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    Sunday, November 3, 2019

    Hearthstone Update on Mobile Performance

    Hearthstone Update on Mobile Performance

    Update on Mobile Performance

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:37 PM PDT

    Hey Folks,


    I wanted to give everyone an update on the state of mobile, as we've seen quite a lot of threads about it.


    In our next major update we will be rolling out a fix that should address the majority (if not all) of the crashes on mobile. This update will be rolling out in the next couple of weeks. Sincere apologies for the poor experience, we're working to get things back on track.


    The team is continuing to pinpoint what other issues may exist and are hoping to squash these pesky bugs in their tracks.



    submitted by /u/Chris_Attalus
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    So here's what'll happen in Wild:

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 06:29 AM PST

    If Evolve was still in Standard with Descent of Dragons...

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:45 AM PST

    The release of Descent of Dragons marks the last time the Standard format will consist of more than half the total # of cards

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 01:36 AM PST

    So currently, there are 1049 cards legal in Standard, and 1101 cards NOT legal in Standard. (That's not counting the Tombs of Terror event, which brings the numbers to 1072 in Standard and 1078 that are Wild-only: an almost-even split, with Standard still making up slightly less than half the pie.)

    After the release of Descent of Dragons, a 140-card set (135 + the five Galakronds), there will be 1189 cards legal in Standard. This is the last time the number of cards legal in Standard will be greater than the number of cards NOT legal in Standard.

    Starting next Year, when Witchwood/Boomsday/Rastakhan rotates, assuming it launches with a typical 135-card set, there will be 924 Standard-legal cards, with a whopping 1501 cards exclusive to Wild. From that point forward, Wild will always be more than twice as big as Standard. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk

    Happy Daylight Savings Time btw, everyone! Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour :D

    submitted by /u/PhDVa
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    Ethereal Lackey has only one thing on his mind

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 04:00 AM PST

    These quests really aren't helping the meta get better

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:39 AM PST

    Forget dragons, forget the final showdown between EVIL and Explorers

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 07:34 AM PST

    You know what I'm most excited for in this expansion? The wrap-up for this arc between George and Karl.

    We've been following them since Un'Goro, which introduced us to these two characters through some flavor text for the cards Lost in the Jungle and Vinecleaver, although we didn't know much about them yet. We could actually put faces to names with the Dungeon Run in Kobolds and Catacombs, where we fought them over some loot as we tried to make our way through the dungeons. This gave us a bit more time to learn about these inseparable companions. We eventually defeated them, and although we continued to delve deeper into the dungeon, the two paladins were apparently separated in the conflict and couldn't find each other when they came to, so they were forced to find a way out of the dungeon alone. They haven't seen each other at all since.

    George eventually spiraled into a deep depression from the grief of losing his best friend, seeking employment wherever he could and never holding a job for long. Then, he got an offer from a mysterious ethereal who spoke of vengeance. Vengeance against the "noble" adventurers who had taken victory from within his grasp. The ethereal said he had already found four companions who felt just as strongly about getting revenge (one of them was even the kobold king who lorded over the dungeon that he and Karl had trekked through all that time ago), but there was still room for a few members who would be second-in-command in their new organization. George didn't really understand much of what he was talking about, but he liked the sound of getting revenge on those filthy adventurers who had caused him so much grief. Having nowhere else to go and feeling more and more sure about his decision the longer the ethereal discussed it with him, he accepted. He became one of the key players in the Great Dalaran Heist, helping to claim the city for the ethereal and his partners.

    Karl, meanwhile, stayed optimistic about the situation. Unlike George, he never gave up hope. He never stopped his search for his companion, nay, his closest friend, and he knew that if he kept at it long enough, they would eventually reunite. He searched all over Azeroth for George, but had yet to find any sign of him at all. His search eventually led him to the desert in Uldum. There, while stopping at a Bazaar owned by a guy named Bob, he met a team of four explorers who told him that they were on a mission of their own. Apparently, one of their long standing enemies, Rafaam, had just joined forces with four other evildoers and had successfully stolen the great city of Dalaran. They had converted the city into their very own flying fortress, and were currently set up in Uldum to release the five ancient plagues. In response, the explorers had made their way to Uldum to put a stop to this dastardly plan. Karl was intrigued by this group, and the more he talked with them, the more he liked them. The group consisted of a wise night elf who knew how to read a map like no one else (he actually recognized her from his quest in Un'Goro, back when he and George were still companions), a brash dwarf who wouldn't hesitate to charge into a fight, a crafty dragon human who had a knack for finding (and keeping) treasure, and a noble murloc who was eager to help his friends. Karl took a liking to the murloc especially, since they both highly valued companionship, and the two soon got to talking with each other more. Eventually, the murloc asked if Karl would like to join them in their quest. Karl, having hit another dead end in his search for George, accepted, and soon he joined the murloc and the rest of the explorers as they attempted to quell the ancient plague lords responsible for the dreadful plagues. Unknowingly to Karl, he was closer to George at that point than he had ever been - George was actually a high-ranking member of the organization responsible for seizing Dalaran and unleashing the plagues, and was currently in Dalaran with his superiors. The fact that they were now fighting on opposite sides of the same fight is an unfortunate twist of fate.

    So here we are. We're at the final chapter of this year-long story of two men who have lost so much. One has given up his search for the other and given in to the anger he feels inside, while the other continues his search for the first, seemingly in vain. It is almost assured, then, that these two will finally encounter each other in the story for the upcoming expansion, and what an interesting encounter it will be. Will they have a teary reunion and pick up where they left off? Or will they be so angry at one another for taking the opposite side that they'll become mortal, bitter enemies for the rest of their days, each having their heart broken and swearing to hunt down the other? Only time will tell. The conclusion to this tragic tale is what I'm most looking forward to in the new expansion, and I can't wait to see how it ends.

    oh yeah also the new deathwing is pretty cool

    submitted by /u/Gavadar
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    Museum curator gave me a very specific theme during my arena run...

