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    Monday, February 24, 2020

    Hearthstone Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

    Hearthstone Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

    Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 04:08 PM PST

    Hello members of the /r/hearthstone community,

    This is part of a series of weekly threads aimed at both new and old players from the community. It is designed so that everybody may ask any and all questions regarding the game's mechanics, decks, strategies and more.

    Please keep it clean and try to add more than just a one or two word response. As the goal of this post is to increase the community's knowledge, the thought process matters as much as the answer! There is also a Theorycrafting Thursday weekly post, for those who wish to discuss some of the more intricate aspects of the game.

    Sticky Threads and Guides - Great resources for new players!

    Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Pure evil.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 06:13 AM PST

    Refreshing constantly for the New Year announcement. Anyone else?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 10:05 AM PST

    I'm sure we won't get anything until either tomorrow or Thursday (the usual announcement days), but a man can dream. Who else is spamming that refresh along with me?

    EDIT: Still refreshing. I should accept today's fate, however I'm too optimistic to back down now.

    EDIT 2: Putting my refreshing aside to recover strength until tomorrow. Onward, lads!

    submitted by /u/Rhovan22
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    The young priest doesn’t know what’s coming

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 02:56 AM PST

    The 3 types of Embiggen Druid

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:40 PM PST

    Rank 50-Legend FTP account in 8 days.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:02 PM PST

    Hey all,

    goodis0 from NA here with a bit of a fluff post I'm super excited about, proof screenshots will be at bottom of the post.

    Earlier this month, Feb 16th, I hit top 15 legend on NA and decided to camp it out for a bit, but I still wanted to play hearthstone. At the time I had already played on EU on my main account, but only a little bit and my card collection was trash. A friend of mine decided it would be cool to have a competition to see who could climb the highest on EU with a fresh account. I was convinced rank 5 was obtainable, but I was honestly a little unsure if I could hit legend before the end of the month. I really wish I had full stats of my win/losses along the way, but I played mostly on mobile, iPhone, and no trackers are available to my knowledge?!

    Here were my/our ground rules:

    1. No real money transactions were allowed.
    2. Any 80g PaF quests had to be shared, (we never actually got one).
    3. You were only allowed to disenchant golden cards, duplicates, or trash legendaries that were non-classic set. These are more or less the same rules I use on my main account
      a) On this point - from all the packs I opened I opened 8 legendaries, 1 was golden and 5 others were trash legendaries from DoD packs.

    My Strategy:

    Going into this I knew that Galakrond decks would be my best bet as most of the core cards are commons, Galakrond is free and Kronx is really the only other "required" legendary. I wanted to play rogue, as this is what I main on my account and figured I could do without most of the legendaries if I was able to get Leeroy. By disenchanting the 5 crap legendaries and the golden I was able to craft both Kronx and Leeroy. I played just the best tempo decks I could make early on - and then once I was able to craft both I switched to Galakrond.

    My deck:

    I was constantly adding cards as I was able to craft/open new ones, here is the deck that I used for the climb from about rank 7-legend. Some notes from my experiences.

    Shark is surprisingly good in this deck. Especially when you get it off Gala, but it helps you invoke when your hand is garbage. Turn 4 shark, into turn 5 Devoted maniac with double lackey proc was enough to snowball some games.

    Obviously I had no Edwin so I teched in the questing adventurers. Early ranks, ~25-18, before I had Kronx and was playing tempo rogue, these carried games for me. In the higher ranks, I quite often found myself playing them out as a 2/2 - 4/4 and they ate removal, and if they didn't remove it, it usually hit face for 8-10 dmg.

    The owl was a pure druid tech - once I hit rank 5 I started hitting a wall of embiggen druid. With no Flix, and Edwin this was by far my worst matchup <15%, the owl actually won me 2 games vs embiggen and found other targets for closing off games in other match-ups when I didn't have sap, Also a good target for evolve lackey into a 4 drop body.

    Thalanos was a legendary I just happened to open, and it filled the 2 drop spot in my deck helped with cycle as I was heavily dependant on Galakrond to win games. It also had the upside of 3 dmg backstabs on turn 2, and Eviscerate clearing 4/5 taunt minions.

