• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 27, 2021

    Hearthstone New 19.4.1 Warlock Wild Combo

    Hearthstone New 19.4.1 Warlock Wild Combo

    New 19.4.1 Warlock Wild Combo

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:19 AM PST

    Unity, Precision... Keep it quick kid, I ain't got all day.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:57 AM PST

    Today is gonna be a good day.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:41 AM PST

    19.4.1 Patch Notes — Hearthstone

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:01 AM PST

    What my brain does every time I hear Horseman Uther's intro. (Sound Warning)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:07 AM PST

    The current meta

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:25 AM PST

    Maybe not too broken?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:37 AM PST


    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:17 PM PST

    you sure that's enough swipes Elise?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:24 AM PST

    How the nerf feels

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:54 AM PST

    My most beautiful creation: Hostage Shudderwock Shaman

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:33 PM PST

    Honest Battlegrounds Cards #4

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:36 PM PST

    Seems like my deathrattle Hunter needed a little bit more GRUUUUUL

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:56 AM PST

    Not a bad classic pack if I do say so myself

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 12:18 PM PST

    Snorting Cards (Interesting Curiosities of the Hearthstone Community)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:25 AM PST

    Curious fact n#1: The word 'dust' was translated to 'pó' (it sounds like /paw/) for the Brazilian Portuguese version of Hearthstone. I comes from the latin 'pulvis', and it means 'dust' or 'powder'. It is absolutely right; however, 'pó' is also a slang for cocaine! And because of that, players are used to say or listen things such as "Should I keep this legendary or should I snort it?

    Curious fact n#2: Also in Portuguese, the 'King Krush' card is translated as 'Rei Mó' (it sounds like /hey maw/). 'Rei' means 'king'; 'mó' I am actually not sure, but I believe it is the stone from a mill, or could be a lusitanian word for 'molar teeth'. The case is that, because of the similarity of the word 'mó', the card is called 'Rei Pó' (Cocaine King). There is also a sticker where the dino has its nose painted in white...

    submitted by /u/Advanced_Corgi_5785
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    I guess I have to pay for the third life.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:32 AM PST

    Anyone else want the class specific packs to be available for purchase?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:44 AM PST

    So I'd say I'm kinda f2p but not really. If I like an expansion I'll prepurchase it or if there is one of those bundles for Priest or Paladin packs exclusively but other than that I will only use gold for stuff. Since I only play 7 out of the 10 classes I'll usually get only 3-4 cards out of a pack and like 25 dust. So I think it would be cool if we could buy packs that would give you only the class cards of the pack that you buy, I know some pure f2p players will only play very few classes, maybe like 1-4, so this would be a great way for them to only get the cards for the class that they actually play to build the decks they want.

    The only issue I see with this is, it would be useless to standard players if it included wild cards and there would be no point if it didn't include wild cards, so maybe it's not the best idea.

    submitted by /u/TigerKingQuinton
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    After playing since kobolds and catacombs I've finally reached 500 wins in my first class

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:25 AM PST

    Cheese Paladin - A comprehensive guide to the best deck in the game

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:24 AM PST

    Cheese Paladin - A comprehensive guide to the best deck in the game



    Yes, you read that right. The best deck in the game. This is the most fun I've ever had playing Hearthstone; and I have played a LOT of Hearthstone. The fact that this deck is quite good too (As long as you dodge OTK DH, Mozaki Mage and Token Druid) makes for a literal winning combination.

    TLDR - For anyone wanting to skip to the deck code so they can get playing, here it is. Enjoy!AAECAZ8FCIoHh60D/LgDw9EDm9gD/N4DjeEDveEDC6cIm6kD+7gD87sD/tEDh9QD/tsD+d4D5uEDkeQDkuQDAA==

    I originally started playing Ramp Paladin in December after reading a post by u/deevee12, my initial thoughts on that list are logged here. I kept playing through December and ended up with a much changed list playing a Salhet's Pride package ending up with a top 1000 finish which was a personal highlight as usually I don't have this much spare time to play the game! The deck was good so I kept playing it and I clocked into legend on 2nd January at 192, not great but better than nothing.

    The deck had problems though, pride could only thin so much and the cards it drew weren't exactly game winning. Enter, Tip the Scales. This card does everything and more, it thins your deck, it builds a massive board and it even lets you take control of the board if you're behind. Obviously with this card cheesing it out early with Alura is nothing new but previously decks including it have been a one trick pony. Dragontamer was the missing piece, if they clear your Turn 4 Alura (Using an important piece of removal in the process) you draw the Nozdormu with the Dragontamer and then proceed to smack them with 10 drops and clowns. I got into top 100 last week with a list using Tidecallers but it still felt like something was missing and the release of the mini-set finally let me start pushing into top 100, peaking at 75 legend and still floating about in top 100, but Pokemon Unbound has caught my attention for now...

    General gameplan

    This deck functions incredibly similarly to a midrange deck and should be considered as such. You can play aggressively with early game Murloc pressure and switch the game up with a Nozdormu to start developing bigger threats. After you play Nozdormu you're often playing catch up as they have 10 mana first. It is this distinction that means you shouldn't always play Nozdormu if you cannot answer their response next turn, do you lose to a 16/16 Questing Adventurer or Edwin? I've seen it more than once. If you can cheese a Tip the Scales with Alura you always do so.

