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    Saturday, July 25, 2020

    Hearthstone New card - Ras Frostwhisper

    Hearthstone New card - Ras Frostwhisper

    New card - Ras Frostwhisper

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    New card - Groundskeeper

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Albatross Meta Incoming

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    Anyone else feel that the "Teach" mechanic as seen on Swampqueen Hagatha would be thematically appropriate for Scholomance Academy?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    Top Cards of the Week from r/CustomHearthstone (07/25/2020)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    Was "counter" always a keyword?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    Wild Pen Flinger APM Rogue.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Reno doing Reno things with an assist from Evocation.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    Anyone else getting MTG vibes from this new set?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    Idk maybe it's just me but the design of cards revealed so far feels very much like Magic. Demon Hunter with that new targeted hand disruption, that neutral weapon that mimics scrying... I'm totally all for it, just seems interesting that all of these MTG-esque mechanics are coming all at once.

    submitted by /u/Zavioso
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    Why can't Blizzard fix the search bar bug on PC?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    Final Thoughts: A Retrospective on the Ashes of Outland Set

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:56 PM PDT


    As AoO continues its descent into twilight, and we are dazzled with card reveals that inspire us to dream about whacky combos, brutal curvestone, and new mechanics to scry for, I thought it would be a good time to look back on Ashes of Ouland. During those magical days before its release, which AoO cards did you gravitate towards, but never end up collecting or playing? Which cards did you overlook that turned out to be new favorites? How did you find the new class?Let's have a look, but before we do, a couple of disclaimers.

    1. I'll do my best to stay impartial, but that isn't completly possible. I'll put sections that are mostly opinion in italics, and if you disagree, that's ok--feel free to leave your own thoughts in the comments.

    2. I was going to focus entirely on the cards, but I can't justify not addressing the new class, so we are going to talk about that, however, this is still intended to be about the cards.

    3. I won't be talking about the single-player content or Arena.

    The Demon Hunter Class

    There is no dening that Demon Hunter ended up being extremely controversial. There are a couple of posiive and negative things to talk about. First, the positive, Demon Hunter and its free initiate set (combined with the new and returning player free decks), made this the most friendly expansion ever for new and returning players. We were all basically given two near-competitive decks for free. It's also worth pointing out that this is the first time a new class has been added to the game, so that alone generated great excitement.

    However, on the negative side, this was one of the most poorly balanced expansions in history. We've arguably seen more unbalanced single cards or decks, depending on who you ask, but there is no doubt that Demon Hunter was badly unbalanced and it ruined the beginning of the expansion for many players. 7 of their 15 AoO cards were nerfed, some multiple times, showing a significant failure to balance the class properly before releasing it.

    In my opinion, Demon hunter failed on another level, thematic. Sure, it has a new mechanic, outcast, and it uses demons as you'd expect, but it feels very much like Rogue with a sprinkling of other classes thrown in. It doesn't exactly feel like a new class, or rather, like they needed a new class in order to explore new gameplay ideas. The new expansion is introducing a disruption theme, but as far as AoO is concered, it could have all fit within the bounds of other class identities. Overpowered seems to be the identity for AoO.

    The Primes

    The big expansion gimmick was the prime minions, that start out small and then shuffle a prime version into your deck upon death. Some were better than others; some were good initially but you didn't want to draw the prime; some had good primes but the base form was underwhelming; and some were just good all the way around.

    It was a nice idea, and while some saw more play than others for a variety of reasons (tutor potential, lack of class viability overall, or not fitting into the best deck of that class), they all felt thematic to their class, powerful but not so powerful that they felt unfair, and overall a good addition to the game.

    Imprisoned Minions & Dormant

    The other expansion gimmick was the Imprisoned minions, which had to go dormant for 2 turns before actually hitting the board, upon which they gave out far more value for mana than normal. Overall it was a mixed bag. Magtheradon didn't pan out as well as people hoped, and Maiev, while a good card that saw play, was not the Ziliax she was made out to be.

    On the other hand, many of the individual imprisoned minions turned out to be stars, and at times deck defining in the case of Warlock.

