• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 1, 2020

    Hearthstone For April Fools, we're doing absolutely nothing this year.

    Hearthstone For April Fools, we're doing absolutely nothing this year.

    For April Fools, we're doing absolutely nothing this year.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    Except bringing this fella back.

    If you are not on .old reddit with CSS enabled, this is just a link


    Only works on .old reddit with CSS enabled.

    Have fun.

    submitted by /u/powerchicken
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    PullsDay Thursday: Post Your Popped Packs

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Greetings Travellers,

    This is a new weekly thread to showcase your crazy or unlucky pack openings, for F2P players and whales alike!

    The goal of this thread is to draw discussion around pack openings into a centralized post every week, so that players have a dedicated place to share their pulls. Whether you got a sweet Tavern Brawl reward or Arena chest, we want to see it! You can also post in /r/HSPulls.

    Pack Openings are still relegated to a megathread on the first day of a new expansion

    Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Tribute Art for cards rotating to Wild by Yukie Tajima - Year of the Phoenix rotation!

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    I look good.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    My favorite rank

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    The nerf made him pretty balanced tbh

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    1000 Wins portraits for alternate heroes!

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    Just made a deck and notice this

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    This curve comes 100% guaranteed to make your opponent quit Hearthstone

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    FAQ: Ranked Mode Overhaul Matchmaking

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Hi! I put together a general matchmaking FAQ here for our new ranked system to help demystify a lot of questions you may have.

    For general description of this new system, please refer to our Year of the Phoenix blog.

    If you want to learn some basic concepts of matchmaking, here is my previous blog about matchmaking in Battlegrounds.

    Q: How does matchmaking work for each season?

    A: There are two matchmaking pools: matchmaking by rating (aka. MMR) and by rank.

    When your star bonus multiplier is bigger than 1, or you are in Legend rank, you are (generally) in the first matchmaking pool; when your star bonus drops to 1, you are in the second pool.

    Q: Why are there two matchmaking pools?

    A: Since each player starts at the bottom of the ladder at start, we want fair matches for everyone (aka. win-rate close to 50%). At that time, your progression on ladder is protected by your star bonus, thus your net expected gain will be positive through the ladder. Once other players run out of star bonuses, matching by rank will allow for good players, or players who want to push themselves a bit, to be able to progress to a higher rank.

    In short, having two matchmaking pools helps players progress in the ladder without having to grind as much, while still making most matches fair.

    Q: If I "tank" my MMR at certain rank floor, will I be matched with easier opponents next season because you are matchmaking by MMR at the start?

    A: No, in general you won't. At the start of the season we will recover your MMR to certain threshold if it is dropped below that value, which is based on what your rank is in the previous season. Therefore, there would be no benefits to intentionally tank your MMR.

    Q: How many stars bonuses do I get at the start of the season?

    A: It depends on your current MMR and the rank you reached from your previous season, whichever gives a higher value. Generally, the minimal initial star bonuses you get for each rank floor you reached are:

    Best Rank Minimal Initial Star Bonuses
    Bronze 10 2
    Bronze 5 2
    Silver 10 2
    Silver 5 3
    Gold 10 4
    Gold 5 5
    Platinum 10 6
    Platinum 5 7
    Diamond 10 8
    Diamond 5 9
    Legend 10

    As you can see, every player starts with at least two stars bonuses.

    Q: Do you reset MMR each season?

    A: No, we do not.

    Q: Will the value of my previous season's MMR be exactly same as the new season?

    A: Technically no, although the change will be very small and the "value order" will be kept (Player A whose MMR is larger than player B in the last season will still be ordered as such). Mathematically, a re-normalization process takes place at the start of each season to keep the distribution in a nice bell-shaped curve.

    Q: If I missed one season, will I lose my star bonuses when I return?

    A: No, you won't.

    Q: If I missed multiple seasons, will I lose star bonuses when I return?

    A: Based on how long you are absent, there will be some small decay applied to your MMR. Therefore, you may (or may not) lose some star bonuses.

    Q: Where do the win streak bonuses end?

