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    Tuesday, November 17, 2020

    Hearthstone Darkmoon Faire Pros & Streamers Deck List Compilation

    Hearthstone Darkmoon Faire Pros & Streamers Deck List Compilation

    Darkmoon Faire Pros & Streamers Deck List Compilation

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:55 AM PST

    Hey /r/hearthstone, Stonekeep from Hearthstone Top Decks here and I'm back with another deck roundup.

    It's fair to say that this expansion release is quite different than what most of us have expected. We just had a massive progression system revamp, which - as you all know - is far from perfect. Between lower gold values, offering Year of the Dragon packs, progressing through higher levels being slow (and feeling bad) and finally multiple bugs... Let's just say that things could have been better.

    While I'm not influential enough for my opinion to really matter... I like the idea behind new system itself, but I hope that it will either be tweaked or Blizzard will offer many extra ways to earn XP throughout the expansion (Events, Legendary Quests etc. that will boost players by multiple levels, thus increasing overall rewards considerably). In fact, the new rewards should not only match the previous gold amounts, but offer a bit more given that mini-sets will make the game more expensive. And it absolutely HAS to be bug fixed - the amount of issues like people not getting their Daily/Weekly Quests, some modes not giving XP, the visual glitches etc. are things that need to he handled ASAP if they don't want people to quit. I'm still waiting for some sort of official reply from Blizzard (and in case you're wondering - I already sent my feedback directly to them), because a lot will depend on how they handle the issue. (Update: If you haven't seen it yet, Game Director Ben Lee has issued official statement here.)

    All of that said, I know that most of you still love the game and that's the reason why you're so passionate about it. I also know that lots of you will still play the new expansion. I'll be honest - I wasn't sure if I should make this post given the current situation on this sub, but figured out that it might be useful for those of you who decide to play after all. And well, after all, covering Hearthstone is still my job.

    I'm making a post earlier so you can already save it, bookmark it, whatever you prefer! Once the expansion launches, I tend to give pros/streamers some time (usually half an hour or so) to open packs, build their decks and actually start testing them. At the very beginning, I'm going to post basically everything they play, just to give you something to play with too. Some of those decks will suck, so I DO NOT RECOMMEND making any big crafts on Day 1 - but that's the beauty of the launch day, you never know what will work and what won't. Once some sort of meta starts developing, I will be more selective about what I post (and focus on decks with proven track record, high Legend climbs etc.).

    I tend to post decks until Day 4-5, because after that the early meta starts to stabilize and we tend to see a few select decks over and over again, so there's no point. Of course, I'll still keep adding new decks on the website if you're interested, just not in this post.

    In the meantime, if you want to pick something to play before release, you can check out some theorycrafts our writers have been creating. We've prepared ~25 decks that explore new mechanics and synergies.

    Demon Hunter

    Day 1


    Day 1


    Day 1


    Day 1


    Day 1


    Day 1


    Day 1


    Day 1


    Day 1


    Day 1

    submitted by /u/stonekeep
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    Rewards Track Update

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 08:00 AM PST

    In a parallel universe... (ngl this is how i hoped it would be)

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:03 PM PST

    Here's what this Sub will look like after Darkmoon Faire is released

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 04:27 AM PST

    Bonus experience isn't a BONUS if it's necessary just to get what we used to get.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 09:20 AM PST

    Remember when getting BONUS quests meant getting MORE than you were getting before? MORE dust, MORE gold and MORE packs on top of what you would otherwise already be earning?

    Because just like all of the old rewards those bonuses are dead now and you can expect that all future special events are just going to be handing out some sum of bonus experience to feed into the new reward track so you can continue earning back less gold than you were getting before.

    This is quite literally like your boss slashing your salary and then making a big show of handing out Christmas bonuses worth a fraction of what you lost.

    submitted by /u/Enunimes
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    How I feel after Ben Lee’s response.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 08:28 AM PST

    Farewell, Scholomance Academy, You Were Created By.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:41 AM PST

    Expansion is out, but there is no special quest rewarding packs...

