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    Tuesday, September 15, 2020

    Hearthstone Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

    Hearthstone Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

    Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Hello members of the /r/hearthstone community,

    This is part of a series of weekly threads aimed at both new and old players from the community. It is designed so that everybody may ask any and all questions regarding the game's mechanics, decks, strategies and more.

    Please keep it clean and try to add more than just a one or two word response. As the goal of this post is to increase the community's knowledge, the thought process matters as much as the answer! There is also a PullsDay Thursday weekly post, for those who want to share their pulled packs.

    Sticky Threads and Guides - Great resources for new players!

    Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Hearthstone Metas Throughout the Years (with some sarcasm)

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 05:54 AM PDT

    The Scholar Jaina skin doesn't have new quotes -- it's the same as regular & 1K win Jaina.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    Just an fyi if that affects anyone's decision. I am an idiot who needs all the skins, but I wanted to make sure everyone was aware.

    submitted by /u/Raktoner
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    It really do be like that

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    So, we're in the second week of the supposed event right now. But let's be realistic, it's hardly an event at all.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Topic pretty much, but I think it's fair to say that this event lacks nice rewards, custom brawls, etc. To me it feels like a crash grab where the first week of the event is...a bundle with wild packs that give you mostly unusable cards?

    No thanks. Maybe for BG-players it was a great week, I dont play that mode, but for me, a standard player, it feels very meh.

    submitted by /u/TheProf82
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    Don't forget to take your new hero skin

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    Night Elf is officially a tribe in the game now!

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    What a great event...

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    Book of Heroes is massively underwhelming

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    While I am pleased that new content is being added to Hearthstone (and even more pleased that it is Free) I have to say I am more than a bit underwhelmed by the new solo experience. I took a moment to think about what specifically felt unsatisfying and I hope this feedback helps.

    The new mode is not terribly interactive. You select the hero and then all other factors are preset. You don't pick the deck, hero power, or anything else. Without any real interesting choices to make, this is easily one of the least fun solo modes in the game. Dungeon runs let you build decks and pick treasures. Boom's lab restricts choice but at least it makes it into a more interesting puzzle you have to solve. Blizzard have shown that they know how to make solo adventures engaging but this mode seems a lot more like something that would have been released around Vanilla HS before they had really learned how to get more out of solo content.

    The mode has no real longevity. There's no challenge or heroic mode. There are no anomalies or twists to increase replay value. This mode seems designed to be a one-time playthrough and then that's it. Normally that would not be enough to make something inherently bad, but combined with the other factors, it really plunges the knife deeper for fans of solo content because it demonstrates a disregard (whether intentional or not) for our engagement. It seems like a token effort.

    Even when you take into effect the fact that more heroes will be released, unless the format changes drastically it will have a total content playtime of a few hours stretched out over a year. No one is going to be playing this mode after they get their pack. They will simply wait the 5 or six weeks until a new hero is released, play that for an hour, get their new pack and repeat. That's not healthy for engagement of players or a good use of the time of developers.

    The mode has no new or interesting mechanics. Nothing is really "shaken up". Which is kind of weird. A new solo mode is perfect for that because you don't have to worry about balancing around other players and cards. You can just kinda go nuts with it. But this mode is so conservative. It doesn't really give you anything that feels exciting to play around with. You got a pretty standard mage deck and a few different heroic abilities.

    Sadly, those abilities don't really feel interesting. You have the base mage hero power that does a bit more damage (useful, but not exciting), you can summon an elemental, and you can basically get a watered down version of the Twin Tyrant card. That's… uninspired to say the least. There are a couple of new weapons that seem neat but nothing that breaks any kind of mold.

    The mode reuses old story (and not even particularly well) instead of forging a new one. I'm sure there are some people who are unfamiliar with Jaina's story but they are probably not the people who play a Warcraft spinoff game. She's one of Warcraft's most well-known characters. So there's a pretty good chance HS players know about her exploits. Blizzard dedicated real resources to tell us stories we already know and I have trouble wrapping my head around that decision.

    There are already story modes that tell new stories with those same characters. Knights of the frozen throne and Ashes of Outland at least gave us fun little "what-if?" stories. But somebody with a lot of power and sway said, "what we really need to do is retell the same story people already know with no new perspective, details, or insights. Why?

