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    Tuesday, March 10, 2020

    Hearthstone Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

    Hearthstone Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

    Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Hello members of the /r/hearthstone community,

    This is part of a series of weekly threads aimed at both new and old players from the community. It is designed so that everybody may ask any and all questions regarding the game's mechanics, decks, strategies and more.

    Please keep it clean and try to add more than just a one or two word response. As the goal of this post is to increase the community's knowledge, the thought process matters as much as the answer! There is also a Theorycrafting Thursday weekly post, for those who wish to discuss some of the more intricate aspects of the game.

    Sticky Threads and Guides - Great resources for new players!

    Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Wish there was an earnest way to emote "good game/well played" in BG. The nice ones all say "later, dick"

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Battlegrounds Emote Translations

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Thanks for the gold, I guess?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    The Caverns Below will not be having its nerf reverted according to Dean Ayala on Twitter

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    No.38 Edwin VanCleef / Shadowbox of Hearthstone / March 9, 2020

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    Iksar's response to me on why the announcement hasn't happened yet.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Is Embiggen a Choose One card?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    HOF Announcement in the Next 2 Hours or Riot

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    The HOF/New Year announcement is way overdue. They usually announce it in February and the new expansion in March, so unless they announce both at the same time, the HOF should be coming today. And since they usually announce stuff at 1:00 EST, that means we've got two hours until we learn what's in store for this year. SO hopefully you can come back to this post in two hours to see if I was right.

    Edit: My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. Looks like we're waiting for Thursday people. I apologize for wasting your time.

    submitted by /u/Sufficient_Damage
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    My Thoughts on Year of the Raven Sets

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 11:47 AM PDT


    Well, the end of Raven sets in Standard at least.

    So, I thought I'd write up some thoughts on my experiences with the three releases of 2018: The Witchwood, The Boomsday Project, and Rastakhan's Rumble!


    Theme: A Haunted Forest!

    Mechanics: Echo, Rush, Even/Odd, "Worgen"

    Infamous cards: Shudderwock | Baku the Mooneater | Genn Greymane

    Additional Content: Monster Hunt

    THEME: The year started out following in the footsteps of Kobolds and Catacombs, putting players in another classic Dungeons and Dragons environment. However, this time there was a definite villain: Hagatha the Witch. Not only would Hagatha play an interesting part in the Monster Hunt itself, she would also become a recurring character in the Year of the Dragon.

    MECHANICS: Mechanically the set introduced a new "evergreen" keyword in Rush, which all-but ended Charge as a mechanic. Echo was somewhat successful, though didn't see much play once Year of the Dragon got rolling (Sn1p-Sn4p being the only real exception). The Even/Odd mechanic was so ridiculously powerful that all cards from the set were moved to the Hall of Fame a year early! Finally, the "Worgen" theme was probably the worst ever implemented: while other themes might have been weak, too strong, or even bad… the Worgen were 100% forgotten.

    INFAMOUS CARDS: Here we see the obvious choices of Genn and Baku – cards so powerful that the entire year revolved around them and their effects. As mentioned, Team 5 responded to this unexpected power by rotating ALL cards using that mechanic to Wild a full year in advance. I also included Shudderwock because he truly is infamous. Shudderwock's cries of "MY JAWS THAT BITE, MY CLAWS THAT CATCH" echoed over and over again, creating nigh infinite loops of damage, or freezing, or healing, or (usually) ALL OF THE ABOVE. Blizzard actually addressed Shudderwock's powerlevel through several means: once by reducing the animations speeds (not that it helped), and again by limiting him to a maximum of 30 Battlecry triggers. And still he's abused for ridiculous effects in Wild.

    ADDITIONAL CONTENT: Monster Hunt was the second iteration of the Dungeon Run concept, and thus Team 5 took some effort to implement a more cohesive story into the release. As would be expected from a sophomore release, I would consider this overall better than the original Dungeon Run. Whether being limited to 4 heroes is an improvement or not is a matter of opinion, but the combos enabled by the dual-class setup was definitely interesting. Blizzard still didn't implement some of the progress tracking we would receive in Year of the Dragon releases, but there's no denying they had found a formula for success.


    • Theme: 6/10 - A haunted forest is just interesting enough to keep you interested, while also being vague enough for creative freedom.

    • Design: 3/10 - Echo is good. Rush is great. However, Odd/Even created too many problems and Worgen were completely forgotten.


    Theme: FOR SCIENCE!

