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    Sunday, August 1, 2021

    Hearthstone When you find the imposter but then get voted out smh

    Hearthstone When you find the imposter but then get voted out smh

    When you find the imposter but then get voted out smh

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    Sometimes we want cards to be better than they are. I think VS's review of Maestra of the Masquerade is very worth reading.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    Paladin Stone ? +30/+30 handbuff ?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    Demon Hunter Quest is underwhelming

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 02:41 AM PDT

    A true master of stealth...

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 07:44 PM PDT

    The Comprehensive United in Stormwind Preview by Vicious Syndicate

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    UiS pool additions to Jandice and Apexis

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 02:22 PM PDT

    All my expansion luck has been drained into this one pack

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 01:43 PM PDT

    Prediction: Warlock quest will end up like Tick.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 06:46 AM PDT

    Day 1: People playing jank complain that the warlock quest is unfun and overpowered.

    Day 7: Face hunter goes up and skewers quest locks.

    Day 14: VS declares it bad, most people let it go.

    Day 100: A few people are still calling for the quest to be nerfed because it is unfun.

    Tbh, I really hope the quest will be good, because it seems pretty fun. Unfortunately, hunter will likely just skewer it even harder than it skewered control lock. But people will complain about the quest being uninteractive regardless of whether it is good.

    submitted by /u/Glittering_Cake9952
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    Made a Synchronized United in Stormwind Megamix from all Legendary Card Themes

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    Top 20 best rated cards of UiS, compilation by @Ranlit_HS on Twitter

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 03:47 AM PDT

    Was going for the usual 2 losses arena but hit my first 12 win arena!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 02:21 AM PDT

    Sunlounger A.F.Kay cosplay

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    For our next act, world domination!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 03:23 AM PDT

    We need auto-squelch

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    I started playing on my F2P account to gather up xp for the expansion reset. I opened a bunch of packs I got for free and used the rewards track to buy the rest. I was shocked to see how much value I was able to get. I can straight up craft some pretty great decks, after playing for like one day.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    The era of flash has ended :3 rank bugged at the end lol

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 11:18 AM PDT

    Bug: Transfer student does not have the correct keyword/effect on the Darkmoon Faire gameboard.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 02:34 PM PDT

    I just wrote a mini-essay about Lady Prestor. The card that will change standard mode FOREVER!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 12:37 AM PDT

    Well, maybe not forever. Maybe not "change" either. But, we all will get it for free, so let's look at it!

    Ok so, the Lady Katrina Prestor card. Seems interesting eh? Well, let's look at it. This will be the "free" card you'll all get upon logging in, just like Mankrik was last time. So expect to see a lot of her at the lower ranks.

    So when you play her, she turns all your minions into random dragons. There isn't a single new dragon in United in Stormwind for Katrina to pull, so in standard, we can see all the dragons your cards can be. One thing to wonder, will class specific dragons be up for grabs? I feel like it has to be right?

    So, First Dragon. Dreaming Drake. Has Taunt, and can be corrupted to be +2/+2. Could be great if something low cost turns to this, that you can corrupt. I would call a Dreaming Drake a win, if you can corrupt it, and need a taunt.

    Second Dragon – Coldarra Drake. You can use your Hero Power any number of times. You want something cheap to get this, with a good hero power. Not something you'll likely want on rogue. Would call this a major win if your hero power is useful and you have the extra mana to spam it.

    Tent Trasher – Has Rush, and if you have a dragon on the board, it should cost one less. You probably won't have many other unique types though. So like, a 2/3 with rush for 1, is probably something you'll see a lot. Probably not super impactful.

    Brightwing. Random Legendary. We all know brightwing. Maybe brightwing will have a bigger body and cost more, or have a smaller body and be cheaper. A one mana brightwing could be fun.

    Circus Amalgam. It'll have taunt, and be another type. So, maybe Tent Trasher will be 2 cheaper if you can get your hands on one of these.

    Crimson Hothead – Could be good if you have a spell to activate him with. Probably your third "little" taunt if your idea is to fill your deck with low cost minions. And that's if you can activate him, which you may not even care about doing.

    Dragonmaw Sky Stalker. Low Cost good. A one mana 1/3 or whatever that drops a 3/4 when it dies is good value. I'm just not sure it'll help swing the game much on turn 7 plus. You don't really want to topdeck a good value one drop, unless you can work your deck to benefit from that.

    Onyx Magescribe. You probably want a few of these. One or two mana spellscribes would be good if you have the spells to cast to get the spells.

    Nozdormu – Dud. This one will always be just vanilla stats. Worst dragon to get. Poor Nozdormu.

