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    Wednesday, November 6, 2019

    Hearthstone Update on 15.6 Patch Issues

    Hearthstone Update on 15.6 Patch Issues

    Update on 15.6 Patch Issues

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:22 PM PST

    Hey Folks,


    In the latest 15.6 patch, Battlegrounds was launched into Early Access. Unfortunately, some bugs also made it into the live game, and the team has been hard at work making sure these get fixed as quickly as possible. Here's a status update on things:


    On Monday (or potentially Tuesday), we're aiming to ship a 15.6.2 patch that will include the following:

    • Squelch working as intended + no longer causing crashes under certain circumstances
    • Daily Quests can now be rerolled
    • Hallow's End Arena Daily Quest can now be completed
    • A variety of Android crashes have been fixed
    • Memory optimization for Battlegrounds for devices with less than 2GB of RAM


    Here are some things that have been resolved with a server patch (meaning you don't have to download it) that's already live:

    • Spells now trigger Overkill effects
    • Sathrovarr can now no longer target enemy minions with its Battlecry
    • New Daily Quests can be obtained
    • Battlemaster Quest can now be completed by just playing two matches and should only be accessible by players with Battlegrounds access


    The team is continuing to investigate the following issues that are occurring for our EU players:

    • Login issues
    • Friends List appearing empty
    • Decks missing cards / appearing incomplete (known: this is affecting other regions)


    If you encounter other problems, please let us know in the comments below. We appreciate you bearing with us and we're sorry for the rockiness. Once we have info on the remaining issues, we'll be sure to update this thread.



    submitted by /u/Chris_Attalus
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    Forcing me to get early access for battlegrounds?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:46 AM PST

    If only there was a keyword for this...

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:15 AM PST

    Thanks to the new update, I now have an ultra fast way to close my game by trying to Squelch the opponent! Thanks Blizzard!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:52 AM PST

    Hearthstone game designer Alec Dawson: "When you have an eight-Mana minion that you evolved [from] a Mogu Fleshshaper on turn four, that's not a healthy gameplay pattern. I think that's going to be a card going into Descent of Dragons that we're definitely going to keep an eye on."

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 12:14 PM PST

    Current battlegrounds meta.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:59 AM PST

    I made a minimalist version of Tirion Fordring

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:37 PM PST

    Turns out firing all that QA during layoffs when one of your key values is "commit to quality" was a bad move after all?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:54 AM PST

    Who would have thought.

    However, this all comes down to the bottom line. If people keep playing and throwing money while the software quality goes down with each update, then the firing was a success because it reduced costs while not reducing profits due to faulty software.

    Everyone should be aware of this when thinking about preordering. I know I am.

    submitted by /u/Dawncaller
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    Today i learned the real eyes of Thing from Below

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:43 AM PST

    Hearthstone mobile won’t open

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:04 AM PST

    It shows the blizzard logo, then goes to the tavern doors and gets stuck. Is this a problem on my side or something wrong with the new update?

    submitted by /u/JackmOW
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    Top 5 photos taken before disaster

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:44 PM PST

    The game is ridiculously broken. Blizzard hasn't earned anyone's pre-order money with this mess.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:13 AM PST

    It's ludicrous that people would even consider throwing more pre-order money at Blizzard when the game is as broken as it is now. The game was already badly broken on mobile, and this patch arrived with a laughably long list of new, glaring regressions in basic functionality.

    It's inexcusable for a company of Blizzard's size and sophistication to take customers' money and put out a product that's this badly broken.

    Seeing "pre-order now!" ads when the game is such a steaming pile (both meta-wise and in terms of basic technical operation) is a complete joke, and the joke is on the customers.