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 09:01 AM PST

    Uhh Blizzard? Might wanna take a look at that auto-complete...

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 02:06 AM PST

    The Value...

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 07:12 AM PST

    The release of Descent of Dragons will finally end Hunter’s 4 1/2-year reign as the class with the most legendaries

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 11:51 PM PDT

    Way back in The Grand Tournament, Hunter received two class legendaries (Dreadscale and Acidmaw) while every other class got the usual one. Descent of Dragons will be the first expansion since then with an uneven card distribution. Now that the EVIL heroes are all getting an extra class legendary, Mage, Druid, and Paladin will have fewer total legendaries than the rest.

    submitted by /u/yaboyhenryclay
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    Congratulations to the Global Finals Champion!

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 04:22 PM PDT

    VKLiooon beats Bloodyface 3-0 to end a brilliant run through BlizzCon! She becomes the first female champion and the first from champion from China.

    submitted by /u/scene_missing
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    Mountain giant at turn 4 triggers alpha male

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:21 AM PST

    May the RNG be ever in your favor

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 03:06 PM PDT

    Behold the Armies of Stormwind!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:35 AM PST

    Doom in the Tomb – Top Legend Decks #4 (Standard and Wild)

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 12:24 PM PST

    In this article, you will find Decks played in this week (28.10 – 03.11)

    How to use deck codes:

    1. Copy the code
    2. Open Hearthstone Collection
    3. Create a new deck, you will be asked "Do you want to create a deck from the clipboard"

    News, Guides, and Articles of this Week:

    Standard Decks

    Druid Decks

    Quest Druid:

    Players started to play Wild Pyromancer to counter Aggro Decks, with Overflow players can cycle faster to play Chef Nomi

    Quest OTK Druid:

    There is nothing to say that the player hasn't said himself, you can watch this video by him to learn more about the Deck.

    Hunter Decks

    Quest Hunter:

    The original creator of the list named it "Shaman Killer" which seems to be the idea of the deck. With a very big part of the meta being Shaman, the idea of a counter deck which is also fun is great!

    Mage Decks

    Highlander Mage:

    Hunter is the only really bad matchup for Highlander Mage which is not a big part of the meta, which makes the deck a good pick for this meta.

    Paladin Decks

    Highlander Paladin:

    According to HsReplay, Highlander Paladin has the highest overall winrate. The deck has an insane potential to highroll and you will have fast games. You can also cut the lategame to have a cheaper deck.

    Priest Decks

    OTK Combo Priest:

    Combo Priest is not a new Deck, but 2 CN Players used a list we saw played in the past a bit. The idea of the deck is to have 2 Win Conditions: With a big part of the deck beeing spells we can reduce the cost of Grave Horror very fast. With Seance, we get a fast swing turn. Another idea of the deck is to otk your opponent: Stormwind Knight into 2* Power Word Shield into Divine Spirit into Topsy Turvy and using Vivid Nightmare gives you 32 damage. With using one more Divine Spirit even over 60 damage is possible. Saving silence till the combo makes this a powerful idea.

    Miracle Nomi Priest:

    Ones one of the strongest Deck it finally made a comeback. The CN Player LFYueying got Legend #1 with it at the end of the month. According to Tylerootd, the deck has an insane winrate vs Shaman making it a good ladder deck. This deck either wins with Grave Horror early or Chef Nomi. With Seance in this Deck, we have a good chance to win even when the opponent has aoe.

    Rogue Decks

    Pirate N'Zoth Rogue:

    The CN Player mask_hero played an interesting list. With the return of N'Zoth in Standard the Pirate package seems interesting. Not only we get Khartut back, but also a rush minion with Cursed Castaway. The Deck overall didn't saw that much play yet.

    Shaman Decks

    Nothing really new to say, Evolve and Quest Shaman are the top decks of the meta.

    Warlock Decks

    Zoo Warlock:

    I am not that sure how the player got high Legend with the deck this late in the season, the deck has bad winrate vs a lot of meta deck. I can only assume that other players mulligan for another Warlock Deck.

    Warrior Decks

    Control Warrior:

    Control Warrior saw a big rise at Legend. The Meta is normally a bit different at the end of the month and at the start, making Warrior queue into better matchups.

    Wild Decks

    Druid Decks

    Hunter Decks

    Mage Decks

    Paladin Decks

    Priest Decks

    • No Decks found this week

    Rogue Decks

    Shaman Decks

    Warlock Decks

    Warrior Decks

    • No Decks found this week
    submitted by /u/neon313
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    Uhm, that's one way to ask out a celebrity

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 07:55 PM PDT

    Some Descent of Dragons cards animations

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 01:36 PM PST

    We are currently investigating reports of login issues. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. #BlizzCS

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 09:16 AM PST

    Confirmed: This is our first 140 cards expansion! The E.V.I.L classes will be getting 3 legendaries each.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 03:41 PM PDT

    PC Gamer asks J Allen Brack why the caster bans over the Hong Kong incident won't be cancelled: "[their] job is to keep the broadcast focused on what it needs to be, which is the games ... They were not successful in their job."

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 03:12 PM PDT

    This has probably been done before but what's your favorite card that everyone else hates!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 01:54 AM PST

    I'll start: spiteful summoner created fun midrange decks with a cool build around.

    submitted by /u/antisquidburp
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    Having 2 Reno Jackons in arena, sweet!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:54 AM PST

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