• Breaking News

    Saturday, June 20, 2020

    Hearthstone The collection is almost complete. Now all we need is a textless 9-drop.

    Hearthstone The collection is almost complete. Now all we need is a textless 9-drop.

    The collection is almost complete. Now all we need is a textless 9-drop.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    Never imaged I’d actually get him. But I actually decided to try and work towards him today, 10 hours and a little over 1000 dust later I actually managed to get Arthas with budget decks. Most annoying 10 hours of my life.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    I made a beat with Sklibb, Outcast (A la boom boom)

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 02:21 AM PDT

    Top Cards of the Week from r/CustomHearthstone (06/20/2020)

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    Buffed Heroes from Patch 17.4.1

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    I tried saying Well Played and accidently found the best bm in the game.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 01:50 AM PDT

    Just found out that they even rhyme about Illidan in the Blackrock Mountain adventure

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    Of all the Legendaries of Ashes of Outlands this has been the most disappointing card for me

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Boar Controls Turn 5

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    Sidebar showed me what opponent got from Hero power discovers..

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Huge Maiev Battlegrounds Exploit Discovered!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    Minions that buff themselves upon (others') loss of divine shield currently get PERMANENT buffs when you use Maiev's hero power to break shields!

    I discovered it accidentally when going dragons and wound up giving my Drakonid Enforcer +4/+4 to its base stats -- they never reset across turns -- and then tested it again later in the same game with the same result.

    Needless to say at my rank (6250) that kind of advantage is enough to swing games and is clearly unintended.

    Images here: https://imgur.com/a/ygmU6IV

    submitted by /u/Scry_K
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    What does skip apprenticeship do?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    Wish I’d Known 3 Years Ago

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    For the past few years every now and then I'd go through the whole collection to get rid of extra cards.

    After mass disenchantment I'd still have 2 non-goldens and a 1 or 2 goldens of the same cards.

    I just recently googled if there was a better way and found that if you type "extra" in the search bar it brings up all the cards that you have 2 or more of including golden/non-golden.

    If this helps even one person sift through new and duplicate cards quicker I thought I'd post it.

    It may be common knowledge and I'm just late to the party.

    submitted by /u/TheOctagon6989
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    Am I the only one who despises Gok’amok?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    His whole nature is RNG and it doesn't help that the Outland spells are usually really good. It's a bullshit fight. Am I the only one feels this way?

    submitted by /u/TheGuardAtHome
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    Now anyone can be a demon hunter

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    best possible turn 1 ever? and no he didn't devolve this

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    Anyone else got surprised at the ending of the adventure

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    Did you get surprised at the sudden win in the last fight against Illidan in the adventure? That win came out of nowhere lol

    I thought the fight was going to get harder but it just ended. I'm surprised and disappointed that I couldn't actually defeat Illidan.

    What do you think of the ending?

    Has anyone tried killing Illidan before he gives you the win? Is it even possible?

    submitted by /u/MasterOnyxia
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    Defeat Illidan before turn 10?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    Anyone know if it's possible to defeat Illidan in the last fight of the solo adventure before he ends it on turn 10?

    Lowest I've managed to get him is 14 health. You'd probably need to draw the Naga ally with windfury and maybe play Flikk for the attack buff. Illidan usually has a Consume Magic to stop them though.

    submitted by /u/jobriq
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    You good Reno?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    From Homebrew to Legend - Tempo Secret Mage Decklist, Matchup Guide, and Card Choice Explanations

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:55 PM PDT

    Hi r/hearthstone! I've been playing Hearthstone since Beta, and made the legend climb a few times now. Until this one I have always used a popular deck. The last 3 decks I've used that I can remember have been Shudderwock Shaman (The Witchwood Expansion), Murloc Aggro Paladin (Early Knights of the Frozen Throne Expansion), and Aggro Paladin (Kobolds and Catacombs pre-creeper and CTA nerf).

