• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 31, 2020

    Hearthstone "Card Draw", huh?

    Hearthstone "Card Draw", huh?

    "Card Draw", huh?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 05:11 AM PST

    It's simple, I play Blood of the Ancient One...

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:47 AM PST


    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:59 PM PST

    I just wanted to share the fact that I hit legend for the first time because I don’t have anyone irl to show it to. I’m very proud of myself :)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:14 PM PST

    22 Darkmoon Faire cards translated from English to Latin, Kyrgyz, Basque, Kinyarwanda and back to English

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:36 AM PST

    vS Data Reaper Report #183

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:01 AM PST


    The Vicious Syndicate Team is proud to present the 183rd edition of the Data Reaper Report.

    Special thanks to all those who contribute their game data to the project. This project could not succeed without your support. The entire vS Team is eternally grateful for your assistance.

    This week our data is based on 175,000 games! In this week's report you will find:

    • Deck Library - Decklists & Class/Archetype Radars
    • Class/Archetype Distribution Over All Games
    • Class/Archetype Distribution "By Rank" Games
    • Class Frequency By Day & By Week
    • Interactive Matchup Win-Rate Chart
    • vS Power Rankings
    • vS Meta Score
    • Analysis/Discussion of each Class
    • Meta Breaker of the Week

    The full article can be found at: vS Data Reaper Report #183


    • If you haven't already, please sign up to contribute your game data. More data will allow us to provide more insights in each report, and perform other kinds of analysis. Sign up here, and follow the instructions.

    • Listen to the Data Reaper Podcast, in which we expand on subjects that are discussed in each weekly Data Reaper Report. If you're interested in learning more about developments in the Hearthstone meta, the insights we've gathered as well as other interesting subjects related to the analysis that is done to create the Data Reaper Report, you can listen to RidiculousHat and ZachO talk about them every week. The Podcast comes out on the weekend, a couple of days after each report is published.

    Thank you for your feedback and support,

    The Vicious Syndicate Team

    submitted by /u/ViciousSyndicate
    [link] [comments]

    I thought that you guys would appreciate this: the original painting for Cartographer by Steve Prescott. :)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:22 PM PST

    Murlocs go brrrr

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:01 AM PST

    Is there a way to turn off achivment notifications?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 03:50 AM PST

    Thats pretty annoying when the game spoils me results of brawl. When i am low hp and i can see that the enemy has much more. At the beggining of the fight i am receiving the achivment for playing that character, it means that i lost and im loosing fun of watching a fight

    submitted by /u/Marian_and_Qpa
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:00 AM PST

    Watercolor drawing, Anduin

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:05 AM PST

    Watercolor drawing, Anduin

    Well I've started to draw card images at Hearthstone while stuck at home in these days. Who likes Anduin the best?


    Just attached a drawing video clip at below for those who might interested in, though it's Korean. :(


    submitted by /u/monobori
    [link] [comments]

    1 mana can't be destroyed by spells.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:10 AM PST

    Help! I can’t decide which card I should make cheaper.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 04:52 AM PST

    Never stood a chance

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:22 PM PST

    So when do we get a report button for bots? This was a 10+ minute game of roping and a hero power.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:40 AM PST

    If a minion ability kills the Piñata in the tavern brawl... you lose...

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:29 AM PST

    Poison on the pinãta breaks the game

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 03:41 PM PST

    My cat providing some much needed support on my climb to legend.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 04:41 PM PST

    Double legend!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:47 PM PST

    When you finally get a good teammate in tavern brawl and Ragnaros decides to rain on your parade destroying their minions. Still managed to win somehow

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 03:57 PM PST

    Hearthstone is not pay to win - at least when you start as a new player

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:56 AM PST

    Hearthstone is not pay to win - at least when you start as a new player

    I'm an EU Legend player and thought for the end of the year I try a little experiment.

    I switched the region to Americas first time ever to play F2P. I played the short Mage Tutorial. I skipped all the beginners ranks and jumped straight to Bronze 10.

    I got offered 9 decks as a new player and decided to take the Pure Paladin. My free Darkmoon Legendary was (lucky) Yrel which I put in Blizzards stock deck.

    Then I started playing ranked. It was quite an experience. Being used to MMR matchmaking in the EU I was suddenly in a different world. I lost my first game against a Resurrect Priest somewhere in Gold.

    After 188 games with a win rate of 72% (135-53) I reached Legend on a Rank of 1934 after 24 hours gameplay.

    Takeaway: At least when you start, Blizzard gives you a competitive deck you can reach legend with. Of course everything falls apart with a new expansion or big nerfs/meta shift - because you only have one deck.

    Pure Paladin Facts: Best Matchup Priest (20-1), Worst Rogue (15-9)

    Anyway - Happy New Year to you all

    Landing Legend Rank

    Paladin Only

    submitted by /u/TheCyo
    [link] [comments]

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