• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 8, 2021

    Hearthstone It's just me or...?

    Hearthstone It's just me or...?

    It's just me or...?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 12:43 PM PDT

    Iksar was caught on wild ladder using C'Thun exploit lmao

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    This is a screenshot of a rejected pre-alpha version of Hearthstone , it kinda looks like Mercenaries

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 06:20 AM PDT

    How can this game's performance be so INCREDIBLY bad?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 06:01 AM PDT

    Stutters when you buy a minion in battlegrounds, minions freeze in the air in Battlegrunds and you have to reconnect, game freezes out of nowhere, the shop takes a solid minute to "load" and not lag like crazy ...

    How can a game that consists of nothing but static pictures (no 3D models, barely any animations etc.) run SO incredibly bad with so many issues related to it's performance?

    I hope there are good reasons for it other than Blizzard not giving a single shit about the performance and them rather working on a gacha game that gets the money flowing even more.

    EDIT: I also tried running it on the lowest graphic settings, it went from running smoothly 80% of the time to 6fps constantly.

    submitted by /u/ggrengar
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    This is the intended way to play Tamsin's story, right?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 04:31 AM PDT

    Wild Turn 1 Mecha'thun OTK

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    If you wanted to spawn multiple Sword of a Thousand Truths, this week's Tavern Brawl is your chance.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    It's Wednesday my dudes!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    Tavern Brawl this week is... "All-Star Squad" (Sept. 9, 2021)

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    Description: "Spiders and Portals have had their chance, now you choose! Pick one card for your deck, and you will get 22 copies of it plus 8 random class cards!"


    Format: Constructed, technically, though the "deck" you need to build calls for only one card. Fair warning that Pogo Hopper Rogue is still viable, and can win easily by Turn 4 ... just watch out for Earth Shock Shaman, heheh

    Reward: one Year of the Phoenix pack for your first win

    History: This is the fifth time we've seen this format. If you're stumped for deck ideas, Gamepedia's article about this format has you covered.

    Good luck and have fun!

    submitted by /u/AintEverLucky
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    I'm depressed

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 03:00 PM PDT


    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 02:06 PM PDT

    Identity Theft is a Crime -- Iksar on Twitter

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 01:58 PM PDT

    The fact that Warlock has more and better healing then priest is just hilarious to me.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    Let me deal 2 dmg to every minnion and heal for 4 somewhen in 2 turns (8th turn) when my deck is gonna be empty and you will be taking my fatigue instead. Deal 2 dmg to a minnion and heal 4 for 1 mana, like... What? And it doesnt even have to be an enemy minnion. Im tired of this. L

    submitted by /u/Fartmachine99875
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    Is this a glitch? Check out what happens to the summoned copy of Tarecgosa

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    My opponent used revolve on flesh giant and double barrens scavenger, this is what happened, even I felt bad

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 03:02 AM PDT

    You're as laggy as the day I met you... Seriously, Blizzard, what's the deal with this? It has been like that since the release, and even on top-of-the-line hardware.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 03:23 AM PDT

    Lesson learned I guess

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 03:14 AM PDT

    I got sword of a thousand truths and summoned Azari in the tavern brawl

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 02:28 PM PDT

    Stop stop the the

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 02:46 PM PDT

    This is fine

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 03:19 PM PDT

    Been playing Battlegrounds for awhile and wanted to share my accomplishment

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 03:56 AM PDT


    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 03:31 PM PDT

    am i the only one who thinks that battle grounds should have a monthly ladder/leaderboard, so say if you obtain a ranking of 4000+ you are gifted a pack and like every 2000+ you are gifted extra packs maybe a random legendary or just something other than playing for no damn reason, i mean if they don't implement this i see no reason to carry on playing battlegrounds, i get you get xp for the track but after a while it takes about 3 days worth of playing to even gain levels on it, just some food for thought.

    also this is my first ever post on reddit feedback on my format is appreciated like was this the correct way to post lmao

    submitted by /u/Just-Twist-2749
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    Altruis sees what needs to be done, but doesn’t see the Inara in my hand��

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 02:39 PM PDT

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