    I took some time off from the game and came back for the Outland Expansion. I've always been a player that favors aggro decks (despite the Shudderwock Climb) and didn't like the direction that Blizzard took Demon Hunter in. Stealth Rogue and Face Hunter felt very unidimensional, and it's not MSOG anymore so I don't want to play pirates. When I opened Astromancer Solarian I couldn't help but think it was a better Bloodmage for an aggressive deck. During my climb I've seen nobody else on ladder run this list and the link can be found here if anybody wants to call me on my shit in case this is already a thing:(https://hsreplay.net/decks/#playerClasses=MAGE&gameType=RANKED_STANDARD&archetypes=-4)

    ### pepelaugh they dont know 

    Class: Mage

    Format: Standard

    Year of the Phoenix

    2x (1) Blazing Battlemage

    1x (1) Evocation

    2x (2) Ancient Mysteries

    2x (2) Apexis Smuggler

    2x (2) Arcane Flakmage

    1x (2) Astromancer Solarian

    2x (2) Frostbolt

    2x (2) Sorcerer's Apprentice

    2x (3) Arcane Intellect

    2x (3) Counterspell

    2x (3) Frozen Shadoweaver

    2x (3) Kirin Tor Mage

    2x (3) Mirror Entity

    2x (3) Netherwind Portal

    2x (4) Fireball

    2x (5) Cloud Prince


    I'm excited to post the decklist here to share it with the Hearthstone community. I've always valued innovation in card games, and I'm slightly proud of coming up with something that worked. If you don't have the time to read the matchup guide and card justifications, enjoy the list and rip some fat Cloud Princes!

    Card Inclusions and Explanations

    I tried to make a secret mage in the Saviors of Uldum expansion, and always found that even with Splitting Image, Counterspell and Mirror Entity didn't pack the punch that Explosive Runes used to. Combined with very little refuel(R.I.P. Aluneth), Secret Mage always felt like it ran out of steam. In Ashes of Outland, Netherwind Portal offered an interesting way to get a HUGE tempo swing early in the game. Obviously, the core of the deck is the secret package, consisting of Kirin Tor Mage, Counterspell, Mirror Entity, and Netherwind Portal. I tried Flame Ward, but it definitely wasn't better than Netherwind and the deck only has room for so many secrets. Most of the deck is pretty intuitive. It includes a burn package with 2 Frostbolts, 2 Fireballs, 2 Cloud Princes (Fireballs-on-a-Stick) for a total of 30 damage. Arcane Intellect, Sorcerer's Apprentice, and Arcane Mysteries are also pretty obvious includes.

    Blazing Battlemage and Frozen Shadoweaver are really useful cards in any tempo deck. Originally, I had Violet Phoenix in for Blazing Battlemage, but I found that the statline of Battlemage made it so much more valuable on board than an Arcane Missiles in hand. In my old lists, I had Ethereal Arcanist in for Shadoweaver, but with Demon Hunter, Warrior, and Hunter being such weapon-removal based decks, I realized that Frozen Shadoweaver was actually clutch in those matchups. Frozen Shadoweaver is also not a dud topdeck, which Ethereal Arcanist often was.

    Astromancer Solarian - Aggressively statted minion that trades up, gives spellpower, and shuffles a 7 mana 4th quarter hail mary TD pass in your deck.

    Evocation - Pay N+1 mana to cast the spell you need in a given scenario, where N is that spell's mana cost. Most of the time, Sorcerer's Apprentice is used to combo with this for insane bail out turns. Don't get greedy with it and use it when it makes sense to get back on board, generate value if you're running out of steam, or find 2 fireballs and a frostbolt for lethal. During my legend climb I often played this on 4 to find a secret for Kirin Tor Mage if I didn't have one in my opener, for example.

    Arcane Flakmage - Insanely powerful card. Baits removal, trades up, and is a 3/2 for 2. Circumstantially generates some of the most powerful swing turns I've personally played using any aggro deck. Against DH, holding flakmage til turn 5 and jamming Kirin Tor Mage, Flakmage and Counterspell gives a full reset protected behind a CS. Against control decks, usually nets you 3 damage to face.

    Apexis Smuggler - This card wasn't in my thoughts at all when I first started putting the deck together. Originally I ran 2x Violet Phoenix and 2x Battlemage for more early board presence. I swapped out Phoenix for the Smuggler and was blown away with how this card can win games on its own if left on the board. Easily discovers 2+ spells per game, fishing out extra burn or whatever situational spell you need to find.

    Cloud Prince - This is an obvious include, but christ this guy is a hoss. He puts a 4/4 on the board and either domes them for 6 or kills literally any threat the opponent could have by turn 5. Absolute Chad.

    Matchups and Mulligans

    ***DISCLAIMER*** I mostly play Mobile on my iPad and iPhone, so I don't have my winrate or detailed statistics on my matchups. I do have a good idea of what each matchup feels like and what to capitalize on, so that's what I'll share here. I've ordered them from hardest to easiest:


    Keeps: Blazing Battlemage, Astromancer Solarian, Apexis Smuggler, Frostbolt, Frozen Shadoweaver, Kirin Tor Mage, Secret if you have KTM.

