• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 12, 2021

    Hearthstone Does anyone else here play waifu-stone too?

    Hearthstone Does anyone else here play waifu-stone too?

    Does anyone else here play waifu-stone too?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    It's time for the devs to admit that demon seed was a mistake and fundamentally change it.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 03:34 AM PDT

    The hero we need in the next Core set

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    I did this fanart of Garrosh Hellscream as a Venthyr - The original idea was Garrosh holding up a little cup of tea with finesse and the finger out. Hope u like it!

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    Balanced card doesn't bring as much hype as a broken one.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 08:57 AM PDT

    Sindragosa and Sylvanas

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    We have achieved infinity.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 04:24 AM PDT

    I was confused about how my minion magically lost 2 attack. Turns out it’s just small indie company things ��

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    What this sub feels like

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 03:50 PM PDT

    I fixed Wild

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 03:36 PM PDT

    The greatest Chameleos interaction of all time.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    The greatest Chameleos interaction of all time.

    While playing against a Paladin, I created a random Duskbreaker and a random Chameleos from the Galakrond invokes. Meanwhile my opponent also managed to get a Chameleos from First day of School but I did not know this at the time. I only realized this after suddenly, my Chameleos turned into the same card I had in my hand, the Duskbreaker. The card that was inactive until then, suddenly became active when my Chameleos turned into my opponent's copy, which turned into my Duskbreaker, thus activating the battlecry of holding another dragon.



    submitted by /u/Arvidall
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    The fel robot in the Ashes of Outland board has an special animation

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    I can't find anything about this so posting it here. I couldn't reproduce it but I was clicking the robot a lot, think last thing I did was clicking the left arm, and it shined all at once with green light. Any help on how reproduce it?

    submitted by /u/PushEmma
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    I bought a new high end pc... this is Literally my second BG game

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 01:26 AM PDT

    How NOT to play Rat King: Wantonly copy him, without proper revive progression

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 08:54 AM PDT

    It's time for the devs to admit that demon seed was a mistake and fundamentally change it.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 05:56 PM PDT

    It's clear that nerfing other cards is not fixing the problem.

    They know how horribly it is warping the meta, there are 2 solutions:

    1 remove the lifesteal from the 3 damage hits on first and second completion and make the tamsin effect not proc off fatigue. (IMO this is the bad solution)

    2 completely overhaul the card to

    1. summon 3 demons to get a 3/3 demon

    2. summon 3 more demons to summon a 6/6 demon and resurrect 2 demons.

    3. summon 3 more demons to get "the demon seed" which resurrects 2 friendly demons with rush at the start of your turn.

    This would make it a control tool and not a game breaking, meta destroying abomination.

    People make mistakes, there's no need to double down on something that is hurting the product, fix the mistake, refund the dust, improve the game.

    submitted by /u/wubbbalubbadubdub
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    Should have played around it

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    Seriously, every single game there is a leaver

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 10:33 PM PDT

    Whelp Smuggler = Phat W

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 01:00 PM PDT

    Plague Lords have got nothing on me.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 02:12 AM PDT

    An almost perfect start

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    Summary of the 9/11/2021 Vicious Syndicate Podcast (second one post 21.2 patch)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 10:10 PM PDT

    Listen to the most recent Vicious Syndicate podcast here - https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/vs-data-reaper-podcast-episode-58/

    As always, glad to do these summaries, but a summary won't be able to cover everything and can miss nuances, so I highly recommend listening to their podcast as well. Next VS report is currently scheduled to come out this Thursday (9/16), but that timing might change depending on when Team 5 decides to push the next patch live.