    Fan of Knives - again helped with the much-needed card draw, had some synergy with Thalanos, great vs lackeys/reborn minions and was great vs agro decks and clearing snake traps

    ### R50-Legend # Class: Rogue # Format: Standard # Year of the Dragon # # 2x (0) Backstab # 2x (0) Shadowstep # 2x (1) Pharaoh Cat # 2x (1) Praise Galakrond! # 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos # 2x (2) Eviscerate # 2x (2) Sap # 2x (3) EVIL Miscreant # 1x (3) Fan of Knives # 1x (3) Ironbeak Owl # 2x (3) Questing Adventurer # 2x (3) Seal Fate # 2x (4) Devoted Maniac # 1x (4) Spirit of the Shark # 1x (5) Faceless Corruptor # 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins # 2x (5) Shield of Galakrond # 1x (6) Kronx Dragonhoof # 1x (7) Galakrond, the Nightmare # AAECAaIHCKICrwSbBe0FtIYDgrED47QDy8ADC7QB7QLNA5cGiAePlwP1pwO5rgP+rgOqrwPOrwMA # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone 


    Main account hitting R15 Legend.

    Here is a link to my purchases showing no transactions

    I didn't have a screenshot of when I created the account, honestly, I had no idea I would make it to legend and be making this post. Here you can see my deck tracker from the last game I won on my main account, switching to EU server playing ranked but having no rank (sub 25), this is the closest I can find to proof? If there is a place where it shows account creation date lmk in comments!

    I am Legend!

    submitted by /u/goodis0
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    HSReplay.net - Top Battlegrounds Heroes [02/17-23]

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 01:11 PM PST

    What is the rule for the "Play 3 games with X classes" to have a game count?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:34 AM PST

    I just finished a 9 or 10 turn game of mech paladin versus priest. I conceded since the priest managed to clear all my cards and I was in topdeck mode with no hope of winning.

    This game did not count towards the quest. Why? This is obviously a full game of paladin. It was played on ladder no less.

    submitted by /u/obd2
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    One new object from my collection : Hearthstone Sculpt was Blizzard 2013 employee holiday gift

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:25 AM PST

    Is Galakrond's Awakening Worth Buying? Analysis of New Cards and Decks Using Them - Hearthstone Top Decks

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 09:22 AM PST

    Battlegrounds content patch now "reeeeeeeallly just around the corner"

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 02:45 PM PST

    Dear Diary: Jackpot

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 09:21 PM PST

    How does this happen? I didn’t get a chance to see and was wondering what interactions you guys know that can cause this to happen

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:52 AM PST

    Need Standard deck ideas for adding this UNIT into. It's the single greatest card I own.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 02:22 PM PST

    How do I get through this boss?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 03:51 AM PST

    My first golden portrait, just wanted to share. Am a bit bummed I was one game off from having the final boss as my 500th win

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 03:45 PM PST

    Pharoah Cat is a 5 star card change my mind

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 08:40 AM PST

    Requesting Deck Critique - Mage

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:22 AM PST

    Do you guys think it’s possible to climb to legend not buying any packs?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 09:04 AM PST

    I've got rank 14 or something using zoo warlock but It's getting harder to climb because I think other people have better decks

    Then again I must just be bad and they can counter my deck easily

    submitted by /u/June_Moonstar
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    Battlegrounds Examination: One Night in Karazhan/Mean Streets of Gadgetzan

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 11:02 AM PST

    Last time I tackled The League of Explorers and Whispers of the Old Gods. Now I tackle One Night in Karazhan and Mean Streets of Gadgetzan.


    Tier 1-6: If they'd be in Battlegrounds this is where they probably would be based on currently available cards, and individual power.

    Tier 0: So weak it probably couldn't be added into the game

    Tier 7: So powerful or some interaction could be so broken they probably wont be added to battlegrounds.

    NA: The card has some effect that would essentially make it next to useless in Battlegrounds and would probably never be added.

    B: Boring, the card would be too boring to add into Battlegrounds as it would add very little.


    Thoughts on Jade Golems:

    Probably an easy way to get giant stated minions especially with tripling the golems. It'd require more skill than the floating watcher shuffle, but also be more consistent in getting the key pieces (brann and any jade summoners). It would have a counter in either dying quickly before you could get the big golems out or with divine shield poisonous murlocs. Although it would be requiring a high roll to counter a more consistent high roll.

    It would probably need to be tested in any particular meta to see how easy it is to beat down jade golems, how consistently you can get the jade golem summoners, etc. However I'm going to go on the side of caution and call the mechanic NA just because of the threat of the stats of a high roller.


