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    Monday, January 4, 2021

    Hearthstone Fan art "Goblin-mime" by Serge Tsvelykh

    Hearthstone Fan art "Goblin-mime" by Serge Tsvelykh

    Fan art "Goblin-mime" by Serge Tsvelykh

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:29 AM PST

    Improvise. Adapt. Armor up.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:29 AM PST

    Are servers having issues?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:04 PM PST

    Getting playful sprites when attempting to log in via mobile. Tried computer as well and seeing same error. Anyone else having issues?

    submitted by /u/Keaken2213
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    N’Zoth X Lich King is... explosive.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:57 PM PST

    I achieved greatness with Tess. Hail N'zoth!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 05:01 PM PST

    The Shaman Nerfs We Can Expect From Blizzard

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 11:14 AM PST

    Anyone else feel the same way when playing King Mukla?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:16 AM PST

    This month's cardback looks amazing

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 01:57 AM PST

    I may have went a LITTLE overboard but after the 5th one I couldn't resist (I came 7th of course)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:49 AM PST

    Iksar Talks About Possible Future Achievement Changes - Point Rewards, Claiming, Notification Timing

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:17 AM PST

    Seriously, when will Battlegrounds not be in “Beta”?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 07:15 AM PST

    Seriously, it's been like a year since it's introduction and has been changed and improved so many times. If this is still considered "Beta," when will it be considered released? It's a small thing, but whenever I see the beta tag I just roll my eyes.

    submitted by /u/DreamedJewel58
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    Bug: When choosing the "add 1 minion to the shop" relic in battlegrounds, the mech does not have +1/+1

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:14 AM PST

    Took awhile but finally 100% Dalaran Heist

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 07:23 AM PST

    I drew all 4 C’thun cards consecutively

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:27 AM PST

    Just before the servers went down!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:28 PM PST

    Will we get Information on the Mini Expansion?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 08:10 AM PST

    So i was wondering where all the Information on the mini expansion is or rather when we will get more Information? (That is if we get any before it drops at all.)

    According to the scarce knowledge the community has it is supposed to drop some time in January and it is supposed to contain 35 cards that will be put into the packs from this expansion but we have really not gotten more than that.

    I am genuinely confused as to why that is all the information we have gotten so far after they promised more communication for quite some time now. Not that it is really that important or anything but do they plan on just dropping it or do you think there will be more things they will show before it drops? Wouldn't you want to show of the new cards to build some hype?

    Well either way I am looking forward to the meta being shaken up in the coming weeks, I just hope it will not be too expensive of a set!

    submitted by /u/FloopmyGloop
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    I actually did it, never thought I'd make it hehe!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 08:06 AM PST

    Tempo Storm Wild Hearthstone Meta Snapshot #73 - January 4, 2021

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:51 PM PST

    Hey friends. Happy 2021 to you all, and welcome back to the first Tempo Storm Wild Hearthstone Meta Snapshot of the new year.

    We are the team that produces this Snapshot, consisting of Concernedmom, EKDesigner, Galokot, Memnarch, nhlnjfan, therottedzombie, and WhiteDelight.

    If you have any questions or comments about the report please let us know. We will be in the comments to answer any questions you may have, and we look forward to positive discussion about the choices in this Snapshot.

    Link to the Snapshot:



    The tier list (included below for easy access and distribution) shows the best decks to play in Ranked mode to maximize the chances of winning the game and climbing the ladder. Click on the name of the archetype in each tier to expand more details about the deck.

    The "Archetype Explanation" section gives a general explanation of the archetype as a whole. It will present playstyle strategies, discuss different variants of the deck, and help you identify the deck on ladder.

    The "Weekly Meta and Featured Deck" section analyzes the role of the deck in the current snapshot's meta, and focuses in on the nuances of playing the current snapshot's featured deck variant.

    The "Tech Decision" section suggests card substitution options that you may consider if you are frequently facing a particular type of deck on ladder (i.e., you are being swarmed by aggro, or constantly queue into control decks).

    The "Match-ups" section gives an approximate average percentage chance that you will win a game when facing another Tier 1 or Tier 2 deck.

    Click on the "View Deck" button to view in-depth information about the deck, such as the card composition, mana curve, mulligans, and more. The date in the title of the deck is the date on which that variant of the deck was first posted on the Meta Snapshot. If the construction of a deck has not changed since then, the deck may be reused in a future Snapshot. Make sure to scroll down to read the latest discussion on the deck's current role in the meta.

    Tempo Storm Wild Hearthstone Meta Snapshot Tier List

    Tier 1

    Reno Priest

    Darkglare Warlock

    Secret Mage

    Tier 2

    Odd Paladin

    Discard Warlock

    Kingsbane Rogue

    Pirate Warrior

    Reno Warlock

    Big Priest

    Reno Secret Mage

    Odd Rogue

    Aggro Druid

    Odd Demon Hunter

    Tier 3

    Malygos Druid

    Big Shaman

    Even Shaman

    Galakrond Warrior

    Odd Warrior

    Reno LPG Mage

    Cube Warlock

    Dead Man's Hand Warrior

    Quest Mage

    submitted by /u/rottedzombie
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    Finished third but it was worth it for the all golden board

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:03 PM PST

    Thanks for that Alextraza

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 04:04 AM PST

    Nostalgia at it’s finest

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:22 PM PST

    It's gold, Jerry! Gold!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:15 PM PST

    Walked away for ONE second... seemed like a endless turn... wild is nuts.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:27 PM PST

    How to make opponents understand I try to do the secret Yogg achievement?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:03 AM PST

    It must be my 50th try, I am so tired.