    I'm confused about WHO this content is for. This is a mode that might be good for people who are new to Hearthstone and/or the Warcraft universe but it certainly isn't marketed that way. But it's clearly not marketed for people who are already fans because it's all stuff we already know.

    This mode is not really designed for those playing multiplayer modes (even though it gives them a pack) because it takes them away from all the multiplayer content they like. If they liked solo content they would already be playing solo stuff. But it's not designed for Solo content fans because of its very limited one-and-done format which doesn't reward or foster replaying the adventure.

    So it's not really for new players, not terribly rewarding for current players, not really for new fans, but also not for the old ones. It's a mode designed without longevity or engagement in mind. The only thing I can think of to explain the release of this mode is to label it as "filler" content. I really apologize for how snotty and self-righteous that sounds but I'm genuinely not trying to be hyperbolic or anything.

    This feels like content that was developed just to allow for SOMETHING to be shown in a content release slot. Perhaps it was done to try and stave off accusations of a content drought in the future. Maybe it's done to help people have something to look forward to between other larger releases. That's not a terrible thing to have, even if it only provides a very small amount of content. But it does raise the question, "Was this mode done instead of other solo content or in addition to it?". Are we missing out on new (more in-depth) adventures to receive this, or is something else significant in development?

    Also, if this is a case of "we had a ton of other stuff planned and then COVID hit hard, we had to re-prioritize and trim stuff waaay back. I can kinda understand that. But I think a lot of people would prefer to receive better content on a delayed schedule than maintain a schedule at the expense of quality.

    I sincerely appreciate anybody who took the time to read this monstrosity of a post and feel a lot better getting this off my chest.

    submitted by /u/kleptic
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    Did Bigglesworth start as an assistant to Antonidas?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Venthyr Kael'thas by Trolldaeron

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    TFW you bought the bundle thinking it was a good deal, then go on Reddit to see everyone shitting on it.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    How is this adventure mode this bad?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    I've loved adventure mode content.

    There's some that I've wished could've been a bit better, (the recent two were pretty short, Rumble's shrine mechanic was kinda annoying) but I liked them all, more or less. I'm not much of a pvp gamer, so part of me sometimes was more excited for the solo content than for the new cards.

    But god, this time, with Book of Heroes? Not only is there no deck building whatsoever, be it the dungeon crawl type or the normal type, we play basically the same deck for 8 games.

    We use three hero powers, only two of which are sorta new/different. And they're broken. This fact, in combination with how bland the deck is, ends up making this adventure a hero power button spam, because the button's just better than most of the cards we draw.

    Doesn't help that the bosses are a breeze armed with mostly crap decks.

    And the storytelling is mediocre at best, with Jaina's VA being the one redeeming grace.

    Well, and the music before the games actually start. God knows why the music goes back to the usual HS music once the game starts.

    Kalec being entirely mute as a card and Shandris being Nadina the Red from BG was hilarious.

    Is this what we're to expect henceforth from adventure mode? Something that's on par with the practice mode in terms of strategy and replayability?

    I get that they're free, but I miss the old adventures that were actually enjoyable and somewhat challenging, at least in heroic mode. I'd rather pay for some meat and potatoes than chew on free rationed cardboard.

    That we're getting 9 more free chapters isn't a good excuse either, because the devs chose this format for this adventure. If they can't tell a compelling story with 8 games, they should choose a new format. 72 more reskinned tutorials don't excite me. Heck, the most recent two free adventures were significantly better, in both storytelling and gameplay, than what we got this time.

    Also, how tf did they miss out on my boi Daelin? And they call this Jaina's lore.

    submitted by /u/ob1knob96
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    Why is Shaman so bad? What can be done to fix it? A discussion.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    Hey everyone you can check this post out in video form here,

    With Shaman receiving yet another buff recently in Totem Goliath it still appears Shaman is in a really rough spot. If you take a look at HS replay it's the second worst performing class across all ranks and at higher legend, the best performing archetype is Totem Shaman which has a sub 50% win rate. So why exactly does Shaman suck so much, and what can be done about it?

