• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 21, 2020

    Hearthstone Rewards Track Client Patch

    Hearthstone Rewards Track Client Patch

    Rewards Track Client Patch

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 05:42 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    We're currently deploying a client hotfix that includes the following:

    • Updated items on the Rewards Track.

    Level 33 – Old: Year of the Dragon Card Pack → New: 150 Gold

    Level 37 – Old: Scholomance Academy Card Pack → New: 200 Gold

    Level 40 – Old: Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Card Pack → New: 200 Gold

    Level 42 – Old: Ashes of Outland Card Pack → New: 200 Gold

    Level 46 – Old: Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Card Pack → New: 300 Gold

    Level 48 – Old: Year of the Dragon Card Pack → New: 300 Gold

    Until this hotfix is fully deployed, some players may get the new rewards but still see the old ones. If you reached these milestones before we implemented these changes, you'll be retroactively compensated up to the level you reached in a future update.

    submitted by /u/cmdylux
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    Don't let blizzard get away with it! They're hoping for this to die down like the blitzchung incident did!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:36 AM PST

    Seriously, ignore the people saying that you guys are just complaining for the sake of complaining. It's actually bullshit how an already shitty reward system got replaced by an even shittier one. What makes this worse is that Blizzard has only made relatively minor changes to the reward track even after extreme backlash. I'm sure they think that everything will be back to normal in a few days.

    Remember what your money is going towards. Are you sure you still want to support the practices of this company?

    submitted by /u/SleepingIsWeakness
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    4 Days have passed since I earned gold while playing a lot of Constructed.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 03:40 AM PST

    I am at Level 23. I also play a lot, actually hit legend yesterday. The past 2 days, I earned the useless Scholomance packof lvl 23. The next 2 days, I earned 95% of the xp needed to lvl up to 24, where 100 gold awaits.

    Result: I am sitting on 100g and a pack for 4 days, after a lot of games, and I still cant play a Heroic Duel. Now I have to wait for the fifth day.

    Furthermore, tommorow when I complete the quest and enter a Heroic Duel, if I dont get gold back, will I have to grind for another week until I can play another?

    Sorry for another rant on your feed.

    submitted by /u/Grifunf
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    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 08:20 AM PST

    Our rant is so strong that we are #1 of gaming subreddits right now (dont know the metric but still nice)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:59 AM PST

    OK Blizzard, I give up. I quit.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:39 AM PST

    I have played almost daily from the start, I have spent a frankly ridiculous amount of money over the years without really feeling i was getting my moneys worth and watched the game get progressively more greedy. Today was the final straw. I had to wait 30 minutes before I could get the blizzard server to connect and update my game, and just now I completed a daily quest. The xp bar shows me at level 20. It filled up and flashed to 21. I go to the journal to collect my "reward" and it shows me being level 19. Seriously WTF!?

    If i am honest I have been looking for an excuse to finally walk away from this game for over a year now. This, along with all the other recent bullshit has finally tipped the balance.

    So add me to the list of people not just saying "enough is enough", but actually going further. I have dusted my cards, removed the game and emailed Blizzard asking them to delete my account.

    Good luck to you all in this amazing community, those who remain and stick with the game deserve so much better and to be shown some respect.

    TLDR - I am voting with my feet and god damn it feels good to be free of Blizzard.

    submitted by /u/Wolfy9001
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    Hearthstone Economy Rework Concept - Part 1: Crafting

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:32 PM PST

    Disgusting: how much dust it costs to earn the 14,800 XP from the Darkmoon Faire achievements

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 04:34 AM PST

    Hi /r/hearthstone, it's your old pal /u/JamieFTW here again.

    To add insult to our Reward Track injury, Blizzard has made it so that 14,800 XP is available to be earned from the Darkmoon Faire Achievements (from the main screen click/tap Journal > Achievements > Gameplay).

    This XP is earned by completing 3 achievements per class at 1,100 XP each x 10 classes (11,000 XP total), and 3,800 XP from neutral achievements for a total of 14,800 XP.

    BUT.. of course there is a catch. To earn this XP you have to use very specific cards. I've tallied up all the dust costs here so you can see just how high the bar is that Blizzard has set.

    I have assumed:

    • You own none of the cards, and the cards we will craft are preferred to be from this set so we can use them in Standard.
    • You want to finish the achievements ASAP by using the maximum number of copies per deck.
    • You want to finish the achievements ASAP by not having to use less optimal (i.e. time wasting) "replacement" cards.
    • You are not willing to spend tens (hundreds?) of hours in Duels finding the cards in buckets and getting lucky in-game.

