• Breaking News

    Monday, August 10, 2020

    Hearthstone Can something be done about the minion type info already? The banned type is the most relevant info.

    Hearthstone Can something be done about the minion type info already? The banned type is the most relevant info.

    Can something be done about the minion type info already? The banned type is the most relevant info.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    It was not his time yet

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    UPDATE: they gave me the packs anyway lol thanks blizzard

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    Astromancer Solarian - Fanart by myself

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 04:36 AM PDT

    I really don’t understand why people aren’t up in arms about blizzards pricing model.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    I recently came back to hearthstone after playing LoR for months. my standard collection is rather small cause i haven't been around in awhile. i decided i would buy some packs to craft at least one tier 1-2 deck. after looking at all the available options, i settled on Highlander Priest because it looked the most interesting to me. i bought two $70 60 pack bundles. $140 total dollars spent. the deck has 8 legendary cards. i came up short by 4 legendaries. how is this not being talked about? you're telling me after $140 dollars, over twice the amount of a full fledged video game, i can't even come up with enough dust to craft 8 f*cking legendaries. in retrospect i spent $80 on runeterra and have max copies of every card in the entire game. how is this possible? how is the dust refund ratio and legendary drop rate so terrible. $140 and i can't get 1/12 of the legendary cards in standard. there's no way this should even be remotely acceptable. can we talk about this already. why does the community as a whole ignore how awful this system is. i just want to play hearthstone. it's my favorite card game, but for the price of two games and then some every 3 months you still only get a small portion of the game. this is honestly abysmal.

    submitted by /u/RazaTheChained
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    Just play around it lol

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    *Turn 1 Mana Wyrm flashbacks*

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    Putting How Bad the Battle Pass would be into Perspective

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    There's been huge news lately involving a possible reworking of the Hearthstone economy with a Battle Pass system. You can read the full article here, but the major point is this:

    We've received insight into a survey Blizzard sent out to some players asking about a Hearthstone "battle pass". This new addition to the game would potentially replace rewards from dailies, achievements, and simply winning games with a system based on experience.

    So, replace gold systems with this new reward structure based on experience from playing. There's a lot to take in on the graphic and it might see confusing, so let me put this in a simple perspective:

    This last expansion, I was able to save up enough gold for about 180 packs of Scholomance for free. Yes, I play constructed a lot. Comes with the streaming several hours a day. I understand my experience is not typical - not by a mile - but bear in mind that number: 180 packs currently earned.

    The new Battle Pass system, as proposed, would reduce that number to roughly 40 packs on release day from gold, assuming I maxed out the system. That's the number I'd be working with if I wanted to jump right in and play the expansion before spending money. So I'd be able to earn around 75-80% fewer packs upfront.

    Yes, pedantic person, I could earn another 18 packs over the next months. That doesn't help me at all if I wanted to jump right into things and get to playing and would still only be about 33% of the number I used to be able to earn.

    It's hard to put into words just how bad this change would be for the players of the game. It's Hearthstone-killing levels of bad for a great many, and I don't think that's an exaggeration, judging from how many are responding to it and how it makes me feel. As the saying goes, "The only thing that can kill Hearthstone is Hearthstone," and this is one of those things that actually could get the job done. If you think that's an exaggeration, imagine buying both pre-order bundles for the expansion. Then imagine they disappeared from your collection. That's about how much free stuff this could make vanish.

    There are some people who don't quite understand the possible severity of the issue. They talk about how "It's just a survey" and "They're just looking for feedback." That's the wrong attitude to have. I get why you have it - you don't want to flip out about something that hasn't happened yet - but it's the wrong attitude. Your focus is on the wrong thing and it will cost you. You don't want to react to this after it's a reality. Trust me. You need to react now, and react harshly.

    Do you know why they're asking about this Battle Pass system? Because it's something they're clearly eyeing if not something they're already implementing. They're asking about it because they want to do it or are already doing. If this idea isn't squashed in its infancy, it will grow into something capable of dealing major damage. Possibly irreversible damage.

    Don't wait until it's a disaster. Do something now.

