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    Tuesday, August 11, 2020

    Hearthstone Which one is the correct answer for Mr. Trick Totem?

    Hearthstone Which one is the correct answer for Mr. Trick Totem?

    Which one is the correct answer for Mr. Trick Totem?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    inspired by u/DrHighFive01 post

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Well this is awkward...

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    [Comic] Hearthstone - The League of Explorers - Brann Bronzebeard missing?!?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    Summary of the Hearthstone AMA

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Going through the AMA and updating some of the major talking points. Bear with me as I'm updating this and let me know if I missed anything.

    Battle Pass Controversy

    • Ben Lee confirmed a major rework of the awards and progression system will hit around the time of the next expansion, and they're expanding the Tavern Pass to supplement this with new cosmetics. It's the intention of the team that this is a "repackaging" of existing rewards, and to allow people to earn rewards in modes other than Standard and Wild. They do not intend for it to change the amount of gold/packs you earn during an expansion cycle, and the survey that went out is meant to help refine the design of that system. He mentions these types of surveys have been used for years and often what's discussed in these surveys does not represent what ends up going into the game. link


    • Team's focus right now is keeping Arena in a "stable" place while they put forth effort on new game modes. Confirmed that they expect to bring back set rotation next expansion in some form, with Descent of Dragons likely to be rotated out of it. Open to feedback on "small" changes that could help improve the Arena experience. link


    • Hero balance is coming up "very soon", with Eudora nerf specifically mentioned. link

    • A MMR reset and future seasonal resets are likely planned for the next major Battlegrounds update. link

    • Team doesn't think minion damage from spawned tokens is an issue with the exception of Nat Pagle and Pirate Ship, which they are looking to address in some fashion. link

    • They also admit they're looking at ways to tune down the power of end game Murlocs (though they still want them to be a viable end game build) as well as buff Beasts now that Goldrin is a 6 star minion. link

    Scholomance Expansion

    • Currently no immediate balance changes planned, but they will keep a close eye on the data as well as player experience when it comes to cards like Kael'thas and Lightning Bloom. link

    • Team opened to bringing back dual class cards in future expansions if they're well received, but admits they are incredibly challenging to design. link

    • At the beginning of the final design process of Scholomance, Instructor Fireheart's original card text said something along the lines of "At the end of your turn, deal damage to a random enemy equal to your Overloaded mana crystals." After further testing, they decided that it was too unimpactful, and changed it to what it is today. link

    Basic/Classic set

    • We should expect a major revamp of the Basic/Classic set at the start of the next Hearthstone year. link

    • The entire set is being examined, not just one class like Priest was this past year. link

    • There will not be any replacements this year for the 5 neutrals that were Hall of Famed, but it sounds like it'll be addressed next year when they revamp the Basic/Classic set. link

    Reverting Nerfs/Future Buffs

    • After the next rotation, team will look at reverting nerfs on certain cards once they rotate to Wild. Additionally, they would like to go back and do a second pass at previously nerfed cards currently in Wild that haven't had their nerfs reverted. link

    • Future buffs would be used as more of a correction tool to get underperforming classes in line with others, instead of buffs for the sake of buffs the way Extra Arms and Luna's Pocket Galaxy were. link


    • Celestalon admits Paladin secrets are the hardest ones to design around, says the next expansion contains a new Paladin secret that's one of his favorite upcoming cards. link

    • Previously released Heroes and cardbacks will eventually come back and be available for players who previously missed them (possibly via new Tavern Pass?) link

    • The ability to upgrade a normal card to a golden copy is still a feature the team would like to implement, but one that's currently not on their roadmap. link

    • Currently no plans to make "cleave" or "elusive" official keywords. link

    • Currently no plans to do another Doom in the Tomb event, but mention if they brought it back it'd be for a shorter period of time. Mentioned that they were too slow in reacting to the power of Evolve and N'zoth decks in the format. link

    • No plans to have future expansions crossover into other Blizzard franchises like Starcraft or Overwatch, but there could be crossover limited time events within the game. link

    • New type of vanity card coming soon that will look different in the hand, board, and in your collection. link

    • Re-iterated team doesn't have plans to return to a year long narrative like what happened in the Year of the Dragon, but opened to revisiting it again some day. link

    submitted by /u/EvilDave219
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    My 80 year old madman of a father finally did it.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    It's no OTK, but it's the best turn 1 I've ever had

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    Scholomance Academy: Budget Decks

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    Scholomance Academy: Budget Decks

    Greetings friends! I am Cursed, a competitive hearthstone player representing Team Phantasma.

