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    Tuesday, April 28, 2020

    Hearthstone Pit Lord rework we need

    Hearthstone Pit Lord rework we need

    Pit Lord rework we need

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    Hanar has 3 of the infinity stones, and twillight geomancer has another 2! Who has the last one? Are there any Hearthstone cards with a blue gem?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    "Enjoy the silence."

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    Can we take a moment and appreciate Azure Drake - he would have loved the latest expansions - we miss you

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:37 AM PDT


    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Puzzle box of RNG

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    At that moment my soul separated from my body

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    Inspired by Jay Exci

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    Honest Highlander Mage Cards

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:39 AM PDT

    Recently returned to the game and thought I'd share my experience of playing Highlander Mage in this form. (Enjoying it a lot, by the way!)


    submitted by /u/Linneris
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    A bunch of DoD dragon effects played at once

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    For My Next Trick, I'll DISAPPEAR!

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    My brother just turned 11. He saw me play hearthstone not long ago. The game which I play since 2014. He immediately fell in love with it even though he still doesn't understand mechanics yet. Too bad he didn't see it in it's early development.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Remember when trump said grasp the future would break standard? I remember.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    Posted in Aug 2019, still very revelant. I still don't understand how we only get 10g for 3 wins.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Et tu Scorpid? Betrayed by my own battlecry.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    World's Most Consistent OTK

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    Current standard meta rant

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Can we talk talk about how ridiculous standard is right now? It has only gotten worse since the last nerfs. The nerf to sac pact has made DH even stronger, even though they nerfed some of the DH cards as well. I'm currently floating diamond 1-3, and today I have not faced a single opponent that wasn't a DH. It's honestly not even worth trying to push rank if you want to play anything other than DH. And the constant mirror matchups are no fun at all. Essentially it seems like the early game doesn't even matter, whoever manages to draw into altruis combos/priestess of fury just straight up wins with those two cards every time.

    I honestly think they should revert the sac pact nerf, as it was the only thing keeping DH from running rampant. Sure it seems dumb to have that one card keeping the class in check, but just it existing along with the other DH nerfs would IMO reduce the amount of people playing DH and the meta would become slightly more diverse. Even if it would just be warlocks and DH, that's better than only DH. Maybe others aren't seeing as many DH as I am but my experience the last couple days has been probably 80% DH.

    I'm sure blizz will change something but honestly after two waves of DH nerf they're just as strong as ever, something bigger needs to happen or the cards need very substantial nerfs.

    submitted by /u/herpesderpes69
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    Solem's - NA & EU Wild Tournament [Brought to you by HCTS]

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    Solem's Video Announcement: video

    "Wait a minute OP, you're not Solem" That would be correct, but I am that guy Solem mentioned in his video. I may or may not have taken this whole thing one step further and started an entire league...

    What is HCTS?

    (Hearthstone Community Tournament Series) HCTS is a community-driven Hearthstone tournament league focused solely on the Wild format. HCTS wants to bring casual and professional level tournaments to the Wild Hearthstone community. HCTS will follow a match format nearly identical to Hearthstone Championship Tour (Swiss followed by playoffs). In future tournaments, HCTS will personally manage banlists for each tournament series. Wild naturally sees fewer swings in meta structure. HCTS wants to provide a dynamic tournament environment by cycling which cards are banned series to series.

    This banning cycle will be designed to stimulate creative deckbuilding and rewarding players who understand which decks surge to the top as key cards to certain decks are banned.

    How to get started

    Please do watch Solem's video First.

    1. Join our discord server: (https://discord.gg/TVa8rky)
    2. Follow this guide to setup your Battlefy account.
    3. Registration will open May 3rd.