    Trigger/spoiler warning: as usual in Hearthstone, Priest gets screwed the hardest of the classes - but we, the players, get screwed even harder.

    Here is the complete list, with the results at the bottom:

    Class Achievement Task(s) Card(s) required Dust required
    Demon Hunter Good Arm Destroy 5 minions in a single turn with Throw Glaive [[Throw Glaive]] 200
    Demon Hunter Not So Lonely Control a Redeemed Pariah with 10 Attack or higher [[Redeemed Pariah]] 80
    Demon Hunter Feeling Ill... gynoth Deal 10/30/100 damage with Il'gynoth's effect [[Il'gynoth]] 1,600
    Druid RIGGED! Guess the Weight correctly 10 times [[Guess the Weight]] 800
    Druid Sun and Moon to Me Cast 6 Lunar or Solar Eclipses in a single game [[Lunar Eclipse]], [[Solar Eclipse]] 160
    Druid Leaf Us Alone Summon 20/100/200 Greyboughs [[Greybough]] 1,600
    Hunter Ride Together, Die Together Control 3 identical Deathrattle minions [[Toxic Reinforcements]] or [[Jewel of N'Zoth]] 800
    Hunter Toss Me! Launch a minion at your opponent for lethal damage [[Maxima Blastenheimer]] 1,600
    Hunter Tonk Commander Deal 50/150/500 damage with Darkmoon Tonk [[Darkmoon Tonk]] 200
    Mage You Can't Take it Off Deal lethal damage with Mask of C'Thun [[Mask of C'Thun]] 200
    Mage Hall of Mirrors Control 4 Occult Conjurers at the same time [[Occult Conjurer]] 800
    Mage Your Future is Clouded Draw 5/20/50 cards with Sayge [[Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon]] 1,600
    Paladin Yrang? Restore 100 Health with High Exarch Yrel [[High Exarch Yrel]] 1,600
    Paladin YoggChamp Deal lethal damage with Oh My Yogg [[Oh My Yogg]] 800
    Paladin Lothraxion's Balloon Shop Give 10/30/100 Silver Hand Recruits Divine Shield [[Lothraxion the Redeemed]] 1,600
    Priest Spoilers! Summon a Fortune Teller with 10 Attack or higher [[Fortune Teller]] 80
    Priest One Has No Name Steal 3 or more enchantments at once with The Nameless One [[The Nameless One]] 1,600
    Priest You're G'huunna Be Sorry Spend 10/30/100 Health to play cards as a Priest [[G'huun the Blood God]] 1,600
    Rogue Forbidden Jutsu Summon a 10+ Cost minion with Shadow Clone [[Shadow Clone]] 200
    Rogue Myra's Unstable Empress Draw 5 cards with a single Grand Empress Shek'zara [[Grand Empress Shek'zara]] 1,600
    Rogue IT'S SO FLUFFY Deal 10/30/100 damage with Prize Plunderer's Combo effect [[Prize Plunderer]] 200
    Shaman Two Punch Man Deal 16 damage from Hero Attacks in a single turn [[Doomhammer]], [[Rockbiter Weapon]] 800
    Shaman Scary-Go-Round Transform 14 minions at once with Revolve [[Revolve]], [[Mad Summoner]] 280
    Shaman Darkmoon Woodshop Buff 10/30/100 Totems with Grand Totem Eys'or [[Grand Totem Eys'or]] 1,600
    Warlock Missing: Holy Hand Grenade Play a Darkmoon Rabbit for 1 Mana [[Deck of Chaos]], [[Darkmoon Rabbit]] 2,400
    Warlock My Friend is at the Front Draw two Demons with Free Admission and reduce the Cost of both to (0) [[Free Admission]] 200
    Warlock Escalating Antics Destroy 5/15/50 minions with Cascading Disaster [[Cascading Disaster]] 800
    Warrior Mine! Mine! Mine! Destroy 5 minions with a single Minefield [[Minefield]], [[Mad Summoner]] 80\)
    Warrior Tent of out Tent Play a 0-Cost Tent Trasher [[Tent Trasher]] 800
    Warrior Bass in Your Face Trigger 5/15/50 Drum Solos with E.T.C., God of Metal [[E.T.C., God of Metal]], [[Mad Summoner]], [[Animated Broomstick]] 1,680\)
    Neutral Embrace the Void Play 15/50/150/500 Corrupted Cards [[Strongman]], [[Fleethoof Pearltusk]], [[Circus Medic]], [[Darkmoon Dirigible]], [[Darkmoon Statue]], [[Carnival Clown]] 1,200
    Neutral Coulrophobia Control a board full of Carnival Clowns [[Carnival Clown]] 0\)
    Neutral Dermatology Play a Horrendous Growth with 7/15 Attack or Higher [[Horrendous Growth]] 800
    Neutral Harmless Little Bunny Destroy 5/10/25 minions with a Darkmoon Rabbit [[Darkmoon Rabbit]] 0\)
    Neutral No Pathetic Cards Kill your opponent from full health with C'Thun, the Shattered [[C'Thun, the Shattered]] 1,600
    Neutral It's N'Zothing, Really Resurrect 6 minions at once with N'Zoth, God of the Deep [[N'Zoth, God of the Deep]], [[Circus Amalgam]] 1,680
    Neutral F2PBTW Play a 0-Cost Corrupted Card, 1/10/30/100 times [[Y'Shaarj, the Defiler]], [[Strongman]], [[Fleethoof Pearltusk]], [[Circus Medic]], [[Darkmoon Dirigible]], [[Darkmoon Statue]], [[Carnival Clown]] 1,600\)
    Neutral Yogg Take the Wheel Spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron/to win the game [[Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate]], [[Blur]] 1,680
    Neutral Wheel of Misfortune Get 3 different/all outcomes from the Wheel of Yogg-Saron [[Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate]] 0\)