    The latest Hearthstone expansion, Scholomance academy, has been out for a few days and whether you love or hate the new cards, it is undeniable that they have shaken the meta to its core. There have been a lot of innovating ideas already, but powerful decks keep on spawning left and right, while there are already rumors regarding upcoming nerfs. In this chaotic and rapidly changing environment it can be very hard to decide what cards you would like to craft or even find a strong and affordable deck to play until the meta settles down. For these reasons, I am writing this article to suggest some solid budget options that should make the first days of this expansion enjoyable, while not making a dent to your wallet (or dust stock).

    Aggro Rogue

    Aggro Rogue was one of the first aggressive decks to appear and it dominated the high legend ladder during the first day of the expansion. It is an extremely fast paced deck that heavily favors face damage over board control. Playing a lot of cheap and low value cards is more than balanced out by the amazing draw engine the archetype uses. Cutting Class and Voracious Reader are very strong and inexpensive refills, but the Secret Passage is straight up cheating, giving you access to 5 extra cards for only 1 mana!

    Piloting the deck, you should Mulligan aggressively for your early minions and try to get some board presence in the beginning. You can afford to remove enemy minions if that will ensure that yours keep on pushing damage, but once you start losing control of the board it is important not to waste resources and focus on dealing face damage. The most crucial card to master in Aggro Rogue is no other than the Secret Passage. Don't forget that the more mana you have the more value you will get out of it, since it will be easier to use most ,if not all, of the drawn cards. On the other hand, don't be afraid to use it even early on if you are looking at a very weak turn or you are in need of specific cards. The draw engine of Aggro Rogue is so strong that with very low cost hands you should even keep a Voracious Reader or Secret Passage in the Mulligan, especially against slower decks.


    Dust Cost: 2600

    Deck Code: AAECAaIHAA+MAssDxgXUBYgH4geGCf+lA/muA7m4A6rLA9zMA4jQA8bRA/fUAwA=

    Beast Druid

    Beast Druid is undeniably the superstar of these past few days. Arguably the most played deck in tournaments and high Legend Ladder, it has already amassed a lot of hate for its oppressive playstyle and many players are calling out for nerfs. The list presented here is a budget version, if you own cards like Speaker Gidra and Ysera, Unleashed it is advisable that you include them.

    The game plan for Beast Druid is pretty straight forward, ramp and play Guardian Animals as soon as possible. From there, with the board presence it will give you, as well as draw and deck thinning it should be easy to piece together secondary combos of the deck with Kael'Thas or Mountsellers. Animated Broomstick, though it might seem a peculiar inclusion at first, is not to be underestimated! It can be utilized in a Mountseller turn to clear board or it can just be combined with Lake Thresher to take care of multiple minions earlier on.
    The Mulligan for the deck is quite simple, we are looking for our ramp cards, Wild Growth and Overgrowth in every matchup. Nature Studies is also a solid keep, since it can give access to ramp through the discover mechanic and it can be used to set up an earlier Wild Growth or Overgrowth. Against slow matchups Guardian Animals is also a keep, while you should always consider keeping a Lighting Bloom if it synergizes well with the rest of the hand.


    Dust Cost: 2560 (Kael'Thas not counted)

    Deck Code: AAECAZICBNulA666A5LNA7rQAw3+AeQIuZQD4p8D6LoD7LoD7roDlc0Dm84DvNADk9ED3tED8NQDAA==

    Soul Fragment Demon Hunter

    This is a quite interesting take on a slower Tempo Demon Hunter, which I whole-heartedly encourage any fan of the class to craft and try, especially since it is extraordinarily cheap.
    Instead of the typical lists that are heavy on 1drops and 2drops, this list is running the Soul Fragment package, along with a lot of cheap aoe removals and a ton of draw/cycle cards.

    Playing this type of Demon Hunter, you want to utilize your early minions and removals to maintain control of your opponent's board, while building soul fragments and cycling cards. Starting from turn 4 you want to switch on the aggression and start dealing heavy damage on your opponent's face, with cards like Marrowslicer, Glaivebound Adept and Soulshard Lapidary.. This deck shines against aggressive decks, because the cheap aoe can stop any early push they might try, while Soul Fragments along with the Aldrachi Warblades lifesteal effect will maintain our health to safe levels.

    Regarding Mulligan, you are mainly looking for Spirit Jailer, Manafeeder Panthara and Crimson Sigil Runner, if it can be outcasted. Depending on the matchup you will have to decide whether you need to keep or even look for early removal and/or lifegain.