    *If it's pirate warrior, fight for board, but most have been this weird damage-your-minions midrange warrior and this matchup sucks. Most of their turns are either playing a lot of tiny minions before dropping Bloodboil Brute or drawing weapons to kill your board without triggering any secrets. Mulligan for tempo openers, freeze their face to get ahead on board for chip damage. Battlemage, Smuggler, Shadoweaver, Mysteries+Netherwind Portal is the giganuts. If they play a strong Risky Skipper and Armorsmith turn, it's probably not winnable. Play to Evocate lethal and/or Solarian 5x Pyroblast to the face if the game goes long.


    Keeps: Blazing Battlemage, Astromancer Solarian, Apexis Smuggler, Kirin Tor Mage, Secret if you have KTM.

    Similar to warrior, this matchup is difficult because your secrets aren't very valuable. Other than Netherwind Portal, Mirror Entity always copies a lackey and Counterspell stops at best Seal Fate, which isn't even that big of a deal. Mulligan for tempo and play to stick an early board for chip damage. This is easier to win than warrior because rogue has Galakrond for health gain and that's it.

    Demon Hunter:

    Keeps: \Blazing Battlemage, Astromancer Solarian, Arcane Flakmage, Apexis Smuggler, Frostbolt, Kirin Tor Mage, Secret if you have KTM, Arcane Mysteries if you have Flakmage.*

    Balanced and well-designed class that always wins the board. Mulligan to duke it out for board position and get ready to concede the board if you can't hard win it early and stick a protective counterspell. The reason this is easier than the first two classes is because Demon Hunter has spells you can counter...God it feels good to counter Skull of Gul'dan on curve. If you can hold flakmage, it generally clears the satyr, all the 2/2's, and the battlefiend when the combo comes out. After that, race 'em because you outburn them. Bonus points if you counter Metamorphosis too.


    Keeps: Blazing Battlemage, Astromancer Solarian, Apexis Smuggler, Frostbolt, Kirin Tor Mage, Secret if you have KTM.

    Hunter minions generally have 3 health, so Frostbolt gets a lot of value here. Aim to stick a board and force them to come back on board with a minion you can mirror entity. Mirror entity often gets a lot of value as well; hunters play really aggressive minions that are hard to remove, i.e. Evasive Feywing. Sometimes you can mirror entity a Dragonbane and pop off, which is always fun. Lategame you lose, so try and get chip damage in while you have the board and close the game out with fireball and cloud prince.


    Keeps: Blazing Battlemage, Astromancer Solarian, Apexis Smuggler, Kirin Tor Mage, Secret if you have KTM.

    *Most of the cloth classes can't do much against you - the meta decks tend to be slow except for maybe the odd Zoo Warlock, where you'd just play it like DH. Look to set up a board early and NEVER play solarian where she can get Shadow Madness'ed. You can still win if that happens but god is that a FeelsBadMan. If you hit a 1/2/3 opener with Blazing Battlemage, Apexis Smuggler, Kirin Tor/Secret you win the game pretty handily. Try to play counterspell wisely, such that it can't be checked without ruining a board clear. With a bad opener, try to set up the best board states you can for chip damage and believe in the power of 30 burn in the deck.


    Keeps: COUNTERSPELL LOL, Blazing Battlemage, Astromancer Solarian, Apexis Smuggler, Kirin Tor Mage, Secret if you have KTM.

    Play it like priest/mage/warlock but mirror entity always gets Mountseller or Emerald Drake. If KTM/Counterspell hits Overgrowth, concede incoming. Don't tempo out an Arcane Flakmage if you have one. It's a perfect answer to Glowfly Swarm!

    I didn't see many shamans, I think 4 total on my climb up from 5, but all of them were running different lists so I don't know what to say here in general. Play the tempo game and send it to the face when in doubt.

    If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read this. Keep experimenting and making whatever you feel like. Sometimes, it's actually nuts and you get to have a fun and rewarding climb to legend instead of a grind!

    Edit: Fixed some massive formatting errors that somehow appeared in the final post

    submitted by /u/spanquebank
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    Bg final against a Friend

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    The value!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Pretty much a dream, start. Ended up 2 golden boats, easy win.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 12:18 PM PDT

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