• Breaking News

    Saturday, June 5, 2021

    Hearthstone Decided to do this before someone else did.

    Hearthstone Decided to do this before someone else did.

    Decided to do this before someone else did.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 05:18 AM PDT

    New design philosophy vs old design philosophy

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:03 PM PDT

    Ive achieved maximum niceness

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 08:16 AM PDT

    “Stealer of souls in wild is a tier 3 deck” — maybe you meant turn 3?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 05:58 AM PDT

    Top Cards of the Week from r/customhearthstone (06/05/2021)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    I'm not complaining about a 4 mana 7/7 but... wut ?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    Nom nom nom.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 12:48 AM PDT

    Every Oh My Yogg / Lunacy Option Visualized (Wailing Caverns)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 12:35 PM PDT

    What is the solution? :)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    Found a new interesting interaction. When you play Archdruid Naralex into a mirror entity, you get both dream cards at the end of your turn. This shouldn't work like that.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    What Bristleback Knight should've been

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    Why do I continue to trust you

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    Proposed Stealer of Souls nerf to balance Wild

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 10:13 AM PDT


    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 09:08 AM PDT


    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    What is the definitive worst card ever?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 07:17 AM PDT

    In Magic, this question has been done to death, with many often heralding One with Nothing as the worst card to ever see print. And yet I don't think I've seen much of a discussion, if any, around the worst card in Hearthstone. So here's my question.

    Which card, out of all playable cards that you can slot into your deck, is not only ineffective but actively detrimental to your deck, no matter what deck you're playing?

    submitted by /u/Collistoralo
    [link] [comments]

    Come to papa

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 12:19 PM PDT

    i'm about to ruin this man's whole career

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:45 PM PDT

    No other option

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 02:36 PM PDT

    Future Priest card, :)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:31 PM PDT

    Check out the new Hearthstone lore guide on the story of the Wailing Caverns!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    +120/+120 each turn. Scaling that even Kripp would be proud of.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 10:10 AM PDT

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