    Dust Cost: 1320

    Deck Code: AAECAea5AwAPh7oD17sD4LwDusYD1MgD1cgD/MgD/sgD0c0D+84D1tEDzNIDzdID1NID99UDAA==

    Totem Shaman

    Totem Shaman in a very similar form existed before the expansion came out. Though it certainly has its weaknesses, especially against aggressive decks, it is one of the few archetypes that can claim to have a favored matchup against Beast Druids, which is not a small feat by any means.
    This modern technology Totem Shaman, is taking advantage of Lighting Bloom to create powerful boards earlier than before, while Tour Guide allows for the combination of hero power plus Totemic Reflection as early as turn 3. Trick Totem, has also proven to be quite formidable, since the random spells it casts have proven to be surprisingly useful. The last of the new cards included, Diligent Notetaker, is very powerful with the 0 mana spells, and can provide huge buffs on a totem board.

    The game plain is obviously pretty simple, stick totems to the board, buff them up, and smack your opponent until his portrait explodes. Despite that, it can be quite tricky to set up a totem board and the importance of accurately playing the first few turns cannot be underestimated. Key point to success is Tour Guides battlecry, so you should avoid wasting it unless you are setting up for a strong play. Is it also crucial to correctly judge the right time to pull the trigger on your aoe totem buffs. If you use them too soon you risk lacking the board necessary to finish the game, whereas waiting for too long can give your opponent the chance to clear the board.
    In the Mulligan, aside keeping your 1drops and 2drops, it is important to watch out for cards that work well together, like the afore mentioned Tour Guide plus Totemic Reflection synergy.


    Dust Cost: 2160

    Deck Code: AAECAR8C2wmkuQMOqALJBJIFlwj+DPuvA/yvA4WwA6K5A/+6A5vNA6LOA8bRA7nSAwA=

    Face Hunter

    I have always been a huge Face Hunter enthusiast and I must admit I was very pleased when I saw some of the cards that were being released and theorycrafted them into the archetype. Although it remains to be seen how well Face Hunter fits the meta, it has gotten a couple of very strong tools that significantly improve its power level. The interaction of Tour Guide with Dwarven Sharpshooter and Phase Stalker is just amazing and helps Face Hunter establish a strong board presence, while Wolpertinger and Adorable Infestation further solidify its early game.

    Face Hunter has an unjustified rumor of being a very simple deck to play, however this could not be further away from the truth. In reality, even a small mistake can result in your opponent surviving the onslaught and clutching victory. This is why it is crucial to always keep track of how much damage you can pass on the upcoming turns and carefully balance setting up a clock for your opponent and maximizing your overall damage.

    As far as Mulligan is concerned, we are looking for 1drops and 2dropds, except Voracious Reader. In addition to those, the Side Quest is a must keep in every matchup and Adorable Infestation is a keep if we already have 1drops.


    Dust Cost: 2080

    Deck Code: AAECAfWfAwAPgQS+BvAHkwmdowPapQP5pQO1rQO2rQPbuAOWuQPhzAObzQO30gPw1AMA


    Despite the chaotic meta of the first few days and some pretty expensive decks dominating it, there are still solid budget options that will allow you to have fun and explore some of the new mechanics until the dust settles and the safe crafts become clearer.

    You can see more info about Cursed and his content: Twitter | FB | Twitch |Discord| Instagram|

    This article was made in collaboration with the staff members of the community based eSports organization Team Phantasma: Twitter| Instagram|URL

    submitted by /u/Reg_Cursed
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    Stay in prison Druid

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 02:41 AM PDT

    Battle Pass: "We are also planning on repackaging (not reducing) the current rewards that you can obtain in Hearthstone and put that information in-front of you in an easy to view and understand manner. "

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:42 PM PDT


    It sounds like they're pushing forward with the Battle Pass as a replacement for daily quests / 10 gold per 3 wins, but that the player push-back is causing them to go back to the drawing board with the specific schedule they laid out and rework it so that it doesn't completely scamaz players.

    Best outcome we could have hoped for realistically. They were never going to scrap the pass based on feedback, and they were never going to add the pass on top of the existing rewards, but if the reward schedule is fair, then it seems like it'll work out alright.

    submitted by /u/PupperDogoDogoPupper
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    The Scholomance cards most likely to get nerfed, according to the pros

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    May I have this dance?"should be followed with "Of course" if you get a steeldancer from a steeldancer

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    Saw this on a Youtube comment and figured Reddit could make this happen. @Blizzard ?

    submitted by /u/DropTopMox
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    The hero we need

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    Oof, 5 Mana 2/11

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    I tested positive of covid 19. And here i am playing games in isolation. I guess it paid off. Cheers to me

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    Don't leave your spell burst minions high and dry! (Sorry about the frame, was a quick fix since I hadn't played HS for a few years)

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 11:24 PM PDT

    TIL Speaker Gidra is standing inside of a giant hand.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    This has been my favorite deck play in the first week of Scholomance Academy. Say hello to "Shudderwock" Turtle Mage.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    The storm is coming bois

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    one of the most big brain combos I’ve seen in a while

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 03:30 PM PDT

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