    The Cards

    Demon Hunter Cards

    As I said already, 7 of their 15 AoO cards were nerfed, along with some of their other cards as well. It was simply an overpowered set of cards that pushed tempo gameplay, with a few bits and bobs here and there to lay the seeds for other archetypes in the future. I could talk about Warglaives, Priestess, Altruis, etc., but if you played at all this expansion, you are likely very familiar with their library.

    Mage Cards

    Solarian Prime is a hell of a card, and they received other gems as well, from spell mage staples like font of power and apexis blast, to highlander heros like imprisoned observer and evocation, to all around staples like deep freeze. It was a solid set for Mage that gave them not only valuable tools for multiple decks, but some fun toys as well.

    Druid Cards

    Druid received an expansion defining set, with fungal fortunes and glowfly swarm composing the heart of most druid decks throughout, as well as bog beam and ironbark for that explosive 7 mana play. This didn't leave much room for other interesting cards like germination, imprisoned satyr, and Archspore.

    Hunter Cards

    Hunter had a wealth of deck choices this expansion, with almost nothing being bad. The big standouts this set are Imprisoned Felmaw, Zixor, and Scavenger's Ingenuity. Zixor is arguably the most impactful prime as its usefulness in the early game, ability to be tutored reliably, and game swinging potential in the late game helped to define the Highlander Hunter expeirence.

    Paladin Cards

    The good news is that every Paladin card released in AoO has seen serious play. The bad news is that all of those decks, from Murloc, to Pure, to Libriam variants, have ranged from hot garbage to barely playable.

    The libram package is fun and interesting, but not quite strong enough to compete with the high power level of other classes. The murloc support was excellent, and Murloc paladin has seen glimpses of viablity throughout, but it's never been consistent enough to be top contentder. Hand of Adal was a much needed draw and buff, and Liadrin, while seemingly made for LIbrams, can actually work well with any buffs in the Paladin arsenal, and I think we haven't seen the last of here as a strong value card in Paladin.

    I crafted the entire Paladin set on day 1 because it's one of my favorite classes and I have over 2k wins with it, but it was hard this expansion.

    Priest Cards

    Priest had a good set this expansion. Renew, Veilweaver, Apotheosis, and Soul Mirror have stood the test of time, and a couple of the other cards saw some experimentation as well. Reliquary of Souls ended up being a better Shaman card than a Priest card, but it was solid support set all the same. They have had to rely on Galakrond for an actual deck core however.

    Rogue Cards

    Rogue had an excellent set this expansion. Much like Priest, they have had to rely on the Galakrond core to build their deck around, but AoO gave them support for two variants in the form of secrets and stealth. Both are quite good, and while secret was favored most of the expansion, stealth has had its moments to shine as well.

    Hanar and Stunner were both nerfed for being too strong. Greyheart Sage is one of the best draw cards Rogue has gotten in a while, and both Spymistress and Ambush are good enough to be contenders for standalone power.

    Shaman Cards

    Shaman has been a mess this expansion, and that's partially due to the mess that is their AoO set. Unlike Palaidn that had two coherent packages in their set, but just lacked the raw power to be competitive, Shaman's set is all over the place. They received support for spells, totems, evolve, and elemental decks all at the same time. The Lurker Below is a good legendary, especially after it was buffed, but as I write this, Shaman has only seen very marginal success with a revived Galakrond Evolve deck and Highlander deck that leaned heavily on standalone cards and Highlander cards like Zephyrs and DQA.

    Warlock Cards

    Warlock has made due with a rather underwhelming set, that somewhat lacks focus the same way the Shaman set does, and has flirted with the dumpster on a few occasions.

    Imprisoned Scrap Imp and Hand of Gul'dan revived zoo on their own, to much success. A little too much success because Scrap Imp was nerfed. Thankfully, players were able to cobble together a powerful deck using Malygos, the Warlock Quest, and a bag full of healing, removal, and damage spells to create a control deck with the potential for a significant late game finisher. Felbolt turned out better than people thought, but mostly Warlock has had to get by without much help from its AoO set.

    Warrior Cards

    Warrior, like Druid, had an expansion defining set. The foundation was already there, but AoO introduced the cards that put the enrage archetype over the top. Corsair Cache ensured a consistent Anchaar draw, which in turn drew key pirates, most notably Risky Skipper, which then damaged all the minions on the board, which then allowed a significantly reduced Bloodboil Brute to come out. Combined with other powerful combos like Warmaul Challenger and Rampage, and Inner Rage + Gromm, as well as the ability gain lots of armor with Armorsmith, and Enrage Warrior (and its variants) were some of the only decks that could challenge Demon Hunter all expansion.

