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    Tuesday, December 1, 2020

    Hearthstone Quick reminder that there are better ways if you wanna spend your money

    Hearthstone Quick reminder that there are better ways if you wanna spend your money

    Quick reminder that there are better ways if you wanna spend your money

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:31 AM PST

    Acti/Blizzard, take note.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 05:17 AM PST

    The free legendaries game gives us (like Silas Darkmoon) should be dustable, I mean it's stupid that i have 5 legendaries in my collection that I never even used once. What's the problem in being able to dust them and then if we ever need them to craft them again.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:23 AM PST

    So where is our event exp that was promised?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:25 AM PST

    Blizzards response to the battle pass debacle was to reassure us that it was all just a miscommunication error. They just forgot to mention that they have major events planned that would give us so much xp the system will work itself out.

    I know it's only been a few weeks, but since the battle pass has been released we've:

    • had an expansion drop
    • had American thanksgiving
    • started December, a month blizzard historically does a month long event for
    • saw Reddit losing their collective shit over monetization.

    And we haven't seen any events or even seen communication of upcoming events. Seems like these were opportune times to have an event and demonstrate good will with the community. Or at least announce an event starting date of one. I honestly expected to log in today and see something for the start of December or a tweet about or something.

    If as we were lead to believe these events were planned from the start as an integral part of the battle pass system we would of at least heard something about them by now.

    submitted by /u/Jon011684
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    It's time to come face to face with reality. Activision Blizzard is a company that...

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 07:58 AM PST

    • doesn't listen to your concerns.
    • doesn't respond to your concerns (or blows smoke when they do).
    • disrespects your time.
    • has gone the way of Candy Crush by monetizing everything - squeezing every dollar out of their customers wallets.
    • has made it more painful than ever for the f2p player. (Gee, I wonder why???)
    • psychologically manipulates you into p(l)aying.
    • restricts your freedom in playing how you want to play.
    • cares more about their bottom line than their game or playerbase.

    Activision is taking full advantage of the trust and good-will that the Blizzard brand had established over the years. If the name "blizzard" wasn't attached to this game, there's no way they'd be able to get away with this. Their silence reeks of arrogance and an utter disregard for those who care about the game most.

    This is the new reality.

    This is Activision Blizzard.

    This is why I've decided it's time to walk away.

    submitted by /u/Poowhistlehs
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    The mini-expansion is going to be a soul-crushing blow to those who are already upset

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:58 AM PST

    When I first heard about the mini-expansion, my first thought was not "nice! That'll shake things up!". It was "so now I have to strategize my pack opening to stop in order to make room for the mini-expansion, and I'm going to collect even less gold between sets". First of all, sitting on packs SUCKS, because who knows if you could be using cards from them now. Secondly, this makes having a semi-relevant collection even more challenging, as the mini-expansion will further dilute the previous set's cards you will be even less likely to pull relevant drops.

    Which brings us to the mini-expansion. The notion of having to potentially buy another 50+ packs in order to not miss out on it is going to feel terrible. It will cripple the gold saving you were planning to do for the next expansion, and at a time when the gold income is already highly criticized. Unless blizzard reconsiders how these mini-expansions roll out I expect even more players will feel maintaining a relevant collection is out of their reach and will likely quit out of frustration. Happy to hear everyone's thoughts.

    submitted by /u/thedrummar
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    Staying silent only gonna get you guys down

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:53 AM PST

    Don't worry guys, I figured out why they are quiet!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:25 AM PST

    Dear Blizzard: Let Us Finish Quests in Tavern Brawl

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:48 AM PST

    It's the one mode that changes with consistent frequency and provides a different take on the game. Not letting us complete, say, the play 3 games as X, Y, Z, in Tavern Brawl just pushes players out of the format and dries up the player pool. And a portion of the player base was using TB to complete quests in the old system, which gave out a very bad first impression.

    This is such a small issue. Unless you're doing away with Tavern Brawls in the coming months, I struggle to see a reason to intentionally revoke this player experience.

    submitted by /u/AmericanHydra
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    So, am I seeing this right.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:28 AM PST

    They basically removed gold from daily quests. They for some reason removed the ability to finish quests in tavern brawl. They also locked the actual interesting things on the progress thing behind a real money unlock, etc?

    submitted by /u/-Maraud3r
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    Hearthstone Mathematics just realesed this table

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:14 AM PST

    Somewhere in the Blizzard headquarters

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 06:29 PM PST

    What did we learn?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:49 AM PST

    To not spend 1000s of $ on a game.

    There is nothing else to this entire situation, nothing we can do as customers, blizzard has become a greedy company who will squeez the life out of this game just to make more money.

    All we can do is to learn from our past mistakes, and don't trust these people ever again with our money.

    submitted by /u/PrettyGrand2
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    I visualized the reviews for the Anroid Hearthstone App

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:00 PM PST

    Blizzard Is Intentionally Throttling Your Progress To Convert You Into $$$

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:22 AM PST

    Make no mistake, Blizzard are no idiots.

    They have designed the whole Battle Pass system to make you build a habit (read: an addiction) out of playing the game.

    Daily Rewards force you to repeat the same habit every day.

    The forced ranked quests not being rerollable force you to play Ranked, which Blizzard think will make the game mode "more healthy". In truth, when you force players that don't enjoy Ranked to play it, they will experience nothing but frustration and either be forced to grind out the games in boredom or ignore the quest completely.

    The throttled reward progress from the Battle Pass either forces you to quit or spend money. By this point, they are hoping that players have already developed a habit and are willing to spend money.

    Now that you've spent money, you are invested. They got you.

