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    Saturday, December 26, 2020

    Hearthstone explaining Shamanism in a class about Darwinism

    Hearthstone explaining Shamanism in a class about Darwinism

    explaining Shamanism in a class about Darwinism

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:19 AM PST

    Girlfriend Made This For Me For Christmas!!

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 05:05 PM PST

    0.1% Winrate by RDU in 2020 Hearthstone All-Star Invitational Final

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:25 AM PST

    Don't tell me that shouldn't have been an achievement!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:38 AM PST

    Dude just kept doing this combo over and over. Insane infinite loop.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 05:07 PM PST

    Good start for the right hero

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 12:30 PM PST

    Vol'jin bust I've been working on for the past week

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:12 AM PST

    artwork Twisting Nether

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:36 PM PST

    I'm actually a fan of playing Shaman but I'm more of a fan of Blizzard taking action instead of waiting.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:24 AM PST

    Me everytime after I crush a Demon Hunter

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:47 AM PST

    What if we could choose what card pack we get from the arena rewards?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:24 AM PST

    Okay so I've been playing mostly arena for the past month or so and I've been having tons of fun but yesterday I opened the pack that completed my Darkmoon Faire collection and now with each run I have less and less motivation to play it since the whole pack opening part after the run got much much less exciting.

    I believe having the option to choose what card pack we want would make a lot of arena players happier. Haven't yet seen a similar post so I apologize if it's yesterday's news.

    Curious to see if any other fellow arena players agree. I hope enough of you agree so Blizzard at least sees the proposition and considers it. Please comment your thoughts on this.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone :)

    EDIT: typo

    submitted by /u/ayylmaohss
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    Gee, thanks Jandice

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 04:49 AM PST

    Fun Fact: Doubling C'thun's battlecry with the shaman quest doesn't count for the achievement.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:20 AM PST

    This is so much fun. I played like 15 matches on ladder before I got c'thun with my quest shaman against an opponent that didn't concede as soon as I got it in hand. Or I just lost before that because the deck is bad, tanking my mmr in the process.

    I finaly got C'thun against a warrior at full health that didn't concede. They had a few minions, so one battlecry wouldn't do it. I thanked them, doubled the battlecry and killed them from full health with c'thun, exactly as the achievement said. But I didn't get it. Turns out it doesn't count with the shaman quest or Brann in wild. This is so fun. Such a fun interaction.

    No, I'm not salty.

    submitted by /u/Suwa
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    Anybody else having this issue in duels? Haven’t been able to play since yesterday cause of this.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:37 AM PST

    I know people here despise complainers with a passion so I’m just going to show you two images and won’t complain. If anything my opponent should get an award. Context: Before his turn the board was empty.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 09:16 PM PST

    Mofo evolved the board, can't have shit in the tavern

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:14 PM PST

    Twitch drops enabled!

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 11:22 PM PST

    There is no official post about it (that I can see) but drops are enabled for Battlegrounds All-Star Invitational, at least one pack, probably 2.

    edit: it's just one pack

    submitted by /u/LArSON343
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    Got 114k dust disenchanting all my legendaries

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:40 PM PST

    After playing the game almost daily since beta release I decided to finally call it a day on Hearthstone.

    I finally decided to dust all my legendaries today and ended up with 114k in dust.

    Thanks HS for the wonderful years! I'm looking forward to D4 release (in 2030 or something??)

    edit: https://imgur.com/a/8Mj9QLW didn't realize the picture wasn't attached ><

    submitted by /u/DogGuy23
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    absolutely disgusting

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:26 PM PST

    Infinite Toki Battlegrounds bug

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:02 PM PST

    Come on Blizzard, is Infinite Toki such a lame champion you didn't even check her for bugs?

    I increased my tavern minions number +1 with first Darkmoon prize, and when I was at Tier 5, when I would use my hero power, it would refresh with the regular number of minions, (-1). Really minimized my chances of getting the 1st place Toki in last 3 battles against Tess.

    submitted by /u/Engineeer8888
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    Something is not right about the #1 in this BG. I became 3rd, so I don't know how the BG ended.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:57 PM PST

    DD Control Warlock VS Report- Bronze to D10 (Guide) 91% WR 29-3

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:03 AM PST



    I am mostly a wild player now, but the current meta decks have pushed me over the edge (made legend during pre nerf gala rogue). After memeing around and losing my star bonus (x7), I decided I was going to netdeck an off meta deck from the most recent VS report. I chose Warlock because I like Tickatus. I figured I should write a small guide since other posts have greatly helped me in the past.


    This is a control deck and our win con is our opponent running out of gas (no hand), fatigue/milling their wincon and/or developing an unanswerable board by abusing corrupt cards and Defiler refill. I will go over mulligan and gameplay for Whirlwind Rogue, Libroom Pally and Evolve Shaman with some comments on Hunter, Priest & Warlock.

