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    Saturday, December 14, 2019

    Hearthstone How I imagine what's happening next week at Blizzard [OC]

    Hearthstone How I imagine what's happening next week at Blizzard [OC]

    How I imagine what's happening next week at Blizzard [OC]

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 03:45 AM PST

    I was in a Language Arts class helping with their poems unit when I suddenly got PTSD

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 10:59 AM PST

    New card nerfs

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 03:57 AM PST


    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 09:20 AM PST

    Art for the Battlegrounds!

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 02:20 PM PST

    FYI Ben Brode's Grilled Cheese is on Spotify now

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 09:25 AM PST

    Coming back to Hearthstone after a year of not playing, only to notice it hasn't changed a bit

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 12:37 PM PST

    Just made Top 200 Legend with Dragon Hunter!

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 12:06 AM PST

    SUGGESTION: The next Tavern brawl should be Standard with no Shaman

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 07:45 AM PST

    We all know how standard is infested with Shaman right now and how Blizzard is going to nerf them soon so I wonder what the meta would look like without it? Tavern Brawl is also some sort of PTR for new ideas and mechanics so this should give Blizzard the data that can help with balancing cards for current and/or next expansions.

    submitted by /u/Lulu14
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    [UPDATE] I lived up to my previous post and ate the card

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 03:51 AM PST

    Descend of Dragons Priest will be in last place even if his cards are buffed for this stupid developer reasons

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:48 PM PST

    Edit: Thanks for the awards strangers! I'm loving them!!! (Also formatting and adding a TLDR)

    Edit 2: I don't mean Galakron the unspeakable should be a clear 7 minions clear, I would like it tough, just that it should be balanced on it's own by cost and effect and the costs of playing invokes in Priest, not around the other cards, invokes and effects of other classes because... well, that's the asinine part.

    Hi! I'm ArtoriasSoul, I'm a Priest Main with over 5700 Priest Wins and I'm a private player and you usually can find me playing at legend rank with Priest decks.

    Seeing how Priest has the worst winrates a class has ever had in the history of Hearthstone, I wanted to make a Post (and maybe a little rant) about "Why Priest is bad this expansion", specially explaining how idioticly bad this set is for Priest, why some of the incredible stupid decitions around Priest were made by the developers and why it won't be viable even if they buff him around the same principles to get a discussion going and get ideas about what we can make to help it.

    Let's start with the Worst offender: Galakrond Archetype

    **GALAKROND:**Team 5 wanted Galakronds effect to be doubled each upgrade, they also wanted Galakrond to be 7 mana in every class. They also wanted Priest to get the Destroy minions Battlecry as they tought it would be synergystic with the tempo loss Galakrond Invokes for Priest bring. This leaves with an incredibly stupid problem, the board doesn't have 8 spaces, just 7, so they couldn't make it "destroy 2-4-8" only "1-2-4" or it would not be doubled in the last upgrade and would confuse players... idiotic really.This was a standardized choice that assumes players are easily confused by the rules of the game and wouldn't understand why it doubles from 4 to 7, as it doubles in the other classes, not a logical choice based on balance. Let's remember that Twisting Nether costs 8, and a one sided Twisting Nether that requires playing 4 Invokes cards could be balanced around those same invokes. They decided not to do that for Priest.

    **Galakrond Hero Power:**Getting a random Priest minion is actually the buffed hero power. Initially it was, get a random Spell but considered weak in playtesting because it ocluded the hand with conditional spells Priest couldn't play so they "Buffed" it again to a Priest minion. Any experienced priest player will tell you, specially after trying Galakrond, this is a lot worse than it sounds.Most Priest minions (over 80%) require special synergies, and only 30% offers vanilla stats, and only 6% are taunts so, a random Priest minion is only good when both players have equal boards or in topdeck mode.Galakrond the Unspeakable belongs in an Atrittion deck.

    Now, see the Invokes.

    **Disciple of Galakron:**Offers card generation and 1-2 stats. Really good tempo and value.Usable in any deck.Fate Weaver: Really good effect, Vanilla Stats, bad synergy as the requirement for 2 invokes makes it unusable by turn 4. This only is worth it in a combo deck.

    **Time Rip:**Don't be fooled, this is assasinate with add a random minion effect. It's was considered slow even by Classic standards by a Class that had access to Preparation for -3 mana. Priest has access to better conditional removal. This is a really bad card that doesn't belong in any deck.

    **Devoted Maniac:**This card is balanced around other Galakrond, 2-2 Rush for 4 mana makes it extremely bad in Priest decks, buffing it makes it really OP in any other Galakrond decks. Usable in Control Priest but mostly unusable in any recent metas.