    It starts with $5, it continues with a $40 expansion pre-order and, by the time you realize, you are spending $120 + whatever the new mini expansion will cost every 4 months.

    I don't know about you guys, but I'm seriously considering quitting the game.

    Is the game worth $240-$360+ a year when it forces you to play game modes you don't enjoy and throttles your fun intentionally.

    For me, I'm on the verge of dusting my entire collection and uninstalling the BattleNet launcher. This company is way too greedy and the amount of enjoyment I get out of the game is definitely not worth this much money.

    submitted by /u/iyankov96
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    A Different Sort of Rant: the game is more boring now than ever

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 11:10 PM PST

    I think the battlepass stuff is bad, obviously, but also to be expected from blizzard nowadays. I come now to discuss a different issue that is somewhat more concerning: the game is B O R I N G. Maybe more boring than ever.

    Basically you used to play the game for a few different reasons. Maybe you were an arena player (lawl rip) or you wanted to hit legend or, at the very least, you log in to do your quests, get a little gold, and open a pack. Get the dopamine hit, log out. This was all fine prior to the most recent expansion/battlepass, and the daily rewards were discrete and shiny and easy.

    I sort of doubt they intended this outcome, but due to the battlepass the game is more BORING now than ever. Arena is essentially shut down. Standard, despite an entire expansion's worth of new cards, has not changed at all. Maybe the least impactful set I've seen. And to top it all off, we now don't get our "free pack a day." So what is there to do? Play some of the unreleased "modes" like battlegrounds that get us...nothing? I find myself logging in, playing a game, and then...just doing something else.

    Never before have I spent this much money on a videogame and gotten so little value out of it. I am a self-confessed "whale" I suppose, in that I'll spend whatever money to have fun and do what I want to do. But goddamn Blizzard, if you're listening, if you are going to make the game cost $100+ every few months, you need to at LEAST fill it with content. WTF is going on with battlegrounds and shit? Why is it still in beta? Amateurish, frankly.

    Finish what you start. Don't be lazy. Listen to your community and respond. Otherwise, people like me will just get bored and take our money elsewhere. There are too many other fun things to spend it on, and you're FORCING us to confront the poor value when the game is not only expensive, but BORING.

    submitted by /u/Federal_Club2232
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    If you are one of the people that has been logging into HS just to complete quests, now that the quest system has changed you should take this opportunity to realize that this is not a deep enough reason to keep playing the game.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:32 AM PST

    Think about it. If you aren't excited to just fire it up and jam games because you like the actual gameplay then maybe you aren't enjoying the game very much to begin with.

    If you are mad because you can't just log in to win against a 2nd dummy account then maybe you're stuck in a sunk cost fallacy.

    See these changes as a release and find a game that you love.

    Maybe you'll come back to Hearthstone and love it all over again, but don't worry about your gold total and saving up for the next expansion. Just go play a game that you find fun to play for the sake of playing it!

    submitted by /u/Jackleber
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    Here’s a Kalecgos-inspired sports logo to lighten the mood.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:04 AM PST

    I was curious of dust value over time so I plotted a chart with HS wiki datasets. The total dust value will rise over 1M dust with the next mini set !

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:00 AM PST

    Anyone else notice the game's performance has dropped like a rock?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:02 AM PST

    Despite the fact that it's still a two dimensional game for which they have created a 3D engine.

    submitted by /u/foomprekov
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    Thanks to Blizzard I have meme materials for the next 10 years

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:26 AM PST

    Just got my packs for hitting legend for the first time ever, I still can’t believe it.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:29 PM PST

    I'm not quitting because of the battlepass, but the quests

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 11:26 PM PST

    Grinding for months to reach level 60 feels like wow classic without the charm and nostalgia and it isn't a great system. But it is not what makes me quit.

    The quests are.

    I have always had ups and downs when it comes to playing; I reach legend one month, then hardly play the next.

    But I always clear my quests so that I have gold for the next expansion (through casual/tavern brawl or just against my wife's account).

    Now to keep up with that I'm forced to win 7 games of ranked every week which means playing serious, and I think that's what kills it for me.

    I can even see how it happened. Someone voiced a concern that launching another game mode (Duels) would steer people away from constructed, and then Executive Bob came up with the great idea to just make ladder mandator... sorry, "highly encouraged" thorugh the weekly quests.

    Well, fuck you Executive Bob, you killed the game for me.

    submitted by /u/Visquaz
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    Dont give up yet!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 07:38 AM PST

    We all know how reddit works. The first post that receive a lot of upvotes sets the trend and then a ton of similar posts start filling the boar.

    I know its a bad situation, I know that its getting ridicolous but I say dont give up yet.

    I truly believe that LoR and Gwent are better games than heartstone, and I get why so many of you keep saying that they are "migrating" to those games, but I like Hearthstone because of how the game is and not simply because its a card game.

    I really hope that hearthstone gets better and that it gets more accessible but if it doesnt Ill play till I have fun and when the fun will be totally locked behind a paywall I sure as hell will leave the game, but not for another random card game, but because it simply wont be fun anymore and ill move on.

    Lets move on from the "Blizz is literally Hitler" and the "Lor migration" posts, not all of us are addicted to card games and/or gambling, many of us like the game for its style, replayability and overall fun.

    In conclusion I just want to say that we have to wait, we will see how blizzard responds, if they do for the better, good, if they dont we can just quit. If you cant wait a few weeks for a response from the devoloper of a digital card game you really are addicted and should seek help.

    (Just to give you some background. Im a legend hs wild player since tft and i was a f2p player since the launch of th darkmoon faire when i bought the preorder cuz i like nzoth)

    submitted by /u/Keenan_OT
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