    To put that into an analogy, imagine your partner came to you one night and said, "You know, I've been thinking about cheating on you. How do you think you'd react to that?" If you started to get upset, that would be an understandable reaction. If the response to you being upset was, "I don't see what the big deal is. It's not like they cheated on you yet. They were just asking about it, geez," I doubt that would do much to calm you down. You don't want to react after the problem exists. You want to stop it from happening.

    Again, the reason the question is being asked is because they are already thinking about massively slashing F2P rewards and they want to see how much they can get away with. The earlier and more viciously you fight against the idea, the better for everyone. Saying that this is just about getting feedback missed the mark out how downright dangerous this is to even be thinking about as far as we're concerned.

    "Sure, but maybe they'll tweak the numbers", you think, "Maybe they scrap the system altogether". Maybe they will. But remember: they were thinking about whether players would tolerate a HUGE reduction in the F2P economy. They're trying to figure out how much they can get away with. They are thinking about whether they can do so and make you pay extra for the privilege of getting fucked with a special Battle Pass.

    Say no now. Say no hard. Say no often.

    submitted by /u/Popsychblog
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    Today it was three years ago that The Knights Of The Frozen Throne expansion was released. Say something nice about it.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    You love to see it.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    UPDATE: so I posted here a couple days ago because I spent all my gold accidentally on the wrong expansion. A lot of people came out and said they could reverse it if I didn't open the packs... This was the response I got from blizzard..

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    Blizzard sold me the old Tavern pass at time when it wasn't usable anymore

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    UPDATE 1: I just got 1250g back without any follow-up reply to my ticket yet. At the same time I got 2 scholomance packs with an e-mail informing me about a 0.00€ order for them. I guess it was probably an "inconvenience reward" linked to this case? I also got to keep my 4 arena entry tickets for now, but I informed the GM handling my case about it, so I'll see if they or some gold get removed later.

    UPDATE 2: A different GM replied, take a look.

    The story goes like this:

    The Outland tavern pass got released for 2500g.

    The Outland tavern pass got discounted to 1250g.

    6th of August the Scholomance got released at 7PM (central Europe) and the Outland tavern pass stopped working.

    At ~8PM I went to play the game, excited to buy the new pass with my saved up gols.

    The shop still sold the old, no longer working pass that was completely worthless at that time.

    I bought the old pass thinking it's the new one, because the expansion was already released and new content was everywhere.

    Lo and behold. First game of BG played, only 2 heroes, no emotes. WTF. Concede, look for what's happening. No stats either. Must be bugged. Wrote a ticket about it.

    A couple of hours later? Tadaaa, shop got updated. New battle pass! For 2500 gold again. Oh. I see. They forgot to update them and sold me the old one by accident. Well, sucks. Let's update the ticket with new info.

    2 days later I got a response about how I bought it on the 6th and the the expansion got released on the 8th (either bullshit or typo). And how that's why it was discounted, because I have shorter time to use it.

    Great. Apparently having a negative amount of time to use the perks still makes a good reason to take 1250 gold from me. I literally couldn't use it for a single second. Not a single game. So now I have 4 arena tickets for 1250g that I haven't used in hopes of getting it refunded, but the last support post I've seen here got a response about them not being able to refund gold transactions. Really nice. Either again just a BS excuse or I got sold 4 arena entries for more than double the price for no reason.

    I'm currently on the second day of waiting for the response again, so I'm curious about what It'll be.

    Does anyone have any reasons why I shouldn't get my gold back? I haven't used any of it. Not a second of the perks, not a single arena entry.

    Would it be okay to go into cinema, buy 2 tickets for a movie and then after trying to walk in being told that they're sorry but I actually bought tickets for 4 hours earlier and that it's already over and I can throw them away and buy different ones, that they simply forgot to display?

    Sorry for the rant. It's frustrating.

    submitted by /u/Mate_00
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    The Legend Returns

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Hearthstone Team Reddit AMA – August 11

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Hey friends,

    On Tuesday, August 11 from 10:30 a.m. PT - 12:30 p.m. PT, members of the Hearthstone team will be around to answer questions asked in this thread. As mentioned in the initial announcement last Friday, we will get through as many questions as we can before taking a lunch break, with some team members returning to answer questions afterwards.