    **Shield of Galakrond:**It's farily ok, 4-5 taunt and a card generation makes it fair in most decks. Makes it really powerful in other Galakrond decks. It's a fair Priest card in an expansion full of unfair cards.

    The problem with Invokers is that All the invokes either belong to different kind of decks, suck or are balanced around other Galakronds, making the weakest one Priest, get the worst deal while playing Galakrond. This archetype tries to be tempo, combo, control and Atrittion in the same Deck antisynergising with itself in every considerable way.

    Other Descend of Dragons Cards:

    **Whispers of evil:**Generally a bad card, it was one of the worst winrate cards in the new Nomi Priest according to hsreplay, saying that about a deck with 32% winrate is saying something.

    **Envoy of Lazul:**Worst than Vanilla Stats, gives mediocre information about what's in your opponent hand as they can draw the cards shown exactly the next turn. A literal 33% in an extremely weak body.

    **Mindflayer Kaahrj:**Sounds a lot better on paper than it is practically as most people who have used it know. Getting a minion from the opponent sounds good stat wise, until you notice that that minion takes 2 turns to attack, so it's not useful tempo wise, is probably highly synergistic with your opponent deck, not yours, and as Zetalot said, you're probably better playing a minion you actually want in your deck than trying to get one from your opponent.

    **Grave Runes:**Would be a Really good card in Warlock, costs 1 less mana than Carnivorous Cube, but doesn't offer the 4-6 body with it, nor Priest gets any of the low cost synergies Warlock had to abuse it. In the best case practically this is offering 3 copies of a 3 cost minion on turn 10 for 3 cards, or for 7 mana, 3 copies of a minion that survived last turn. Really crappy in practice even tough it might be really good in the future.

    **Chronobreaker:**It's a conditional board clear, that comes in a deathrattle, most likely a turn after it was played, Offers 0 tempo, no value, and worse than vanilla stats for an effect that doesn't proc when you need it. If played in the same turn, it's a conditional 8 mana 2 cards, 3 damage clear with Wretcher reclaimer. Basically you never want to put this in any deck, even if you are playing dragons, Need either taunt or to become a battlecry to be good.

    **Murozond:**Basically a win more card and much, much, very much worse Tess Greymane that costs the same, but only offers +2+2 over her. The only reasonable use this card has is as a tech against Luna's Pocket Galaxy Mage that plays both a freeze and a bunch of minions in the same turn. It will lose you the game if you're playing from behind.

    TLDR: In conclussion, Priest got no synergies, got smeared by his Galakrond cards being balanced around every other Galakronds available and his cards are all over the place pulling to different directions. The real problem lays not in the cards per se, but in the developers that decided to create them around everyones elses effects, without the synergies of the logic that entrails. I don't think Galakrond Priest will be viable except it is completly redone and that's probably not going to happen.

    submitted by /u/Artorias_Soul
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    Shaman is kinda weak. I think he needs a good card: elemental because why not, 4 mana 7/7 and also battlecry.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 12:10 PM PST

    I cant log in. I tried both wifi and data, neither works.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 07:04 AM PST

    A simple nerf to Mgu that still keeps the card playable.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 11:24 AM PST

    Defeating Lich King abusing Kobold Stickyfinger bug!

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 08:57 AM PST

    I got literally destroyed by Secret Mage

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:38 PM PST

    This madlad is playing Odd Shaman at rank 7

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 02:06 PM PST

    Blizzard, please add Dalaran Heist heroes to the shop!

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 09:48 AM PST

    For the Dalaran Heist Blizzard created 9 unique heroes which are fully voiced, have card interactions and are announced by the innkeeper. Its such a shame these alternate heroes are not utilised at all...

    Please add the heroes to the store, because ever since the update the only purchasable hero is Sylvanas hero set. Since the heroes don't have card backs they could just be sold as standalone portraits, as they're otherwise fully done.

    For people who like customising game experience more heroes would be amazing. It's really cool playing against different characters! Personally, I'd gladly pay money for Kriziki since the Arakkoa are probably my favorite WoW race. She even appears on the art of Penance.

    TL;DR - 9 amazing heroes are fully done, please let us buy them.

    submitted by /u/Slutianna
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    cant log in

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 07:07 AM PST

    When you don't play Galakrond Shaman

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 03:40 PM PST

    F2P, started at rastakahn release. From rank 10 on DoD release to first time legendary with a 2040 dust deck, 61W-18L over 4 days

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 04:17 AM PST

    It's time the Guardian retired his role to his better.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 01:28 PM PST

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