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:14 AM PST

    I've only been playing HS for a year, but I remember that every expansions came with a couple of quests rewarding the player with free packs.

    It seems that this too is a thing of the past now...

    submitted by /u/Flemmye
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    After the game director's post

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 09:07 AM PST

    For the first time in a long time, there are no release legendary quests.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:20 AM PST

    No release quest. Just that, they didn't even bother after the mess. Totally ignored it.

    Edit: If we don't get the legendary quest tonight, I guess it's safe to say welcome to the new age, to the new age.

    submitted by /u/ItsTaft
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    The "New" Response does not fix anything.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 08:27 AM PST

    They've already said about events boosing xp, this fixes nothing only short term gains.They have listened and they have chosen to ignore, please continue to complain.Don't support Blizzard until the developers improve this current system, the problem is not just gold or xp its quests and the enjoyability of the game.Progressing is less fun and grindy, quests are much worse than before.All they have changed is a few packs at the end.How insulting.

    Edit: Expansions out and they haven't even changed the battlepass yet, and theres no legendary quest or anything. Pretty sure devs think think this system is enough, I'm not asking for a free legendary as the first reward is that but I am surprised there isn't a chain of legendary quests.
    Thats all for now, thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Mgtotoro
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    Sorry we took you for granted, Ben

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 08:28 AM PST

    Calling it now

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:54 AM PST

    Blizzard's response to the Battle Pass situation is a joke and doesn't address any core issues.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 02:01 PM PST

    Wow this expansion is so greedy !!! No free packs like in the old system

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:36 AM PST

    Not only false promise blizzard made on new reward system , this new expansion there is no free packs like we used to have . I bet the free reward 1 random darkmoon legendary + 3 pack is in the first 4 level of battlepass .

    submitted by /u/SnooBeans7466
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    Madness at the Darkmoon Faire is the only Expansion in the current standard rotation with no login quests/rewards.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 11:56 AM PST

    1 Rise of Shadows

    5 Rise of Shadows card pack + 3 The Witchwood card pack + 2 The Boomsday Project card pack + 2 Rastakhan's Rumble card pack.

    2 Saviors of Uldum

    A random Legendary Quest card + 3 Saviors of Uldum packs

    3 Descent of Dragons

    8x Descent of Dragons Packs + 2x Rise of Shadows Pack + 2x Saviors of Uldum Pack + 200gold

    4 Ashes of Outland

    3x Ashes of Outland + 1x Rise of Shadows Pack + 1x Saviors of Uldum Pack + 1x Rise of Shadows pack

    5 Scholomance Academy

    1x Legendary Class Card + 6x Scholomance Academy card packs

    6 Madness at the Darkmoon Faire


    submitted by /u/tho1234567890
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    Blizzard, "We did nothing wrong. We did not communicate everything to you. Also we will vaguely communicate again."

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:14 AM PST

    So Blizzard made their response today. They said the only thing that was changing is that late game is getting one reward change..." And then promised that special events should make us get more rewards...

    They assumed we did not think that the special events would give us more rewards... I think everyone assumed that these special events would give us more rewards on top of everything else... like they always did. And worse they did not tell us exactly again the numbers.... Hiding behind a "trust us." This response was even more vague then anything else before this....

    I did not think I would be shocked by their response. But I am legit shocked. It was even worse.

    They did not really change anything...
    They did not even say they would look into it (Redoing the math or something like that)
    They did not admit really any wrong doing.
    They were even more obtuse about the track system. Funny enough after admitting they have poorly communicated about it.

    They still lied. They said that we would get more gold/rewards with this new system. And that is still far from true. All they did was add the special rewards from events to the equation. But this just adds the last years special rewards to the equation too.
    This was a resounding message that nothing is going to change.

    submitted by /u/myflesh
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    Having a reward system that relies on "events" to be any good, isn't a good system.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 11:27 AM PST

    The system on it's own is crap, and having to rely on events to make it any good, is crap. We should be able to see up front what exactly we are getting, not some nebulous promise of events that will make things worthwhile. We had no such reliance on events before when it was a meager but simple system. Not to mention some of these quests rely on playing arena, finishing top in battlegrounds, etc.