    If anyone was still on the fence about bailing on Blizzard after their deplorable handling of the Hong Kong situation, they've certainly given us every other reason to quit Hearthstone by letting the quality of the game lapse into ruin.

    submitted by /u/fives_gw
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    Battleground bonuses reset for every expansion

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:43 AM PST

    Great, now Squelch is broken!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:30 AM PST

    I just had to go through an entire game where the fucking priest was spamming me with WOW. Goddamnit, Blizzard, I almost always support you when you're going through design issues, but this is fucking unacceptable! GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!

    submitted by /u/anrwlias
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    Battlegrounds Idea to Speed things up

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:47 AM PST

    Instead of having the timer where the end turn button is, why not have a ready button with the timer. That way when all 8 players hit "ready", the combat starts. It'll keep 8 people from sitting and waiting for 20-30secs in the early rounds. So basically, you can still get your full time if you need it, but if 8 people don't need the time, then let's get on with it! Just a thought

    submitted by /u/Agenthor31
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    I made an OP deck

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:48 AM PST

    So, the latest patch is a mess.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:06 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    what they patched: basically nothing.

    What they caused:

    1. Replaced some of my deck with a blank one, causing me to rebuild my deck from zero.
    2. You can't squelch your opponent, the game crash or it just deny the squelch.
    3. You can't reroll the quest and someone didn't get any.
    4. NO fix/ban/nerf to SNIP SNAP lock, i'm sticking to 60 snip snap lock against my face. very funny.
    5. We can't even play any decks cause it's "invalid for this format". TF.

    I demand and expect that T5 will fix this soon.What just blow my mind is... are they really testing what they ship?

    Or for them is just a "put something we just don't care what but something. Even bugs!!!".

    This game is unplayable.

    submitted by /u/THEN3LLI
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    How can you not love this game, and he had one a couple turns earlier that got Counterspelled, this is how murderers are made.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 11:58 AM PST

    Uh.... what happened here?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:40 AM PST

    Tavern Bawl this week is... "Send in the Murlocs!" (Nov. 6, 2019)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:36 AM PST

    Sorry this one is delayed. now, on with the Brawl!

    Description: "Murlocs have taken over the tavern! Choose a class and get a deck of random class spells and a whole mess of murlocs!"

    Format: Prebuilt / pick a class

    Reward: one Classic pack for your first win

    History: This is the second time we've had this one, with the last time taking place right around 1 year ago. The Gamepedia article with chalkboard for this Brawl is here: https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Send_In_The_Murlocs!


    submitted by /u/AintEverLucky
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    Anyone else getting this error

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:06 AM PST

    Initial Impressions After 12 Hours of Battlegrounds

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:14 PM PST

    Hey all, J_Alexander_HS back again to talk about Battlegrounds, the newest play mode in Hearthstone. After playing about 12 hours of the new Battlegrounds mode in the last two days, I wanted to share my thoughts and impressions on what it does right and what it does wrong.

    As a preemptive tl;dr: I didn't walk away from my time playing this mode with a lot of hope for its future. I suspect it will be fun now and may even be fun for a month or two, but over time (and perhaps even more rapidly), I expect this mode to fade into the background and not receive much more real interest.

    In a little more detail, the mode was originally kind of fun, like most new things are. It's easy to understand the rules if you know how to play Hearthstone already and can be picked up pretty intuitively. As with any new toy, it was kind of neat to move around the various pieces and see what it could do.

    Then after a few hours of play the fatigue started to set in. It almost felt like I was playing a Tavern Brawl (and a pretty good one at that), except I had already received my pack and couldn't figure out why I was still doing it (hint: Because the Standard meta sucks right now and the latest patch broke the game so bad I actually can't find ranked games anymore even when I'm trying to). There wasn't much I could talk about when it came to strategy in the way I usually can while streaming standard.

    In fact, that's about what I would liken it to: this game mode felt like a rather elaborate Tavern Brawl to me, except I've actually had more fun playing certain Tavern Brawls. This is up there in terms of fun from a Brawl, but it's not the peak.

    I began to feel weary of the mode a few hours into playing it, but pressed on. I didn't feel weary because I thought I had mastered it, because I hadn't. I know there's a bunch about the game mode I could learn and improve my play (and I continued to improve over the time I played it). Rather, the game mode began to bore me because I didn't feel interested in learning more about it. I could have pursued this mode a lot more cognitively. I just didn't feel interested in doing so. After all, why would I want to?

    • The in-game reward system did not at all feel good for the time investment. You need to finish top 4 (out of 8) to get gold, which is as much as you earn from a game of constructed, except these games take 10-30 minutes depending on how you finish. If I wanted to grind for gold, this way not the mode for me. I've seen tavern brawls that are much more efficient for farming gold (and Standard/Wild is better for that too). Something about this reward system should change, with perhaps first place getting 3 wins worth of gold, second 2, and 3/4th 1. That would feel a bit better.