    A: Diamond 5.

    submitted by /u/TDing_HS
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    Finally achieved my dream of Rank 1 with wizbang

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Today, I absolutely robbed someone of a victory.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    How good are you? HS Battlegrounds Ratings

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    The best wisdom is passed on... so here's a timelapse of how I painted Libram of Wisdom.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Just found this picture from a stream 3 years ago

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Guess what iam gonna Play day 1

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    Tavern Brawl this week is ... "Brawl of Champions -- Grand Finals" (April 1, 2020 -- no fooling)

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Description: "It all ends here, which Champion shall stand victorious!? Choose a troll champion and you'll get the strongest shrine yet!!!"

    Chalkboard: https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/File:Brawl_of_Champions_Grand_Finals.png

    Format: Prebuilt decks, with each class receiving a Rastakhan's Rumble-era troll hero & a "shrine" minion to match (see below). For newer players, a shrine is a 0-Attack minion that provides an ongoing effect, similar to Enchantments in MTG. The shrine minion can be killed as usual, but it will return to life 3 turns later.

    Reward: one Classic pack for your first win

    History: We've seen this format once before, and the previous time was February of 2019.

    Here's a list of each class shrine and its effects -- please note that each class uses its regular Hero Power (e.g. Steady Shot for Hunter, etc):

    • Druid: the hero is Wardruid Loti; the shrine is Gonk's Armament (0/5 -- Whenever you gain Armor, refresh your Mana Crystals.)

    • Hunter: the hero is Zul'jin; the shrine is Halazzi's Trap (0/8 -- After you cast a spell, put a random Hunter Secret into the battlefield.)

    • Mage: the hero is Hex Lord Malacrass; the shrine is Jan'alai's Mantle (0/5 -- Has Spell Damage +1 for each spell in your hand.)

    • Paladin: the hero is High Priest Thekal; the shrine is Shirvallah's Protection (0/4 -- After a friendly minion survives damage, give it Divine Shield.)

    • Priest: the hero is Princess Talanji; the shrine is Bwomsamdi's Sanctum (0/3 -- Your Deathrattles trigger two additional times.)

    • Rogue: the hero is Captain Hooktusk; the shrine is Treasure from Below (0/2 -- At the start of your turn, steal a card from your opponent's deck. It costs (2) less.)

    • Shaman: the hero is Zentimo; the shrine is Tribute from the Tides (0/3 -- Your Battlecries trigger two additional times.)

    • Warlock: the hero is High Priestess Jeklik; the shrine is Hireek's Hunger (0/8 -- Whenever your Hero takes damage on your turn, the enemy Hero takes it instead.)

    • Warrior: the hero is War Master Voone; the shrine is Akali's Champion (0/8 -- This shrine's Attack is always equal to your Armor.)

    Good luck & have fun!

    submitted by /u/AintEverLucky
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    Community data, mmr, and stars everywhere - an initial look at the new ladder system

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, RidiculousHat here with some day one impressions of the new ladder system as well as a review of how previous ranks translated to new star bonuses. I posted a form for players to enter in both their season-ending rank and the multiplier they received on rollover - if you'd like to contribute data, you can do so at this link: https://forms.gle/g7weFoduEroMAKQJ7. We've already had a wonderful early response with almost 300 players sending in their info - but the more data we have, the better!

    Here are the initial results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X1lBUoweOqRHEDm2tRtNS1VzOADnUdRvclzERA9PjCU/edit#gid=1053627745

    The most important thing to note is that MMR is far more important than your most recent ranked finish for determining your star multiplier. While your ranked finish will contribute to the minimum multiplier you earn, MMR has a much larger impact on your result. This was reviewed as well by Team 5 data scientist /u/TDing_HS today over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/ft5muf/faq_ranked_mode_overhaul_matchmaking/

    MMR also appears to be based on historical performance over a long period of time, with many players reporting that they were receiving 10x+ multipliers on inactive alts. MMR decay seems to be gradual and players are unlikely to be punished for taking multiple months off.

    There isn't a clear correlation so far as to the threshold for the coveted 11x multiplier - some regions are only reporting high legend players as receiving it while other regions show players who took the entire month of March off as being granted 11x. My best guess currently is a player's historical MMR placement relative to their server's population - this is just a guess, but different servers clearly have different requirements for 11x.

    So what's the point of all this?