    Tournament structure


    • May 3rd - Registration opens for NA&EU
    • May 9&10th - EU Tournament
    • May 16&17th - NA Tournament
    • Asia Tournament - currently not supported due to staff quantity issues as well as time zone differences

    Structure: (All matches are Bo5 Shieldless conquest)

    • Saturday - 16 groups of 32 participants - Each group will run 5 rounds of Swiss
    • Sunday - The top player from each group competes in a 16 person single elimination bracket

    Payout - $1000 Prize Pool for both NA&EU

    • 1st - 30%
    • 2nd - 20%
    • 3&4th - 25% (12.5% each)
    • 5th - 8th - 25% (6.25% each)

    Edit: Formatting

    submitted by /u/0gSparkz
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    Dragonqueen Alexstrasza should not be allowed in Arena. Plain and simple.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    If Blizzard actually played and understood arena, they would clearly see that a card of this power level simply does not belong in arena. It is an automatic win, plain and simple. How is it still allowed? Does Blizzard genuinely care about fun and level playing fields in arena as they claim, with cards like this still in play? They drop it, and they win. Blizzard?

    submitted by /u/Dbake2483
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    Gold, dust and crafting guide to keep your collection competitive, without breaking the bank. *Updated for Ashes of Outland.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Hi everybody.

    About three months ago I posted a dusting and crafting guide on CompetitiveHS. Here is the link:


    A lot of the info in the old thread is still valid. But some of it isn't so I decided to update it.

    Most of my info comes from Hearthstone Mathematics. Check out their Youtube channel:

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqhOimrdTEFrEAyswb3pViA (FYI I have no connection to them. I just like their stuff)

    I'm going to assume you've read the old guide. If not: read that first. Then read the updates. Or you can just stick to the updated part. Most of the old info should be known anyway.

    A short recap.

    1. Start saving at the start of an expansion. You can have 10k to 12k gold at the end of an expansion. More if you play arena or HS tournaments. You get free packs for participating in certain HS tournaments. Check the old guide for more details.
    2. Craft decks not cards.
    3. Don't dust or craft anything in the first two weeks of an expansion. Nerfs will happen. Even faster now it seems.
    4. Have patience. You don't need all the cards right away. You will get enough to play at least one or a few competitive decks.

    A disclaimer: This guide is to get the maximum result out of your time and money to make a few competitive decks. If you want all the cards or most of them to have fun with that strange meme deck, you're going to have to spend money. Or be very patient.

    Getting golden legendaries from packs.

    In the old system, if you had the money, you could buy a lot of packs, get all the legendaries, then disenchant the one you want in golden, then open packs till you get that legendary in golden. I've seen BMKibler do it. That is no longer possible. If you disenchant a card you will no longer get that card from packs. I've tested this when the nerfs hit right after the Ashes of Outland release. I dusted a rare that was nerfed, then opened a pack. I have all the other rares, so the 'no duplicate rule' means I should get that dusted rare. I didn't get it. I got a random one.

    How many packs to buy and open?

    After 27 packs you should have all the commons. After 70 to 72 packs you should have all the rares. Depending on the expansion. After 230 packs you should have all the epics. After 470 packs you should have all the legendaries from just packs. There is no reason to buy that many packs. 110 packs is just right to get all the commons and rares and most of the epics and enough legendaries to make at least one, but probably more, tier 1 decks. You can buy more, but that is not optimal. Remember that duplicates and golden cards also give dust to craft whatever you're missing. And crafting is a lot safer now.

    The monthly rewards

    The monthly rewards are a lot better for F2P, new and returning players. About the same for whales. In the old system you would get a golden epic and two golden commons for getting rank 5. Getting to legend wasn't worth the time. Apart from getting the legend card back. In the new system you get a reward for getting to a certain rank for the first time and an end of season reward.

    Source: https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Ranked#First-time_rewards

    and https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Ranked#Highest_Rank_Bonus_chest

    Note that you get all the rewards, so getting to legend for the first time will get you 5 classic packs, 8 classic rares, 2 classic epics and a classic legendary. At the end of the season you will get another 7 rare cards (standard rares you don't own), 5 packs from the latest expansion and one epic from standard you don't own. The main reason the new rewards are better is because a golden epic that is good shouldn't be disenchanted (because you won't get it from packs). So a golden epic (that is decent) is worth the same as a regular epic. During an entire expansion you should get 20 packs from the latest expansion, 28 rares and 4 epics. The 20 packs will, on average, give 1 legendary and two more epics.

    The 'no duplicate' rule.

    Hearthstone now has a 'no duplicate' protection. The wiki explains it best I think:


    This protection basically means you never have to craft commons or rares. Unless you open a very small amount of packs. And it's safe to craft epics. In the old system I crafted two Psychopomps and the got two from packs. Bye bye 600 dust. That won't happen again. Thank the maker!


