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    Saturday, July 31, 2021

    Hearthstone Whoah, the new cardback's looking great

    Hearthstone Whoah, the new cardback's looking great

    Whoah, the new cardback's looking great

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    Order of Questlines in "United in Stormwind"

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    I was checking the questline images, and I figured out that some questlines happen before the others, so I wanted to order them. I don't know if this has been done already, so please tell me about your opinions in the comments. Tagged spoiler for obvious reasons.

    We know from the card arts that a demon invasion takes place in Stormwind and Tamsin is the one summoning them. So there are some quests that happen before the invasion and some that happen during the invasion. I divided the order into two to make things easier.


    • Scabbs' Quest to Find the Imposter:

    I think the first questline to happen is Scabbs'. From the questline card arts, we can see that he is searching for the imposter. Then he learns the truth about Lady Prestor is actually Onyxia, and gets caught, where he is marked as a traitor to the Alliance. After that, he is sent to the Stockades, where he meets our beloved Mage, Varden Dawngrasp. While he is planning his escape from Stockades, he becomes Spymaster Scabbs.

    • Dawngrasp's Quest to Escape from Stockades:

    We can remember that Varden Dawngrasp was caught by Alliance heroes in Book of Mercenaries: Kurtrus. From the questline card arts, we can see that Varden and Scabbs team up and escape Stockades. We don't know what happens to Scabbs, but we can see Varden opens up a Portal and escapes somewhere (possibly Silvermoon?). After they arrive Silvermoon, they become Arcanist Dawngrasp.

    • Rokara's Quest to Raid the Docks/Create a Distraction and Bru'kan's Quest to Lead Horde Heroes into Stormwind:

    I think these two questlines start at the same time, but Bru'kan's questline is longer (the last part of his quest takes place during the invasion). From the card arts, we can see Rokara in a ship ready to raid the docks of Stormwind. Her reason raiding the docks is to create a distraction so other Horde heroes can enter Stormwind unnoticed. But besides creating a distraction, we can see Rokara also gets a little bit of extra stuff for herself. From there, she becomes Cap'n Rokara. During this, Bru'kan leads Guff and Tamsin into Stormwind. They are separated after that.

    • Guff's Quest to Save Animals in Stormwind:

    Guff's questline starts with him getting lost in the park. There he possible sees a couple of Stormwind soldiers abusing the animals, so he starts protecting the squirrels. He gets slightly angry and becomes Guff the Tuff.

    • Tamsin's Quest to Open the Portal and Summon Anetheron:

    Tamsin's whole questline is about opening the portal for Burning Legion and summoning Anetheron, the Dreadlord. She performs a ritual to accomplish this. She establishes the link and eventually completes the ritual. From the card art, we can see that the first one to come out the portal is Anetheron. After the ritual, she becomes Blightborn Tamsin, and the invasion begins.


    • Tavish's Quest to Defend the Dwarven District:

    Tavish's questline is rather simple. He shoots Demons in the Dwarven District. The ground gets crowded so he takes the high ground and from there he knocks 'em down. During that, he becomes Tavish, Master Marksman.

    • Bru'kan's Quest to Tame the Flames:

    Bru'kan's second part of the quest start during the invasion. We can see him taming the flames and defeating Demons. I think being the oldest Horde hero in the group, he knows that Demons never mean well and helps the other Alliance heroes clearing Demons from Stormwind. During this invasion, he becomes Stormcaller Bru'kan.

    • Xyrella's Quest to Seek Guidance:

    While I'm not sure whether her questline takes place before or during the invasion, I assume Xyrella seeks guidance from the Light to fight Demons. She descends to the catacombs to discover a Void Shard. After finding the shard, she uses her power to cleanse the Void from the shard, illuminating it. After that she becomes Xyrella, the Sanctified, and holds the purified shard in her hand.

    • Cariel's Quest to Fight Demons:

    Cariel's questline begins as she rises to the occasion to fight Demons with the other Silver Hand Knights. She paves the way for Kurtrus Ashfallen to fight Anetheron, while she seeks another target, her sister Tamsin Roame. Cariel and Tamsin battle in a graveyard, where Cariel avenges the fallen. After the battle, Cariel becomes Lightborn Cariel. From the card art, we can see Cariel holds Tamsin's book in her hand, meaning she either died or escaped without her book.