    General - Guardian Augmerchant is slowly becoming one of the best cards in the format - it helps a lot with disrupting AOE, and 4 out of the 10 classes have an archetype right now that can run it (Rogue, Priest, Druid, Hunter). Handlock has circumvented its perceived weakness from the Flesh Giant nerf by moving to the rod build, so when discussing potential nerfs, they point to Mythril Rod to 4 as the first nerf that needs to happen, especially since it'd have an impact in Wild as well. Also think a complete rework on Illucia is needed, as well as a rework on Crystalizer for Wild. ZachO thinks that if Warlock isn't nerfed too hard, Quest Shaman doesn't need adjustments, partly because if people are still playing it, they also show that Quest Mage's playrate is not going to decrease either, keeping the deck somewhat in check. They theorize about potential buffs, but nerfs are much easier to predict than buffs. They're able to see outliers in their data, and they know Team 5 sees the same thing when it comes to nerfs. Buffs may also be targeted to set up the miniset, which is exactly what happened with things like Lilypad Lurker. Both would love a theoretical buff to Lock and Load where it only generates Hunter spells and not minions as well. Warrior needs something, but they're not sure what the best thing would be. Maybe making Rattlegore faster as a 7 mana 8/8? Would give Control Warrior a potential faster win condition.

    ZachO worked with his brother to dig up game length information since a common complaint of the current meta is that it's too fast. During Wailing Caverns at Legend (one of the slowest perceived metas ever with the dominance of Control Priest) the average game length in turns was around 8.8-8.9 turns, with the median being 8 turns. Stormwind at release, the average game length was around 8 turns. After the 2 nerf patches, the game length went up to 8.15 turns. The meta definitely got faster, but not near to the extent that the perceived reaction tends to be. Interestingly enough, the median turn length is unchanged - it's still at 8 turns. So what changed? The excessive games that would normally go to fatigue or close to it got cut short. Aggressive decks are not faster compared to Barrens, and it's exactly what Team 5 intended to happen. They recognize that Questlines and some of the inevitability of them may make games feel faster, but the data shows that's not the case (Zach later mentions if people are interested, he can eventually post a graphic of the game length data). ZachO and Hat love this meta, but understands not everyone will. Thinks there's a misconception of what people perceive "uninteractive" and "linear" decks are in the current format. ZachO also suggests that player engagement is up based on the data he's able to see, but obviously his data isn't official compared to Blizzard's. People are definitely playing the game right now and having fun with it, even if the meta isn't for everyone.

    Warlock - Rod build w/Mana Feeder Panthara looking like the stronger Handlock build, and helps circumvent the weakness of Flesh Giant going to 10 mana. Anthareon or 1x Battlemaster may be worth running over Thalnos in that build as the 30th card. ZachO points out that since data is beginning to show those cards being better than Thalnos, the VS list from this past Thursday is now outdated. "This deck is very powerful, probably the best or second best deck in the game." Chances are 2nd nerf to Flesh Giant pushed people to start experimenting w/rod in the archetype to speed it up. Flesh Giant at 10 mana no longer a good mulligan keep, it's now more of a card you drop in combination with Scavengers around turn 6 & 7 instead of popping down on turn 3 solely from life tapping + Backfire. Scavengers going to 0 after Rod discount is not intended according to Alec Dawson - will likely see an adjustment in a future patch. Rod isn't quite at the power level as Encanter's Flow, but it's very very strong, and would probably be the first card in the deck now to get hit w/balance changes. It's a very snowbally card, and Rod on 3 usually means you can bring down Flesh Giants, Bristlebacks, and Scavengers fully activated by turn 6 or 7. Suggests the card go to 4 mana, especially because that means it'd have a strong impact with Warlock in Wild as well. It's stronger on turn 3 in Wild than it is in Standard. They go other potential changes specifically for Wild, Crystalizer is the strongest enabler for the quest in Wild, suggest that the most reasonable change would be swapping the health for armor so you're not dealing damage with the card without changing the card's functionality. The pure fatigue version that doesn't run Flesh Giants is closer to the Wild builds, but it's significantly weaker than the traditional standard build.

