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    Sunday, November 29, 2020

    Hearthstone BLIZZARD!!!!!!! nerf pls too stronk

    Hearthstone BLIZZARD!!!!!!! nerf pls too stronk

    BLIZZARD!!!!!!! nerf pls too stronk

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:47 PM PST

    I thought I'd join the party

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:21 AM PST


    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:09 AM PST

    Hey pal, Greedy Blizzard here!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:01 AM PST

    Let's face it, it's not just battle pass - this entire expansion is dumpster fire

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:23 AM PST

    I won't talk about battle pass in this post, as everything has been said about it already.

    I want to bring closer attention to other areas that are basically just as bad.

    1. Bugs. I haven't seen Hearthstone be this buggy in a while. Frequent crashes/glitches that require restarting the game. You can't even scroll through friendlist without some visual issues. I used to enjoy spectating games, but nowadays it's borderline impossible due to bugs. And of course, all the old problems are still there, unfixed for years.

    2. Duels. It's actually unreal how bad they are. Zero balance, bad for new players, bad for veteran players (MMR system that will force 50% winrate on you eventually) and on top of this - super P2W. This guy requires you to have 20 UNIQUE Scholomance epics and makes Warlock insanely strong in general. Not having this card is like playing MOBA without ultimate ability.

    3. Achievements. You basically randomly get some pop up, you have no idea what you even did to get them and then you gotta find them in the journal and CLICK (WTF?) them in order to get the rewards (usually - worthless achievement points). It's insane how unrewarding and unsatisfying this system is.

    4. Tavern Pass. You pay 20 EUR for basically 1-2 pictures (only Annhylde and maybe one of Jaina skins are good, other ones are extremely low effort filler) and a pitifully small increase in exp.

    5. Mini-expansions. Don't forget there will be mini-expansion coming up to ravage your wallets. Honestly, considering past developments, I am pretty sure they will soon decide to realease not only mini-expansion but also paid Adventure (like Galakrond's Awakening) in each expansion cycle ("keeping the game fresh" in their language) to squeeze out the last bit of money from players who didn't quit yet.

    6. Cards. May be more subjective here, but this has been the first expansion I didn't even care to open packs (bought by gold) on release day. The cards just don't seem very interesting for the most part (except maybe new Yogg). For some reason they try to reintroduce Big Priest into standard and wild, which I find baffling.

    I played HS for a while (since Mean Streets), but honestly it's time to quit. I don't even want to play to legend with 11 star bonus anymore. Remember guys, AC Valhalla is already out and Cyberpunk is coming up very soon, it's a great time to stop gambling addiction once and for all. When it comes to online games, I replaced HS with Quake Champions - although it's entirely different genre, it has accessible F2P model, rewarding battle pass and is almost entirely skill based (a welcome change after the RNG clown fiesta in HS).

    submitted by /u/ImbaSkillz
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    I want to play arena.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:52 AM PST

    I have 25 gold. I'm at level 23. It will take me 2 levels until I get gold again, with an ever so useful Scholomance pack in the middle. Even after that I only have 125 gold. So it will take me 4 levels of the battle pass until I can afford a ticket.

    Or I fork out $3.

    This fucking sucks.

    submitted by /u/Technical_Lime
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    Hearthstone team "strategic silence" is awkwardly long

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:05 AM PST

    Waiting for the next move from the dev's, it looks like we are in the middle of a strategic silence as per the books of crisis management theory.

    It should be strategically broken when storm begins to calm down.

    Well that is getting really long here, dudes, that's awkward.

    Say something.

    submitted by /u/klonk2905
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    Fuck my life

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:49 AM PST

    You have my permission to quit

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:05 PM PST

    Goodbye from a Veteran

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:41 AM PST

    I've been playing since 2014. Over the years Hearthstone has offered me countless hours of fun and excitement. I'm grateful for that. But as the years went by I and many others became more and more frustrated with the games aggressive pricing, the devs lack of communication and the many missed opportunities Hearthstone could have benefitted from years ago (I'm talking about the ridiculously long wait for additional deck slots, a tournament mode, a satisfying achievement system,...) It often felt like Blizzard was unable or unwilling to innovate because Hearthstone was already very profitable.

    For many players who are passionate about the game, the recent change feels like the final straw in a long history of opportunistic pricing. Casual players - who are by far the largest demographic - will not care about any of this. Since it has finally become clear to me that Blizzard will always cater to this second group first, I feel like it's time for me to move on and spend my time elsewhere.

    It's the end of a 6 year long chapter of topdecking, netdecking, ladder climbing, creating custom cards, watching a plethora of content creators, meme making, OTKing, accepting friend requests from strangers, pack opening, roping, 80Gold quest exchanging, r/hearthstone scouring and I'm truly thankful for all the great times I had with this once so promising game and its wonderful community.