    \We crafted one or more of these cards already for another achievement so we don't count the dust twice.)

    Adding this all up, you will need 28 Common (1,120 dust), 14 Rare (1,400 dust), 20 Epic (8,000 dust), and 15 Legendary (24,000 dust) specific cards to complete all these achievements - for a whopping total of 34,520 dust. [This post might need the NSFW flair, because legit we are getting f*cked.]

    You are really testing the patience of your customers here Blizzard. Not cool. Not cool at all.

    \Apologies if this has already been written up elsewhere, I only just realised this and I thought it might be useful for the community. Special thanks to) /u/SpookyGhostbear for saving me some typing.\)

    submitted by /u/JamieFTW
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    Why are you giving -50g on level 27 and level 30? Thanks Blizzard

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:09 AM PST

    Top 200 legend player quitting

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 04:27 AM PST


    I'm kehmor and I'm a regular ish top 200 player on EU.

    As far as sunk cost falacy goes I am about as deep in as you can get. I buy the big bundle every expansion and don't hesitate to pick up packs if I feel a different deck will give me an edge. On top of that I have invested countless hours studying and perfecting my game and was preparing for a real push to start qualifying for tournaments.

    Now as a "whale" the reward track isn't that important to me (though I maintain that a good benchmark is that a daily player should be able to make any one highly competitive meta deck per expansion for free). So I'm annoyed by this, but it wasn't the final nail so to speak.

    What bothers me is that in order to encourage more purchases the powercreep has become unreal. Even without puzzle boxes games are becoming more and more rng centric. Its becoming a race to pull off a ridiculous op combo. Do i think stronger players still have an edge? Yes. But thinking moves are becoming more of a rarity.

    This expansion has confirmed to me that blizzard are moving away from the idea of having a fun interesting game and are 100% commited to a game that encourages gambling at every level.

    I hope they fix it. I hope they change my mind. I doubt they will.

    submitted by /u/Kehmor
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    DAY 5 of protesting for a fairer monetization model

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 06:57 PM PST

    I am going to try and carry the torch for the anon before me, if it does not get upvoted or it gets removed I will stop making posts.

    The response he got was very profound and for consecutive days, if people still believe in the message I will try do my best to keep it alive.



    Come one come all to the long-anticipated DAY 4 of our protest for a fairer monetization model! This is no longer my protest as I'm merely a messenger. This is YOUR protest, all +2000 of you who decided to upvote my previous post promoting a price-reduction and content-increase of pre-order bundles based on comparisons to AAA games in the past. Sadly, it would be fairer to say "in the past" because nowadays there are unacceptable business practices in AAA games like Assasin's Creed Valhalla and Genshin Impact. But rather than losing steam, that only means we're doing something which will create changes BEYOND Hearthstone.

