• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 11, 2020

    Hearthstone Shadowbox of Sylvanas Windrunner / Simple version

    Hearthstone Shadowbox of Sylvanas Windrunner / Simple version

    Shadowbox of Sylvanas Windrunner / Simple version

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Well... that's one way to ruin someone's perfect game

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    An Update from Thijs

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:29 PM PDT

    So this guy devolved my Voidlord into an Enhanced Dreadlord... Actually feel sorry for him..

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    Turn one be like

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:17 PM PDT


    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    It do be like that

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    23 damage on turn 3 in arena

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Deck Lists Compilation – October 2020 | Weekly Report #75 (Standard & Wild)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    In our weekly Report, which we post (almost) every Sunday we share with you Decks played in Top 500 Legend.

    Did you see a Streamer play a Deck in or reach yourself 500 Legend? Simply comment below, or message us on Facebook, Twitter, or Discord, or use our Form.

    Like our work? You can help us if you share our work, turn off ad blocker on our website, follow our socials, or support us on Patreon.

    How to use Deck codes

    1. Copy the code.
    2. Open "My Collection" in Hearthstone.
    3. Click "Yes" when prompted to create a new Deck

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    • Is this a meta Report?
      • No, at least not a classical one. We feature Decks that were played in Top 500 Legend. These reports will highlight maybe 80% of the current meta; some decks might be featured disproportionately.
    • I faced this one deck so often; why isn't it featured?
      • The decks you face can change daily and also dependent on your rank. Some decks, mainly aggressive ones, might be good at lower ranks, but not at Legend.
    • How many games were played with the featured Decks?
      • Most decks featured will have at least ten games played. Many players include the score in the featured tweet, so check it out. Sadly not everyone includes their score, but only a tiny part of the featured decks should have below five games played.
    • I saw Streamer a play a certain Deck at high Legend; why isn't it featured?
      • We only feature Decks that were posted on Twitter. Not only would it take too much time to check every stream, but some streamers might not share their decks since they are just testing things, or it's not their original deck.
    • Can I submit a Deck myself?
      • Yes, you can! Please use our Form to submit Decks that were played in Top 500 Legend with a rank screenshot for proof (and the score, if possible).
    • Why is the same Deck featured multiple times by different players?
      • These Decks are not filtered in any way, except that they need to be Top 500 Legend. For this reason, sometimes we feature the same Deck twice. It's very likely that this Deck is decent or at least extensively played.
    • I have another question.
      • Feel free to ask in the comments; we are happy to answer it!
    submitted by /u/neon313
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    BGs | Getting to 9K- A guide (part 3) -New Meta

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Hey all!

    This guide is about the new meta, and how I think you should play it.

    After the great feedback I got on the previous 2 guides I wanted to help players that are looking to go to 8k and beyond.Combining this guide with the previous ones will take you to 9k at least! Therefore if you haven't read the two part 8k guide yet, please do so first:

    BG's Getting to 8K- A Guide


    BG's Getting to 9K- A Guide Part 2https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/j08vrw/bgs_getting_to_9k_a_guide_part_2/

    So now that you have read the previous guides and you are up to date, let's talk about what has changed in the new meta, and more importantly, how to take advantage of this information.

    I'm going to use the phrase "Scaling Engine" a lot, as in a minion that gives you additional stats on a consistent basis: Lil Rag, Nomi, Brann, Kalecgos ,Mama Bear, Lightfang and so on...The first thing that we need to realize is almost every scaling engine is on tier 5, and the sooner we find one, the higher our chances of getting top 4 and potentially winning.

    How does this affect us?

    If you read the Triple delay guide, you already know the importance of tripling into 5 drop in general. In this meta it's more important than ever before!Why is this more important than ever?

    This meta is divided in two comps - Stats Based and Poison Based. Stats based comps are particularly effective if you can, you can find divine shield minions to scale with a Scaling Engine. It takes time and some luck to do so however so we need to find this engine as soon as possible.

    More about those two comp styles shortly, however try to hold at least one pair when leveling to 4, and do the best you can leveling while freezing the triple!
    I rank the tier 5 units as follows, assuming you manage to triple into one on 8-9 gold :

    1. Rag
    2. Nomi (by turn 10 I'll skip Nomi as it's too late)
    3. Brann
    4. Mama
    5. Lightfang*

    Of course, it depends on your current board, but in general this is the order I would take them in if offered.

    When deciding between Nomi and Rag, If your current board can stay above 22 hp for the next 2 turns , then a Nomi might even be better than Rag.
    As soon as you find your Scaling Engine, you can start getting the minions you need. Make sure to get as many divine shield minions you can with Lil Rag.
    This is my favorite comp, it scales great, and it has all the things we want in a comp.

