• Breaking News

    Saturday, August 21, 2021

    Hearthstone Our savior spoke, and we refused to listen

    Hearthstone Our savior spoke, and we refused to listen

    Our savior spoke, and we refused to listen

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 07:35 AM PDT

    Top Cards of the Week from r/CustomHearthstone (08/21/2021)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    celestalon just posted this on twitter

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    Tamsin nerf suggestion

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 11:10 PM PDT

    Let's go

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 02:53 AM PDT

    Chef's kiss to the esports production team

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 06:29 AM PDT

    Very fun and interactive

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    I’m noob but does anyone else think this card is too good for 4 mana, 1 overload? Such a clutch card imo with the 6 hp from lifesteal and rush

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 10:55 PM PDT

    Everyone's sleeping on Lion's frenzy

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 08:55 PM PDT

    After trying many, many times, getting the weapon countless of times, when everyone conceded, I had this priest at exactly 15 health. I never attacked face so fast

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 03:01 AM PDT

    The most satisfying moment of my Hearthstone career

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    The prophecy has been fulfilled

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    Now THAT is a balanced card!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 12:34 AM PDT

    Had this idea for a battlegrounds hero. What would her "Prizes" be?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 02:55 AM PDT

    I just hit legend with this wacky quest-animal-deathrattle-control hunter

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    Summary of the 8/21/21 Vicious Syndicate podcast - "Don't Overreact" (first one post Stormwind balance changes)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    Been posting these summaries the last couple of weeks over on the /r/competitivehs subreddit and they've inevitably made their way over to the main reddit here. Figured I'd crosspost it in case people are interested.

    General - They think they overall made the correct changes with the nerfs, but believe there's still some issues lingering. Mentioned the very weird meta happening at top legend with D6 Warlock. Handlock and Quest Shaman feel like the most dominant decks, but at top legend D6 Warlocks keeps them in check, and is also why D6 Warlock has seen success at top legend because those decks are so prominent. If Stealer gets nerfed, those decks also need to get nerfed to keep meta in check. They bring up attrition decks like Control Priest are unlikely to be good for the forseeable future, and this is not a mistake, but intentional design. Zacho reiterates that like they mention on any podcast or VS Report at the start of a new expansion or right after a nerf when they only have a couple days of data, things can change quickly when it comes to what's shown in the data. He thinks people are also overreacting at Warlock when it comes to what's actually happening on most of ladder with the deck, especially the Stealer variant. He knows what Team 5's policy is when it comes to nerfs, Stealer was never getting nerfed this patch by their guidelines.

    Warlock - Most popular class, has attracted a lot of discussion and criticism. Nerfs did not change Wild too much, but Warlock in Standard has transformed significantly. Quest Zoo Warlock has fallen off after the nerfs. Quest Handlock and D6 Warlock main 2 Warlock decks right now. (I'm going to separate the Warlock section between all variants since they spend nearly 45 minutes about the class, with 30 of those being about the Stealer build).

    Stealer Warlock (or D6 Warlock) - Stealer of Souls prenerf had a very low winrate even at Top Legend, looked like Garrote Rogue. Figured deck was going to fade away because of the low winrate. Darkglare nerf was not targeted towards that deck, but towards the Zoo variant and likely for Wild too. Post nerf, Stealer Warlock at one point hit 20% playrate at top legend (same as Control Priest during its peak in the Barrens meta, but nowhere near the winrate), but they're beginning to see it decline over the past few days. Winrate did improve significantly post patch, but some of that is the meta became more favorable for it at top legend. WR at top legend is between 48-49%, significantly worse below those ranks. WR around Legend and Diamond is 46%. Zacho does point out that decks with a highskill cap do tend to improve over time, so he does want to see if it continues to improve and becomes a problem, but he doesn't think that's the case right now. He still struggles to see it being a "Tier 0" type of deck. It does have favorable matchups against Handlock and Quest Shaman which are very relevant in the meta (especially at top legend where there's a relunctance to play aggro decks), but it still has a very polarizing matchup spread, especially against aggro decks even at top legend. Thinks people like Gaby reaching top Legend with the deck means nothing because those players are true outliers who have reached Rank 1 Legend in the past with things like Miracle Priest and Mozaki Mage. There are still legitimate play experience concerns with how the deck feels to play against especially when it highrolls and goes off on turn 4 or 5. tl;dr - if the deck or Stealer of Souls is nerfed, it would not be because of power level, but because of the polarizing play experience it can create. Hat says it feels like Turtle Mage 2.0 (and to personally interject here, I 100% agree). Seems unlikely the deck will stay this way the entire expansion because of that. Zacho feels like if the playrate continues to stay as high as it currently is, it will 100% be nerfed despite what WR% says. Stealer Warlock outside of Legend is 6% or lower, the deck is only relevant to people at Legend. Ungoro Quest Rogue gets brought up, but Zacho says Quest Rogue was more popular than this deck, and had more polarizing matchups.