    One Night in Karazhan:

    Swashburglar, NA: Bob does not condone stealing in his tavern

    Runic Egg, NA: No drawing in the tavern

    Malchezaar's Imp, NA: No drawing or discarding

    Enchanted Raven, Tier 0: 2 1/1's are stronger than a 2/2 in several cases including selling, and usually you'd want either 5-6 stats or low stats and an effect for tier 1.

    Babbling Book, NA: Random Mage spell generation is probably a bad idea for battlegrounds.

    Arcane Anomaly, NA: No spells to cast

    Pompous Thespian, Tier 1: Bit boring of a tier 1, but there could be a chance

    Netherspite Historian, Tier 4-5: It's a dragon generator for if dragons get in battlegrounds. But you do have to hold a dragon to get it working which adds some clunkiness. Just remember it's only tier 4 or 5 if dragons are in battlegrounds.

    Medivh's Valet, NA: No secrets or direct damage allowed.

    Kindly Grandmother, Tier 2: It's a tier 2 minion

    Zoobot, Tier 2: It's a tier 2 minion

    Violet Illusionist, B: We already have Mal'Ganis for hero immunity, and having that effect too early could be a type of demon buff we don't need.

    Silverware Golem, NA: No discarding in the battlegrounds, and even if it was available... Why this effect?

    Pantry Spider, Tier 2: It's a little stronger than the cats.

    Nightbane Templar, Tier 2: It's a summoner, but it also needs a dragon in your hand which is clunky.

    Moroes, Tier 2: It's a 1/1 which summons 1/1's which can be used for sell fodder or turning into gold 2/2's. That said it's not very useful in actual combat and will probably get you to lose at least a couple of battles.

    Deadly Fork, NA: Getting a weapon into your hand is probably the worst way to introduce weapons into battlegrounds.

    Cloaked Huntress, NA: No secrets

    Wicked Witchdoctor, NA: No spells

    Priest of the Feast, NA: No spells

    Arcanosmith, Tier 2: a 0/5 shield doesn't actually do much other than helping make sure your weaker dependent minions unsnipeable early on.

    Prince Malchezaar, NA: The effect does nothing.

    Onyx Bishop, Tier 5: Has a decent chance of getting you a triple in a couple of circumstances.

    Menagerie Magician, Tier 4: Tier 4 minion

    Ethereal Peddler, NA: Outside of Elise this card can't really do anything.

    Barnes, NA: No deck

    Avian Watcher, NA: No secrets

    Moat Lurker, NA: It is VERY interesting and could have interesting uses, but also probably abused and make deathrattles too strong. Plus Bob doesn't like his minions being destroyed that you didn't buy.

    Menagerie Warden, Tier 6: I thought about tier 5, but summoning a copy of a golden mama bear or something else big and powerful just felt... too strong even if you have to sell 2 other things for board space at tier 5.

    Ivory Knight, NA: No healing and discovering spells probably wouldn't work unless introduced right.

    Book Wyrm, NA: No killing Bob's minions.

    the Curator, NA: No drawing

    Medivh, the Guardian, Tier 4: It's mostly a Neutral with a battlecry that would effectively increase your damage by 1 for 3 swings. Probably wouldn't be added unless spells are added.

    Arcane Giant, NA: The effect would not work in battlegrounds.


    Mean Streets of Gadgetzan:

    Weasel Tunneler, NA: Bob doesn't want his tavern infested with Weasels

    Small-Time Buccaneer, NA: No weapons

    Patches the Pirate, NA: the effect does nothing

    Mistress of Mixtures, NA: No healing

    Meanstreet Marshal, NA: No drawing

    Kabal Lackey, NA: No secrets

    Grimscale Chum, Tier 0: Yeah we have a 2/3 murloc at tier 1 that just gives a murloc you have in play +1/+1 which is a lot better than giving a murloc in your hand +1/+1

    Alleycat, Tier 1: It's a Tier 1 minion

    Trogg Beastrager, Tier 0: You need something in your hand for this guy to work which is probably a little clunky for a tier 1 and not strong enough for a tier 2

    Public Defender, NA: It's kind of a tier 1 minion, but tier 1 minions shouldn't be 0 attack as it could easily create a stalemate.