    You were supposed to make things better, not worse. All of your competitors are doing so much better than you in terms of friendliness towards new players and progression for non-whales. I already own a gigantic collection and play countless decks in Legends of Runeterra, and I've put maybe $50 in that game. Not to mention you can just straight up buy cards there, instead of having to rely on loot box randomness.

    Not to mention the dust mechanic still sucks. Having to disenchant four legendaries because you didn't get the legendary you wanted after spending $50-$80 on a pre-purchase really sucks.

    submitted by /u/Vinven
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    Idk about you guys, but I'd play this

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 09:09 PM PST

    You could literally buy a new PS5 every year for the price of playing Hearthstone. Bruh.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:52 AM PST

    This game’s economy is shit, but let’s not forget: Legendary drop rates are even worse

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:02 PM PST

    Now that we can only expect to earn enough gold to buy around 80 packs an expansion, a 40-pack pity timer to open a legendary is fucking insulting. If those 80 packs actually helped me build my collection, they might seem a little more worthwhile. As it is, they're almost invariably trash that I dust right away.

    As it is, you're only guaranteed TWO legendaries over 80 packs (though, to be fair, you're likely to open 4). Getting an extra legendary in the rewards track doesn't even come close to making up for it. And even though we know 35 new cards are on the way, we have no idea how many of them will be legendary.

    Blizzard's awful response this morning (and, full disclosure, the absolute dogshit I got from my Darkmoon packs) only solidifies just how exploitative this game's economy is.

    submitted by /u/MuckfootMallardo
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    Another thing that is gone: 100 gold for all classic cards

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 01:37 AM PST

    I had all the basic cards except for three epics. I crafted Shadow Word: Ruin for a priest deck and decided I might as well get the other two.

    Well, the only thing I got was the achievement, but no gold.

    submitted by /u/Yadir
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    Blizzard is intentionally lying about the new rewards system. Players will not get the same amount of gold and rewards as under the old system.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 08:54 AM PST

    Game Director Ben Lee made an official statement today, carefully timed just before the expansion so it will be talked about less.


    Ben said:

    Our goal for the Rewards Track continues to be that all Hearthstone players earn more gold and total rewards per expansion.

    Blizzard is lying about this. They have no intention of letting F2P players save up gold and buy as many packs at the start of an expansion. Under the old system, you could do the daily quests and buy 60 packs on day one of an expansion.

    Under the new system, you will not be able to get these packs for free because you will not have the gold.

    Blizzard doesn't want all players to "earn more gold and total rewards per expansion".


    This would be very easy for Blizzard to disprove, if they were actually telling the truth.

    Blizzard tell us how a free player will have 60 free packs at the start of every expansion, just like under the old system.

    Blizzard is just hoping players will believe their lie about this, and be unsure about it under the new, complicated system.


    Ben Lee, if you are not lying about this, show us how a free to play player will be able to open the same number of packs at the start of a new expansion as under the old system.

    I hope here and on Twitter people call out Blizzard on this. They are blatantly lying about this.

    submitted by /u/nonosam9
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    You'd never know a new expansion dropped by looking at the state of the sub.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:03 PM PST

    This is very telling as to how big of an issue the new tavern pass is to the community.

    Even in the past when the community has been upset before an expansion, the hype for it usually bubbles up and the sub becomes 50/50 between it and the issues at hand. This time, the expansion has been out for nearly 2 hours now and not a single "hot" post would lead you to know that if you hadn't already.

    It's a shame that Blizzard shat the bed so badly that there is little to no hype at all for the new cards. I've been supporting the game since beta and can no longer do so in good conscience.

    I hope the community outcry is loud enough for Blizzard to realize they need to take this opportunity and make a big positive change to the pass or risk it overshadowing the expansion, and pushing players away from the game.

    submitted by /u/IAmButtAMan
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    Shadowbox of all 4 Old Gods, made it before the release!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:27 AM PST

    Blizzard when they will say that they made a mistake and fix is already worked on.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 02:34 AM PST

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