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    Sunday, August 9, 2020

    Hearthstone Scholomance Academy Contest Winners

    Hearthstone Scholomance Academy Contest Winners

    Scholomance Academy Contest Winners

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    A week ago, we announced a big giveaway + contest, giving away a total of 15 Scholomance Academy standard bundles for a total of 825 packs, all courtesy of Blizzard. With 4 of the bundles going to a random raffle on our Discord, and another 5 going to a reddit raffle, we had 6 bundles left for some creative contests.

    First up was the second edition of our Limericks contest, for which 2 bundles had been allocated. With almost 300 entries, the competition was fierce, and with the tiniest of margins, two winners did emerge:

    /u/PigeonPoo123 with the winning entry:

    There once was a school of sorts, Teaching magic to all its cohorts, Shook up the ranked seasons, But for copyright reasons, It's definitely not Hogwarts. 

    And /u/machadogps with the runner-up:

    You've been invited to study in Scholomance, By Kel'thuzad the Headmaster in advance. Heard some rumors about soul-stealing, But hey! That might even be more appealing. Just don't try fighting back this desire, you won't have a chance. 

    As I said, the margins were tiny and the entries were many, so please do check out the voting thread for a full list of all the submitted limericks: https://redd.it/i3pvex

    Next up was the Creative Contest, for which 4 Scholomance Academy bundles were put up for grabs.

    In first place, well ahead of their competition was /u/bloodsailed with their piece: "Scholomance Mid-Terms"

    Bonus progress gif

    Showing some love for Totem Shaman is the runner-up /u/trolo_55, with "Don't get caught Sleeping on Totems"

    In third we have /u/Webbedcomet42 with their own take on the Scholomance Academy theme song in the form of a Saxophone Quintet

    And rounding up the top four is /u/imhere4theclickbait with a sketch of the Gibberling, fittingly titled "The Gibberling"

    The rest of the entries to the creative contest can be found here: https://redd.it/i4eihe

    Congratulations to the winners! They have each received a Scholomance Academy Standard Bundle!

    submitted by /u/powerchicken
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    Mr. Bigglesworth OTK!

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    Can we take a moment and appreciate the artwork of this card !

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    HSReplay.net - Most Popular Scholomance Academy Legendaries

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    Hand of Gul'dan predicted soul fragments

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    Just realised you can dodge bombs with Sphere of Sapience

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    How to beat Druid.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    Raise Dead Gang rise up. I present you with SUICIDE WARLOCK. Easy 26 damage to the face in one turn (just don’t ask who’s face)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Best pack I’ve ever had in almost 5 years of playing.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    Nice ����

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    List of minions considered "cats" for the secret Kel'Thuzad - Bigglesworth interaction

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    As is becoming evident around the community, having Headmaster Kel'Thuzad on the board with 6 "cat" minions causes him to add a 0 mana 1/1 Mr. Bigglesworth to your hand. He cares that the minion is a cat specifically, not just any beast, which isn't a visible minion type. What follows is what I believe is the complete list of minions considered "cats" by the game.

    I haven't actually tested these - don't even have KT myself. But in the game's card data there's an unnamed tag that cat minions seem to have in common, number 1584. All the clips I've seen and reports I've heard of his effect working so far use minions with this tag, so I've compiled them all here.

    Stranglethorn Tiger
    Jungle Panther
    Panther - Summoned by Power of the Wild.
    Druid of the Claw (Cat)
    Druid of the Claw (Hybrid)
    Savannah Highmane

    Mech-Bear-Cat - Sure why not
    King of Beasts
    Metaltooth Leaper

    Druid of the Flame (Firecat)
    Druid of the Flame (Hybrid)

    Druid of the Saber (Lion)
    Druid of the Saber (Panther)
    Druid of the Saber (Hybrid) - Is it a double cat? Cat squared?

    Year of the Kraken:
    Cat in a Hat - Summoned by Cat Trick.


    Year of the Mammoth:
    Sabretooth Stalker

    Astral Tiger
    Crystal Lion

    Year of the Raven:
    Druid of the Scythe (Dire Panther)
    Druid of the Scythe (Hybrid)
    Night Prowler
    Black Cat

    Shirvallah, the Tiger
    Spirit of the Tiger
    Tiger - Summoned by Spirit of the Tiger.
    Halazzi, the Lynx
    Lynx - Given by Springpaw and Halazzi.
    Interestingly enough, Spirit of the Tiger is considered a cat according to this tag, but Spirit of the Lynx is not. Might be an oversight.

    Year of the Dragon:
    Pharaoh Cat
    Salhet's Pride

    Escaped Manasaber

    Year of the Phoenix:
    Mok'Nathal Lion

    Manafeeder Panthara
    Twilight Runner
    Mr. Bigglesworth - (Not in the gallery) The token given by KT himself has the tag like normal, but it could be a special case in practice for all I know.


    These ones are the choice cards for the Druid's Choose One options. Same card but different name. Not sure they can actually enter play but if they did, they'd be cats I guess.
    Cat Form
    Firecat Form
    Lion Form
    Panther Form
    Dire Panther Form

    Shadowmaw Panther - (Not in the gallery) A treasure card from the Rumble Run adventure.
    Battlestarved Lynx - (Not in the gallery) Another treasure card from the Rumble Run adventure.

    Mr. Bigglesworth - The original Bigglesworth summoned as an Animal Companion in the Naxxramas encounter apparently counts too, if you ever feel inclined to reunite them.