    Against control, you are the aggressor. Fling boards at them until they run out of removal, play around their removal as much as possible and position appropriately. For example, against Warrior if you clown into an empty board they have a free Bladestorm. If they have a minion on board with less than 4 health, they can't trade it off as the Bladestorm then doesn't clear.

    Against aggro, you are the control deck. Trade aggressively and find a good opportunity to squeeze a Nozdormu in if you have big taunts in hand. Make sure to consider their burst potential.

    Against combo, you are in danger. Combo matches such as OTK DH, Mozaki Mage, Malygos Druid etc are the most difficult to navigate. In these matches you want to pressure as much as possible with murlocs, Crabrider into Warleader is solid here. Remember, Demon Hunter always has Skull on turn 6.

    Matchup info and Mulligan

    • General/All match ups - Always keep Dragontamer and/or Nozdormu. If you have both in your mulligan, consider what you are playing against before tossing the Nozdormu. Do they play silence/transform for your Dragontamer? If you have coin, toss everything that isn't a Dragontamer for Alura. Against decks where you don't want to ramp, toss the Dragontamer too. Alura's mulligan WR with coin is 93% at the time of writing. If you do not have Alura, do not keep Wandmaker and vice versa. You can't rely on drawing a 1 of and a raw 2 mana 2/2 isn't strong enough. Keep Armor Vendor against aggro, particularly Rogue. Keeping Tip the Scales if you have access to a Nozdormu is also common, it thins your deck by 7 cards which makes everything else work better.
    • Demon Hunter - Crabrider/Warleader are decent keeps if you have both AND are playing against OTK DH a lot. Angling Rod can be good against the aggro/soul variants. Ooze is also good if you choose to keep it in the deck.
    • Druid - Hope it isn't Token or Malygos, nothing specific other than the General.
    • Hunter - Armor Vendor is a keep here. With coin you can keep Angling Rod for turn 2 Phase Stalker shenanigans. If you play Broom instead of Ooze that is also a keep as it is good for testing against Freezing Trap.
    • Mage - Can be difficult against mage, particularly Mozaki. They have access to so much freeze that your big minions are worse. Keeping Tip the Scales if you have access to Noz isn't a bad idea but be aware of the Mozaki potential if you give them 10 mana.
    • Paladin - Paladin matches are all about board presence, weapon can be good if you have coin.
    • Priest - Nothing specific other than General. Hope they can't generate more Soul Mirrors?
    • Rogue - Armor Vendor is excellent against Rogue, if they're playing whirlkick list make sure that you have answer to a big Questing/Edwin before you noz.
    • Shaman - Don't remember playing against any Shaman decks since the nerf. General mulligan only.
    • Warrior - Nothing specific other than General. ETC has fallen off in popularity which is something, be careful of Alura being able to pull bombs out.
    • Warlock - Armor Vendor great against Zoo and it blocking Flesh Giant reductions is hilarious. Tip the scales great keep here if you have access to Nozdormu.

    Card options/replacements

    Carousel Gryphon is a flex spot. Should probably be a Barov or something, particularly if you play broomsticks.

    In the list I have included there is an Ooze, this is not necessary I just happened to be playing against a lot of Hyper Stealth Rogue. I would put back in an Animated Broomstick which is bad in that matchup because you can't attack any of their stealthed minions anyway!

    I have seen people using Circus Amalgam instead of Strongman. Amalgam has the lowest mulligan , drawn AND played WR bar Y'shaarj on HSReplay. I don't even think the Y'shaarj is getting a fair lick in that particular list because you remove half of the corrupt cards! This is Ramp Paladin, why would you want to ruin your consistency at drawing ramp? Yes, it's great if you get it off of Tip the Scales but what against? The full board of Murlocs is enough pressure as is and it reduces your chance at pulling the rush minions and warleaders, which actively remove threats. Don't play Amalgam.

    Signing off

    I don't write reddit posts often so I don't know how to do the images properly, if anyone can advise that would be outstanding!

    Glad people are enjoying the deck and if I've missed anything out please let me know. At the time of writing this exact list has the highest win rate of any paladin deck in Legend. Happy smorcing!


    submitted by /u/ConwayXD6288
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    Tavern Brawl this week is... "Cloneball!" (Jan. 27, 2021)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:43 AM PST

    Sorry this is a bit belated ... I got the Coronavirus vaccine yesterday and it threw me for a loop somewhat. But now I'm better O:-)

    Description: "The legends of Azeroth are playing Cloneball! Your team is random legends, each cloned four times. Go get 'em champ!"


    Format: Randomized / pick a class.

    Reward: one Classic pack for your first win.

    History: This is the sixth time we've seen this format. with the next most recent taking place last May.

    Good luck and have fun!

    submitted by /u/AintEverLucky
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    Regional Power Rankings from HSReplay (Darkmoon Races)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:42 AM PST

    Every damn time man.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:46 AM PST

    Got -44 on turn 6 :)

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 10:56 PM PST

    keep your secrets:)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:34 PM PST

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