    • Kurtrus' Quest to Defeat Anetheron and Close the Portal:

    Kurtrus has been on this questline for way longer than any other heroes. Finally, he has his final showdown with Anetheron. He gains momentum during this battle and defeats him. After a long battle, he closes the portal where the demons came from. There, he becomes Demonslayer Kurtrus.

    Therefore invasion and the story of United in Stormwind ends. So in Stormwind, not only the Alliance is United together, but Horde as well to fight Demons.

    Many thanks for reading it! And also many thanks for the Hearthstone Team for this amazing upcoming expansion!

    submitted by /u/dogatsahin
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    There should be a Battlegrounds achievement for winning with Zephrys without using the final wish, called "Free the genie"

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    There should be more class-specific Battleground achievements in general, but this one feels like a no-brainer

    submitted by /u/DickRhino
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    One bug that should be fixed before the launch of Stormwind: the fireballs “cast” by G.M. Antonidas’ battlecry aren’t affected by Spell Damage, unlike other “cast” battlecries.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 08:29 AM PDT


    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:19 PM PDT

    Top Cards of the Week from /r/CustomHearthstone (7/31/21)

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    With the Peasant coming now there is only the Acolyte left and then we will have all worker units from WC3 in Hearthstone.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    My opponent is low at health and I am still at full health, what could go wrong?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    Send help there are too many murlocs

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 07:34 AM PDT

    This is the new robes of gaudiness. Every +7 win deck has it in duels. Wins the early game for free even you don't play a card until turn 5 or 6. Pls nerf it to "if you have no other minions summon a 2/2", "if you have no other adventurers on board" or just remove it straight away. Any other ideas?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    doing some art for my tabletop rpg! Any thoughts?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    Trying to play an Arena run to two losses turned into my first 12-0!

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    This card is actually perfect with the Shaman Questline

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    Maestra of the Masquerade has been banned from competitve tournament play.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:32 AM PDT

    In Rod We Trust

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:39 PM PDT

    You can unlock XP for the Barrens reward track (intended for the Stormwind reward track) by playing the Anduin death knight in Wild.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    20 Fun New Decks for United in Stormwind!

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 05:02 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I'm Funki Monki, an off meta deck builder, and I'm here to provide you all with 20 brand new decks, 2 for each class, that you can use for the new expansion! I spent quite a bit of time to refine each deck and also tried to use many of the new cards from the set while keeping them competitively viable. I hope these are helpful and enjoy! :)

    If you're more of a visual person I compiled all these decks into a video Here

    All links redirect to OutOfCards where you can view the decks and copy codes

    Demon Hunter:

    Quest C'Thun - AAECAea5AwTH3QO/4AP39gOcoAQN2cYD1tED3dMD+dUD8+MDlegD9fYDivcD9fgDmfkDs6AEtKAE7KAEAA==

    Fel - AAECAea5AwbDvAPQ3QOc7gON9wOZ+QOoigQM2cYDxd0D8+MDkOQDwvEDifcDjPcD9fgDg58Etp8E0p8E7KAEAA==



    Aggro -AAECAZICBqbhA9HhA/zoA/vtA9j5A6iKBAybzgO50gPw1AOM5AO57AOS7gOI9APJ9QOB9wOE9wOunwTWoAQA


    Quest -AAECAR8Gj+MD3OoD5e8D/fgD2PkDlPwDDILQA/7RA7nSA5boA5/sA9vtA83yA/f4A6mfBKqfBLqgBLugBAA=

    Sword of a Thousand Truths - AAECAR8G1LoD5e8D5/AD2PkDqIoEvaAEDP+6A7nQA7nSA+rpA5/sA/DsA9vtA8j5A9P5A8T7A5T8A6mfBAA=


    Quest - AAECAf0EAuj3A+ifBA7BuAOMuQOBvwPHzgP30QP73QPQ7APR7AOn9wOu9wOy9wP8ngT9ngTmnwQA

    Fire - AAECAf0EBo27A+fwA7T3A7b3A9j5A6iKBAz4zAOFzQOk0QP30QPQ7AOn9wOu9wOy9wOz9wP0/AP8ngT9ngQA