    Plagued Protodrake – Absolute win. If Sky Stalker was ok, this guy will be great. A cheap 7 drop in whatever body. Definite high roll.

    Alexstrasza the Life Binder – She's the dream, right? 1 mana deal 8. You are hoping for her.

    Malagos – Drawing spells can be good. It means it's in your hand now, and won't be topdecked.

    Onyxia – One mana fill the board with 1/1's is pretty neat. Onyxia likely won't survive too long, but she's good value for cheap.

    Runaway Blackwing – Pretty good if your opponent has a big minion you want to die. If you can duplicate him, two will die. Has some power behind it.

    Sleepy Dragon – The card's main claim to fame is the high health pool. Without that it's just vanilla stats taunt.

    Ysera the Dreamer – The other dream. I wonder if her dragons are in the pool? If so, well there's another vanilla stat one. I was going to say there's a "can't be targeted" one too, but that's not a dragon now that I think on it. So let's hope her dragon isn't in the pool, but it probably is.

    Deathwing – Better deathwing, you only pay for what you kill. When your opponent plays Lady Prestor, you will constantly be worried about the deathwing topdeck. Not even your opponent will know if it's there! If you LIKE your board, and topdeck a "deathwing". Well you just got an unplayable card in your hand. Yay for you if you're topdecking. Heropower pass. Well, hope for that Coldara Drake, to Hero Power 5 times, then pass.

    And now the cards I don't actually own a copy of! Because I'm a dummy.

    Skeletal Dragon - Priest Dragon – Could be a high roll, depending on what it gives you. Actual card is a 7 mana 4/9, so if you can get a cheap one, the end of turn effect is great. Sadly, it has taunt, so you can't hide it behind taunt. So you probably won't get more than one extra dragon from him.

    And that's it. There are 18 dragons currently in standard.

    There don't seem to be any dragon synergy cards whatsoever. There is one for priest, the Dragonmaw Sentinel. Which becomes a 2 mana 2/4 with lifesteal if you're holding a dragon. But that's a minion, and would be transformed by Katrina, so it would be a 2 mana 1/4 dragon when you draw it.

    So ok.

    Of the 18 Dragons, in my opinion. I'll do a 3 star rating system. Bad, Good, and Wonderful. And really bad is just normal vanilla stats, so, nothing "harmful". It's not like you'll get a 1/1 with a battlecry of do 5 damage to your face, or something.

    1. Dreaming Drake **
    2. Coldarra Drake ** (*)
    3. Tent Trasher **
    4. Brightwing ***
    5. Circus Amalgam * (*)
    6. Crimson Hothead **
    7. Dragonmaw Sky Stalker **
    8. Onyx Magescribe **
    9. Nozdormu *
    10. Plagued Protodrake ***
    11. Alexstrasza ***
    12. Malagos **
    13. Onyxia **
    14. Runaway Blackwing **
    15. Sleepy Dragon *
    16. Ysera ***
    17. Deathwing * or ***
    18. Skeletal Dragon ** (*)
    19. (Emerald Drake) *

    So, my math says 3 one-star cards. One one-star card, that's slightly better if you want another discount for Tent Trasher. 7 two-star cards, with two being much better depending on your need. (Skeletal could whiff on you) 4 three-star cards. That you'll always be happy to see. And, Deathwing, who could save the game for you, or be 100% unplayable. You're not even left with a 12/12 on the board.

    So yes. This was too much writing about a "meme" legendary.

    One Idea I had, was to play as a beast buff hunter, with this card. Buff beasts, shuffle them into the deck, buff your deck as much as you can. Then play Lady Prestor, and you have cheap dragons, with good stats.

    But, still random.

    Deck stats buffing though, seems to go well with this. Shando Wildclaw, Dire Frenzy, Warsong Wrangler, Northshire Farmer. Do all those, then play Prestor. You'll get dragons instead of beasts.

    None of the dragons have card draw though, so you'll need to do that with spells. But hunter has no spells that would draw a dragon.

    So, you'll have more stats for cheap, but no way to get more cards.

    I don't know. I just want to see a Legend worth Katrina Prestor deck. Someone can think of one! Think outside the box!

    Also, this card will be, probably a lot worse in wild. There will likely be a huge pool of bad dragons to get.

    I'll look at that... later maybe.


    submitted by /u/silverscreemer
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    I guess Party Replacement won’t stay as is for long

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 04:08 AM PDT

    All United in Stormwind Endings

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    Anyone thinks the new board of stormwind feels underwhelming

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    You can hardly interact with anything unlike the others

    submitted by /u/darwinfox0
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    United in Stormwind Release Countdown

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    Since this will be relevant to some I went ahead and made a countdown.