    I have a dumb deck, with mostly drawing cards. I even play Nat Paggle to make them understand it is not a serious deck.

    I buff their minions, I hurt myself with "Hammer of Wrath" and "Holy Wrath".

    When I'm below 5 HP, I play Cho and give them "Oh my Yogg" so that they perfectly know the secret.

    But it does not work: they don't get it (or they don't care...). Either they go face to kill me without playing any spell, or they play back "Oh my Yogg". One opponent even "countered" the secret with the coin just to BM me just after...

    Knowing that, even if they understand the plan, I have to pray the RNG in the hope to generate a spell that can actually kill myself. I feel it's totally hopeless :(

    Do you have any tips for this achievement? Maybe a deck with a better strategy than "draw my decks and pray that opponent is smart/nice enough to kill me with the secret"?

    submitted by /u/KorHosik
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    What Makes Miracle Rogue Good

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 08:42 PM PST

    Hey all, J_Alexander_HS back again to make a quick post on the subject of Miracle Rogue. I fully expect the deck to get nerfed in the near future along with Shaman, so I figured I might as well write this now before the topic is somewhat forgotten provided there are successful balance changes.

    The deck is one that truly does seem to confuse a great many people in important respects. These instances of confusion relate specifically to what makes the deck powerful. Some common misperceptions are that Whirlkick Master makes the deck good, as evidenced by roughly 1/4 people keeping the card in the mulligan within Diamond-Legend ranks when it's perhaps the weakest part of the archetype (among the lowest mulligan and drawn win rates in the deck). In other cases, people have long overestimated the power of Questing Adventurer in the deck, playing two copies even when inappropriate (though that works now because of Shaman). Questing, like Whirlkick, is among the worst cards in the deck overall, below average in the mulligan, yet kept around 30% of the time. This below-average performance is made even more clear by understanding that Questing is usually kept in opening hands that seem to make it good, yet it's win rate is still low there.

    I've seen people talk about cards like Edwin and Fraud as well. Those are legitimately among the best cards in the deck and definite targets for nerfs. I don't expect Edwin to survive the rework this year. I've even seen talk about Shadowstep being an issue despite it, well, not really being an issue forever (note: "sometimes played" doesn't equate to "issue")

    Instead, I want to draw the focus onto what makes the deck powerful in the overall sense. Every card in Hearthstone has at least 2 costs: (1) the mana cost on the card and (2) the fact that cards cost a card to play. When you play that Backstab, for instance, you don't pay mana for the effect, but you are down 1 card in your hand. Running out of value is what happens when you're too reckless with the cost of playing cards.

    Well, running out of value is what used to happen. What makes Miracle Rogue strong - at its core - is that most of its cards don't actually cost cards. Cat, Wand Thief, Miscreant, Swindle, Passage, Hanar, Whirlkick, and the like, can all replace themselves at a minimum. That is, these cards don't functionally cost cards to play. In fact, the opposite can happen regularly, where cards replace themselves while also adding cards to the hand. You can net gain cards when you play Miscreant or Wand Thief and find cards that find more cards. When these cards don't cost cards, cards like Shadowstep stop costing cards as well.

    To put this in passive value generation into perspective, I think there's a good chance if Sprint was buffed to cost only 4 mana - a three-mana reduction - I wouldn't feel confident predicting any contemporary Rogue decks would play it. This is a card that has seen play before, mind you; serious, competitive play.

    Why wouldn't Rogue want to play 4-mana draw 4? Because it's already so good at generating value that most of the cards would be redundant if unable to be even held in the hand. When I'm playing Rogue these days I'm almost never considering saving cards for future turns. I'm doing my best to burn through the resources I have because (a) mana is the more limited resource and (b) I know I'm likely going to find more cards - a lot more - in the future.

    In other words, why pay 4 mana for a Sprint when I can pay 1 mana for what amounts to the same effect in Passage, but with more freedom to use mana and manage hand size? Miracle Rogue basically curves out at 3 mana (minus Jandice, which is like 2-3 cards in one), plays several 0-cost cards, and it can still outvalue almost any deck in the game. That's silly.

    Whatever nerfs befall the class because of the current state of affairs, this is something on a foundational design level I'd like to see addressed moving into the future (if it hasn't already been internally). Hearthstone is at its best when resources are limited, making decisions feel weighty and planning get rewarded. When I have no fear going "all in" on an early Edwin because doing so isn't actually going "all in" because I end the turn with as many or more cards than I started with, then Edwin stops being an interesting risk/reward card. It's just reward. The same can be said of other, less flashy tools.

    submitted by /u/Popsychblog
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