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    Saturday, September 19, 2020

    Hearthstone He had >2500 armor, never give up

    Hearthstone He had >2500 armor, never give up

    He had >2500 armor, never give up

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    Some ideas of a totem expandion for battlegrounds. Focused more around the plauers hand

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    Val explains Book of Heroes to Slysssa and they are both really confused

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    Top Cards of the Week from r/CustomHearthstone (09/19/2020)

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    BGs | Getting to 8K- A guide (very detailed)

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    Hey guys, i'll try to make this guide as specific as I can to help you get to 8k(ish.. I think this is the basics you need to know)

    In my opinion, this meta is all about Early-Mid game, because if you can't have a good early-mid game, you won't be able to level to 5 = won't have an endgame at all.
    I will try to cover the basics to help you start, and as soon as I can i'll give you more stuff about end game / specific comps and how to get them

    Hero picking:
    Your hero has a lot to do with your success in the games, and we can see heroes and Jandice and Maiev on average takes places 3.5, and some other heroes take 5.5, that means that if you pick the wrong hero, you are already in a big disadvantage.
    Use https://hsreplay.net/battlegrounds/heroes/ to choose there right hero

    Early game:
    Ill go over the basics first turns. Some heroes are excluded (Maiev, Rafaam, Omu, Pyramad) and so on - for those heroes we have special guides, link below), but this is the basics for most of the heroes and you should follow up to it.

    Generally speaking - You want to get the most stats out there! You need stats to win early fights, not lose health and get you to the late game.
    If you are not sure what minion to buy, take the one that gives you the most stats! Buying spawn on turn 3 might not be the strongest, and you want to freeze in for the next turn. (Sometimes It's just math! Use it!)

    Another important rule - DON'T ROLL UNTIL 8 GOLD TURN, this is a basic stuff a lot of players are missing, don't waste early gold, it's your best friend :)
    Turn 1 - buy biggest Minion you have (you can take a 2-3 over Homunculus)
    Turn 2 - Level
    Turn 3 - Sell and buy the strongest units you have (*if all are very very bad, you can sell and level)
    Turn 4 - Double buy
    Turn 5 - Buy level ( if you already leveled, stay on 3 :) )
    Turn 6 - double buy double roll / sell triple buy
    Turn 7 - Level roll buy

    Tip - Don't buy Zerus unless you have a full board, and overall, I avoid it completely.
    Tip - If you are offered pairs and they are not terrible, take them.
    Tip - Dont triple into 3 or 4 drops what you can triple into a 5 drop. Most of the time, if you can delay your triple by freezing it for the next turn to get higher tier, do it - most of the "comp dictators" minions are at tier 5.

    Mid game:

    Tip - before wasting gold rolling on tier 4, ask yourself "What am I looking for here?"
    If the answer is: Mechs / complete a triple / divine shields comp / just some stats so stabilize before going to 5, you are good. If you just roll, you will die pretty quickly.
    There are no dictating comp minions on 4, and if you need to get a direction, you probably won't find it there.

    ** The are some minions that are going to dictate your comp, and we will discuss them later, but some examples are - Mamma bear, Bran, Soul Juggler, Baron, Hoogar, Razorgour, Kali (6) and so on...

    Ok, so you are at tier 4, what should you do next?
    If your board is weak, try to stabilize, get some big minions to survive.
    If you got to tier 4 with no pairs, low health and weak board, you know this is not your game, but that's ok! You just identified this game is not a winning one, let's try to cut the losses, don't greed, be as strong as you can per fight, and try to squeeze your way into top 4 / top 5 is also fine here.

    * Tip - remember, this is still RNG game, you can win them all, but if you will maximize your wins and cut your loses as much as possible, you will climb

    * Tip on how to decide if you are weak? - just a tip (this tip is top 100% accurate, but may help you decide if you are not sure)
    Over 30 health - you are probably good
    26-30 - you are okeish
    25 and below - you might be too low to level now, try to stabilize first

    But on the other side - you followed the guide, you have a lot of health, you got good units, now you need a build.
    The current meta is going to favor beast and dragons over anything else. Most of the minions you want to build around are at 5, so you want to try and triple into a 5 drop / get to 5 asap. Rolling on 4 might not help you in the long run (unless you are mechs, if you are mechs, stay on 4, it's best for you)

    This Meta is all about the 5-6 drops, early Mamma, Brann, Kaligose (6), Baron, Hoggar, Razorgore, Lightfang - All of those can help you with your future build, and you are looking for those, and after you find one that suits you, you can start building around it for late game.