    Broadly represented will be game team leadership, design, art, production, features, engineering, and more. Many of those involved worked on bringing Pirates to Battlegrounds, the Felfire Festival & Trial by Felfire Story Adventure, and our latest expansion—Scholomance Academy!

    You can start posting your questions right now. We just ask that you:

    • Please adhere to all rules within the r/Hearthstone subreddit.
    • Please try to make sure the question you are asking has not already been answered elsewhere.
    • Please try to post one question per comment.

    We'll see you tomorrow!

    submitted by /u/cmdylux
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    First Game of the New Expansion. I love and hate this card so much.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    The actual original dual-class card (RIP)

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Thijs has a strong turn

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    New combo in wild

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:24 PM PDT

    And with Illucia, you swap decks too. Even more fun, right?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    Playing since beta, today, after nearly 7000 wins altogether (mostly unranked) I finally reached 1000 wins with my favorite class. If I learned one thing, it would be that face is indeed the place.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    I found the original dual class card.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    World champions card tributes!

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    World champions card tributes!

    Each year we have the Hearthstone World Championship, but did you know that every champion has a card in his/her tribute (usually released one year after the tournament)?

    Here are all the champions and the cards named after them:

    Year: 2014

    Champion: Firebat

    Card: Fiery bat

    Fiery bat card

    It's pretty obvius, but this card is a tribute to the first world champion Fiery bat due to it's similar name.

    Year: 2015

    Champion: Ostkaka

    Card: Priest of the feast

    Priest of the feast card

    It's flavor text says: "Now that's a world champion cheesecake! ". The name Ostkaka means "cheesecake" in Sweden. Also, we can see a cheese cake in the card

    Year: 2016

    Champion: Pavel

    Card: Chittering Tunneler

    Chittering Tunneler card

    It's flavor text says: " Ear to the ground, he carefully interpreted the chittering noises: "You wanna cast a spell? I wanna cast a spell! " which is a reference to the Babling book summoning line, the card that helped Pavel win his sixth game in the quarter finals the tournament (thanks u/Argenticus for the correction) . You can see the play in the beginning of this video.

    As u/Zelai pointed out: " The Chittering Tunneler one was confirmed by the man himself Mike Donais to be just a coincidence and NOT A REFERENCE TO PAVEL. "

    But i'll leave this card here as a honorable mention!

    Year: 2017

    Champion: Tom60229

    Card: Phantom Militia

    Phantom Militia

    This card sounds like "Tom" in Chinese (Tom's native lanaguage), but it also was dubbed by Tom himself!

    Year: 2018

    Champion: Hunterace

    Card: Ace Hunter Kreen

    Ace Hunter Kreen card

    Eventhough Hunterace won in 2018, his tribute card was launched only in 2020 (1 year late). The card name, in English, is a reference to the champion name but with the words "Ace" and "Hunter" swapped.

    Year: 2019

    Champion: VKLiooon

    Card: Mok'Nathal Lion

    Mok'Nathal Lion card

    Besides the card begin a lion, like VkLioon's name it's flavor text says: " Never underestimate a lioness when her pride is on the line. ", which is a reference to the fact that VKLiooon was the first woman to win a Hearthstone World Tournament.

    That's all the cards! Did I forget anything? Hope you liked =)

    PS: English is not my native language. Sorry for some mistakes.

    PS2: You can check the veracity of those informations in the Hearthstone gamepedia.

    PS3: I don't know how to flair this post =/

    submitted by /u/maicao_
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    Arcane Missiles animation time way too long on high spell damage

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    loosing games because i have to watch arcane missiles x2 fire off for 30+ seconds when my spell damage is high with the masterduelist chick. speed the animation up pls blissord

    submitted by /u/Garen123123
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    Mage now has a viable Desert Obelisk deck in standard... I think?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Mage now has a viable Desert Obelisk deck in standard... I think?

