• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 23, 2020

    Hearthstone I made a Hearthstone diorama from scratch. It took me 15+ hours and was significantly less frustrating and quicker than a single game against Galakrond Priest.

    Hearthstone I made a Hearthstone diorama from scratch. It took me 15+ hours and was significantly less frustrating and quicker than a single game against Galakrond Priest.

    I made a Hearthstone diorama from scratch. It took me 15+ hours and was significantly less frustrating and quicker than a single game against Galakrond Priest.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    When Battlegrounds players gotta maintain the F2P life

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    I miss the old times...

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 10:07 PM PDT

    Dear Battlegrounds Bob,

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    "You're good at this!"

    I'm in last place, Bob.

    "You're doing great out there!"

    Still in last place, Bob.

    "Welcome back! How's it going out there?"

    You know damn well how it's going out there, Bob.

    "I think you can win this thing!"

    Damnit Bob! Just... just stop, ok?

    submitted by /u/meanoldshit
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    Resurrect Priest is the most wholesome deck I have ever played

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    I have never gotten more friend requests from recent opponents in my entire life.

    submitted by /u/MarvellousCaster
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    I played the Scholomance Academy Theme on Violin, hope you like it :)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    Please speed up draw animation for cards like Plot Twist and Secret Passage

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 02:06 AM PDT

    It just slows the game down to a crawl whenever one of those cards is played. We don't need to be able to manually count the cards being drawn or anything.

    submitted by /u/MhuzLord
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    I feel like Dread Raven belongs in battlegrounds

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Battle Pass: "In nearly all circumstances you should be earning slightly more gold and more non-gold (packs, etc)." - Iksar (Game Designer)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    It do be like that

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    The value tho...

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Current rewards - what would make you play more?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    Per expansion cycle:


    • Gold (120 days): 9000 gold (60g per quest average, 10g winning 3 games every day, 160g trading 80g quest once per 30 days). A lot more than the 5000 gold Ben Lee mentioned in the AMA, playing relatively casually.
    • 17 classic packs (tavern, one per week)
      Free expansion packs per expansion (current standard):
      Rise Shadows: 26 (not counting 3 from twitch promotion since it is for only 1 account)
      Saviors of Uldum: 32
      Descent of Dragons: 17
      (Year of the dragon packs: 3)
      Ashes of Outland: 6 (we got duplicate protection, saving about 25 free packs lost but with also 4 less epics and 1 less legendary due to opening a lot less free packs)
      Scholomance Academy: 6
    • in summary, 6 free expansion packs for logging in, legendary quests, etc.
    • +1 bonus legendary (not counting uncraftable cards)
    • ranked rewards:
      casual play (gold 5) = 5 rares, 2 packs, per month. 20 rares, 8 packs, per cycle.
      ranking up using all of star bonus (diamond 5) = 7 rares, 1 epic, 4 packs, per month. 28 rares, 4 epics, 16 packs, per cycle.


    • 18 Packs for the Latest Expansion
    • 14 Packs for a Prior Standard Expansion
    • 4 Arena Tickets
    • 2 Legendary Cards
    • 2 Epic Cards
    • A choice of a Hero Skin (unknown list)
    • Expansion related Card Back
    • 3990 Gold +1250 gold grinding XP


    • -17 Classic Packs (not in the battle pass?) = dust
    • +10 or +2 Latest Expansion Packs (bad as you want these packs at the start of the expansion) = dust
    • +14 Prior Expansion (Standard) = dust
    • +4 Arena Tickets = cool
    • +1 Legendary Card = cool
    • -2 or +2 Epic Cards = meh
    • +1 cosmetic = meh
    • +1 cosmetic = meh
    • -3750 to -5000 gold (this completely dwarfs any gains)

    In summary, we lose 50 packs of our choice, for 4 arena tickets and 1 legendary card.

    What would make me (f2p) play more, currently questing and playing Standard:

    • 4 Arena tickets and Gold, I'll play more Arena.
    • 14 Wild packs and Gold, I'll play more Wild.
    • similar Ranked Rewards in Battlegrounds, I'll play more Battlegrounds.

    What would make me play less: less gold. What would make me stop playing: a lot less gold

    Comments welcome.

    submitted by /u/grommpy
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    Well, that just sounds like EVIL Totem with extra steps.

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    The Death of Creditability: YouTube channel Hearthstone Mathematics

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    Now to those who don't know, Heathstone mathematics YouTube Channel Here is a channel dedicated to statistical analysis of the game. Although text to speech, the channel kept it relevant using a variety of voices with different thematic elements that kept it entertaining. When it first came out, the channel would pride itself with it's authenticity towards numbers rather than opinions and bias.

    However, recently it has been increasingly opinionated it's videos. Not a bad thing mind you, but for a channel dedicated to facts and stats, bias needs to be distinguished so it is not confused to be a fact as well. This is however not what lead me to post this.

    A recent video called 5 REASONS WHY HEARTHSTONE BATTLE PASS is TERRIBLE disappointed me for several reasons. It lied or did not research the facts I that this new battle pass was confirmed to replace the new system (rather confirmed by developer Ben Lee to be an idea). This creates problems with authenticity in the community with a lot of people freaking out that this will happen when it's merely a survey (look at the comment section of the video).