    To understand why it sucks now it's important to take a look at when Shaman has either been dominant or an extremely solid Tier 1 or 2 class. The following archetypes were extremely powerful:

    • Quest Shaman (Major contributors: Galakrond, Shudderwock)
    • Aggro Shaman (Major contributors: Thunderhead, Spirit of the Frog, Doomhammer/Rockbiter)
    • Evolve Shaman (Major contributors: Desert hare/Evolve, Spirit of the frog)
    • Mid Range Shaman (Major contributors: Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Thunder Bluff Valiant)
    • Aggro shaman (Major contributors: Tunnel Trogg, Doomhammer/Rockbiter)
    • Even shaman (Major contributors: Genn Greymane, Thing from Below, Flametongue Totem)
    • Shudderwock Shaman (Major contributors: Shudderwock,Grumble, Lifedrinker, Saronite Chain Gang)

    Why does Shaman suck?

    Lack of Win Condition:

    It has no clear win condition. If you look through the Standard collection there is just no realistic win condition available to Shaman. Big shaman's only real support is Muckmorpher with the only great hit being Scrapyard Colossus and Colossus of the Moon.

    Aggro shaman is lacking the early game to compete with most other decks. Lightning Bloom and Voracious Reader can lead to some good early board states, but it is just too inconsistent and can be met easily by other early based decks such as Mage/Rogue.

    Draw is extremely lacking in shaman. You have Far Sight, Mana Tide Totem and then neutral options such as Voracious Reader, Loot Hoarder, and Novice Engineer. When other classes have access to cards like Secret Passage, Cram Session, and Overflow it is very challenging for the class to compete.

    Overload is a Failure:

    Overload as a whole has been a failure as a mechanic for Shaman. Its downside is almost always too large a cost in respect to its early payoff. Take a look at the infamous 4 mana 7/7 in Flamewreathed Faceless (yes it had an actual name). It's a War Golem you can play on 4 and you only Overload for 2, and yet this card was mainly good because of Tunnel Trogg. When Tunnel Trogg rotated this card became unplayable unless it was played in conjunction with Genn Greymane. Unless overload has a significant payoff such as Thunderhead or Tunnel Trogg it basically never succeeds.

    The Hero Power flat out sucks:

    The hero power sucks. Shaman's hero power is by far the worst in the game; it's random, unreliable, and many of the totems are just flat out useless in many scenarios. Also with the way the game has evolved with every class having access to a 1 mana 2/2 aggressive minion and plenty of other 1 mana 1/2 value generating minions it's nearly impossible for a Shaman to stick an early totem. This is a huge problem when Blizzard is trying to push archetypes like Totem Shaman where it's nearly impossible for them to stick anything against any aggressive archetype and they can never keep board.

    How do you fix Shaman?

    Historically the only way shaman has been relevant has been to, well, break the game and give it just flat out broken cards. Tunnel Trogg, Shudderwock, and Evolve come to mind. The Galakrond invokes were all grossly undercosted/over statted, and Spirit of the Frog was effectively Auctioneer with conceal for 3 mana that also tutored so yeah these cards were pretty bonkers. This has to be done to make up for the absolutely useless and garbage Classic/Basic set of cards Shaman has. Here is a list of "good/playable" shaman cards in this set:

    • Earth Shock (fringe tech card)
    • Far Sight (lackluster draw)
    • Lighting Storm (borderline bad AOE)
    • Mana Tide Totem (lackluster draw)
    • Doomhammer (one of Shamans strongest cards, insane damage output)
    • Rockbiter (very powerful with Doomhammer)
    • Hex (mediocre hard removal)
    • Bloodlust (100% reliant on new expansion cards as it requires good early game Shaman does not have access to in the Basic/Classic set)
    • Lighting Bolt (decent burn option but not great)
    • Lava Burst (decent burn option but not great)

    There are a few more you could maybe debate in Fire elemental and Al'akir but realistically when was the last time those cards were relevant in a Tier 1-3 deck in the past 2 years? Let's compare this to Rogues Classic/Basic set (one of the strongest classes) and there "good/playable" cards:

    • Backstab (staple in nearly every rogue deck and one of the best tempo spells ever)
    • Deadly poison (versatile weapon buff)
    • Sap (one of the best tempo removals in history)
    • Fan of knives (decent AOE and draw, sees occasional play)
    • Preparation (used to be broken, now just very good)
    • Shadowstep (extremely powerful card used through HS history)
    • Eviscerate (very powerful burn and tempo removal)
    • Edwin van Cleef (arguably the most busted legendary ever in the classic set, has stolen more games than any card in HS history)
    • SI:7 Agent (decent tempo minion, sees play quite often)
    • Shiv (decent draw and damage, has seen a good amount of play)

    You can see the disparity in the power level, and this is common against the other consistent performing classes like Druid, Mage etc.

