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    Sunday, September 5, 2021

    Hearthstone Hard to believe zombie chow was bonkers back in the day

    Hearthstone Hard to believe zombie chow was bonkers back in the day

    Hard to believe zombie chow was bonkers back in the day

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 06:15 AM PDT

    Avast, matey!

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 11:16 AM PDT

    How was your experience with this card?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 12:23 AM PDT

    Hi, I am kind of new to this game. can some one explain what happened here?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 02:53 PM PDT

    Top Cards of the Week from r/CustomHearthstone (09/05/2021)

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    5 stages of grief

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:41 PM PDT

    This game will never end

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    My capacity for this game is swiftly diminishing

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    Is there really no board interaction?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 05:26 AM PDT

    I mean, out of every single meta deck, literally just quest mage doesn't care about what the opponent is doing. Even Fel DH has to manage its removal well. A lot of the games I've played has boiled down to board battles. Shadow priest, handlock, handbuff paladin, and even a stray DRDH. So I find it a bit weird when people claim that the board doesn't matter, when in so many decks, and in so many matchups, the board is the only thing that matters. Sure, when storm wind released, the board didn't matter as much. But basically all of the "solitaire decks" have been killed except for quest mage, which shouldn't be killed, seeing as how many people like playing it.

    Unrelated, but I feel the only real problem in this meta is that the distance between meta decks and off meta decks is so big that it's a lot harder to homebrew now.

    submitted by /u/Glittering_Cake9952
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    Why is it that I have to turn on chat everytime I launch the game?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    Where is my 2/2 adventurer Q_Q

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 05:59 AM PDT

    If this card was in standard right now...

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 11:49 AM PDT

    Found an interesting synergy with Evolve Shaman

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    How was your experience with this card?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 04:07 PM PDT

    Hearthstone Personalities Political Compass - Fixed version

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 04:13 PM PDT

    Infinite health vs infinite frogs

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 02:41 PM PDT

    And what was bound to happen inevitably happened...

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:00 PM PDT

    Rat King Homebrew to Legend

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    Hey everyone. I'm here to share a fun, new, and surprisingly successful deck I made for climbing this month. I just hit legend earlier today (proof: https://imgur.com/a/qSsDsmg) and I felt compelled to share the list here because there's been a lot of talk lately about the current meta not leaving space for creativity.

    This isn't meant as a refutation of that point. In fact, I tend to agree with it for the most part. But, I hope what I'm calling Rattatax Hunter can inspire some of you to keep trying new and weird ideas. Here's the list:

    2x (0) Devouring Swarm

    2x (1) Guardian Augmerchant

    2x (1) Tracking

    1x (1) Trueaim Crescent

    2x (1) Wound Prey

    2x (2) Cult Neophyte

    2x (2) Far Watch Post

    2x (2) Quick Shot

    1x (2) Tame Beast (Rank 1)

    1x (3) Mankrik

    2x (3) Ramming Mount

    2x (4) Crossroads Watch Post

    1x (5) Barak Kodobane

    2x (5) Imported Tarantula

    1x (5) Moonfang

    2x (5) Teacher's Pet

    1x (5) The Rat King

    2x (8) Guardian Animals


    (Note: I'm a pretty casual player and don't use a deck tracker, so I don't have stats for this deck. Sorry about that.)

    The Gist

    I opened the Rat King in a pack, and thus my fate was sealed. I have a thing for slow and clunky deathrattles. My first time legend was with a Dreadsteed deck during Mysterious Challenger's heyday, and I spent much of the past year trying to force Greybough to work. (I finally made legend with Greybough using Aggro Taunt Druid last month, which felt like cheating tbh.)

    So, I was characteristically determined to make Rat King work. I played around with it in "Dumpster Legend" last month, trying out a Rat build with Rodent Nest and Rats of Extraordinary Size, then a control-ish quest deck with Jewel of N'Zoth as my finisher, then a tempo deathrattle build. I lost a lot. To start this month, still determined to use this stupid rat, I decided to build around a Guardian Animals package, filling the early game out with cards that will slow my opponent down.

    And here we are. The general game plan is to make things awkward for your opponent with the Posts and Neophyte until you can swing tempo with Guardian Animals, an early wife, or some combination of Ramming Mount with Trueaim or Devouring Swarm.

    Strengths: Swing turns, flexibility, element of surprise

    Weaknesses: Burst, silence/devolve, lack of AOE


    Your game plan will vary quite a bit based on what you're facing. Here's how I see them:

    The Crossroads Matchups

    This includes Warlock, Mage, Rogue, Demon Hunter, Quest Hunter, and Quest Shaman. These matchups are far easier to win if you draw Crossroads Watch Post. Against Mage and Warlock, always keep it in the mulligan. Shaman and Hunter are trickier because the card is basically useless against Elemental Shaman and Face Hunter, so I'd advise against keeping it unless you know for sure it's Quest.

