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    Sunday, January 3, 2021

    Hearthstone Fan art "Sylvanas and the Banshees"

    Hearthstone Fan art "Sylvanas and the Banshees"

    Fan art "Sylvanas and the Banshees"

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:09 AM PST

    Dragons Of Hearthstone Dateability Rated

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:26 AM PST

    Yeah, I figured...

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:32 AM PST

    Zeddy and RegisKillbin talk about the current state of Hearthstone

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 06:11 AM PST

    Shamans everywhere

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 08:07 AM PST

    Is this game for real? Today I played 10 matches: 9 against Shamans and 1 against Rogue. How long does this shit have to go on before they do something? Shaman stone is back but this time is worse. Im gonna stop play Hs until some nerfs because I can't stand playing against those evolve shamans anymore

    submitted by /u/RandallFlagg473
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    The only two 10 drops in Standard

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:23 PM PST

    Double Gold Hogger really tests my APM.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 06:14 AM PST

    Tylerootd - TWENTY TWO?!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:02 PM PST

    I miss Vanish

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:38 AM PST

    So I'm goofing around with rogue decks and realized how much I miss vanish (and preparation at 3 mana). It is really hard to make a control rogue or OTK rogue even with Galakrond, C'Thun etc. I hoped cloak of shadows would help but after playing multiple games with it => its mana cost is too expensive. I am almost always 1 mana short to do something meaningful. Too often it becomes cloak and next turn - just to die from the neverending powercreeped barrage of minions.

    Vanish was an important card and since blade flurry is a joke, it is hard to clear large boards as a rogue. As a rogue player you're kind of forced to the aggressive style or typical Galakrond decks (that also pumps out minions) to survive the meta. I feel like vanish would make an impact on the meta for the better.

    Does anyone agree?

    Edit: Never thought about wild ladder but hey, you got big priest to worry about ;)

    submitted by /u/big_panda
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    Feeling a little cocky

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:25 PM PST

    Cause why not.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 02:58 PM PST

    Guys I need the password for the Gatekeeper please!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:30 AM PST

    I could never look the innkeeper in the eyes if I didnt cast both!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:50 PM PST

    (BUG) Deathwing Hero Power Not Active On My Tokens

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 08:45 AM PST

    12 Amalgams On Board

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:13 PM PST

    Deck Lists Compilation | Weekly Report #87 (Standard, Wild & Duels)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:55 PM PST

    Welcome to our weekly Report for Hearthstone, right after the recent Nerfs!

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    submitted by /u/neon313
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    Hero portraits returning to shop

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 08:59 AM PST

    Is there any chance old hero portraits might return to the shop in the future? I really love the portrait of Madame Lazul for priest but haven't started playing until after it came out :(

    submitted by /u/Joachim2015
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    The Story of Rexxar: The Missing Pages of Book of Heroes

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:23 AM PST

    Anything mentioned about HOF this year?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:57 PM PST

    Also what month does it usually happen? Around March? Any predictions for what's getting the axe.

    submitted by /u/ChaotixEDM
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    BG’s Getting to 9K- A Guide Part 10 - New Meta, Highroll or Dieroll!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:46 AM PST

    BG's Getting to 9K- A Guide Part 10 - New Meta, Highroll or Dieroll!

    Hey guys!

    The new patch is here and with it, the game has massively changed.

    TL;DR - take a look at this video, it will not cover everything, but it is so important

    Power level meta - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/855439635

    Make sure to read this guide and I hope your reaction will be the same as

    AFTER reading your article about the new meta I climbed 600 MMR and still climbing with 6 out of 8 games ending in 1st place..While before I was hovering in the same MMR thinking what I was doing wrong cause I knew I deserved a higher place..Ty so much for this

    If you read the last guide, I talked about how important is salvation/defensive mode, and how important it is to identify quickly when you need to go into defensive mode.

    This meta is different from previous ones, and until the spells are more balanced, I call this meta "Highroll or Dieroll".

    As to why, take a look at this picture:


    Look at Jandice. This is turn 12. 3 turns ago (turn 9) she had:

    Golden Kalecgos,

    Golden Lightfang,


    In the previous meta, this board is EZ EZ first. Wanna guess where she finished? 4th.4TH?? Are you kidding me???

    Yes… This meta is highroll or byeroll (Sorry, bad pun)

    What happened? Why is it like this?

    Adding spells to the game made it easier to power level, and made it super easy to get your board big, and fast.

    The best turn 4 spells:

    • Might of Stormwind: +1+1 on the entire board, that is incredibly strong. Usually on those early turns, the breaking points are very close (breaking point is the place where you kill the enemy unit and stay alive). +1 / +1 can make your minion just at the right size to be able to dominate for the next few fights
    • Pocket Change: Really helps with power leveling (more about it later)
    • Gacha Gift: Helps fill our the board for power leveling + helps with pairs

    Every spell has a place (maybe except the permanent +0/+1), but those are the dominant ones overallIn my opinion, turn 8 spells are the big game changers:

    • On the House - Discover a minion of your current tavern tier - Imagine playing Elise/Omu. You power level to 5 then on turn 8 you get "Discover a minion".You can easily level to 6 and still be strong because you just got a 6 drop on turn 8. Then you're on tier 6 for the rest of the game and can easily build a super powerful comp.
    • Gruul Rules - If you are already strong, this comes very handy, +2/+2 for the entire match!

    These are only two of them, but overall, those spells are some pretty big game changers, and now we need to learn how to play with them.

    Crucial!!! Learn what turn is the weak / power turn for every single hero:

    Since this meta is all about power leveling, leveling currently can make a huge difference.