    As of right now, "ladder anxiety" is a very real thing and stars can often feel like possessions to be hoarded - players are often discouraged from queueing games with symmetrical progression. By creating asymmetrical progression where wins are worth more than losses and providing rewards along the way, players are encouraged to ladder more regularly to get the next set of rewards and retrace their steps every month. When this system is combined with MMR-based matchmaking to remove early skill mismatches, players are unlikely to feel like a "speed bump" at lower ranks regardless of their current ability or performance.

    MMR-based multipliers also reflect historical performance and allow players to take time away from the game if they want without impacting their ability to progress back to an appropriate rank. Players get to engage in high-quality games for their entire climb regardless of when they play during the month.

    Do games feel harder?

    Anecdotally, my experience today at bronze 10 with 10x has not felt functionally different from starting at rank 4. Looking at the data, if we have more people hitting legend on day 1, it seems hard to draw the conclusion that winrates regress closer to 50% overall. It is a reasonable assumption that most players were well-placed against opponents of similar quality in the previous system and high-performing outliers were quickly getting ahead of the pack early in the month.

    Is legend easier?

    It's faster if you have a high multiplier (10x+). There are way more legends on day 1 than usual and there are more ranked floors, though many of the day 1 legends were 11x players who were often getting day 1 legend to begin with. It is probably harder for players with a multiplier of 8x and below, and even at 9x the stars required to get to legend increase from 25 (Rank 5, old system) to 30 (Diamond 10, new system), though 15 of those stars now have win streaks.

    The system appears to be designed to help players get back to where they were quickly and then invest significant time in pushing further. Legend ladder appears to be the intended competitive environment for 11x players.

    Should I ladder any differently?

    Nope! Just press play. Initially it looks like some players are choosing to concede early on in their climb to bad matchups instead of playing it out, but the potential value of a win streak far exceeds the time investment in a single game. Conceding early is heavily disincentivized in a system with multiplicative rewards.


    It remains to be seen how this system will age over time, but initial impressions seem to be positive for players at many tiers of the ladder even without considering the substantially increased ladder rewards. Fears of significantly more challenging climbs and punishment for low ranks from previous months have not been substantiated early on.

    submitted by /u/RidiculousHat
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    I Simulated the Difference Between the New Ranked System and the Old One

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    I Simulated the Difference Between the New Ranked System and the Old One


    I am kind of a competitive player, and I try to get to legend each month. When the new Ranked system was announced, I was skeptical about it. Blizzard said in the announcement that the new system will be easier to climb in, if you finished in legend than the old one.

    And so, I decided to check for myself. I made an algorithm that will simulate a climb to legend in each system. In the old one I made it so that you start at rank 4, like a legend player would. In the new one I took into account the star bonuses and the win streaks.

    This is the graph showing the results of the experiment. Each point represents the average amount of games it takes in order to get to legend, from across 100,000 simulations.

    As you can see, the new system is significantly better at winrates closer to 50%, and the difference decreases in size the higher the winrate goes. Still, that means that for most players, with around 54% winrate, the system is an improvement.

    The advantage the new system has is the win streak across all ranks. It makes the increase in wins needed (22 instead of 21) irrelevant.

    What do you think about the new ranked system? What about players without a big star bonus? maybe I'll follow this post with an analysis of these cases.

    Here's the link to my code and results: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RopFPdUjxy7EnbEWgjh9WQWfX74_s_NF

    Edit: wasn't aware that 5 diamond and down still doesn't have win streaks. I'll make an update post with the corrected data ASAP.

    Edit2: Link to the updated post https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/ft7ey8/i_simulated_the_difference_between_the_new_ranked/

    submitted by /u/SmartySmark
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    Good News, everyone: The one-time rank rewards also benefit from duplicate protection! Get those new Priest cards easily!

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:21 AM PDT

    Luckiest pack I’ve ever gotten. Yay!

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    Solved Meta? Sure, let me just find someone playing the same bad homebrew deck with the EXACT SAME NAME

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Did they rename quest hunter’s hero power? It used to be Ramhaken’s Roar right?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    The Comprehensive Ashes of Outland Preview | Vicious Syndicate

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    Monthly Reminder 3: We expect this change on April 7

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    The Platinum rank portrait frame should be more shiny. Do you think that the silver and platinum frames are very similar? And the gold frame look much more prestigious that the platinum?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:55 AM PDT

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