    Goodbye guys, may the RNG be ever in your favor!

    Larry signing off

    EDIT: Seeing the amount of hate I'm getting: I'm saying goodbye so I can get closure, I really was quite passionate about Hearthstone and it's been a big part of my life for a long time. It may seem a little dramatic to some but it helps me to leave the game behind for good. It just didn't feel right to quit in silence. The best to you all!

    submitted by /u/LarryOWND
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    It is astonishing how far Blizzard has fallen

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:06 AM PST

    I grew up playing Blizzard games. Diablo, Warcraft, Starcraft, and even WoW. Way back then you bought a Blizzard game and it was complete. You bought expansions with massive content buildimg on something that was complete. LoD, Brood War, and even Frozen Throne defined what an expansion meant. Now look at what Blizzard is doing.

    They want players to fork over hundreds of dollars for packs of cards that rotate into a mostly unsupported format periodically. To "complete" a set you would need more than $100 - and there are multiple sets in a year. Put differently $60 in hearthstone is nowhere near enough to enjoy the game in "full".

    It isn't just nostalgia either. Over the past few months i've spent oodles of time playing diablo 2 (plugy and project d2 as well) and it is a testament to how committed they were to an engaging gameplay experience - without monetization. Now it is just all about monetization schemes and paywalls. They aren't even aggressively developing anything that doesn't have the potential for massive monetization. Look at their release schedule (or even blizzcon). No new IPS, no risky innovative projects, no single player focused games. Hell they jettisoned the RTS genre entirely (that blatant cash grab w3r is clear proof). Most of their efforts are on games that have in game shops. Who knows what they'll do with diablo iv but i'm fairly certain it would have a cash shop and/or live service mechanism.

    It's just incredibly sad.

    submitted by /u/AtreusEld
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    Is no one else bothered that we lost our total wins for arena and play mode?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:35 PM PST

    They can't be so unimportant when they were the main stats in the quest log for almost 7 years. Now they are simply gone and no one seems to care?

    I hope Blizzard didn't delete them and still track them in the background so they can be restored.

    The class progress wins are inaccurate btw. They don't cover casual and they didn't add the previous arena wins to them.

    The achievements for ranked wins was retroactively awarded but NOT for arena. All those wins were basically deleted. That's unacceptable.

    submitted by /u/cyclecube
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    Are we going to talk about the abhorrent amount of bugs?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:25 AM PST

    Everyone is up in arms about the new reward track. I'm right there with you. However, can we talk about the absolutley ridiculous amount of bugs that were introduced with the new set, quest system, reward track, and duels? There is just no excuse for the this level of sloppiness.

    submitted by /u/Karaitos
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    Guys help me please! I think my game is broken

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:25 AM PST

    The sub has seemingly hit the bargaining stage of grief.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:06 AM PST

    Just an interesting outlook at how the launch of the new system has gone. It started with disbelief and quickly moved to a tsunami of hatred and anger. Looking at the sub this morning all of the top posts are begging Blizzard to respond or the sentiment of loving the game and would do anything to fix it. Depression is looming.

    submitted by /u/PineJ
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    Blizz removing the negative reviews

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:39 PM PST

    I recently posted a one star review on the Google play store as I know many others have. But I stumbled on to a Reddit comment asking why his review was removed and so I went to check on mine. As it turns out they deleter mine to and they have now boosted their rating on the play store from like 3,4 (don't know exactly) to a solid 4. This is just not ok. Blizz can't just delete any bad press to make it seem like the community isn't hurt. It is. And stop deleting our reviews! Anyone who reads this should check in on their app store/place where they posted their review. Your comment might just have been taken down to raise the overall rating of hearthstone.

    submitted by /u/sweeed_69
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    I'm leaving as well

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:41 AM PST

    The title is speaking for itself.

    I don't really feel like I'm making progress in the slightest anymore without paying sums of money. Just like lots of others ai switched to Runeterra which is actually really nice. Ofc I don't have as many cards as in hearthstone yet but its way easier to get them, and the random legendary stuff is solved in an immensely good way in my opinion.

    Well anyway, I might return as soon as it is fixed yet I have to be honest I probably won't.