    Mechanics: Magnetic, Legendary Spells, "Projects"

    Infamous cards: Zilliax | Luna's Pocket Galaxy

    Additional Content: The Puzzle Lab

    THEME: Dr. Boom is a pointless and powerless weenie in Azeroth, but in here he's a true Mad Scientist in the classic James Bond sense. After his rise to fame during Goblins and Gnomes, Team 5 gave him his own expansion and told him to, "Go Nuts!" The result was a wild collection of themes and mechanics that really only works in a game like Hearthstone. And, as with the Witchwood's Hagatha, we would get to see him again in the future.

    MECHANICS: The mechanics of Boomsday were, outside of Odd/Even, the most impactful of the Raven. This became more evident once the Frozen Throne Death Knights rotated out, but even from the beginning several of the Legendary Spells were used to create new decks and interesting interactions. The Magnetic mechanic would enable new power boosts in Standard, but also enabled an entirely new Tier 1 aggro deck in Wild in the form of Mech Paladin. Unlike the "Worgen" subtheme of Witchwood, several of the Boomsday's "Projects" saw play in Tier 1 decks.

    INFAMOUS CARDS: UNITY. PRECISION. PERFECTION. Hearthstone minions tend to walk a fine line between powerful and overpowered. Sometimes, a card will come along that is hated because of its power. Other times cards are hated because they are ever present (though not necessarily overpowered). Zilliax, though, is one of the few (only?) cards that is both powerful, regularly seen, and still loved. He hasn't left us yet, but some of us are already in mourning. While I considered adding Dr. Boom's hero to the "infamous cards" section, I'm not sure he qualifies. Especially when compared to Luna's Pocket Galaxy – a card that was buffed, nerfed, and still played in today's game. While several of the other Legendary Spells supported various legit (if not Tier 1) decks, Luna's Galaxy created its deck.

    ADDITIONAL CONTENT: Taking a break from the Dungeon Run, players were finally provided with a "puzzle mode," and it is beautifully implemented. New technology allows players to relaunch the puzzle to try different solutions, and several of them required detailed knowledge of how Hearthstone "logic" works. However, as expected, the replay value for the Puzzle Labs is seriously lacking. I still find myself revisiting Dungeon Runs and Monster Hunt, but I haven't touched Puzzle Labs since first completing it.


    • Theme: 8/10 - FOR SCIENCE! This may be Hearthstone's ultimate theme. Warcraft has never taken itself too seriously, but Boomsday really embraced the ridiculousness in entirely new ways. Where else can you see giant cannons launching minions on the board just to die? Or Paladins who utilize "The Light" as lasers? Or an OLD GOD rebuilt as a ROBOT??

    • Design: 8/10 - Most of the design rating belongs with Magnetic. This mechanic fits Dr. Boom's established personality, communicates an interesting fantasy (building giant robots), created entirely new deck options in both Standard and Wild, AND the UI implementation is super intuitive. Additionally, each of the Legendary Spells is both unique and sits well within each of the different classes. As I look to the future of Hearthstone, I want more like Boomsday.


    Theme: A Troll Loa Tournament!

    Mechanics: Overkill, "Spirit Shrines"

    Infamous cards: Shirvallah, the Tiger | Hakkar, the Soulflayer

    Additional Content: Rumble Run

    THEME: Are you ready to RUUUUMMBLLLLLLLLE????!!!! God do I love the theme of this set! An arena full of spectators watching as Trolls engage in mortal combat supported by their respective animal Loas! And that's about all I can say about Rastakhan's Rumble.

    MECHANICS: Both mechanics introduced in this set were absolute duds. Overkill follows the Inspire mechanic of being interesting on paper, but difficult to balance. Out of the 9 "Spirit of the…" Shrine, only two (Rogue and Shaman) ever saw real play. One or two of the others saw some experimentation (Priest and Warrior), but they were effectively ignored by players. And, sadly, that's really all that Rastakhan offered.

    INFAMOUS CARDS: In all honesty, only Shirvallah deserves to be in the infamous cards section. This card created a new OTK Paladin deck that saw consistent play for the pretty much the entire time it existed in Standard. However, I included Hakkar because 1) It's one of my favorite cards ever created, and 2) It also created a new deck (that was never very good) in the form of Togwaggle/Blood Druid.