    If Blizzard, the top dog of digital card games, replies to our protests for a fairer price, this will be a message to the gaming industry, spoken about by YouTubers and Twitch streamers and news outlets. If Blizzard is forced to basically cut prices 6-fold after the community getting pissed at only pulling 10-20% of the legendaries in a set after spending $80, that's a message to other developers that we won't remain complacent to these practices. So let's get a PR response!

    The original protest

    Is Hearthstone really a AAA game? Does it have next-gen graphics, a engaging story, a constant slew of new content without updates, and a development time of years? No, it's a grindy game whose expansions cost the price of multiple AAA games every four months. That's absurd. It only gets away with it because it almost has a monopoly.

    I'd like to propose that there should be one and only boycot demand which is that a person should be able to aquire every card in a set by paying the price of less than a AAA game. This is without any play, straight-up just pack-opening from a special pre-order purchase. The endgame and rare-pulls grind would be for goldens, which have so far been exclusively for very rich people as virtually everybody dusts goldens.

    I don't believe the old progression needed changes since free-to-play players shouldn't be asking for more than a glorified demo anyways.

    Hearthstone comparatively to other games in what it offers versus its pricing is, bluntly-put, a bad joke.

    How can you help?

    Please upvote this to get it to the top of hot. How would Blizzard look if the top post on their subreddit is their community demanding an end to milking their players? Such bad press won't end on Reddit because it'll begin a chain of conversations with Youtubers and magazines, like our protests about the Tavern Pass did.

    Your comments and posts expressing your discontent with the predatory business practices in Hearthstone over the years are also greatly helpful. They drown out the toxic comments from people who seemingly like to spend $80 to not even be able to play one meta deck unless they scrimp and budget.

    So, let's rise in revolt, comrades of the working class! I encourage any and all of you to make your own daily protest post too, until we get an answer.


    submitted by /u/anon123812371
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    TFW you need to do 3 daily quests to get a pack from the previous expansion. Feels bad.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:20 AM PST

    what the hell happened while I was out?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:48 PM PST

    Blizzard be like:

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:12 PM PST

    Hearthstone has always been about getting as much money out of you as possible.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:15 AM PST

    The game has been pay to win from the very beginning and the required money/time for you to progress has always been insanely unfair. This is not a TCG, there are no cards, and you can't trade anything. It's just a video game, that requires hundreds of dollars just for you to unlock small portions of its content at a time, it's designed to be a money pit that you get addicted to.

    There are people who spend thousands on this game, and they have nothing to show for it. That's not normal, that's not okay. Stop playing hearthstone and feeding this greedy company.

    submitted by /u/mordehuezer
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    My 3600 exp worth of rewards ::)) !!!!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:53 AM PST

    Let's Talk About The Real Cost Of Hearthstone

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:48 PM PST

    Here are our assumptions:

    • You want to have access to all the content

    • You can only get packs through money

    • Packs cost $1 each

    In order to unlock all the cards from an expansion, you'll need about 260 packs on average, or $260 if you use US pricing. You will spend that money three times a year, which totals $780 for all the yearly content.

    That's the real price of Hearthstone.

    Or at least it was. It's not clear how much mini-sets add to the mix, but the last estimate I saw said about 40 more packs (+$40) should be able to get that content provided you already own all the rest of the set. This brings our new total to $900 a year for all the content.

    Except we forgot about the Classic set. Oops.

    While I won't bother adding the Classic set into our calculations, since it's an upfront purchase of a few hundred more dollars, you get the idea. This is what Hearthstone actually costs.

    Now I hear some voices saying words we all wish they wouldn't have to say like, "But..." and, "Well actually..." and "What if..." We don't want people to say these things because we shouldn't need to have to say those things. The economy of the game - it's real cost - should be far more reasonable than it is. Having to tack on additions like, "Well if you only play one class..." or "If you don't want all the content..." to try and get that number down is silly. Players tend to only play one class or fail to explore much of the content because they can't afford to do so. It's not how they want to play. Don't we want people playing Hearthstone how they want to play it?

    That's one of the worst features of the game: the mini-game people play within Hearthstone called, "Can I afford to craft this?" We shouldn't have players asking how much their collection they need to destroy for one deck, or how much they risk by making the "wrong" craft or exploring the "wrong" idea because the game really costs about $900 a year. Also nerfs mess with that, either because your choice of deck got nerfed directly or the meta shifted after a nerf and your deck suffers because of it. If you could explore other options, this is less of an issue. If you can't? That's an exit point.