    I just had to be vocal and not silently leave in order to show what impact this whole situation is having in the playerbase

    Hear from you and maybe we'll see each other in another game!

    submitted by /u/katunga
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    Hearthstone forces users to 'keep up' with the cards as released. If Blizz lets players who've kept up previously drop now, it's not just a blip that will correct next expac - they will be much less likely to grind to catch up than users of any other game.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:19 PM PST

    I work in product for a big corporate, meaning I'm in the crew who do the math, analysis, and user research to keep delivering value users will pay us for. I'm not at Blizz though. No doubt Blizz have an experienced product team, who have weathered poorly received updates to their titles before, and they recover by pumping out more content, running some sales, and coaxing the users to re-join.

    However, in this instance, they have a revenue model they weren't afraid to change, where people were already stretching to stupidly high cost of expac bundles (more than new triple A games) in order to not fall behind in their collection. Those of us who opted out and who are not getting many cards this expac won't get a chance to start over on par with others next release (like a WoW expac with new gear for all) - we'll be behind forever unless we grind even harder next expac to get the new cards AND the backfill. So if they were taking this risk with their revenue model expecting to be able to regain their users by changing it next time, they're not going to get what they would see in other games with players hopping back in because they saw a cool mount/hero/cosmetic somewhere. HS punishes users for skipping a season (which kept sales high until they hit a breaking point), so once we're out, a much higher percentage of us will stay out.

    I'm pretty bummed about all this, HS got me through some long dark times of waiting in hospitals, but I can pick something else. But it's not fun anymore. At least my wallet is happy about it.

    Also from a product perspective, if you're wondering if what you're doing by not playing or paying matters to Blizz: rest assured that my counterparts are indeed watching the numbers. They'll have benchmarks for refunds, engagement time total, days app is visited, time to drop off from playing, graphs of who starts the new expac and how far they proceed, all of it. Plus of course the bottom line of revenue. These numbers matter more than google reviews or twitter & reddit posts which can be easily brigaded, although they will also have some quantifying metrics built for 'sentiment' as well. Personally I got my preorder refunded when its insane price didn't even cover everything I wanted to do, and stopped playing the new content after about level 16 which is when it seemed that the rewards weren't worth it. Which is the message I want them to see in the data - I don't think the bundles are worth the money now, and I gave the new system a try as F2P and don't find it satisfying or viable.

    It's a little bit like voting really, your actions within the game (or any product you use) are collected and collated as part of the big picture of user activity, and your voice/action does count... but still you may lose the popular vote. There may be a successful business model in making HS very pay-to-have-a-hope-at-a-decent-game, with just the users who are prepared to pay staying on. And if that's the case, even with the sentimental value we all have for this thing, it might be time for a lot of us to walk away and put our time and game-dollars into something else.

    submitted by /u/exo__exo
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    uuuuuuuhhhh.....Blizzard? We really gotta talk.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:47 PM PST

    .... where are you?

    In my 5 years of playing the game I've straight up NEVER seen the subreddit this mad, for this long. Shouldn't you, I dunno, do LITERALLY anything? I've been vaguely following the complaints and am in agreeance that in the BEST case scenario the Battlepass feels bad to use. When you're on ladder for hours at a time and achieve 0 leveling it significantly demotivates the player, even if it is only marginally worse in certain cases.

    At WORST, you have deliberately mislead your fanbase in an attempt to create a system which is built on borderline predatory business practices.

    In either case: this whole fiasco has been made SIGNIFICANTLY WORSE by the continued silence of the Blizzard team. You made one post, yes, and that was a step in the right direction. But don't you think this continued uproar MEANS something? You think people would be sticking to their guns THIS HARD if everything was secretly okay and we were all just greedy? I seriously doubt it.

    Listen. The community is genuinely hurt. There are people fighting over this issue every day, and it seems to be only getting more hostile. Content creators are starting to feel the backlash of your radio silence and I can only imagine how long it will be before they start to crack.

    Hearthstone isn't the game it used to be. But please - at least try to make it better.

    Talk with us. Exchange ideas. Listen.

    We wouldn't be fighting this hard if we didn't seriously love this game.

    I don't wanna leave. I love Hearthstone. But I'm afraid that in the end, I won't have a choice.

    C'mon Blizzard. Start the dialogue.

    submitted by /u/AttemptSSB
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    Toxic game

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:38 AM PST

    Battlegrounds: But everyone is AFK

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:26 AM PST

    Definitely step in the right direction!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:46 AM PST

    Belarus, Russia, Ukraine with you!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:48 AM PST

    Hello! Decided to support you all and leave the game completely. I play with beta. Donated more than $ 1,500, it's scary to imagine how many AAA games I could buy. Tired of this scam project. Good luck in your fight! Sorry for my bad english, i'm a russian speaking player.

    submitted by /u/neoshamana
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    I would've been angry if it wasn't so hilariously dumb

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:04 AM PST

    Bunnyhopper weighs in on the reward track

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:07 AM PST

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