    Shaman - reiterizes if Warlock gets nerfed too hard, Quest Shaman could run out of control. Points out the new Contact Rogue build is at least competitive with it. Right now deck is kept in check at high level play primarily by Warlock, Mage to a lesser extent. Points out to the Doomhammer build that can flip their unfavorable matchups completely with Warlock and Mage. ZachO talks about some of their findings in the most recent report and what was showing up in the data in the Doomhammer build. Points out how Charged Call and Doomhammer clash in that build. Dommhammer is your win condition and not Charged Call in that build, so Charged Call becomes a liability. Lightning Bolt also gets diminishing returns with Rockbiter being in the deck, and Lightning Bolt is not as good at the early game as Novice Zapper or Feral Spirits are. It's a mistake to drop things like Feral Spirits and Novice Zapper in the Doomhammer builds, because you need to fight for board in those aggressive matchups, and the Doomhammer build does a lot worse with those matchups than the traditional build does. Both Hat and ZachO point out to the Doomhammer build being around 2% worse win rate wise compared to the traditional build, but with their stated refinement of the deck, and the fact that the matchups that the Doomhammer build is better against are very common on ladder means it can be very viable. It's a less polarizing version of the deck, and has a chance of beating any deck currently in the format. Hat - "This has all the hallmarks of a deck that will be in GM next week." Elemental Shaman still shows up, but has evaporated at Legend (less than 1% play rate).

    Rogue - Contact Garrote Rogue popping up a lot more, especially at top legend (around 11-12% at top Legend right now). Winrate still under 50%, but ZachO says this may be one of the most misunderstood decks he's seen from the playerbase in not knowing how to play the deck at a macro level, even at higher MMRs (the specific example he gave was a match where someone played an Etherial Augmerchant to ping off his Tour Guide early on). Re-emphasized deck has a high barrier of entry - it fools you into thinking you play it the same way as Barrens Miracle Rogue. Octobot on 2 is not always correct. Data on a lot of matchups over the past week is trending in the Rogue's direction, although that doesn't mean they're favorites. ZachO also points out another caveat about the deck's winrate - it's not just about players getting better about playing the deck, but players also getting better about playing against it. The deck is similar to Darkmoon/Barrens Lifesteal DH, but the biggest difference is that it doesn't have polarizing matchups the way Lifesteal DH did. At higher levels of play, a lot of their worst matchups are close to 50/50. Bigger sense of player agency because you feel like you have a chance against any deck. Big reasons why pros love this deck. ZachO says he sees this as a strong deck and a rewarding deck, but not one that's an overwhelming one at this point in time. Says running Pen Flinger over Foxy Fraud is 100% the correct decision in the deck. Quest Rogue stealth variant still a good deck (Tier 2), people just not playing it. 1x Battlemaster in that build seems correct, Scabbs and Tenwu more questionable. Poison Rogue is the same story as last week, although Plunderers are now better post patch.

    Demon Hunter - ZachO: "I have a confession, I'm a Brute Addict". Quest Demon Hunter strong at top Legend since decks play fewer minions there. Soul Shear version the better variant - deals with minions and can help forward your quest. Librarians over Kayn makes sense - they're not dead draws early on, and the tradeable tag gives your Lion's Frenzy more power, and you can eventually discount them to 0 mana. Hat points out Neophyte can't impact the tradeable mechanic, so you can still proc the quest just by swapping your tradeable cards during a Neophyte turn. Fel Demon Hunter - some people cutting Illginoth for Zai the Incredible, but that's not the correct move since Illginoth is the 2nd best card in the deck next to Jace. If you want to include Zai, you can cut Metamorphosis for it.

    Priest - Aggro Shadow Priest is the best deck in the game according to every data source (VS, HSReplay, Blizzard's internal data). ZachO points out something that wasn't brought up in the most recent report - Bonechew Brawlers may be very good in the archetype. You'd cut the Chaplin and 1x Twilight Deceptor for them. Hat points out Illucia is now statistically the best card in the mulligan - you should always keep the card in the opening mulligan. Time to nerf Illucia, but just moving her to 4 mana wouldn't accomplish much. ZachO says she'd either need to have her mana cost increased dramatically to something like a 6 mana 4/6, or the card would need to be reworked entirely (suggestion was having a battlecry that says replace your hand this turn with a copy of your opponent's hand). Quest Priest - went from "super dumpster" to "the less smelly portion of the dumpster". Could be viable in the future though. 4post into Ogremancer is an instant win against some matchups.

