• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 8, 2021

    Hearthstone I have discovered the truth about Rattlegore.

    Hearthstone I have discovered the truth about Rattlegore.

    I have discovered the truth about Rattlegore.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:18 AM PDT

    More suitable name ngl

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    Zalae Suspended from HS Esports

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    The Paladin Hero Power currently has the word Recruit bolded...

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 05:05 AM PDT


    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 01:07 AM PDT

    vS Data Reaper Report #192

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:01 AM PDT


    The Vicious Syndicate Team is proud to present the 192nd edition of the Data Reaper Report.

    Special thanks to all those who contribute their game data to the project. This project could not succeed without your support. The entire vS Team is eternally grateful for your assistance.

    This week our data is based on 485,000 games! In this week's report you will find:

    • Deck Library - Decklists & Class/Archetype Radars
    • Class/Archetype Distribution Over All Games
    • Class/Archetype Distribution "By Rank" Games
    • Class Frequency By Day & By Week
    • Interactive Matchup Win-Rate Chart
    • vS Power Rankings
    • vS Meta Score
    • Analysis/Discussion of each Class
    • Meta Breaker of the Week

    The full article can be found at: vS Data Reaper Report #192


    • If you haven't already, please sign up to contribute your game data. More data will allow us to provide more insights in each report, and perform other kinds of analysis. Sign up here, and follow the instructions.

    • Listen to the Data Reaper Podcast, in which we expand on subjects that are discussed in each weekly Data Reaper Report. If you're interested in learning more about developments in the Hearthstone meta, the insights we've gathered as well as other interesting subjects related to the analysis that is done to create the Data Reaper Report, you can listen to RidiculousHat and ZachO talk about them every week. The Podcast comes out on the weekend, a couple of days after each report is published.

    Thank you for your feedback and support,

    The Vicious Syndicate Team

    submitted by /u/ViciousSyndicate
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    OTK Rogue, new tier S deck)

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:47 AM PDT

    All current standard secrets in one picture!

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 01:11 AM PDT

    Seems fair to me

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 02:04 AM PDT

    How I feel when I’m against Mage right now

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 06:50 AM PDT

    My son just started playing and finally got his first win!

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 10:25 AM PDT

    Hearthstone Story Speculation: The Alliance's Mercenary Handler/Next Expansion's Neutral Legendary is Lady Katrana Prestor (Disguised Onxyia)

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:40 AM PDT

    Hearthstone Story Speculation: The Alliance's Mercenary Handler/Next Expansion's Neutral Legendary is Lady Katrana Prestor (Disguised Onxyia)

    Most of this is speculation based on https://playhearthstone.com/en-us/news/23658052 (Meet the Mercanaries).

    Brief backstory, Onxyia (the 9 mana Legendary Dragon that fills your board with whelps) like the other Warcraft dragons can disguise themselves as humanoids. Onxyia in particular disguised herself as an advisor to Anduin Wyrnn (Priest boi) in Stormwind during the time of the disappearance of Anduin's father, Varian Wyrnn. She took upon the name Lady Katrana Prestor, but most call her Lady Prestor.

    Onxyia/Lady Prestor

    Alright, so evidence. There's 3 hints.

    1) Dichotomy. We are obviously going to visit a major Alliance location as a a parallel to the current Horde's location. Then, the third expansion is the big clash between the two factions.

    Red, Blue, Red/Blue

    While it is up in the air as to what the Alliance's location is (Stormwind, Lordaeron, etc.), it is very clear that they're trying to show parallelism between the two factions. One expansion for each. 5 mercenaries for each side. Probably a keyword for each side (e.g. Frenzy for Horde). The most iconic location for each side. What is peculiar then is the observation of Kazakus, who only deals with Horde mercenaries, making him the Horde's "handler". Makes sense of course since he's a troll, a Horde race, but what's significant about him is that he's been strongly hinted at being a dragon.

    He's on the left on the Kabal side. May be hard to spot.