    ADDITIONAL CONTENT: Sigh. I don't want to sound like a broken record, but Rumble Runs continue the meta theme of the Rastakhan set: poor implementation. We did get some interesting additions to the run in the form of Shrines, but we LOST the story telling elements from the Monster Hunt. Simultaneously, the Rumble Run required several balancing changes - the original release was markedly more difficult than the previous Dungeon Runs. At the same time, Team 5 found themselves under fire by "completionists" who wanted to complete all 27 possible clears (I'm one one of those players who created a spreadsheet to track my completed runs), but found the randomness of which shrines offered fairly off-putting. All of that said - if you haven't revisited Rumble Run in awhile, the balance changes did make it much more interesting, and the Shrine effects are interesting enough to provide a different/new experience from Dungeon Runs and Monster Hunt.


    • Theme: 7/10 - I truly love this theme. Not only is it interesting to see the Loas and their respective priests, but the 1v1 nature of the Rumble should have been a perfect fit for the 1v1 nature of Hearthstone.

    • Design: 3/10 - However, the power level of the cards simply didn't work. Just look at my comments on the infamous cards – the set simply didn't have the effect it should have. I believe some of the "power creep" we saw in Descent of Dragons can be attributed to the lackluster reception of Rastakhan.

    submitted by /u/rtwoctwo
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    Lack of announcement rant inside

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    I'll put this out there, and it's totally not a unique opinion in any way, but this is honestly super old. I've been playing since release and this wait feels a lot like waiting for Naxx, mainly because based on the last three years we would have known about the rotation for weeks now. At this point, and I acknowledge that this is ridiculous, I'm just getting more and more mad each day that passes without an announcement.

    I'm frustrated that the summit happened and streamers hyped it up way more than they should have, I'm frustrated that the rotation still hasn't been announced and I'm frustrated that it took us bickering for days to get them to say "mid-March". Sure Blizzard owes me nothing, I get that, but I'm still mad at how this whole thing has been handled.

    submitted by /u/Rhovan22
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    Equal pay for equal work!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    Thijs and the INSANE Puzzle Box OTK!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    Whelp that was a fun game

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    Perfect game (40hp) with the worst hero... Millhouse!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    I'm gonna do it. I swear to god, I'm gonna do it.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Found f2p Leeroy in the wild today at Disney World

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    It was... a good dream

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    I think there might be more to the late HOF announcment [Theory]

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    As we all know, everyone has been waiting for the new HOF announcements to be revealed, as well as the new expansion. Historically, the HOF reveal would be done shortly after the HS summit or even before of that, but always before March and the first expansion of the year would be announced in mid-march, before releasing in the second week of April. That's tradition anyways. And you can be as disappointed and critical of Blizzard all you want, but, possibly for marketing reasons, they always stay very close to these "traditions", however, this was not the case, meaning we'll probably get HOF and New Expansion announcement at the same time or really close to each other, WHICH IS CRAZY, because if you know Blizzard, you'll know by now the fact that they would never pass out the opportunity to flesh out hype all they want, that's why we don't normally get two announcements per week but rather one every week/every other week.

    So, of course, announcing these two things really close to each other seems like waste from a marketing standpoint, the hype fazes away, the people are annoyed and now you probably lost your capability of making announcements for a while. Unless... Unless the HOF and the new expansion are somehow related.
    You see, I was watching Regis' video about the Summit, where he was really straight forward and in many ways realistic about the future of HS, more specifically this year. In the comment section and the video, he clarifies "Don't expect anything for Wild" however, one of the things that got announce first was... Wild nerfs being reverted? Huh? I mean that seems big and never seen before, well, unless the underfed cards were somehow related to a new rotating classic set or new rotating format. Or wild cards returning to standard, something along those lines.

    It just seems odd to me, that they'd push HOF reveals for so long, which normally (although exciting) isn't the most important thing at the start of the year, it's normally a getaway before the announcements of the next expansion.

    So, what do you think? Do you think it might be related at all? Or am I just starting to go bananas due to the lack of news?

    submitted by /u/pijon95
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    Why is Infested wolf 3 star?!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:37 AM PDT

    He's basically a worse Rat pack, and by a large margin. Either put wolf in tier 2 or remove him due to his lack of special effects compared to the Rat.

    submitted by /u/Laviephrath
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    Exodia: Michael Bay Edition

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Truly E.V.I.L.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    Is two too much?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:28 AM PDT

    i got 58 of 60 possible arena wins with my first 5 arena runs since the rotation (3x12 2x11) my best streak in over 10k wins.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    druid 12:1, mage 12:2 (x2), druid 11:3 and paly 11:3. needless to say that i obviously also got lucky,but im still kinda proud.

    submitted by /u/solow89
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