    Druid - Taunt Druid still very strong, still among top 5 decks in terms of winrate. They think it might not get as much play relative to its winrate because when it loses, it loses in embarrassing fashion. Sow the Soil should probably should be cut, running more Divine Shield minions should be the way to go w/the deck since it helps you avoid the common AOEs in the meta right now (Fire Sale, Perpetual Flame, Soul Rend). 2x Squire might be better than running 2x Squirrel. Guardian Augmerchant + Bonechew Brawler is just a flat out good combination in many archetypes, obviously still good in Taunt Druid. Cult Neophyte good in the archetype as well, although playrate is currently low. Celestial Druid - they confirm the data shows non C'Thun build is far better than the C'Thun build (2-3% better). Still not a great deck, but the non C'Thun version gives you more ways to fight for the board. There's no mass removal in the format right now like Brawl or Soul Mirror, so sticking a big board against a class like Warlock means you win the game. However, if you want to play a Celestial Alignment deck, you're much better off playing Anacondra Druid, which is severely underplayed and underrated right now. Claw Machine one of the more popular optional inclusions in the deck - it lets you get a buffed up Anacondra, and makes removing a bunch of them copied w/Germination nearly impossible. It's one of the best decks to play into Contact Garrote Rogue, which means it has a lot of viability at high Legend.

    Mage - Quest Mage is overplayed relative to its winrate, but people love the deck and have shown they'll continue to play it regardless. Should run Shooting Star if you're trying to climb to Legend w/the deck since it helps with the aggressive matchups. Hot Streak still good in the archetype. Cone of Cold shown to be better in the archetype recently due to help you stalling against Flesh Giants and Brutes. Hat points out the Quest Mage playrate at Legend right now is higher than the playrate of Quest Shaman, which is bizarrely keeping down Quest Shaman despite Quest Mage's winrate against the field.

    Hunter - They point to the updated Face Hunter list in the most recent VS report. Guardian Augmerchant + Bonechewer Brawler combo too good. Guardian Augmerchant serves the same purpose as Wound Prey, but since you're no longer running Packrunner, you're not forced to run as many spells. Only issue with the deck is at the 2 mana slot. You really would like to run Wriggling Horror in addition to Neophyte and Felmaw, but it's not a good card in two of the more common matchups in Quest Shaman and Shadow Priest, so it doesn't make the cut. Quest Hunter - Explosive Trap popular in the deck. Deck really needs additional draw or damage spells to push it over the top. They point to Loot Horder as a card they're still interested in the archetype because of this, but ZachO also points out that if Loot Hoarder is good enough to make the cut in the deck list, it clearly means it shows it's lacking. They both mention how if Lock and Load was buffed to only generate Hunter spells and not minions it'd be a huge buff to the decklist, and both are big fans of that potential change.

    Paladin - Not too many changes w/Secret and Handbuff Paladin archetypes. Conviction still a liability in Handbuff Paladin. They talk a bit about Libram Paladin. They don't have enough playrate data on the archetype, but Tian Ding from Blizzard mentioned it was one of the better decks. Hat talks about the Libram of Justice + City Tax combo, which is pretty strong in games against Handlock, Quest Shaman, and DH Brutes, but it lacks a way of closing out games against some of those decks. "There's something there", but low sample size. May be worth investigating.

    Warrior - Quoting directly from ZachO - "I've got nothing to say about Warrior, it's just gone."

    submitted by /u/EvilDave219
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    Can you tell I hate playing vs spell decks? :)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    Apparently Shudderwock buffs your hand size

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    When will we have a minion that attacks friendly ones?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 08:27 AM PDT

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