    Game Plan:

    On coin, we want our hand to be Soul Shear, School Spirits and Dark Skies. T1 is always a pass, T2 Tap, T3 is usually Jailer + Tap or a removal turn. Couple reasons for this, we want a big hand for Dark Skies to be really effective on T4+ and we don't want to draw soul fragments too early.

    Off coin, it's pretty similar except, I will keep Jailers and toss everything else out for removal. The key is knowing how to setup full board clears in 1-2 turns with efficient removal and minimizing damage, acceptable damage to take is around 4-5. E.G T3 School Spirits into T4 Dark Skies, T4 Dark Skies into T5 Nether Wing.

    T5 plus: We want to have a big board swing with either Moaag+School Spirits/Dark Skies or Netherwing+1 removal. After repeatedly clearing the board, look to play Tickatus and finish them off with a Defiler or Alexstrasza finisher. The end game will always be fatigue or having an OTK board. However, your end game of either winning through fatigue or having an OTK board should be dictated by what cards Tickatus burns.


    The biggest threat is a big Edwin on T2-T4. I will keep Moaag and look for all other removal. As long as the board is not out of control around T5-T6 with around 16 HP and they have an average hand size (5-6). We can usually find the cleanest board clear and development turns.

    The things to pay attention to are whirlwind generated burst (eviscerate, cold blood & scimitar), wand thief shenanigans and what lackeys they've played. T5 plus we always want at least 1 taunt minion on board. Try not to go below 12 health after T8+ because they will always try to discover reach, even if you have burst healing from Moaag or Alex for the next turn. Sometimes though, you can bait the reach and nullify it with an Alex swing turn if you notice they are going for a two turn lethal (not doing an obvious clear/trade). This will usually win the game if have you have a Strongman as well.


    The biggest threat is a blessed authority+ agent swing turn. I will keep Cascading, but don't hard look for it though. The reason for Cascading is because we want to corrupt it at least once with Nether wing or Khartut to play around a Blessed Authority and Agent swing turn.

    The things to pay attention are controlling the board, so they cannot be buffed out of removal range and not over committing against Libram of Justice. Also, I will almost always shoot the 1/3 on T2 with Soul Shear because of 2+2 buff card unless I have an obvious board clear in the next turn or two. Side note for Pure Pally, gameplay follows similar except, we need to pay attention to reach of the 4-2 weapon and saving one Twisted for Murloc Prime.


    The biggest threats are deathrattle and high health minions. Unfortunately, we cannot completely play around this. However, we can control the board by fast playing jailer T1 and saving our removal and taunts for key turns. T1-T3 we want them to always have an empty or only 1 minion board because of bloom + weapon, this is especially true if they played Cage on T2. The most common play I had was using Crazed Nether Wing for Hare evolves and using Strongmans after Twisted Nether. At the end, you will need to have cleared 4-5 board states and have developed a taunt wall to prevent face reach.

    The things to pay attention are corrupting Cascading as much as we can, lackey/Firehart generation and saving taunts for key turns that do not give them clean evolve trades. It is very hard to advise the pilot of this match-up because it is purely reactive: we just need to have our removal in good timing.


    The biggest threat is their hero power and T1-T4 plays. This is one of the most dangerous matchups because we are continually tapping. Whether it's 2 of or HL, they have 8 damage reach around T7-T8 which is quite scary. The key to winning this match-up is using Strongman or Jailer to test secrets (Strongman will cost 2 if hit by Freezing Trap post corrupt), using Moaag and Alex for burst healing and developing a taunt minion past T6.

    The key to winning versus HL is developing taunts past T8 for Brann; versus 2 of, mitigating the early game damage and staying above 15 health. In both matchups, we just outlast the early game pressure and our huge stats will win us the game.


    In all the match-ups, doesn't matter what they are playing, we want to mill them and win in fatigue, so hard mill for Tickatus. The key to winning this matchup is cycling our deck fast enough and using unnecessary removal efficiently while keeping their board weak.

    The things to pay attention to are Soul Mirror swing turns, Apothesis buff targets, and mana cheated cards.


    Control Warlock plays similar to Priest and Aggro plays similar to Rogue. The Control match-up is the most luck/draw dependent because whoever plays Tickatus first will usually win. Hard mill for Tickatus, but keep one aoe removal just in case its aggro. The control matchup will be decided by whoever can cycle the fastest without reaching fatigue first and keeping a medium board to make the removal turns "worse". In the end game, sometimes it is the right play to just pass, if you planned ahead and were lucky enough to be ahead in fatigue and resources.

    Thanks for reading this far and I apologize if there is formatting and grammar errors, first time making a big post like this.

    submitted by /u/Lost-NotFound
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    100% skill, 0% luck

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:43 PM PST

    How was your turn 8?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:03 AM PST

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