    If that feature could be removed, if the paywall came down, there would be very little reason to touch other CCGs compared to Hearthstone. The most common selling point for them is "they're much cheaper than Hearthstone" and if that got taken away? Who knows how much more successful Hearthstone could be.

    So what does Hearthstone do about this outrageous cost? It pays you to play. Under the new reward track, if you complete all your daily and weekly quests, the price of the game should drop by about $60 an expansion. But remember, you are working for that price reduction (dailies and weeklies take more time and effort to complete than the old dailies did, but reward about as much in terms of gold). So, if you do all your dailies and weeklies, now the new expansion might only cost about $240 for the rest of the content.

    What about XP from playing the game? Well, if you do all your dailies and weeklies, you should be above level 50, at which point XP returns 150 gold per 4500 XP. Last I tracked how much XP I make per in-client game hour (including queuing for games), I ended up at about 300 XP/HR. That would require 14.5 hours of play per 150 gold, or about 10.3 gold/hr in game. So I should expect to play the game about 10 hours per pack or, in terms of the math above, 10 hours per $1.

    That is how stingy the system is. And frankly it's always been pretty stingy about things. The new system just brought the shitty cost and economy into focus.

    Again, you could try to quibble with my estimate. Maybe there's a math error somewhere. You can make a big deal about a few extra pennies each hour. But we shouldn't have to. The system should just be clearly good, and it isn't. It shouldn't be a case where someone says, "Aha! If we change your estimate slightly than the game only costs $700 a year so there!"

    My fear is that Blizzard may eventually provide players with enough of those extra pennies to quiet the complaints down enough to the point that the game is basically as radically expensive as it was before, but people just aren't complaining as vocally. Rather than having a great game that attracts players and dominates the market, we'll have a game that's still prohibitively expensive for almost everyone. A game that we don't recommend to friends. A game that you cannot stop playing for a short while without falling too far behind in cards that getting back in becomes a huge hurdle.

    I don't want people running on a treadmill just to keep falling behind. I want progress.

    submitted by /u/Popsychblog
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    Blizzard - You have a deadline

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 03:58 AM PST

    For over 3 years I have been a paying player, I have always pre-purchased the mega bundles and have used my 5-6k gold to purchase another 50-60 packs. If by the next expansion I have less gold that will be it for me.

    I know a lot of people have done a bit of clown math and already claimed we will all be worse off, however for me the proof will be in the pudding. I will NOT continue to pay over £200 a year and have less resources. I'm giving them a fair chance to get this new system where all players want it to be, both F2P and financially supporting players.

    The next expansion cycle will be our time to really hit them where it hurts and tell them that we will not stand for less resources.

    I hope I'm wrong, and I hope that in four months time I have just as many resources and packs, if I don't however, this will be it for me. I adore the game, but I will not sit idly by after putting more than my fair share of cash into the game and be worse off for it. I hope that players who spend like I do will join me!

    We love your game! We're happy to support your game, but do not punish us or demand more money!

    submitted by /u/LethalGrey
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    p a i n

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:25 AM PST

    $6K+ and it's time for me to quit as well

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:01 AM PST

    tl;dr $6K+ spent, not mad, well played Blizzard

    Hearthstone was for me the best game on mobile, which was why I kept playing even though I lost interest over the years.

    Out of curiosity, I tallied up all my Hearthstone purchases thinking that it might actually hit 5 digits, but thankfully it did not.

    2014 $391.91

    2015 $1,084.81

    2016 $2,809.57

    2017 $499.92

    2018 $617.78

    2019 $584.86

    2020 $244.93

    TOTAL $6,233.78

    Needless to say, I have a complete collection and all hero skins, but decided to quit and missed out on the N'Zoth skin.

    If you're wondering what happened in 2015-2016, that's when I had this crazy moment where I thought that it was my last chance to get a golden collection and let's just say I tried and failed... I'm fine with the money spent, that year I traded destination vacation and justified it by convincing myself that I was helping the community and all the kids who play this amazing game for free.

    I'm not mad at Blizzard, I appreciate the entertainment and good times over the years. But I've spent some time thinking about where things went wrong, because there was a time where I thought the game was the best ever made and that I would play it for the rest of my life.

    And honestly it wasn't just one thing, it was several small things that added up over time that brought me to this point, but I'll leave a couple of design principles for the developers in case they happen upon this post, noting that this is just personal opinion on the key design defects that lead me to quit.