    Quest Handlock Warlock - Handlock is back baby! The Zyrius build which was re-iterated on NoHandsGamer's build looks very strong. If D6 Warlock didn't exist, they think this deck would be the meta dominant deck since D6 Warlock is one of the only meta relevant deck that looks to have a favorable matchup against it. Matchup spread is spectacular, Quest Mage and Poison Rogue are favored against it, but board centric decks struggle against it. Battlemaster still good in the deck. Soul Rend very good in many matchups. Handlock does not lose to aggro decks the way D6 Warlock does because they have many more defensive tools and healing tools, and then swing the board with giants. Bristleback a huge comeback mechanic against those types of decks. Handlock is barely a quest deck - you use the quest to help discount your giants and get some additional healing, but you rarely win games because of the quest and hitting fatigue damage.

    Zoo Warlock - got hit with both the giant and Darkglare nerfs. Looks significantly weaker, but doesn't look terrible. Hat points out that it feels bad to play in the current meta, because it's too slow against aggresive decks, but also too slow against other resource focused decks. Deck really snowballed off of early Darkglare, and delaying it a turn really impacted the deck.

    Shaman - Zacho sees an issue with Quest Shaman. Mentioned prior to nerfs that Quest Shaman could become a tyrant if its bad matchups got nerfed, and right now that looks to be the case. Quest Shaman destroys any deck that tries to burn them down between defensive tools and Slogger. Perpetual Flame insane in the deck, lets you swing the board and not lose tempo, with the phase 1 reward of unlocking your overloaded mana crystals. Builds with Earth Elemental becoming more popular, Zacho intrigued by those builds. Thinks future patches need to address this deck as well, otherwise it'd become Tier 0. Zacho suggests best way to nerf the deck is nerf the 1st phase to become like the 2nd phase where you get a 3/3 taunt instead of unlocking your mana crystals. Elemental Shaman still the same story as it was prenerf. They say play Whack build in most levels of play outside of top legend where you want to play the Doomhammer build. Hat points out this feels like the first time in history Shaman has had multiple Tier 1 decks that feel different from each other that don't feel like design mistakes. Zacho mentions if you're in a tournament and you're banning Warlock, there's no reason to not bring Quest Shaman because of how dominant its matchup spread is against the field.

    Priest - Third most popular class in the game now! No control, all aggro Shadow Priest. Still looks very good, but does not beat Handlock. Not a counter deck, just strong against multiple deck types. Said decklist will likely be updated in their report, mentioned Disciplinarian Gandling has looked very strong in the archetype, to the point some people are running Tinyfin and Desk Imp alongside it (!). Looks stronger than standard build of Shadow Priest currently. They said Gandling build w/0 drops makes Traveler also a better card. If you run the "cute" package, you want to run Voracious Reader with it too since you're vomitting cards.

    Hunter - Face Hunter still very good after Packrunner nerf. Part of this has to do with how popular Warlock is outside of the Handlock build. Face Hunter still highest WR% at top legend. Packrunner nerf did address some of Hunter's early game dominance. Interestingly enough, Hunter now has a higher WR% at top legend than it does throughout the rest of ladder. They're right now unsure if Packrunner is still worth running in the deck. Quest Hunter is looking better than it did prepatch. Not sure if it'll be viable, but it's definitely more playable after the nerfs and could be a thing. It's a Quest deck that can outrace other Quest decks, and it's not bad in racing other aggresive decks. They point to this deck as one of the decks that's been opened up because of balance changes and could become even better after further balance patches.