    The battle pass situation is a complicated one, but was initially released as a survey to a select people on a potential change to how hearthstone in game currency can be differently acquired. It was recently talked about by a developer confirming some select things: 1. It is not going to be released and was merely a way to gage the community on the idea 2. It will net benefit for all players including free-to-play in their gold earnings 3. The paid version of the battlepass in the SURVEY was purely cosmetic in value NOT IN EARNINGS Here's the source again Now whether or not you believe Ben Lee is irrelevant, because this channel is known to to state all the facts in the past (and should still as it prides itself as a hearthstone stat science source), so this is certainly something that should not be overlooked if the channel should be credible. In the video, they failed to mention any of these developments, in fact, stated the opposite, saying it is CONFIRMED, the gold earned will be LESS, and they are monetizing the pass so players EARN MORE CARDS. All of these are untrue as described above by a head developer. Also, the video came out well after this response from Ben was released. Whether or not they lied in order to get views, did not properly research, or finished the video and didn't want to edit it is irrelevant. If it was a mistake of not researching, that devalues the channel to lazy, and if it was a timing issue, they would need to change it.

    This is an issue not only for the channel, but the community of Hearthstone. Let me also make it known, Hearthstone Mathematics has less than 70k subs, so this is no small thing to worry about. As I have stated, this channel is a statistics channel, a science that is usual meant to be impartial when distributed to let masses read into it at will. This does not mean I believe that they are not allowed to have an opinion, on the contrary an opinion piece (distinguished as OPINION) is perfectly reasonable, as long as they have their facts straight to not mislead. Obviously, having their facts straight is certainly not what is evident in the video. And this has an effect.

    If you read any comments below the video, you will notice the hysteria caused, with people saying they're quitting being the main theme. Now I now every post news related will have those threats but the amount of comments of that caliber is evident of it not being a few people freaking out. The channel promotes this behavior by liking and confirming this fakery conducted on its on accord, and with a video like that, what's to stop them from posting more false flags to get more views and patrons on patreon.

    The point is, if you watch this channel, if you come across this channel, be aware of their either fakery or ignorance, as they parade themselves as a science channel which ups their viewers trust in them. I get this is 2020 and false facts are the norm, and I also get that this is a children's card game, but we cannot ignore lies, and we clearly enjoy the game enough to be a part of its community. If they have posted about this and changed their video, then I will be comfortable enough to delete this post, that is its goal after all. Just be aware if they do not.

    Edit: let me reiterate that this post is in no way praising the proposed battlepass. I am also not defending it. In fact, I believed it needs to be adjusted completely. However, HM must take in consideration the head developer to make a valid critique, if that happened, this post would not be here. The point is also not about the battlepass, but about the channels creditability.

    TL;DR Hearthstone Mathematics recent video on the Battlepass is full of misinformation, please be wary when regarding their videos, as facts seem to be a second thought.

    submitted by /u/icy133
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    Top Post Nerf Deck Lists Compilation | Weekly Report #68 (Standard & Wild)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    In our weekly Report, which we post (almost) every Sunday we share with you Decks played in Top 500 Legend.

    Did you see a Streamer play a Deck in or reach yourself 500 Legend? Simply comment below, or message us on Facebook, Twitter, or Discord, or use our Form.

    Like our work? You can help us if you share our work, turn off ad blocker on our website, follow our socials, or support us on Patreon (starting at $2 per month).

    How to use Deck codes

    1. Copy the code.
    2. Open "My Collection" in Hearthstone.
    3. Click "Yes" when prompted to create a new Deck

    Newest News, Guides and Articles

    Standard Decks

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    • No decks yet – you can view some older decks: Hunter Decks!









    • Is this a meta Report?
    • No, at least not a classical one. We feature Decks that were played in Top 500 Legend. These reports will highlight maybe 80% of the current meta; some decks might be featured disproportionately.
    • I faced this one deck so often; why isn't it featured?
    • The decks you face can change daily and also dependent on your rank. Some decks, mainly aggressive ones, might be good at lower ranks, but not at Legend.
    • How many games were played with the featured Decks?
    • Most decks featured will have at least ten games played. Many players include the score in the featured tweet, so check it out. Sadly not everyone includes their score, but only a tiny part of the featured decks should have below five games played.
    • I saw Streamer a play a certain Deck at high Legend; why isn't it featured?
    • We only feature Decks that were posted on Twitter. Not only would it take too much time to check every stream, but some streamers might not share their decks since they are just testing things, or it's not their original deck.
    • Can I submit a Deck myself?
    • Yes, you can! Please use our Form to submit Decks that were played in Top 500 Legend with a rank screenshot for proof (and the score, if possible).
    • Why is the same Deck featured multiple times by different players?
    • These Decks are not filtered in any way, except that they need to be Top 500 Legend. For this reason, sometimes we feature the same Deck twice. It's very likely that this Deck is decent or at least extensively played.
    • I have another question.
    • Feel free to ask in the comments; we are happy to answer it!
    submitted by /u/neon313
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    Dealing 80 Damage on TURN 9!

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    (*squeaky voice) I AM POWER INCARNATE!!!

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 12:57 AM PDT

    My favorite combo to pull out of the hat (Wild)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    Find whats wrong woth this picture

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    What does this guy have left?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    What happens when an immovable object meets an immovable object.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:50 AM PDT


    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    Look at me, I am the Druid now

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    Save your vanilla packs from brawls.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 02:06 AM PDT

    When they do the vanilla rework my guess is that they'll add some new cards. I've been saving for a long time now but only dawned on me now to share with others. Sitting at vanilla 25 packs atm (and i have all vanilla cards).

    submitted by /u/Genoism
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