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    Sunday, March 29, 2020

    Hearthstone Official Ashes of Outlands Prediction Contest | Win a "The Ashbringer" custom flair!

    Hearthstone Official Ashes of Outlands Prediction Contest | Win a "The Ashbringer" custom flair!

    Official Ashes of Outlands Prediction Contest | Win a "The Ashbringer" custom flair!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    With the release of The Ashes of Outlands coming soon, it's time for a competition!

    Predict the most impactful cards (cards that see the most play according to hsreplay). After 50 days (May 27th), we will check the statistics on hsreplay and VS Data Reaper Report and see who won!

    Click here to participate


    The criteria for determining what card is most impactful is "In % of decks" for the standard game mode, which means that the topmost card(s) on this list: https://hsreplay.net/cards/#sortBy=includedPopularity&set=DRAGONS (but for Ashes of Outland of course) will be counted towards the contest.

    If the meta changes due to a change to some cards, the contest will end the day before the changes.

    The winner is the one with the most correct answers after 50 days. I have once again checked with the mods, and the winner will be getting a custom made flair just for this occasion as "The Ashbringer". 2nd and 3rd place will be awarded with the flair "The Ashbringer's apprentice"

    More rules are described in the form above, such as tiebreakers. Deadline for entering the contest is when the Ashes of Outland is released. Any submissions after release will not be counted.

    Good luck, and may the best guesser win!

    submitted by /u/Reelox14
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    I’ve done it!!!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    Yes, I have a duplicate, but not really.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    Getting into Wild

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    With the upcoming Standard rotation coinciding with the release of Ashes of Outland there are going to be many players wanting to try out Wild. And if you've clicked on this thread then perhaps one of them is you. But how the hell do you start?

    This thread is going to give you all that good info! What Wild is like, how to start if you don't have much of a Wild collection, where to see decklists and meta reports, who can you watch, etc. This post has got you covered.


    Let's cover a couple misconceptions first.

    "Wild has 'no meta'"

    Players in Wild netdeck, just like they do in Standard. Players gravitate towards what they think are the best lists, just like they do in Standard.

    Wild is certainly a softer format than Standard. What I mean by this is there are a higher percentage of players playing archetypes that are not particularly strong. But this isn't remotely close to a situation where every player at every rank is trying something completely new and never-before-seen. The truth is most players want to win games.

    "Wild is expensive!"

    Nope. Wild is much cheaper than Standard to play and to keep up playing!

    In Wild each expansion makes up a smaller percentage of the total card pool. While there are certainly cases where a completely new archetype can burst on to the scene, more commonly what often happens is previously established decks will simply pick-and-choose the most powerful cards of the latest expansion to add to an already existing shell.

    Decks can continue to be refined and change in small ways for years, without any concern of a deck becoming invalidated in the way many decks are in Standard due to rotation. What this means is there are far fewer 'must-crafts' from the latest expansions and investments you make today are often going to still be relevant down the road.

    There are certainly very expensive individual decklists that players can point to, but they aren't representative of the cost of the format as a whole.

    What is Wild like?

    Your experiences in Wild can obviously differ depending on what rank you are and how you approach playing the format. Naturally if you stick at lower ranks you're likely to see more wacky stuff and if you're at higher ranks things are going to narrow towards a more select number of decks. If you want to simply play at more casual ranks Wild can be an oasis of creativity.

    Broadly speaking though, Wild is a much faster format than Standard while simultaneously having much more powerful end-game tools. The majority of the best decks are what people might think of as aggro or combo lists, although there is still some room for slower decks to flourish.

    Games in Wild are often dictated by powerful single-turn swings, and can be less about incremental advantages over time (although of course this is Hearthstone and tempo matters). You're not often going to be curving out strong minions until turn 8+. More explicitly, the types of decks that might initially spring to mind when you read 'midrange' have very little representation.

    On the flipside, Wild has access to the types of highly synergistic and combo decks that you'll likely never see again in Standard. Some decks might make you feel like you're playing some sort of Tavern Brawl! It can be incredibly fun, eye-opening, and refreshing for anyone that hasn't been exposed to Wild before.

    Getting Started

    If you want to start playing but don't have a huge collection there are two possible approaches that jump to mind.

    • Play the best budget lists in the format or
    • Play lists are similar to the latest Standard lists

    Right now there isn't a ton of crossover between the top Standard lists and Wild lists. However, here are some very powerful lists each using few epics and legendaries.

    • Even Shaman (4840 dust): AAEBAaoIAveqAs30Ag7TAb4G1g+yFLUU+6oCoLYC9r0ClO8CsPACnaMD2qUD+aUDrK0DAA==

    • Mech Paladin (3320 dust, excluding SN1P-SN4P): AAEBAZ8FAqCAA5+3Aw6nBZQP6g+EEIUQs7sC97wCn/UC1v4C1/4C2f4C4f4CzIEDh64DAA==

    • Secret Mage (3700 dust): AAEBAf0EBMAB2bsCotMCv6QDDXG7AuwF9w2JDte2Auu6Aoe9AsHBAo/TAr6kA92pA/SrAwA=

    • Jade Druid (3200 dust, excluding Vargoth and Kael'thas): AAEBAZICAtaZA666Aw5W/gGKDrS7Asu8AqDNAofOApjSAp7SAoTmAr/yAo/2AtulA/awAwA=

    Even Shaman is built around its 1 mana Hero Power from Genn Greymane. The deck buffs its totems, snowballs, and has the ability to push tall or wide onto the board.

    Mech Paladin is a deck that makes use of the mechs and the handbuffs. The magnetic mechanic works very well with hand-buffing and the archetype is able to create incredibly tall boards in the early turns.