    Have fun with the new expansion everyone.

    submitted by /u/vov12012
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    I couldn't find the value of *ADDITIONAL* gold one could get from Paid Tavern Pass Rewards Track vs. Non-paid Tavern Pass Rewards Track, so I did the math myself. Note: This is applicable to people who plan on getting above level 155, approximately, because: math.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 06:17 AM PDT


    I'm sure someone else has done the math, but I couldn't find it from Googling nor /r/Hearthstone searches, so I did the math myself. I did this for me, but figured maybe someone else wants to know this, too. NOTE: I'M NOT A MATH TEACHER, PLEASE TELL ME IF MY MATH IS WRONG!


    All we need to do is know how much more XP you'll get with the Tavern Pass's boosted XP, and then convert that to gold. So, let's calculate extra XP:

    • From level 1-20 it's 10% additional XP. Level 20 is 6200 XP x 10%, so that was 620 additional XP.

    • From level 21-70 it's 15% additional XP. Level 70 is 82825 XP, minus 6200 is 76,625 x 15% is 11,494 additional XP.

    From level 71+ on out it's 20% additional XP, so we just need to know how far you will get. I'll put some milestones, do the math, and give you the additional XP. Plus, any level over 100 is just 50 more gold, so that's what I'll be using as our basis. Also, I'll be using 1500 XP as my conversion rate, since any level above 130 requires 1500 XP, and we're all at least try-mediums, if not try-hards so that's what we're doing.

    • It's variable XP up to level 130, so let's make that the first milestone for any regularly playing person. Level 130 is 198700 total XP, minus 82825 is 115,875 x 20% is 23,175 additional XP.

    At level 130, we have a total 23,175 + 11,494 + 620 additional XP = 35,289 additional XP. Divide by 1500 = 23.5 (can't get gold from half a level, so) = 23 x 50 = 1,150 more gold.

    Here we can see that at level 130, based on 1500 XP per level, it's effectively 23.5 levels higher than non-rewards track (Note: This is only true assuming you'll get to a significantly higher level than 130, as that's when 1500 XP per level begins).


    The following information skips some of the basic math steps to make it easier for you to digest. Just know that I'm looking at XP for milestone levels, subtracting previous XP, doing the 1500 XP to 50 gold conversion and adding on to the sub-totals:

    • Paid Tavern Pass Level (PTPL) 130 = 1,150 more gold than non-Tavern Pass track

    • PTPL 150 = 1,350 more gold than non-Tavern Pass track

    • PTPL 185 = 1,700 more gold than non-Tavern Pass track (this is appx where I got both seasons)

    • PTPL 200 = 1,850 more gold than non-Tavern Pass track

    Now let's just do every 25 levels, since it's always consistently more gold, anyways, and easy math. Every 25 levels is exactly 250 more additional gold (25 levels of XP = 37,500. 37,500 x 20% = 7,500. 7500/1500 = 5. 5 x 50 = 250) (OR more simply: 25 levels of GOLD = 1,250. 1,250 x 20% = 250)

    • PTPL 225 = 2,100 more gold than non-Tavern Pass track

    • PTPL 250 = 2,350 more gold than non-Tavern Pass track

    • PTPL 275 = 2,600 more gold than non-Tavern Pass track

    • PTPL 300 = 2,850 more gold than non-Tavern Pass track

    • PTPL 325 = 3,100 more gold than non-Tavern Pass track

    • PTPL 350 = 3,350 more gold than non-Tavern Pass track

    • PTPL 375 = 3,600 more gold than non-Tavern Pass track

    • PTPL 400 = 3,850 more gold than non-Tavern Pass track


    With the above information, you can determine if the additional gold is worth it for you to participate in the Paid Tavern Pass rewards track. Obviously, you would set your personal values on the OTHER rewards within the track (Tamsin Roame portrait looking amazing AF) and add that on to the total from the level you believe you'll achieve.

    If you don't really play all that much and likely won't breach level 100... well then your "bonus" gold from the Rewards Track will be sub-1000 gold, and you'd solely be looking at the cosmetics.

    For me, a "try-medium" (as opposed to "try-hard), who only gets to about level 185-195 per expansion season, the: 1,700 more gold, Gold & Diamond card(s), Hero skins, and card backs aren't worth $20 US. So, I'm gonna skip it. Maybe it's worth it for you, though. You do you :)


    submitted by /u/jostler57
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