• Breaking News

    Monday, October 28, 2019

    Hearthstone My girlfriend is OBSESSED with Hearthstone, so I got her these custom made for her for our 5 year anniversary.. King Krush is her favourite card and this is her favourite card back :)

    Hearthstone My girlfriend is OBSESSED with Hearthstone, so I got her these custom made for her for our 5 year anniversary.. King Krush is her favourite card and this is her favourite card back :)

    My girlfriend is OBSESSED with Hearthstone, so I got her these custom made for her for our 5 year anniversary.. King Krush is her favourite card and this is her favourite card back :)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    Tired of Shaman stone? Join us in Wild, the meta is much healthier!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 04:17 AM PDT

    Expansion Trailer!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:02 AM PDT

    Path of the Flying City of Dalaran since E.V.I.L. took control of it

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    Remember to NOT finish your current run and leave it at 2 losses open for an extra ticket.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:08 AM PDT

    It’s Huffer time I guess ����‍♂️

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 04:51 PM PDT

    Nice meta we're having :))

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 10:17 PM PDT

    Vicious Syndicates number of contributed games are at their lowest since report #4 in 2016. If you are still playing and are using Hearthstone Deck Tracker please consider installing the VS plugin

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:02 AM PDT



    Vicious Syndicates have been publishing their data reports since spring of 2016 and have been a pillar of the competitive community here ever since.

    Their reporting exclusively relies on games contributed by fans like you and me. While their numbers have had their ups and downs, overall they have been trending downwards ever since KFT. With their latest report 145 they hit a historic low at just 25 000 games. If things don't change this doesn't bode well for the coming year.

    Installing and enabling their deck tracker plugin only takes 5 minutes by following the steps here

    Thanks for reading

    Edit: I'm not affiliated with VS btw. Just a fan and member of the community

    submitted by /u/PidgeonPuncher
    [link] [comments]

    Hearthstone meta in one pic

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 02:53 AM PDT

    "Bad design is pretty rarely painfully obvious." - Iksar your lead card designer defending Shamanstone

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:08 AM PDT

    Trying to understand what the general public would consider a good utopic meta would be.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:36 AM PDT

    So far every meta since the dawn of time has been labeled as awful so let me try understand what it has to be.

    All 9 classes viable with roughly 11% representation of the ladder each with each class having multiple viable archetypes that all have above 50% win rate in a manner that isnt a rps meta and each deck has to have a good matchup spread. Fun decks also have to be viable.

    Aggro decks can't just curve brainlessly and cannot have an unfair refill but at the same time can't be stopped by control decks.

    Combo decks can't be completely uninteractive and can't be completely just removal and cycle.

    Control decks cannot have unreasonable amount of value and can't be residentsleeper.

    The has to be power cards to not have a stale meta but nothing unreasonable to make the game seem broken.

    There are strong synergy cards but no auto include packages. Every deck must have over 30 options available and there must be adequate tech cards for the meta.

    submitted by /u/ColdSnapSP
    [link] [comments]

    This expansion will bring about the Hour of Twilight.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 12:04 PM PDT

    In the adventure, Tekhan uses 'The Final Plague' which summons all four Old Gods.

    In WoW, the Hour of Twilight is when the Old Gods return to Azeroth to end all life.

    In the trailer we see Wyrmrest Temple. Ysera had a vision of the Hour of Twilight that featured Deathwing impaled on the Temple.

    submitted by /u/TheVocal_Minority
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    What do you guys think a co-op hearthstone would look like ?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:21 PM PDT

    Zephrys the Unreliable

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:30 AM PDT

    Jade druid should not have a limitation. (Pogo-Hopper has no limits��)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:20 AM PDT

    After spending quite a lot of time and just as much dust, i finally got Arthas. Almost all credit goes to SN1P-SN4P and Vicious Fledgeling

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 03:55 AM PDT

    After 111 runs, I finally achieved every single Hero/Hero Power combination in Hallow's End Arena!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:59 AM PDT

    Anyone else feel like cards shouldn't be able to Discover themselves?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:24 AM PDT

    I feel like a lot of the annoying power issues from certain cards stem from them being able to "go infinite", i.e. chaining Primordial Glyphs in old Quest Mage, chaining Shadow Visions in old Machine Gun Priest, etc.

    Even when they don't truly go infinite, it's annoying when your opponent gets a bunch of frightened flunkies or stonehill defends off of themselves.

    submitted by /u/Arjahn
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    Current Hearthstone Meta

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:45 PM PDT

    I know no one will care, but it was my first run , 2nd turn. i'm pretty proud of me

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:31 AM PDT

    The meta within the meta: what do you do?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 12:01 PM PDT

    I have about a 45 minute drive home from work and often just drive in silence and think about random things. Today, for whatever reason, I was thinking about Hearthstone.

    And not just HS in general. Though I still invest in and play it, I dont care as much about it as I did a few years ago. What I was thinking about were some tactics people employ that go beyond the cards themselves and how effective those tactics are.

    For example, one that came right to me because I've used it myself was when I was playing mage and I'd drop that 4 mana 2/2 that puts a secret you discover into play. There would be times when I would very obviously need something like counterspell to ward off lethal (or just something devastating), and it was obvious I was fishing for it. But to dissuade my opponent from playing around it, for example by playing a low mana spell to 'test's for it, I would take a LOT of time choosing Counterspell if it was an option for me in the Discover phase. This way, it would look like I missed that counterspell entirely and was taking some time figuring out the next best choice. This tactic didnt work every time but it worked enough for me to take notice.

    I can imagine some scenarios where other choices of Secret might also involve some trickery (eg getting a minion down to 2 health as a Hunter to feign that you have Explosive Trap queued up), but how about you? What other "tricks" do you employ in a game with no chat and limited social interactions?

    The "well played"-I'm about to BM lethal bluff?

    The "oops" emote, to make an opponent think you missed a vital draw?

    Share your meta-within-the-meta tactics!

    submitted by /u/iCampion
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    New CO-OP Mode 2v2 Idea

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 02:32 PM PDT

    Stroke Gameplay

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:52 AM PDT

    And you thought spiteful summoner was OP...

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 02:10 PM PDT

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