    Mana Geode, NA: No healing

    Jade Swarmer, NA: Giant Jades

    Hobart Grapplehammer, NA: No weapons

    Grimestreet Outfitter, Tier 0: it's a 1/1 and to get any use out of it you'd need a large handsize which you don't get in battlegrounds.

    Grimestreet Informant, Tier 4: It's a card fetcher that can currently get you either beast support, mech support, or divine shield support. Plus there aren't many tier 5 cards to fetch or any tier 6 cards.

    Gadgetzan Socialite, NA: No healing

    Gadgetzan Ferryman, NA: No combo just get brewmasters

    Friendly Bartender, NA: No healing

    Dirty Rat, NA: It could be interesting if bringing out dirty rat made bob bring out one more minion to buy, but that would probably require too much effort. In general this is just a 2/6.

    Blowgill Sniper, NA: No direct damage

    Wickerflame Burnbristle, NA: No Lifesteal

    Unlicensed Apothecary, Tier 0: The effect is just murder

    Toxic Sewer Ooze, NA: No weapons

    Street Trickster, NA: No spell damage

    Shaky Zipgunner, Tier 2: It would be interesting keeping a minion in your hand to just buff and buff and buff, then play it once you have to or just want to cash out.

    Shaku, the Collector, NA: Bob does not appreciate stealing in his tavern.

    Shadow Rager, tier 2: Having a non-targetable glass canon is an interesting idea.

    Sergeant Sally, Tier 5: Sergeant Sally herself is just fine or ok. Divine shield tech, but with Baron Rivendare and buffers like Tirion... Well She could basically ruin entire comps. It's a very "can only be in the game when some heros or mechanics aren't."

    Rat Pack, Tier 2: Tier 2 minion

    Manic Soulcaster, NA: No deck to shuffle into

    Kabal Talonpriest, Tier 2: A neutral health buffer, what could go wrong?

    Kabal Courier, Tier 4: Alright so for Priest minions we have Ghastcoiler and Tortollan Shellrasier, for Mages we have Khadgar, and for Warlocks we've got just demons and demon support. So yeah in this current iteration Kabal Courier is basically a demon retriever.

    Hired Gun, B: it's neutral taunt with stats

    Grimestreet Smuggler, Tier 2: Little weak for tier 2, but also too strong for tier 1. Probably wouldn't be used.

    Grimstreet Pawnbroker, NA: No weapons

    Fel Orc Soulfiend, NA: Self damage doesn't really work in the battlegrounds

    Celestial Dreamer, B: Oh look it's a 5/5 most of the time... or just a 3/3

    Blubber Baron, Tier 1: Not a card you buy at turn 1, but if you run a battlecry comp it can gather stats and be good to end on at some point.

    Backstreet Leper, NA: No direct hero damage

    Auctionmaster Beardo, NA: No spells, but if there was a way to get spells then Tirion would become really overpowered.

    Worgen Greaser, B: Neutral Vanilla

    Tanaris Hogchopper, NA: No charge, and the effect is also kinda dumb

    Shadow Sensei, Tier 3: If stealthed minions got into battlegrounds it would be a support card

    Seadevil Stinger, NA: Converting cost to health instead of mana could be interesting, but doesn't work in this particular context

    Naga Corsair, NA: No weapons

    Lotus Illusionist, NA: Minions don't attack face

    Kooky Chemist, Tier 3: Could make certain minions more useful

    Kazakus, NA: Kazakus' particular potions can be problematic along with the fact that there is no deck

    Kabal Chemist, NA: Some of those potions are really dangerous and shouldn't be in battlegrounds for various reasons.

    Jinyu Waterspeaker, NA: Healing and Overload

    Jade Spirit, NA: JADES

    Hozen Healer, NA: Effect does nothing

    Grimy Gadgeteer, Tier 2-3: keep something in your hand and let it soak up the stats till you want to play it.

    Genzo, the Shark, NA: No drawing cards

    Dispatch Kodo, NA: No direct damage

    Daring Reporter, NA: No drawing

    Crystalweaver, Tier 3: tier 3 minion

    Backroom Bouncer, Tier 3: Not the most exciting but he can get some high attack

    White Eyes, NA: No deck to shuffle into

    Virmen Sensei, Tier 4: Tier 4 minion

    Streetwise Investigator, NA: You wouldn't ever want to use this.