    In these games, you want to use Far Watch Post and Cult Neophyte to make their early turns awkward (or blow up a Field Contact or big Quest Demon Hunter turn), then drop a Crossroads Watch Post when it's either impossible for them to remove, or alongside a minion or (ideally) two. Rogue is a bit unique, but both Posts are generally very good. Teacher's Pet is very important against Poison Rogue as it's your only taunt.

    (Note: This probably includes Miracle Druid, but I only saw one in my climb.)

    The Tempo Matchups

    This includes Paladin, Aggro Taunt Druid, Shadow Priest, Face Hunter, and Elemental Shaman. I won almost every game against Paladin and Taunt Druid felt like 50/50 or slightly better (This surprised me, but Swarm lets you bypass taunts and get that Oracle or Battleguard, and lack of damage from hand means Ramming Mount can get really annoying for them. I either got grinded down by Greybough or won these games.). The others are difficult.

    In these games, look for Trueaim Crescent, Wound Prey, Augmerchant, and Neophyte in the mulligan. If you have a solid opening, keep Ramming Mount. This is the MVP in these matchups. Your key to winning is getting Ramming Mount on a minion and then using Trueaim and Swarm to out-trade like crazy, before outvaluing with your 5-drops.

    I don't think I faced any Warriors. They probably fall under Tempo.

    Here's how I'd rank matchups, from easiest to hardest (this is my general impression, your experience may vary): Paladin, Rogue, Warlock, Mage, Quest Demon Hunter, Quest Hunter, Taunt Druid, Fel Demon Hunter, Deathrattle Demon Hunter, Quest Shaman, Elemental Shaman, Face Hunter, Shadow Priest.

    Cards of Note

    Rat King - Okay, let's just get this out of the way. I set out to make a Rat King deck. That's why it's still in here. It's not very good. Probably the worst in the deck. Playing it with Swarm or Trueaim means you can often trade 2-for-1, which is nice. And the potential for duplicating it with Swarm is there, but probably only paid off once or twice in my climb.

    Imported Tarantula - This is an interesting one. Depending on the meta, there are probably better choices. However, I was facing a lot of Warlocks and Paladins, and pulling this off of Guardian Animals was excellent for clearing Giants, Varian, and various other Little Buff Boys (what a CROP!). Theoretically, this card should be good against Brute Demon Hunter, but I found I was winning those games with the Posts and Neophytes before the Brutes became a problem. The tradeable is also really nice. In the matchups where you rely on this card, make sure to plan out your turns so that this isn't in your hand when you play GA.

    Ramming Mount - Shockingly good in quite a few matchups. It can carry the Paladin matchup. It pairs nicely with Wound Prey on turn four or a Rank 2 Tame Beast for 6 free damage and a sticky minion.

    Moonfang - Good pull from GA, strong with Trueaim, and extremely difficult to remove when it shares a board with Crossroads Watch Post. It can only take one damage at a time, and each spell they cast gives it +1/+1. Getting these two out together led to a lot of concedes.

    Guardian Augmerchant - I initially tried out Peasants in this spot, but Augmerchant proved to be stronger. Occasionally useful for removing 1-health minions or facilitating trades by giving Divine Shield, but I used it most often to make the Posts even more annoying.

    Possible Inclusions

    I honestly didn't do much tweaking during this run, but there are a few cards I've kept in the back of my mind that could make the deck better:

    • Ringling's Rifle - The 4 mana slot is weak, and even useless in a couple matchups, and the deck could use the utility.
    • Lake Thresher - This would be an auto-include in a more board-centric meta, and it would make some tough matchups a lot better. Combos well with Swarm, Trueaim, and GA. It's probably better than Rat King regardless of meta.
    • Peasants - Early game is lacking, and a little more draw couldn't hurt, even if I rarely ran out of cards. I tried it initially and it seemed decent.

    More sticky early-game minions in general would be nice to lead in to Crossroads Watch Post.


    I was shocked by how well this deck performed. Getting Legend is not a guaranteed thing for me, and this is easily the earliest I've ever made it. What makes me believe there really might be something here is that I don't think this is close to optimized.

    If you're burnt out on this meta, give this a try. Make it better. Let me know how it goes.

    submitted by /u/_Brodo_Baggins_
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    people who pre-ordered mercenaries bundles: what was the moment in the reveal that convinced you to put your money down?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:30 PM PDT

    and which bundle did you buy? what part of mercenaries are you most looking forward to?

    submitted by /u/Mundane-Complaint638
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    Bru'kan double devolving missiles luck

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 11:54 AM PDT

    So uh… it turns out the C’Thun bug also works with resummon effects

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 08:51 PM PDT

    Possible there could be a frost card in the upcoming miniset that completes this

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    Post Nerf Top Legend Decks | Weekly Report #123 (Standard, Wild, Duels & Classic)

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 06:41 AM PDT

    In our weekly Report, which we post (almost) every Sunday, we share with you Decks played in Top 500 Legend and Top Duels Decks.

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    submitted by /u/neon313
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    Battlegrounds are broken

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 12:00 PM PDT

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