening (but there is no real money pre-order advantage for it), 305 without. Projected cost for the rest of the year to get all exclusives: 100 more (Tavern Pass + Book of Heroes Skin Bundles).

    submitted by /u/HearthstoneEconomy
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