    *A specific note regarding Lightfang:
    a lot of new players are tempted by it but unfortunately it doesn't scale particularly fast and is particularly lacking in the HP department.
    It can help provide stats on a temporary basis but shouldn't be considered a long term substitute for the other scaling units.

    Based on the above, you want to find your Scaling Engine as fast as possible. Finding it by 8 gold is ideal (early leveling), but 9 gold is also fine!
    Getting it later reduces your chances to scale fast enough and increases the chances of having to go into "top 4 mode" (more on this below).

    Sadly one scaling engine will not be enough to get first place but it can give you the strength needed to level and find a second one. Make sure to level to 5 as soon as you can to find a second scaling engine and get your board as big as you can, this is the meta right now, and this is what you want to do!

    However, what do you do if you don't get this scaling engine minion?

    Three words, poison - divine - shield. Essentially you get as many poison minions you can find, a golden selfless hero and hopefully a Baron Rivendare. It can beat out highrolling stat based comps (Elementals, Pogos etc.) but takes far less time and scaling to achieve. It should be noted that these pieces can be passively acquired while trying to find a scaling engine as a backup plan.

    My next guide will be about the specific builds you go with each scaling engine and how to maximize your chances to win the lobby.If you have any specific question, please feel free to ask.

    I also want to take this opportunity to invite you to our Educational BG Community, with educational guides, tons of people to spectate and tutor you - all for free!
    Its also a great place to ask questions and share your overall gaming experience.
    We are building a place for players who wants to learn, and we would love to have you over!

    https://discord.gg/gbEeegYAlso please let me know if you found this guide helpful and I hope to hear from you soon!

    submitted by /u/Tenacity191
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    Yet another unrealistic body standard for elementals

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    How did he even generate this secret?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    Nomi not working properly in Battlegrounds?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    I played nomi that I got from triple, I then played 3 elementals and had two in the tavern but it didn't buff them. Next round it worked fine but they weren't buffed as they should be. Anyone experienced this?

    submitted by /u/LittleExplosion
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    *looks at card pack number* “Oh boy, I have a bad feeling about this”

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    Did blizzard make a deck for me?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    I'm playing for the first time in like 2-3 years and theres a deck I got called "Spell-tacular!" with new minions and cards that i've never seen before and I don't remember making it

    submitted by /u/Icy_Cap_6061
    [link] [comments]

    Obligatory "I have no friends who play HS and I made legend" post

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    Just wanted to share that I hit legend for the first time. Been playing since GVG, and I got close during WOtG and KoFT, never hit the orange. This was in wild with Reno priest which is a tier 1 deck so nothing too impressive with my skill level. Anyway, good luck! If I can do it, so can you!


    submitted by /u/lord_dd
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    Let’s play a game

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, let's play a game. Give me 2 hearthstone cards, one that you think has powercrept the other, and I'll give you a fringe situation where the weaker one is better.

    For example, if you said River Crocolisk and Manafeeder Panthera, I would give you a scenario in which you need to hero power first but don't want to draw a card. For example, if you are in fatigue and the enemy has a 1 health minion that does 3 damage to your minions as a deathrattle, you would rather have the River Crocolisk over Manafeeder Panthera.

    Give me som fun choices and let's try this out!

    Edit: damn guys I didn't expect to get so many responses, I went to sleep and woke up and there's so many. I'll try to get more of them

    submitted by /u/Boopoup
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    A (not so) Lil' Rag

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Hearthstone free deck for new and returning players. Which one is the best? (October 2020)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:26 PM PDT


    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    We need a TROLL minion in Battlegrounds (it works on Bob's side)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    Pack duplication question (re: dusting and reopening legendaries)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    So, long story short, I'm a whale who's trying to rehab. I made golden copies of Metamorph and Kayn Sunfury the day Ashlands released, and had fun with them. When the cards got nerfed though, I dusted for a full refund since I wasn't really enjoying playing DH.

    I've since been opening packs of Outlands since, whenever I have spare gold, trying to open new regular copies, relying on the game seeing my collection and not giving me duplicate cards because I'm only missing those two.

    But today, I finally opened a legendary and it was Evocation, which I have a (opened) golden copy of but no regular.

    So my questions are:

    1) Does dupe protection apply if you previously owned the cards, but have since dusted?

    2) Does dupe protection "see" golden copies of a card or does it only look for regular?

    3) Is it possible to open copies of Kayn / Metamorph now? I know they was disabled while the full refund was in place but I figured they'd be in packs again.

    submitted by /u/Arcengal
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