    Principle 1: For better or for worse, F2P is a new standard, real money should be for cosmetics, not for significant gameplay advantage.

    Principle 2: Cards should never be designed to directly interfere with the opponent's deck or hand (Dirty Rat, Gnomeferatu, Mindrender Illucia). There used to be a line between each side of the board and these are examples of cards that felt like they crossed a line that makes the user feel like they lose control of the deck they curated to play.

    All in all, I felt like I had to post this to get some closure. I don't think the game can be saved at this point, but I do look forward to the next game Blizzard creates and hopefully the next iteration will be even better.

    It's been a great 6 years and to close, I wanted to share my favorite card. It's Vicious Fledgling, a card so ridiculous that it probably should have been a Legendary ability.

    PS - If Disguised Toast happens to see this and wants to disenchant an entire Hearthstone collection and burn the dust by creating golden Angry Chickens for a YouTube video, have your people contact me and we can make this happen.

    submitted by /u/vintageabalone
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    $600+ later, after buying all the heroes, and having a complete collection and reaching legend 8 times, I’m leaving.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:43 AM PST

    Just wanted to add my name to the list. The way Blizzard is treating us is just horrible and now I'm going to let them feel my fury. I made the mistake of reinstalling after quitting due to Hong Kong, but this time it's done. I'm not touching this horrible, neglected game just to play a part in reddit's reckoning of Blizzard. Take that.

    submitted by /u/yaonikko
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    Wake up Blizzard

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 03:47 AM PST

    Please Blizzard, get your shit together. I hate that everyone one is hating on you now and i hope that you actually do something to fix the problem instead of sitting there and doing nothing. Wake up Blizzard. Maybe if you fix the problems instead of not giving a shit, more ppl will be willing to spend on the game. Wake up Blizzard, wake up.

    submitted by /u/thunderglaive
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    The worst part about this whole Rewards Track fiasco is the audacity of Blizzard Activision to introduce it in the middle of a Pandemic!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 03:56 AM PST

    Honestly this just really really grinds my gears, a lot!

    A ton of people are facing an uncertain future, might have lost their job, might have lost loved ones and maybe even their homes in the middle of the biggest economic downturn in US history thanks to poor leadership in a pandemic.

    You know which sector really thrives in times like this though!?

    Yes, video games!

    Almost all of it can be done from home and no other medium out there helps people to get a much needed break from their daily worries in such chaotic times like video games.

    Introducing such a predatory and greedy dopamine drip driven F2P reward system is beyond morally bankrupt, especially in a time like this. It's simply tone deaf!

    I really hoped Team5 wasn't really involved in this decision, that it came from the number crunchers at Activision, but considering IksarHS excel comment, it was as calculated a move as the excel spreadsheet he was going over and over again so that the Reward Track would just be a refresh of the old reward system (which of cause was terrible to begin with).

    Beyond that I can't add anything that hasn't been said before.

    It's just such a horrible disappointment on a basic human level and I have the feeling this greedy direction Blizzard took (among others like the Blitzchung controversy etc.) is one of the reasons why many of the most beloved devs by the community have left Team 5.

    I hate the fact I spent money on the new expansion before all of this went live. My excitement about the game is pretty much zero at the moment. I didn't even open all my packs, which in hindsight was a good thing, considering that's the "smartest" thing you can do with the mini expansion they are going to introduce to make the game even more expensive.

    submitted by /u/NovaHorizon
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    If Blizzard was a person

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:06 AM PST

    Played for 4 years, $500 in, quitting is way easier than I thought

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:21 AM PST

    As soon as they changed quests, I signed in once, remembered I couldn't get daily gold, signed out, and never looked back.

    submitted by /u/drop_of_the_pure
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    the infinite greed isn't even justified. the game is broken, the reward system glitch everytime.. and more

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:03 AM PST

    the game is utterly bugged. the game freezes on multiple interactions, not just new yogg's battlecry. the reward system is corrupted, morally and technically. you have to close and restart the game everytime you hit a level (which after lvl 20 becomes a much rarer occasion, by the way). after you finish a duel match, the treasure screen is bugged,and you have to close and restart the game to be able to click anything

    at this point, who can vouch that the cards you open in packs, stay in your collection, but instead are glitched out of existence somehow?

    seriously wtf? ppl pay money for this game, blizzard move your stanky azz and fix this sh*t

    submitted by /u/freeHK_b
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