    Spiked Hogrider, NA: no charging

    Second-Rate Bruiser, NA: cost reduction makes no sense in this context

    Red Mana Wyrm, NA: No spells

    Raza the Chained, NA: Considering there is no deck the effect would always be active, but the main issue is we have passive hero powers, hero powers that are already 1 cost, and I feel like Raza would be unhealthy for game balance.

    Lotus Assassin, Tier 3: It's interesting as it hits something, hopes the thing dies, and then stealths for it's time to strike.

    Lotus Agents, Tier 4: So turns out there aren't any Shaman cards in the battlegrounds. You can get pogo-hoppers off this, Iron Sensei, and a bunch of beasts, Virmen Sensei, and Strongshell Scavenger.

    Knuckles, NA: No direct hero damage

    Kabal Songstealer, NA: Why would you ever want to Silence a minion?

    Grook Fu Master, Tier 3: As far as neutral windfuries go this is probably one of the better one's to start off with. More health than attack, and the stats aren't that terrible.

    Grimestreet Enforcer, Tier 0: Probably a bad idea to have this instead of Grimy Gadgeteer as you are unlikely to have several minions in your hand.

    Finja, the Flying Star, NA: No deck to summon from

    Drakonid Operative, NA: No decks to discover from

    Doppelgangster, either NA or tier 3: So I remember that when you play doppelgangster the copies have different art. So if all copies are considered to be Doppelgangster and would cause a triple... Well that would be something that shouldn't be in the battlegrounds. If the tokens aren't considered to be the original doppelgangster though it could potentially just be a tier 3 minion

    Cryomancer, NA: Considering you can freeze and enemy and unfreeze them at any time the effect is mostly meaningless.

    Burgly Bully, NA: No spells

    Bomb Squad, NA: Even if it didn't do direct damage why would you want this gal on your team?

    Alley Armorsmith, NA: No healing/armor

    Wrathion, NA: No drawing

    Wind-up Burglebot, NA: No drawing

    Madam Goya, NA: No deck

    Luckydo Buccaneer, NA: No weapon

    Leatherclad Hogleader, NA: No charge and bob has no cards in his hand

    Kabal Trafficker, Tier 5-6: A way to get more demons easily... So I could easily see this not being added.

    Kabal Crystal Runner, NA: No cost reduction in the context and no secrets

    Jade Behemoth, NA: No jades

    Fight Promoter, NA: No drawing

    Defias Cleaner, NA: Why would you ever want to Silence something?

    Big-Time Racketeer, Tier 4: with summoners it's a way to get some pretty big tokens.

    Aya Blackpaw, NA: no Jades

    Ancient of Blossoms, B: It's just a big neutral taunt

    Jade Chieftain, NA: No Jades

    Inkmaster Solia, NA: Would only see use by Elise

    Grimstreet Protector, Tier 6: Granting Divine Shields is really strong on minions that have a hard time gaining divine shields.

    Don Han'Cho, Tier 5: It's a way to buff something in your hand.

    Abyssal Enforcer, NA: Bob does not appreciate a demon spewing hellfire everywhere

    Mayor Noggenfogger, NA: It could be fun, but at the same time Noggenfogger would add to many animations to the battlegrounds... especially if there are 4 of them.

    Krul the Unshackled, NA: You don't need to have a special effect to summon demons from your hand.

    Kun the Forgotten King, NA: No Armor, and if the other effect worked it would probably be a bit too strong.

    submitted by /u/water2770
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    My Most Dominant Run Without A Single Megasaur

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 10:50 AM PST

    Am I missing something or is this bugged?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 08:49 AM PST

    Galakrond sound files

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:12 AM PST

    Does somebody know how toget/have the sound files from Hearthstone? I would like to use galakrond's voicelines without its intro music, essentially only the voice recording, and such. Can anybody help with this?

    submitted by /u/Jobes115
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    Is is worth it to play galakrond without invoking 4 times?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 06:16 AM PST

    Is is worth it to play galakrond without invoking 4 times?

    Hey, i'm 'new' to HS, i've been playing it for 2 months, recently i've been enjoying playing with Warlock galakrond, and in some games i get to turn 7 or 8 with Gala on my hand, but only with 2 or 3 invokations, is it worth to play it then? Some tips/ideias/help a bout the decklist are also appreciated ;)


    submitted by /u/Poorbraziliankid
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    Casual 52 health

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 03:59 PM PST

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