    In the old system it would be beneficial to disenchant the nerfed cards for full value and hope you get them again in packs you open. That can't happen anymore. If you have all the cards of a certain rarity, except one, you will still not get that one if you disenchanted it before. It will be random. So there is a very small chance to still get it. After nerfs I't still beneficial to disenchant the nerfed cards. Especially if you have golden copies. You can always recraft them.

    It's always a good idea to keep extra copies of a card if you can. Especially if they're golden. I had a golden Bad Luck Albatross that I held on to. Got me 800 dust. (Woot!) My prediction is that the following cards will get a nerf some time in the future.

    Battlefiend. This card needs to be changed. Maybe to a 1/1, not a 1/2. At 2/2 it was the most busted card ever. Or to two mana. It's still too snowbally as it is now.

    Priestess of Fury. My guess is it will only hit minions. Or only excess damage goes face.

    Twin slice also needs a nerf. The second card should cost 1 mana instead of 0.

    Unfortunately only Priestess of Fury is a craftable card. So only she will give a dust refund. Maybe Altruis will also be nerfed to not hit face. But I'm a bit iffy on that.

    The 'improved' daily quest system

    I don't like it. It doesn't give you a 60 gold quest consistently anymore. That will cost about 60 to 120 gold less per expansion.

    Buying adventures with gold is not efficient use of your gold. Thanks to Hearthstone mathematics to figuring that one out. Source; this video: (around the 1:45 minute mark) https://youtu.be/-L2GWitnZBQ If you want to get the best cards you still kinda have to get the adventure anyway which is a bit of a bummer.

    A little backstory about my own experience. I started playing during Whispers of the old Gods. I've bought a few preorders, but not since the Blitzchung incident. I buy about 110-120 packs with gold per expansion. I don't have a full collection, but I do have almost all the classic cards. I also have competitive decks for at least 5 classes in both standard and wild. I have about 40k for dust in extra and golden cards. I currently have about 4000 gold. And climbing. I also hit legend for the first time ever yesterday after getting to regular dad legend (rank 5 in the old system) before. After getting to legend I had some spare time on hand so I decided to update my dust and crafting guide.

    Those are the updates to my guide. I hope it helps you get the most out of your time and money. If you have anything to add or questions I'll gladly answer them. Don't forget to check the older thread. Maybe your question has an answer already.

    N.B. This got removed from the CompetitiveHS subreddit. So I'm posting it here, slightly edited.

    Edit: added more info and links.

    submitted by /u/ADDremm
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    No one ever runs out of cards anymore.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    Hi all. I've been playing since alpha launch, and when learning how to play the game many streamers talked about decks that had the primary goal of just burning your opponent out of resources before slamming win-cons. Decks like Wallet Warrior and Control Paladin were quite viable and quite fun. Getting your opponent to only 1 dead card left in hand felt rewarding.

    As I'm trying to find similar ways to put opponents in that position, I'm realizing that it's nearly impossible with the game's current design. Every card creates more cards, and it's perfectly acceptable to see classes like Rogue, Mage, and even Demon Hunter play multiple cards in a turn across multiple turns, yet STILL somehow increase total cards in hand AND add board presence.

    1-drops that add cards to your hand, Lackey chains, and hyper-efficient removal costs pervade every matchup. It feels like every match is either designed all around tempo or drawing out to fatigue. The concept of midrange is largely dead. I've never seen anyone run out of cards since Year of the Kraken.

    Had anyone else noticed this?

    submitted by /u/SquirrelSanctuary
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    I know I am a bit late to the game here, but this was still surprisingly challenging!

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Took me a lot of grinding but finally got Mage today, wanted to share my happiness here

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    The power level of decks these days is insane.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    As someone who remembers the old days, and I know many of you do too, things are just crazy. We are going to turn into yugioh at this rate. I put jaraxxus in my highlander deck to help with priest. I coin it out on 8 and processed to play a free 6/6 for 17 turns in a row and still lost.

    Queued into a demon hunter and cleared every minion they played on my next turn, healed for 8, and still lost because they played priestess on 5 and 6, and metamorphosis on 7. I literally killed all their minions before they could attack me, healed, and still lost.

    All this at diamond 4 for those that care.

    30 health feels like a joke.

    submitted by /u/gauss_sto
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    Can we please get a buff to poor Zephrys' AI?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 12:24 AM PDT

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