    Dude Quest - AAECAZ8FCJXNA4feA/zoA+PrA7T2A9b5A9j5A6iKBAvKwQObzQOezQOi3gPM6wPN8gPw9gOV+QOuigTJoATKoAQA

    Handbuff - AAECAZ8FCPy4A/voA5HsA6L4A9j5A9n5A6iKBKqKBAvKwQPK0QPM6wPj6wOH9APw9gPz9gON+AOq+APJoATWoAQA


    Quest N'Zoth - AAECAa0GCsi+A5vYA/jjA/voA57rA9TtA/PuA6bvA932A6iKBAqTugOvugPLzQPXzgPj0QP+0QOW6AOa6wPN8gPM+QMA

    Shadow - AAECAa0GBMi+A8jvA7v3A9H5Aw3XzgPB0QPi3gP73wOW6AOb6wP08QOI9wOj9wOp9wOt9wPJ+QOtigQA


    Quest - AAECAaIHBNnRA8PhA6P1A6b5Aw2qywPHzgOk0QPn3QPz3QOq6wOr6wOf9AOh9AOi9AOm9QP1nwT2nwQA

    Shuffle Deathrattle - AAECAaIHBpXNA8fOA9nRA8PhA+fwA7CKBAyfzQPl3QPn3QPz3QOo6wOq6wOr6wPT8wON9AOO9APr9gP2nwQA


    Evolve - AAECAaoIBpzOA6beA/zoA9j5A4b6A7CKBAzbuAPduAPhuAOVzQPw1APc2wOp3gOq3gPj7gPj9gPG+QPJ+QMA

    Bolner OTK - AAECAaoICpPCA+HMA5zOA67SA/DUA/zeA9j5A4b6A6iKBP2fBArbuAOTuQOz3AOn3gOq3gPj7gPW9QPB9gPwhQTwoAQA



    Handlock - AAECAf0GBs/SA/jjA/LtA4f7A4OgBIWgBAysywO4zgPM0gPN0gP14wO98QPA+QPB+QPG+QP++gOC+wPnoAQA


    Quest - AAECAQcIqtIDwd4Dle0D5/AD1fEDmPYDqIoEsIoEC7y5A/fUA4vVA7XeA47tA5X2A5b2A5f2A8/7A62gBK+gBAA=

    N'Zoth OTK - AAECAQcMvrkD474D+cIDitADk9ADm9gDyOEDqu4Dj+8DlfYDzPkDiKAECbi5A82+A7beA8HeA4/tA9XxA5b2A/iABImgBAA=

    Good luck in the new expansion and have fun!

    submitted by /u/FunkiMonkiTwitch
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    Quick exp boost for next reward track. Don't do any missions tomorrow until expansion release

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    Quick exp boost for next reward track. Don't do any missions tomorrow until expansion release

    did some short research here, and like last expansion, if you want some quick boost on your reward track by day one, don't complete any mission, starting tomorrow until expansion releases on tuesday. That will make you have 3 daily quests and 3 weekly quests to complete by tuesday, granting you a lot of experience on the reward track.

    and i'm not even counting with the paid reward track exp boost, so everyone can just jump to the level 25 on reward track, granting all of it's rewards by day one, rewarding you:

    1random legendary card

    1 random epic card

    2 standard packs

    3 stormwind packs

    6 golden common cards

    2 golden rare

    1 card verse

    550 gold


    submitted by /u/salomitico
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    My girlfriend embroidered the hs logo onto a shirt and asked me to post a picture. Let her know how awesome it is.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:31 PM PDT

    Voicelines for the new Tavern Pass Heroes

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    I have once again received to absolute worst luck in packs. This is the result of 85 packs with the very first pack being the guaranteed legendary. I also only have 5 DH wins.. I don't play that class :/

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:11 PM PDT

    First pack out of the 5 golden ones I opened. Best pack I have opened since beta, WOW!

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    I've just reinstalled the game to fix crashing and I've unlocked the secret nightmare mode

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 02:49 AM PDT

    Maestra + Genn interaction?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 06:22 AM PDT

    Anyone know how Genn might work with the new rouge legendary? I think it would just give you the starting classes hero power for 1 mana, but once you switch to rouge it will go to 2 mana again. If someone tried this during theory crafting I didn't see it or hear of it. Im interested to see what anyone else thinks the interaction might be.

    submitted by /u/pleblothetaco
    [link] [comments]

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