    In addition to Enrage Warrior, players also found success with other archetypes once some of the key cards were nerfed and Demon Hunter started to falter in playrate. These decks were more control oriented, and while they focused on the bomb package introduced in previous sets, they did incorporate other AoO cards that Enrage Warrior didn't use, such as Bladestorm, Sword and Board, and the prime--Kargath. Overall, it was a very fertile expansion for Warrior players.

    The Neutrals

    There were many great neutrals this expansion, many terrible ones, and some fun stuff that never found their place in the sun. Let's have a look.


    Maiev Shadowsong -- Although she wasn't as good as people thought, she did become a common sight among highlander decks, and specifically stayed in the highlander Hunter deck for most of the expansion, making her a played card in one of the best decks of the expansion.

    Terran Gorefiend -- People weren't sure what to make of this card when it was announced, but it turned out to have a place in the Egg version of Enrage warrior, which was one of the most powerful decks of the expansion.

    Guardian Augmerchant -- Out of all the "augmerchants", this is the one that saw play. I don't really think it's that great, but it does see play in multiple decks

    Bonechewer Brawler/Overconfident Orc -- Although Orc has seen a big decline, they have both seen considerable play as cheap taunts that have the ability to either trade-up or push damage based on their ability to gain attack.

    Mo'arg Artificer -- Almost exclusively seen in Malygos Warlock, it has become a staple of that deck for the ability to deal 8 damage and heal for 8 with Nether Breath.

    Frozen Shadoweaver -- Perhaps the most underrated neutral card. People knew it would be decent, but it's seen a significant amount of play due to strong vanilla stats and the ability to slow down both Demon Hunter and Warrior during their critical early game turns.


    Maiev Shadowsong -- Despite being a winner overall, there is no doubt she is a loser when compared to expectations. Being good isn't good enough when people thought you were the second coming of christ.

    Magtheridon -- Plenty of people wrote it off as trash when it was announced, to be fair, but there was a lot of rumbling about it being great as well, along with theorycrafting. It didn't exactly see zero play, but it turned out to be a far cry from the power level people had expected.

    Waste Warden -- I have never seen this card used in a game of Hearthstone, and considering the expections of the community, that makes it a loser.

    Fun but Forgotten

    Al'ar -- I don't personally regret crafting this card as it's provided my meme deck with lots of good fun, but it's not exactly competitive.

    Replicat-o-tron -- There has been a few very mild attempts to make this work, but it's just bad. Still, the idea is cool.

    Infectious Sporeling -- People had a lot of fun imagining the shenanigins that this card could conjure up, but much like waste warden, I have never seen it.

    Kael'thas -- Perhaps a controversial placement, as it was clearly a winner in early Druid decks, but it hasn't seen any serioius play since its nerf, which is a shame since it has such a cool effect.


    Ashes of Outland has lots of amazing cards full of fun and flavor. There was plenty of class and meta defining cards, helped no doubt by the rotation, and the introduction of a new class had a huge, if somewhat negative impact on the overal game.

    Let me know what you think.

    I wrote this on my phone, so please excuse any uncaught spelling or grammar errors. Thank you

    submitted by /u/gauss_sto
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    Took a little risk today. Survived with 30/11.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 01:41 AM PDT

    New Neutral legendary

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    Do you think this is the only "Upgraded Hero Power" that does not work?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    List of all classes' identities

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Since i've been somewhat bored lately, i decided that i would list every hearthstone class' identities throughout the many years and expansions for people's convenience.