    Mage - deck didn't die after Flow nerf. Good against Warlock and Shaman, so still viable in the meta. But with more people playing Shadow Priest and Face Hunter to counter those decks, those decks completely bop Mage. In a meta where Stealer Warlock dissappears and aggro deck popularity goes down, Mage would be an even better pick. Flow on 3 still very strong, but not as polarizing as it was on turn 2. Still an archetype that is loved by players. Deck is 15% of the meta at Bronze/Silver/Gold post nerf. To this minute, Quest Mage is still the most popular deck in the game. People are no longer intentionally trying to target the deck. Thinks this deck would reach Tier 2 if Stealer Warlock was no longer in play and the meta that's created around it. No other viable Mage decks, sorry Grand Finale Mage :(

    Druid - Zacho thinks Druid is the most underrated class in the format right now. Taunt Druid post patch has Tier 1 potential, and it's not even refined. Some people are putting Far Watch Posts and Greybough in the deck. Will have a problem against Handlock because of Soul Rend and Quest Shaman because of Perpetual Flame, but those look like the only things it would worry about. Aggressive decks have a hard time pressuring the deck because they play so many taunts, even if that's not the necessary intention of the deck. Even crazier thing about the deck is that it's a Druid deck that doesn't run Lightning Bloom. Anacondra Druid still fine, but struggles against Handlock. Some experimentation in the archetype with Celestial Allignment. Celestial Druid still bad outside of being a narrow counter in a Last Hero Standing tournament format.

    Demon Hunter - Lifesteal Demon Hunter is probably dead, at least the prepatch iteration. Some experimentation with hybrid Fel lists including Illignoth as a finisher. Hard to evaluate because low sample size. Deathrattle DH still fine, people just bored of the deck. Not sure yet if running the Fel package in Deathrattle Demonhunter is worth it. Some experimentation with Quest builds running the Lion weapon and Glide. Glide actually has some potential upside in this current meta because of Warlock, particularly with D6 Warlock. Experimentation with a Chinese build that runs as many 1 mana spells as possible w/o Jace to lower the curve with the intention of completing the quest ASAP and dropping Kurtus on 5.

    Rogue - Quest Rogue not looking as good now because meta is so focused on Warlocks and has a 40% WR against most major Warlock archetypes. Looks like a Tier 3 deck after nerfs. Poison Rogue however looking dominant in the current meta because it has a 80% WR against Warlock. At top Legend, Poison Rogue is Tier 1. Lots of things obliterate Poison Rogue, but it's in a meta where it can thrive. Zacho says this is the strongest he's seen Poison Rogue look. Some lists cutting minions completely to be even more favorable against Warlock and Mage, only minion in the deck is Guild Trader, whose sole purpose is to be drawn by Swindle, then immediately traded back into the deck. Want to run 4 weapons instead of 3 because meta is very fast and you want a weapon on 3. Doesn't have a bad matchup against Quest Shaman either since it means Slogger has nothing to run into and they can't cast Perpetual Flame. Garrote Rogue still sucks.

    Paladin - playrate has tanked post nerfs, especially at higher levels. Class still looks fine despite nerfs. Still experimentation in the class.

    Warrior- no change in playrate post nerfs, no change in archetypes either. Quest Warrior too slow, Rush Warrior still fine, just no one wants to play it.

    submitted by /u/EvilDave219
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    C'Thun the Shattered should be part of the Core set.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 10:41 AM PDT

    Yeah, thats it. Its my favorite card so obviously I want it but looking at the design of the card its one of the coolest (atleast in my eyes). Having the type of an actual Exodia (even the card references YuGiOh) and having the "building spells" actually give you something such as Removal, AoE and Taunt Body. And then at the end you have a Win Condition, maybe not this META but in a bit slower meta (Like previous expansion) I used to play Control Priest and Warrior only because of this card.

    Thats the post, I dont have anything to complain on so I know people wont bother reading this that much but if you do and IF for some reason you agree, heads up! I know C'Thun wont be part of the the Core set even if I ask but never hurts to try? I do want to thank the guy who designed this card, I wish I could donate my kidneys to you!

    submitted by /u/Makinedonger
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    Dean Ayala's Community Q&A #26 Recap - Warlocks in Wild, Tradeable, Magnetic, New Battlegrounds Systems Next Year, & More

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 07:01 PM PDT

    If I had a dollar for every time Mutanus ate the one card that cost me the game, I’d be able to get therapy.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 01:32 AM PDT

    I mean, i’m not wrong, right? Mods, can you change this? xD

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    Blizzard figured it out guys…

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 08:34 PM PDT

    A beautiful battlegrounds Hamuul moment

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 01:42 PM PDT

    Sick and tired of losing because of SLOW animations.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 01:32 PM PDT

    How is a game that's been out for SO many years have this issue still? Pure crap.

    submitted by /u/giantsx6
    [link] [comments]

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