    Secret Mage is based on secret synergies. It's disruptive, has plenty of burn, and can draw its entire deck using Aluneth.

    Jade Druid is a control, fatigue-proof list with plenty of armour gain and draw. This list lacks the Druid Death Knight, but does make use of the free legendaries Vargoth and Kael'Thas.

    The golden rule of collection-building is "Build decks, not cards". What this means is when you invest you want to make sure you're working towards a playable archetype, rather than a mish-mash of standalone 'good' cards that may not add up to anything. Sure it might be nice to craft that Kazakus but it's not going to do you much good if you don't also have a Reno Jackson.

    Meta Reports and Decks

    • Vicious Syndicate: A data-driven report which many people may be familiar with from Standard. For Wild these reports are less frequent, requiring 4 continuous weeks to put together without nerfs or new content.

    • Rankstar: An opinion-based report from a collection of legend Wild players.

    • Tempo Storm: An opinion-based report which will likely be a familiar name for many, which consistently has a very quick turnaround following balance changes or updates.

    There are also reports from other sources including Hearthstone Top Decks and various Chinese organizations which are sometimes translated and posted on r/wildhearthstone.

    neon31HS is someone who curates lists posted on Twitter and is an excellent resource to check out up-to-date lists. Additionally, there have been a number of collaborative deck guides posted on his website.

    Streams and YouTube

    There are so many players that stream or make content for Wild. Obviously I'm not going to be able to name everyone (including people that I watch myself!) and it's an intentionally very small list as to not overwhelm new people with an avalanche of names. Now with that disclaimer out of the way here are some established streamers who almost-exclusively stream Wild Hearthstone content (of course feel free to drop your fav in the comments!):

    The r/wildhearthstone discord server is a good place to discuss the game too.

    I'll be sticking around and am happy to answer any questions, no matter how trivial or massive, specific or general. You can also check out the "You have the questions, r/wildhearthstone has the answers" threads that have just recently been posted and pinned to the top of the subreddit.

    submitted by /u/corbettgames
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    showerthought: If you make a season pass and try to capitalize on battlegrounds, at least give us monthly end of season rewards to

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:24 AM PDT

    like a ranked reward chest for battleground. With Skins for cards or whatever.

    submitted by /u/Badpack
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    I created the most shocking animations in history HS (4K)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    My rank 50 friend just did this today

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Have the daily quests changed?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    For the past couple of days, even with an otherwise full of 50g quest, quest log I have only gotten 50g quests both for the daily quest and for the reroll. Since they last changed the quests I had rarelly gotten a non 60g quest much less having a quest log full of 50 ones for days.

    So is this just chance? Has anyone else noted an increase in 50g quests since the last patch?

    submitted by /u/Skonakos
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    Always pick double Zerus

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    Divine Shield Exodia

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    I feel as though people have forgotten this utterly insane minion. Now that Dr. Boom is 7 again and still in standard, its time to bring him back and remind people, that they're not allowed to have fun.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    Just a friendly reminder, that while Dr. Boom is back in the meta for a short time; this card exists:

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    We found the max turns in battlegrounds

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    The light shall burn yo-

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 10:29 PM PDT

    Hey Zephrys, where's my Tirion?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    Saying goodbye to Hunter's best legendary soon. You will be missed

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    Congratulations Bob on your new job in Blizzard Sales

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    With new expansion coming Bob has now taken to after every battleground recommend that I buy the perks that arent even out yet. I though Bob was a cool dude running a tavern, guess that wasnt paying the bill and those ruffians in the tavern weren't tipping him(looking at you toggwaggle) enough.

    submitted by /u/vincentcloud01
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    Returning Player Great Experience

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    So I've been playing hearthstone on and off for awhile. Mainly F2P, never had anything close to a meta deck. Heard news of the free decks, so decided to create a new account. Couldn't have gone better. Opened Kronx, Galakrond in a pack. Grinded to rank 25. Then got Edwin and Anka in packs. Crafted Toggwaggle. Then picked mage for the free decks for Alex and zephyrs. Love my highlander rogue deck and now freaking pumped for the expansion. Just thought I would share in case people are on the fence for coming back/starting new. Cheers

    submitted by /u/Sharkswlaserbeams
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    Apexis Blast is really good

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Well this was disgusting

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Pretty normal murlocs run =)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    The monetization scheme around battlegrounds concerning the Tavern Pass for Ashes of Outland is terrible value, and there needs to be a massive change.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    When battlegrounds first launched this didn't seem to be much of an issue, due to us being able to obtain the "perks" by simply buying packs, which was quite simple if you saved gold from the last expansions quests.

    Now, under the new pass you will have your heroes reduced from 3 choosable heroes to 2, unless you own the tavern pass in which you get to choose from 4 which is a MASSIVE advantage. All of this being in a game mode in which you earn 10 gold for 3 wins, which requires typically around an hour of play time in total for a measly 10 gold.

    With this new tavern pass you are forced to either:

    1. Buy the $80 mega bundle (F2P won't).

    2. Spend $20 on the pass.

    3. Spend 2500 gold after being purposefully reduced from 3 to 2 hero choices.

    4. Don't spend anything, don't care, continue with 2 heroes and play at a disadvantage.

    Why is there not more outrage about this? This seems to be a major issue and major disappointing outlook on a fresh game mode that already gives no rewards.

    submitted by /u/thisonesforharambe
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    Pixel Art Deathstalker Rexxar by me

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 05:51 PM PDT


    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    Got your SKULL, little Gul'dan

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:25 PM PDT

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