    • While I didn't "solve" the meta within the few hours I was playing, I got the distinct sense the meta was easily solvable; or at least far more solvable than the Standard or Wild meta. The puzzles presented each game - while unique - come off as fairly repetitive in their structure with no particular ability to "counter" or "define" the meta. Some things work, some things don't, but I don't have the opportunity to innovate and that's one the best parts of Hearthstone to me. It was a bit like playing the solo content, and at this point I'm a bit dungeon-runned out. I didn't even play the single-player content of the last expansion for the first time ever because it just didn't interest me, only offering packs I didn't need and a card back I wouldn't use. This offered neither.

    • I didn't feel in control of my choices. I didn't choose what cards could go into my decks from a very large pool, so if I wanted to explore different strategies for specific payoffs, I couldn't do so reliably. I didn't choose where my attacks went each round. I didn't get to choose what hero I wanted to play. While there might be different options I could pick in future games and you do get to see various things on average, there's not a ton of ways to improve the nuances of decision-making within the game, much like there doesn't appear to be much room to innovate, as above.

    While the mode was entertaining in it's own way, I didn't feel the urge to pursue it. It didn't awaken any passion in me the way other games do. It wasn't running through my mind. Instead, I thought to myself that this might be something to do when I was bored and when the Standard meta sucks and when I have enough time to devote to it. It's a thing to do, which isn't exactly the highest of praise.

    By contrast, when I think about Hearthstone now or when I thought about it in the past, the desire to try new things and innovate and learn is incredibly strong. I love thinking about Hearthstone. I love writing about it. I (usually) love playing it. I love finding out what makes cards and strategies work and what makes them fail. I love thinking about design and how the meta could be changed. There's a lot to dig into there and I didn't get that sense from Battlegrounds.

    In short, I did not love Battlegrounds. I do love Hearthstone. There's a gulf between the two.

    While those are the major issues, there are some other issues of varying sizes to talk about as well.

    • The emote system. I'm not sure who thought replacing emotes with what look like stickers you'd give to a baby was a good idea, but it looks awful. It looks childish at best and I hope whoever decided that was a good idea isn't put in charge of making decisions again. It actively made me feel embarrassed to be in that mode.

    • The board. Sometimes you'll have a bunch of downtime in the tavern between rounds. For whatever reason, that board is incredibly sparse without anything to click on mindlessly. Livening that board up would go a long way to alleviating that.

    • Development time. This game mode is going to, I presume, get stale quickly. To keep it functional and engaging there will need to be a team of people devoted to figuring out how to do so; what to change, add, and subtract to make sure players don't just "solve" it, as above, and new experiences can continue to be had (a difficult task itself, given the rules of the mode). These are people and resources that could be spent making the actual game of Hearthstone better who now will not be doing that. Those resources could, for instance, have been devotes towards a tournament mode, which has been requested for years now.

    • Lack of Soul. I don't have a better term for this, but it feels like this mode represents Blizzard playing "follower," as if they noticed an auto-battler trend and tried to jump on it (whether because the developers liked the idea or the higher-ups did). This game mode doesn't strike me as something Blizzard independently thought would be a good addition for the game. Something about that strikes me as upsetting emotionally. As if they're losing focus on Hearthstone itself. For perspective, I'm not sure I've ever heard a single person say, "wouldn't a Hearthstone auto-battler game be awesome?" This doesn't strike me as grass-roots kind of game mode.

    The mode is OK, and I'll play it while Standard is broken. But I presume once DoD drops, that might be the end of it for a while. And I definitely don't want to stream it again

    submitted by /u/Popsychblog
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    Anyone else get 2 Sathrovarr??

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:44 AM PST

    The most ridiculous Puzzle Box I've ever experienced. I'm still laughing.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:31 AM PST

    No quest reroll option wtf ?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:49 PM PST

    Seems like the latest patch is making it so some people cant reroll quests...feelsbadman

    edit: and the app quits out when you try to squelch your opponent, jeez

    submitted by /u/theinfiltrator117
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