    So, seeing as he's such a pertinent character, even in the Rokara's chapter in the Book of Mercenaries, it's worth reasoning that Lady Prestor would be the Alliance's juxtaposition to Kazakus to continue that dichotomy. ESPECIALLY since Lady Prestor is infamous of her being a dragon. I'd even go as far as to guess that Lady Prestor's ability is likely "Battlecry: If your deck contains no X-Cost cards..." to match Kazakus! After all, so far all of the main characters during this year are original characters with the exception of Kazakus, a returning character. So why not make another well-known character return especially considering...

    2) WoW Classic nostalgia. With the recent release WoW Classic, they are definitely going to try to capitalize that era and lore. This sentiment purveys everywhere. All 10 mercenaries include each of the classic races and The Burning Crusade races along with their most popular class to pair with. The Barrens is a major site in any Horde player's journey to level 60. The Spell Rank cycle reflects the gameplay at the time. But most importantly, the events happening during this year are concurrent with Varian Wyrnn's disappearance, one of the landmarks of Warcraft Classic lore.

    No one can behold the armies of Stormwind anymore.

    They even specifically mention that they tinkered the lore so that the first events that Blood Elf and Draenei players (Burning Crusade races) encounter are now occurring simultaneously with Varian's abscence.

    How curious.

    Why is it important that they keep mentioning King Varian's disappearance? Well as it says above, he was actually kidnapped. This was puppetered by none other than Lady Prestor herself, Onxyia.

    3) Foresight for foreshadowing. This brings us to hints of what's going on in future expansions. So, we know that a deviation from the Hearthstone lore is the "Night of Falling Stars". During this time, a Naaru (a crystalline god of light) shattered into a bunch of shards that fell across the land. Now, a bunch of people to collect them all for various reasons, whether it be power, revenge, gold, adventure, knowledge, or to one-up Thanos's search for infinity stones. One of these people is Kazakus, as is often mentioned in Meet the Mercenaries. Who's the other person?

    Found in Scabbs' bio.

    For the Alliance mercenaries, it's a member of the royal court. That highly points to it being the advisor, Lady Prestor...or Bolvar Fordring. But like, he's somehow forgettable as a GvG card, KoFT card, Battlegrounds card, and in lore until recently so we'll give him a pass.

    So, what's going to happen? Well, we know Cariel Roame and Tasmin Roame are eventually going to meet in the most awkward family union, wielding polar opposites of magic: Holy and Shadow. If Descent of Dragons's adventure is anything to go by, we will probably choose a side in the 3rd expansion, with the chosen side winning at the end. Kazakus is gathering mercenaries to gather shards of the Naaru at any cost. And if Lady Prestor is planning the same...

    \"If I had a nickel for everytime a year-long story in Hearthstone ended with Dragons slapping each other to death, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice.\"

    Then we're about to see whether the Leading Alchemist of the Kabal could defeat the Broodmother of the Black dragonflight.

    submitted by /u/HS_Cogito_Ergo_Sum
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    Needlessly complicated and completely innefficient Malygos Rogue combo

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    Best 12 wins awards i have ever gotten in arena

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 06:57 AM PDT

    Un'goro vibes: I made a Fossil themed cardback

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 02:49 AM PDT

    Reddit vs Tickatus

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    So you can't copy diamond cards?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:08 AM PDT

    Devs, when everytime they print new mechanics and strategy but player still spam Aggro decks and all the types of Rogue.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 06:17 PM PDT


    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 05:23 AM PDT

    I never did it in 2014, but in 2021 I managed to get #1 legend <3

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 02:32 PM PDT

    I guess that I'll choose deathwing.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 01:12 AM PDT

    Sounds legit

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    YOU FACE JAR-...

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 11:54 AM PDT

    Tickatus Facts

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 07:21 PM PDT

    Hey all, J_Alexander back again today to address the hot topic of Tickatus. In my last post on why cards get changed, I received many comments about Tickatus in particular. Given how much it's talked about here, I wanted to present something of a reality check on the card and deck that it's found in, Control Warlock. Hopefully these Tickatus facts can help create a more solid foundation for discussing the card in a reasonable manner (surely).