    If you face millhouse on his 8 gold turn and he is on tavern 4, there is a 90% chance that he is weak (since he leveled 2 turns in a row and his board is filled with 2-star units).

    If you can level in that situation, DO IT.

    Facing a millhouse on his 9 gold turn and he is on tavern 5? No matter what - LEVEL.

    Raffam who is on tavern 4 on 8 gold turn and didn't triple, should be an easy win / small loss - LEVEL.

    There are a lot of heroes that are super strong / super weak at some point and you want to learn those spots.

    I'm working on that very hard in our community and if you need some help with that, make sure you join us, there is a lot to learn about that.

    After you learn the weak / power turn for every hero, the next tip should be much easier

    Power level - The old leveling curve is gone

    This tip is going to sound very weird, but you have to try to realize how important it is.

    We used to level on 4,7,9,10/11 gold, that not the case anymore.

    This meta is all about getting to 5 as fast as you can, and stabilize. Leveling with the old curve will usually get you to 5-6, and it is almost impossible to get top 3 with it (talking about the 10k+ MMR).

    If you are below that and want to dominate your games, read closely.

    There is nothing good anymore at taverns 1-4 (unless you are demons or mechs), and you want to power level to 5 as fast as you can, take some damage, and dominate the game from there.

    If you have a full board, you can always skip 8 gold on tier 3, if not, you may still level, depends on your strength and your opponent's strength (that we talked about in the previous section).

    Take the damage and power level to 5, from there, fight the right units to win the game. At the beginning of this meta, I lost 800 MMR and was really frustrated.

    Then I realized there must be something different here, something big, and that thing is the fact that if on 9 gold turn you are not on 5, you are already late to win the game, since then I changed my game style completely, and got everything back with some bonus :)

    Make sure to watch the next video, it shows everything about power leveling and heroes weak points (well not everything, but it will definitely help you!)

    Don't skip this video, it will change your entire game style and will help you gain so much MMR before everyone else.

    Coaching session where I explain everything: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/855439635

    Hero picking:

    We discussed a lot about hero picking in our previous guides, but now the heroes that power level (Elise, Millhouse, and Omu) are much stronger on average than ever before. Make sure to look again at HSReply to see that changed and pick the strong heroes :)

    Level up on 5/6 gold turn:

    This is a very important subject that a lot of players are tending to avoid, but sometimes this is crucial.

    On your 5 gold turn Bob gives you 4 minions and sometimes he gives you trash. They don't even have to be really bad, just bad enough that your board will be weaker than 80% of the lobby.

    In that case, sell+double buy (especially when you don't have a token) will destroy your game.

    Let me demonstrate:

    Turn 1, we bought a 2 attack 3 health unit - ok start

    Turn 2, we level

    Turn 3, Bob gives us below average board

    What is below average? Below average = you are going to lose your next 2-3 fightsRule of thumb: 6 attack 6 health on board is usually weak, but the last bearable thing.

    Anything worse than that is extremely bad. (make sure to include buffs like spawns, death rattles, glyph guardian doubled attack, Lich king, Al'akir, and so on). Now you might think: "We should sell and double buy here. Even though we're weak, we have a 20% chance to not take damage. That's better than leveling and always losing the next fight.

    The same goes for turn 4. With the extra 2 gold spell you can level up and still buy a unit.

    As you remember, this is the power leveling meta. It's become much more common to level up before your 7 gold turn (I would say around 2 players per lobby do that).

    Don't be afraid to push to 5, This meta is all about the highroll. It's very hard to highroll when you stay at 4 (possible, but much harder)

    Turn 8 spells: These could probably make up their own entire guide and this one's getting long already, but here's some general tips:

    • If you are about to discover a minion and won't immediately die - LEVEL UP. You're way more likely to get something powerful this way.
    • If you are in a bad spot, an immediate +5/+5 on a divine shield can save you instead of +2/+2 every turn. Those are some minor tips about spells, but I don't want to make it too long here, If you have any more questions, please ask :)

    End game comps

    End game: Hopefully you didn't take 20 damage on turn 7 and you are still alive :)

    Even though the games are all about the high roll, people stay alive for a very long time, and games going to turn 15+ is very common.

    Because of this, make sure you try to go for a build that scales with time, and not something that is strong now and will never scale.

    The "defensive mode" we discussed in the last guide is much less relevant in this meta. Most of the time even at turn 10 there's still 5-6 people.

    You won't be able to survive very long with a board that doesn't scale at all (like a divine shield comp with no scaling, or a menagerie on tier 4 without brann), and because people survive so late it's almost impossible to get top 4 this way.

    While it can save you from 7th or 8th, at best it will get you 5-6th place.

    Hope this small guide will help you climb this highroll meta!

    I know this is the 3rd time I link this video, but I just want your best and it is super important and can help you a lot <3

    Coaching session where I explain everything: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/855439635

    If you want to get coaching sessions as well, or just join an Educational community, I want to invite you to our Educational BG Community, with guides, tons of people to spectate and tutor you - all for free!

    It's also a great place to ask questions and share your overall gaming experience.

    We are building a place for players who want to learn, and we would love to have you join us!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/gbEeegY

    And more for guides, you can check our youtube channel as well!

    Please let me know if you found this guide helpful and I hope to hear from you soon!

    submitted by /u/Tenacity191
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    It's about proving a point

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 05:34 PM PST

    "You either die a midrange, or you live long enough to see yourself become the aggro"

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 05:06 AM PST

    Battlegrounds weird interface bug

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 02:17 PM PST

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