    What Changes Need to Happen?

    In order for shaman to not suck without brute forcing the class with overpowered cards every single rotation, which typically leads to the community revolting against the class in general (i.e. Evolve shaman/Galakrond shaman), the class flat out needs a rework. Its base set needs to be revamped, Overload as a whole needs to be reworked or abolished, and the Hero Power needs to be changed.

    There is a good chance of this happening next year. The team has already talked about a change to the Classic/Basic set potentially happening next rotation hence why they haven't replaced the most recent Hall of Famed cards such as Leeroy Jenkins and Spellbreaker.

    What I'd like to see is Overload remaining in the game but the downside of it being much less extreme. For example have Lightning Storm only Overload for 1, Doomhammer for 1, etc. I would rework the hero power so it's no longer random. You could let the player discover their first hero power, and then the totems would summon in a set way afterwards. It could be done alphabetically, or just shown in a chain. This would give the player a lot more strategy and influence on the usage of it and could set up for some interesting games. You could also eliminate the discover option and have the totems summon in a set way from the get go, perhaps starting with Seering Totem and so on. Lastly give shaman some kind of card draw in line with the other classes in the game, whether it's a tutor effect like we've seen in the past with Storm Chaser (4 mana Elemental that draws a spell that costs 5 or more), or maybe Ancestor's Knowledge (2 mana draw 2 cards Overload 2) and reduce the Overload by 1 mana. Shaman feels like it needs something more than 3 mana draw a card.


    I thought this would be an interesting topic to cover since shaman has been so bad for so long now in Standard, and we've seen so many buffs lately to the class with little to no effect occurring. Unless we see a new Shudderwock, Spirit of the Frog, or Tunnel Trogg next expansion, it is likely shaman will be in this spot until major changes occur to the class, perhaps at next year's rotation.

    TL:DR: To make Shaman playable without introducing over the top broken cards every rotation, the Basic/Classic set needs a rework, Overload needs to be scaled back or abolished, and the Hero Power needs to be non random or reworked.

    submitted by /u/Zeddy44
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    Playing against Mage right now be like

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Hearthside Chat – Hearthstone Book of Heroes

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    antonidas I think you missed part of the combo dude

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    Did you know Pen Flinger can disarm traps from a distance using only his pen?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    You vs. the guy she told you not to worry about

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    Well this is a first

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    Malfurion choose to go face, Malfurion doesn't need to trade

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    Inspired by Mark Mckz

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:23 PM PDT

    Yaaay a free mage pack

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    Can we get an appreciation of how beautiful the music is for Jaina's solo adventure screen is?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    Seriously, it's a stunning piece of music. Hearthstone has always had some amazing music, and catchy tunes, great intro legendary music etc. But this, this is just beautiful. The flute and harp at the start. Then the full strings come in - I would listen to this on repeat. Hope they have an extended version of it.

    Also the switch from minor to major key is just... Lovely. Massive props to the music team.

    Sorry, just heard it and wanted to say how beautiful it was.

    submitted by /u/stevelikespeanuts
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    New solo adventure = yawn fest

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Seriously, do they playtest these things with 8-year-olds and dumb them down until the kid can beat it on the first try? Just when you think things might get interesting, they don't.

    Oh, crap! He equips Gorehowl with his hero power? I'm going to get hit in the face hard! Oh, wait... Nevermind. It costs him 5 and I can create a water elemental for 4.


    Ooh, the guy just wiped my board and did it again every time he took damage! This is about to get interesting... Oh, wait... he didn't gain any health and some random shaman dude showed up to summon even more minions for me.


    I could have sat back and just cleared the board on the last guy over and over again, watching as he rapidly fatigued himself with Aluneth. That was way too boring so I used one of my two pyroblasts to finish him off.

    submitted by /u/IAmTheOneTrueGinger
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