    Again, these are just minions that share an apparent "cat" tag with no official name. There's no way to see KT's actual logic and I haven't tested them all myself so there's a possibility the rule could be more elaborate, like "if you have 6 'cats' that are also beasts," or "if you have 6 'cats' that cost 4 or less..." That probably isn't the case but if you know of anything on this list that doesn't work or anything not on the list that does, it'd be interesting to know. And if you know of any poor cat minions that fail to get Kel'Thuzad's attention, I'm sure Blizzard would want to know about it!

    submitted by /u/Jetz72
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    My first ever golden legendary. :(

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    unexpected topdeck for 14 DMG lethal

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    Lightning Bloom was a mistake

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    I will elaborate, i like the idea of kael´thas decks, but this card single-handedly enables him to be played on turn 3-5 in combination with crazy powerful spells like ui or the new survival of the fittest leading to insane high roll possibilities that make the game completely unfair for the other player and lead to instant losses, that is bad game design and should not be a thing at all.

    I dont understand how a card like that can even be approved while kael exists, I dont think that druid is really unbalanced right now since you need to draw kael to pop off which doesnt happen every game but still, if it happens it just feels like a gg moment once he is played

    It also enables other shenanigans like a nearly full board of 2/2´s on turn 1 with gibberling
    if that card stays the way it is it will only get worse in the coming expansions

    submitted by /u/themightychinchin
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    Now we know what this was all about.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 10:37 PM PDT

    Is this the best Kel'Thuzad trigger yet?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Details on Hearthstone's Battle Pass Possibly Arriving in December With the Progression Update - Includes Alternate Art for The Coin, Upgradeable Hero Skins, Paid Leveling Rewards, Removal of Gold From Dailies, Quests, and Wins

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    People are calling Druid a highroll deck, but here's the actual maths. A deck that does their highroll with an approx. 50% successrate is no longer a highroll deck.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    Go First Go First (fm) Go Second Go Second (fm)
    Lightning Bloom T1 0.24116544294 0.38303940674 0.29175441594 0.46255877593
    Overgrowth T4 (T3) 0.38303940674 0.53182898149 (0.38303940674) (0.53182898149)

    Binomial Probability Calculator, success rate 2/30; Trials = Cards drown (no additional draws); Probability if X >= x. fm denotes full mulligan.

    So yeah, here you go. The odds of Druid playing Overgrowth as soon as they can are nearly 50%. This simple binprob calc doesn't account for redundancy in ramp/mana cheat or additional card draw played such as Breath of Dreams or Wrath. Relevant for the "Highroll" determination is whether there'll be a Mountseller/Bloom+Ysera/Kaelthas/Emerald Explorer/Guardians followup, but as that makes up a good 20-30% of the deck, the Druid is all but guaranteed to get to utilize their ramp in some way.

    I guess we can now stop calling it a Highroll deck as if that's an excuse - something with 50% to highroll is not a highroll deck.

    submitted by /u/ZephrysTheGrate
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    How is this Fun

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 01:56 AM PDT

    Just played a Druid. He was on coin. On turn 2 he played double Lightening Bloom and Coin into Guardian Animals. The game was over at that point. I was able to hang around until turn 8...by then he had emptied his entire deck with Kael'thal 3-spell foolishness (he was literally in fatigue) when it got to turn my 8 (and I was going first).

    How is that fun???

    I don't understand why you nerf a card (Innervate) and then re-print it (Lightening Bloom)? What difference does an overload make if you can get so far ahead that you can literally take two turns off?

    I'm a casual player. I just play for fun. I am not trying to be a GM. Losing is fine...getting high-rolled is fine (because sometimes I high-roll too). However, it is no fun queuing into a match in which someone can combo into a game-ending board before I get to turn 3.

    I understand that you can't get every card right and that creating cards is incredibly hard. However, it's not like you didn't know Druid was a ramp class or that the ramp was borderline silly before the expansion. You also knew that you had to nerf their ramp cards before. Why print a card that puts the ramp on steroids?

    Watching my opponent play Hearthstone is not fun...whether it is a Druid ramping from the get go or a Mage freezing either all or part of the board for 6 turns until he finds his OTK combo.

    All I am asking for is a chance to compete. I'll take the L if I get outplayed or high-rolled or my opponent generates endless random cards. However, it's really frustrating when I show up to the stadium and never get a chance to play!

    edit: spelling

    submitted by /u/TheSphinx1906
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    Uther's new best friend

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    (D)?Evolving Missiles

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Sure Solarian, I'm spellbound

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    Turn 2 Ysera Unleashed

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    Thoughts on new rewards

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    I'm pretty sure if it's implemented the way they spell it out, I'll be moving on. I'm definitely not a whale, but I've spend probably $200-$300 on this game since I started playing several years ago. I used to spend cash on every other adventure when they were released regularly and some of the more reasonable pack bundles as I do feel that paying some money for the hours played is only fair to the devs.

    This rewards announcement, along with the recent press regarding Activision and how they compensate employees really even ruins my feeling that I'm helping support the dev team.

    Am I misinterpreting this new rewards system or being overly-critical of the press? Kind of feels bad as I don't have a ton of time to play more involved games anymore as a new parent and playing a few games of HS gives me a nice mental break/some chill time when I have time to spare.

    Edit: I understand the survey isn't official but I assume they are either considering a change or already have one planned and are testing the waters with a survey.

    submitted by /u/bhakimi87
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    The TinyFin and Bulwark of azzinoth easter eggs in the Trouble Maker card art

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 03:12 AM PDT

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