    Tickatus Warlock isn't a good deck

    Tickatus decks are predominately the terror of low ranked players in terms of power and popularity. As you climb the ladder, the power level of the deck and its frequency drops dramatically. Here is the meta tab data from HSReplay since forged in the Barrens released. The win rates of Control Warlock at various ranked brackets is as follows:

    • Bronze-Gold Ranks: 51.2%

    • Diamond-Legend Ranks: 48%

    • Top 1000 Legend: 44.5%

    The reasons for this decline over ranked brackets likely has a lot to do with players simply playing better decks at higher ranks. When Control Warlock faces more real decks, it tends to lose games. It's possible a skill factor enters into the equation as well, with players at lower ranks not playing properly against Tickatus Warlock, giving them time to execute their ploddingly-slow game plan.

    These numbers accord well with the VS data from the last Darkmoon meta. If we look back to the win rate chart from the VS report 191 in Darkmoon, they estimate Control Warlock was the worst Tier 4 deck in the game from Diamond forward with around an expected 40% win rate.

    In either case, if you want to win games, this doesn't seem to be the deck to go to. It simply hasn't been a good performer in the meta since its release. If you think the deck is overpowered, your view should be adjusted there.

    Tickatus Warlock doesn't oppress control decks

    There are some who say that, "sure, the overall winrate isn't a problem, but Tickatus oppresses control decks!" The abundant data from our last meta shows that this isn't true either.

    Here's the Control Warlock matchup chart for all ranks from VS report 191. Red boxes mean unfavored, white mean even, and green means favored. You'll notice that Tickatus Control Warlock sits in a sea of red with precisely 3 favorable matches and every single one was against Priest. Control Warrior actually went even with Warlock. Big Warrior was slightly favored. Bomb Warrior - another Control deck - demolished it.

    What does that help us learn? Tickatus Control Warlock was good against decks that didn't really have a way to win the game proactively. It doesn't oppress control decks when those control decks actually have a good plan to win the game beyond sit back and hope the opponent runs out of stuff. When a deck contained some ways of actually winning a game proactively, the Warlock went even or struggled.

    This isn't a matter of "just go play an aggro deck if you want to be able to beat Warlock," as much as it's a case of "go play a deck that actually has a plan to win the game and you should be fine". The two are far from the same concept. And if you don't want to play a deck with a win condition beyond outlasting? Then you'll have a bad matchup into Control Warlock, but you'd likely have that bad match there anyway because of Jaraxxus even if Tickatus didn't exist.

    Indeed, Jaraxxus being changed to a hero card is far more impactful in that respect, as the major downside of the card (being made vulnerable at 15 life) was removed. His powerful button offers near endless value and tempo in the long game, capable of both fighting for board and closing out games on its own.

    Regardless, what we learn here is that the issue isn't Tickatus oppressing the archetype of control decks. It's that control decks need win conditions to beat Warlock beyond waiting; doubly so now that Jaraxxus is the only playable hero card in Standard.

    Tickatus Warlock seems to be fun to play

    Perhaps you don't find Control Warlock fun to play against because of Tickatus. You see cards burned sometimes and get sad. I doubt I can convince you to have fun in that respect.

    However, I can also point out that Tickaktus Warlock seems to be pretty fun for people to play. Right now, Control Warlock is actually the second most popular deck in the game according to HSreplay, and that's in spite of its poor performance. What's interesting about it is how the play rate falls right before legend rank to a low of 5.8% of the meta, then jumps to 8.5% in legend. It seems that many players - even good ones - want to play the deck when they're not afraid of losing ranks. It's perhaps more popular at the lower ranks due to a false perception of power (and improved performance against jankier decks/misplays), but nothing about its win rate there suggests it should be as popular as it is either. It seems that players kind of just want to play the deck and Tickatus people because they find it fun.

    Now I don't want the people who hate Tickatus decks to have a bad time in Hearthstone. Really, I don't. I'd happily suggest the card be changed if you find it simply unfun to play against to improve your experience. However, in changing the card you also take that fun away from people who enjoy using it. There's a certain zero-sumness about the issue where your experience has to come at the expense of someone else's. Given these Tickatus facts, I'm not happy with the idea of changing it at this time, personally.

    submitted by /u/Popsychblog
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