    So I saw some streamers playing Tortollan mage, which was posted here, and I thought: could this work with Desert Obelisk? [[Desert Obelisk]] is one of my favorite cards because, well, it is very hard to make it work. You need 3 of them to deal 15 damage in chunks of 5, they cost 5 each and of course you can only have 2 in your deck... but where there's a will, theres a way, and the tortollans have shown me the way to the desert.

    Pew pew!

    The combo works this way: you start with 10 mana. You play [[Tortollan Pilgrim]] into [[Potion of Illusion]] for 8 mana, then do it again with the copy for 1 mana, and finally the last tortollan casts [[Blizzard]] or [[Frost Nova]]. So you're left with a 1/1 Tortollan in hand to go off the next turn. This works because those are the only three spells in the deck, so you're guaranteed to get your choice from the Pilgrim.

    The next turn is a bit harder, and depending on the board state and your hand size it may not work exactly this way, but an ideal one can look like this. In the right columns, T = Tortollan Pilgrim and O = Desert Obelisk

    Card played Total mana spent Board after card is played Hand after card is played (they all cost 1)
    Obelisk 5 O T
    Tortollan -> Potion 6 O T O T
    Obelisk 7 O T O T
    Tortollan -> Potion 8 O T O T O T O T
    Obelisk 9 O T O T O T O T
    Tortollan -> Freeze spell 10 O T O T O T O T

    After this turn, your opponent's board will be frozen and your obelisks will activate, dealing three chunks of 5 damage. If your board gets wiped, you can repeat the process but starting with a 1 cost obelisk (which means you can end the next turn with 4 obelisks now). If your board does not get cleared, you can trade (or ping one of your own) Tortollans to make room and fit as many obellisks as possible.

    Now you may be wondering, how good is this combo? And my answer is that this is probably not the deck you want to play to get rank 1 but so far, it's been surprisingly consistent! Despite making several misplays and what I'd say was below average RNG, I was able to go 7-8 with it in legend (EU) today, beating a number of "top tier" popular decks. I'm sure the list could be refined, and the non-obelisk version is probably way better, but I think it's promising and definitely really fun.

    Some important considerations: it is very difficult to beat priest as they can steal your hand and do nasty things; the deck loses its primary win condition if you draw both Potions of Illusion or if your Tortollans are killed by something like [[Flik Skyshiv]]. However, you can still win some games after this happens if you have a board and freezes and the ability to go face for a couple more turns. Bomb warriors can also mess with you as the bombs are spells, so you no longer have a guaranteed Potion of Illusion pick when you play your Tortollan.

    The general strategy is to stall, playing [[Lorekeeper Polkelt]] if possible, and then comboing once you have 10 mana available. Some decks will lose to the Tortollan freezing the board constantly, but it's way more fun if you do it with the obelisks.

    I was very happy to see my opponent so excited after they lost, it was really nice

    Finally, this is the decklist that I used (basically just removed a couple cards from the original post's decklist to add the Obelisks), I'm sure it could be a lot better but it's a start:

    ### Cold desert night

    # Class: Mage

    # Format: Standard

    # Year of the Phoenix


    # 1x (1) Animated Broomstick

    # 2x (1) Depth Charge

    # 1x (1) Sphere of Sapience

    # 2x (2) Acidic Swamp Ooze

    # 1x (2) Astromancer Solarian

    # 2x (2) Cult Neophyte

    # 2x (2) Doomsayer

    # 1x (3) Earthen Ring Farseer

    # 2x (3) Frost Nova

    # 1x (3) Frozen Shadoweaver

    # 1x (4) Bone Wraith

    # 2x (4) Escaped Manasaber

    # 1x (4) Lorekeeper Polkelt

    # 2x (4) Potion of Illusion

    # 1x (5) Boompistol Bully

    # 2x (5) Desert Obelisk

    # 2x (6) Blizzard

    # 2x (6) Khartut Defender

    # 2x (8) Tortollan Pilgrim




    # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

    # Generated by HDT - https://hsreplay.net

    That's all, if you play this deck, I hope you have as much fun as I had with it!

    submitted by /u/ShockedDarkmike
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    For the left handed gamers

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:58 AM PDT

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