    There are many ways to get into the late game, and it will be pretty hard to go over all of them, but as soon as you find a "comp dictating minion" that suits you, you are good to go and you can build from there.

    I'll try to post more about "how to transition to / how to get to" soon, but I hope this will help a lot of you to break some bad habits and have a great early / mid game, that in my opinion is the most important in this meta, because if you have bad early - mid game, you can't build to late game (low health and cant level to 5)

    Hope this guide helped you!
    For more guides about specific hero, and a great informative BG community, try this: https://discord.gg/nR6njZV

    submitted by /u/Tenacity191
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    That's a feelsbadman

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    If only I had an inner fire.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    Looking back at 5K arena wins

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    "Greetings friend. My name is-"

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    Wild Dead Man's Hand Warrior - All You Need To Know (by the DMH Discord)

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    The ultimate highroll beasts in battlegrounds.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 02:54 AM PDT

    I am a returning player and I took the free rogue deck, tell me it’s good

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    I returned to hearthstone after like 6 months and I took the free rogue deck, tell me it wasn't a bad choice

    submitted by /u/SpicyTacoLord
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    Play Games and Win Prizes in the Discord Tournament!

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Introducing the Magma Rager Extravaganza Part II:

    After the success of the first, one of the moderators of the Hearthstone Discord is throwing a tournament on the server - starting on Sept 26th and being free to all who participate.

    There will be commentary, streams to watch all of the matches as they happen, and an official channel to talk about the tourney in. Now, here are some rules to keep things exciting:

    • The only minion type allowed are Elementals.

    • You need at least 10 minions in your deck.

    Wild Format

    • You can use any number of weapons, spells, and hero cards.

    Banned cards: Open the Waygate, Jade Idol, Mass Resurrection.

    EU tournament (NA was last week, but stay tuned for morein the future)!

    • Conquest format (bring 3 decks/classes), single elimination.

    • Prizes include: 7 packs of grand winner's choice.

    If you are interested, please sign up here at Battlefy: Link
    And join the Discord channel for more info on the tournament and to get the latest on Hearthstone news! Link

    submitted by /u/TheBakaloco
    [link] [comments]

    What...am I doing?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    Hey all.

    Tried playing today for the first time in a few years. Unlocked Demon Hunter and enjoyed that little campaign. Tried playing against other people and I've been obliterated.

    I feel completely lost. There are so many types of card packs to open now that I have no clue what I'm supposed to be aiming for, and it seems like everyone else is using synergies/quests/mechanics that I'm totally unfamiliar with.

    Is this game still possible to get into, or has it just expanded to the point that I just going to have folks dancing on my grave each game after annihilating my poor little starting deck?

    submitted by /u/SirVortivask
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    Probably my sickest warband ever

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    Are you serious with this solo adventure?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    This feels extremely low-effort and unfinished.

    I don't get it.

    submitted by /u/MartialFur
    [link] [comments]

    500 wins on every Class

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    Those Games That Just Make You Smile

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Over the past year I've been falling off of Hearthstone pretty fast. I'd sit down to play a few games to finish my quests and would end up quitting after a couple games, sometimes not even make it through one whole game. Yes, there's always been a problem of one-sided decks, but lately, to me, it seems more common. I should also say these are games in the Silver/Gold ranking.

    But then, once in a blue moon it seems, you get that one game where it is the most fun and enjoyable and just puts a smile on your face when it's done. I just played a game, Shaman vs Shaman. They had a totem deck I had a custom Galakrond control deck. There was RNG but it all turned out to be fair and didn't swing the game hard one way or the other. We felt evenly matched. It was just my deck vs his. No crazy Mage summoning or freezing. No crazy ramp Druid. It was just fun. And at the end of the game we exchanged 'Well Played' and I couldn't have asked for a better game.

    All-in-all embrace those matches that make you smile. You never know when the next one will come.

    submitted by /u/ForTheBenmo
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    Legend Standard and Wild

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    are 2 pogos enough?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Is this worth buying???

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    Is this worth buying???

    Hey guys,

    Another newbie question..

    My welcome bundle seems different to what I've seen people talk about online.

    Is this worth buying?


    submitted by /u/YellowStandard
    [link] [comments]

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