    If a potential identity is used very lightly, it will not be included (e.g. Demon Hunter having single target minion damage spells - only used in Eye Beam)

    Demon Hunter:

    • Outcast
    • Your hero's attack
    • Weapons
    • Lifesteal
    • Silencing (enemy minions)
    • Benefitting from friendly minions dying
    • Card draw
    • Deal X damage to all minions
    • Deal X damage to all enemies
    • Demons (copying, reducing cost, summoning from hand or deck)
    • Direct damage
    • Deal X damage randomly split among all enemies
    • Hand disruption
    • Surpassing Taunt (ignoring it, attacking repeatedly)
    • Summoning many tokens
    • Immune
    • Rush


    • Choose One
    • Your hero's attack
    • Restoring health
    • Taunt
    • Card draw
    • Mana gain
    • Treants
    • Cost reduction
    • Summoning many tokens
    • Shuffling cards into decks
    • Jade Golems
    • Buffing all friendly minions
    • Single target minion buffs
    • Armor
    • Single target damage spells
    • Minions with 5 or more attack
    • Using unspent mana
    • Summoning copies of minions
    • Beasts (summoning copies, buffing)
    • Recruit a minion that costs 4 or less
    • Benefitting both players
    • Adapt
    • Poisonous
    • Benefitting from large hand size


    • Animal Companions
    • Beasts (buffing, handbuff, resurrection)
    • Rush
    • Deathrattles (triggering, giving minions Deathrattles)
    • Immune
    • Poisonous
    • Weapons
    • Single target minion damage spells
    • Secrets
    • Mechs (magnetic, Goblin Bombs)
    • Direct damage
    • Benefitting from an empty hand
    • 1-cost minions
    • Damaging multiple enemy minions
    • Handbuff
    • Hero Power
    • Copying Beasts
    • Charge
    • Tutors
    • Spells that deal damage while summoning minions
    • Destroying non-specific enemy minions
    • Utilising spells
    • Attacking enemies/enemy minions


    • Card draw
    • Freeze
    • Casting many spells in a turn
    • Deal X damage randomly split among all enemies
    • Single target minion damage spells
    • Direct damage
    • Casting random spells
    • Gaining Legendary minions
    • Gaining random Mage spells
    • Discover
    • Spell damage
    • Secrets
    • Hero Power
    • Elementals
    • Deal X damage to all enemy minions
    • Summoning minions through spells
    • Armor
    • Benefitting from large hand size
    • Benefitting from high cost spells
    • Adding copies of minions to your hand
    • Reducing the cost of your spells
    • Deck without duplicates
    • Benefitting from cards that didn't start in your deck
    • Gaining random Mage minions
    • Transforming minions
    • Minions that freeze any character they damage


    • Silver Hand Recruits (summoning through spells, buffing)
    • Single target minion buffs
    • Weapons
    • Changing attack or health of minions
    • Restoring health
    • Using only Paladin cards
    • Librams
    • Reborn
    • Lifesteal
    • Divine Shield
    • Taunt
    • Mechs
    • Murlocs
    • Dragons
    • Secrets
    • Handbuff
    • Tutors
    • Benefitting from big spells
    • Spells that draw a card alongside their main effect
    • Putting both players at equal positions (Restoring both to full health, changing attack or health of all minions, matching enemy hand size)
    • Utilising the number 1 (1-cost minions, 1-attack minions, 1-health minions)
    • Pairing Taunt and Divine Shield


    • Restoring health
    • Lifesteal
    • Making your healing effects deal damage
    • Single target minion buffs
    • Deathrattles (resurrection, draw)
    • Destroying minions
    • Destroying minions with specific attack
    • 1-cost minions
    • Resurrection
    • Taking control of enemy minions
    • Gaining copies of your opponent's cards
    • Information on your opponent's hand or deck
    • Dragons
    • Swapping the attack and health of minions
    • Giving minions health
    • Galakrond
    • Deal X damage to all minions
    • Board clears
    • Lackeys
    • Casting many spells in a turn
    • Summoning X/X copies of minions
    • Silence (any minion, friendly minions)
    • Reducing the attack of minions
    • Shuffling cards into decks
    • Reborn
    • Buffing random friendly minions
    • Swapping attack or health between minions


    • Combo
    • Stealth
    • Poisonous
    • Secrets
    • Shuffling cards into decks
    • Destroying minions
    • Return minions to their owner's hand
    • Deathrattles (triggering)
    • damaging/destroying undamaged minions
    • Jade Golems
    • Weapons
    • Gaining cards from another class
    • Playing many cards in a turn
    • Pirates (benefitting from controlling multiple pirates, summoning pirates from your deck)
    • Adding 1-cost tokens to your hand
    • Buffing your weapon (mainly attack)
    • Card draw
    • Direct damage
    • Echo
    • Buffing minion's attack
    • Coins
    • Galakrond
    • Lackeys
    • Summoning and playing minions as 1/1
    • Benefitting from playing multiple copies of the same minion (Pogo-Hopper, The Caverns Below)
    • Destroying random enemy minions
    • Making your hero immune
    • Gaining copies of your cards (Mimic Pod, Shadow Reflection)
    • Battlecries


    • Overload
    • Totems (buffing, benefitting from controlling many, summoning copies)
    • Battlecries
    • Windfury
    • Jade Golems
    • Giving friendly minions Deathrattles
    • Evolving minions (mainly friendly minions)
    • Devolving enemy minions
    • Murlocs
    • Freeze (lol)
    • Direct damage
    • Galakrond
    • Lackeys
    • Weapons
    • Utilising and enhancing spells (benefitting from playing a spell last turn, cards that cast a single spell multiple times)
    • Deal X damage to all minions
    • Summoning/summoning copies of minions in your hand and deck
    • Buffing all friendly minions
    • Elementals
    • Restoring health
    • Deal X damage to all enemy minions
    • Transforming minions
    • Giving friendly characters attack conditionally or temporarily (Rockbiter Weapon, Bloodlust, this weapon has +2 attack while you X)
    • Spell damage
    • Cards that cost (1) less for each X


    • Demons (summoning Demons from your hand or deck, buffing)
    • Restoring health to your hero
    • Dealing damage to your hero to benefit yourself
    • Benefitting from large hand size
    • Destroying minions
    • Single target minion damage spells
    • Lifesteal
    • Discard
    • Destroying your mana crystals
    • Destroying your own minions
    • Card draw
    • Playing cards with health instead of mana
    • Board clears
    • Deal X damage to all characters
    • Corrupting minions
    • Hand disruption
    • Galakrond
    • Lackeys
    • Summoning minions from your deck
    • Deal X damage to all minions
    • Handbuff
    • Summoning 1/1 tokens
    • Benefitting from taking damage on your turn
    • Deck disruption
    • Benefitting from friendly minions dying
    • Deal X damage to all enemy minions
    • Resurrecting Demons
    • Destroying random enemy minions
    • Benefitting from controlling many minions
    • Replacing your hand or deck with random cards that come with a benefit (+2/+2, cost (1) less)
    • Taunt
    • Cost reduction


    • Rush
    • Charge
    • Armor
    • Taunt (buffing, handbuff)
    • Weapons
    • Buffing attack and health of your weapon
    • Dragons
    • Pirates (using them for weapon combat)
    • Deal 1 damage to all minions
    • Benefitting from attacking with your hero
    • Handbuff (Taunt minions mainly)
    • Benefitting from having damaged friendly minions (buffing, summoning copies, drawing cards for each)
    • Minions that benefit when they are damaged or when other minions are damaged (Frothing Berserker, Axe Flinger)
    • Mechs
    • Shuffling Bombs into your opponents deck
    • Deal 1 damage to a minion alongside another effect (gain +1 attack, if it survives X)
    • While Damaged
    • Damaging/destroying damaged minions
    • Recruit
    • Summoning copies of minions in your hand
    • Galakrond
    • Lackeys
    • damaging the minions next to whomever a friendly character attack
    • Cards that benefit from having 12 or less health
    • Forcing minions to attack one of their neighbors
    • Minions that attack random enemies/minions

    Going through all of the cards released throughout the years, i realised just how consistently many of the classes' identities are used in each expansion even despite how many new archetypes they bring about and i feel that the Hearthstone team should be given some credit for keeping every classes' identities while still keeping them fresh with new ideas.

    submitted by /u/DerekthePig
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    Casually in Arena for some Balanced Matchup

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    True Happiness :)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    On the Samsung fold hearthstone enters two different versions of ifself, seemingly random. Also it still doesn't work in fullscreen.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    After 312 days of constantly playing, I finally beat the Tombs of Terror solo adventure 100% (Every Hero, Treasure, Hero Power, and Deck)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 10:35 PM PDT

    I dont wanna be the a little help guy... but, a lil help please?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 11:40 AM PDT

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