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    Sunday, July 19, 2020

    Hearthstone 1 Million Damage Shudderwock!

    Hearthstone 1 Million Damage Shudderwock!

    1 Million Damage Shudderwock!

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    HS community once the new expansion meta has settled:

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:28 AM PDT

    HOW TO TRANSFER STUDENT - A guide to remembering which Game Board goes with which Student.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    I made an Ice Crown wallet from leather

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    After struggling with depression for years, Hearthstone gave me a goal that got me out of bed and got me talking with old friends again. Now, after confronting my depression, and playing Hearthstone for a few years, I have achieved my ultimate goal in the game. Reached Legend with my own deck.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    Assembled the card back puzzle, then turned it into a table top to hang on my wall

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Yo Hearthstone devs, Give us a laughter emote. Spread some cheer

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Give us an emote for each portrait of them laughing. Something small and nothing outrageous . Would love to have a Rexxar 'he he he' in a slow joyful/embarrased way. Just to let the other player know "man I effed this turn up"

    I would love to have the sorry emote back but thats another issue.

    submitted by /u/ArcheXerxes
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    Whats the best deck for Valeera the Hollow?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    ������Today Leta won the Asia-Pacific Grandmaster Tour, getting the chance to participate in the Official GMs !! I am proud to be part of the Italian community of this game! ������

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    Can we get a 'Favourites' tab for Hearthstone cards?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    I'd love to be able to 'favourite' certain cards in my collection to make them easier to locate. It's not ideal having to individually search for the cards I most commonly use in different decks, It'd be nice to just hit a button in the collection and have all my favourite buddies there ready to go.

    Thoughts? How would you like to see a feature like this implemented?

    submitted by /u/TheAileyN
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    Top Post Nerf Decks | Hearthstone Weekly Report #63 (Standard and Wild)

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Welcome to our Weekly Report for Hearthstone, featuring Top 500 Legend Decks after the recent Balance Patch.

    Most featured Decks are Meta, but we also feature a lot of Offmeta Decks.

    I almost found all Decks in this report on Twitter. Did you saw a Deck this week you found interesting (unimportant of the ranked you saw it on) - Share it!

    Since many people often ask the same questions, I added a FAQ at the end of this post. Did you have any other questions? Please let me know!

    How to use Deck Codes

    1. Copy the code
    2. Open Hearthstone Collection
    3. Create a new deck, you will be asked "Do you want to create a deck from the clipboard"

    Newest News, Guides and Articles

    Standard Decks

    Demon Hunter





    • No decks yet – You can watch some older list here: Paladin Decks!



    • No decks yet – You can watch some older list here: Rogue Decks!




    Wild Decks

    Demon Hunter





    • No decks yet – You can watch some older list here: Paladin Decks!







    • Is this a meta Report?
      • No, at least not a classical one. I feature Decks I found on Twitter that played in Top 500 Legend. Those reports will highlight maybe 80% of the current meta; some decks might get featured above or below the real amount on the ladder.
    • I faced this one deck so often, why isn't it featured?
      • The decks you face changing a lot, dependent on your rank. Some decks, mainly aggressive ones, might be good at lower ranks, but not at Legend.
    • How many games got the featured Decks played?
      • Most decks featured will have at least ten games played. Many players include the score in the featured tweet, so check it out. Sadly not everyone includes their score, but only a tiny part of the featured decks should have below five games played.
    • I saw Streamer x play Deck y at High Legend, why isn't it featured?
      • I only feature Decks that got posted on Twitter. Not only would it take to much time to check every stream, but some streamers might not share their decks since they are just trying around, or it's not their original deck.
    • Can I submit a Deck myself?
      • Yes, you can! Please use our form. We only feature Decks that got played Top 500, and I need a proof screen of your rank (+score if possible).
    • Why is the same decklist featured multiple times by different players?
      • This Reports are not filtered in any way, expected they need to be Top 500 Legend. For this reason, sometimes we feature the same list twice. It's very likely that this list is pretty decent or at least play proofed.
    • Do you look for any Partnerships, Advertisers or Sponsors?
      • We always look for them, yes! Simply email me (neon31HS@gmail.com) or use our form, and maybe we can work together in the future!
    • I have a question that is not featured
      • Feel free to ask in the comments; I am happy to answer it!
    submitted by /u/neon313
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    I finally got to Legend after 6 years!

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    It do be like that

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 11:41 PM PDT

    Best decks to climb to Legend after the Warglaives nerf

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    Is it possible to ask for a refund?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    Question about HS heros

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 04:36 AM PDT

    Hello, This is my 1st post on this sub, so idk if this is commonly spoken or not.. I have been wondering last few days about the lack of Tauren hero portraits.. We got murlocs, robots, Naga's.. Even a Robotic demon! But what about Taurens? They are one of the classic races on Azeroth and they feel like forgotten..

    submitted by /u/CptRadon
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    Arena is super bland right now

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    In the arena you and your opponent play the same 20 cards in every match, and only one really matters: "Twin Tyrant". 7 out of 10 games end in the most boring way possible(value differential) and most of those involve this tyrannical card.

    submitted by /u/freespeechnotfrestuf
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    Quest Mage is really getting out of hand now!

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Tired of losing to quest mage in wild? I have got the perfect off-meta deck for you. Also includes a standard vs. wild comparison & a hearthstone vs. chess comparison.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    Legend proof.

    I just finished my wild legend push today, it was an amazing 20-6 run from diamond 5 using a homebrew warlock deck.


    I already hit legend this season in standard pre-patch using priest and peaked around ~2500.

    First section, strategy with my homebrew warlock deck (wild)

    This deck has the hand of gul'dan package, but it is really a mid-rangy zoo deck, the idea is that, the health you put on board is too hard for quest mages to deal with most of the time and you are a zoo deck that demolishes most other aggro decks as you run plague of flames that serves as a one-side board clear. against control, it is also extremely bursty as soulfire/power of creation/grim rally are 1 mana do 4~6 damage, and finally, you have zeph as a last finisher.

    Mulligan: i always keep hand and 1 drops, i also keep flames against aggro, especially paladin

    Matchups, some of these i never ran into as I hit legend too quickly, so I am just giving advice based on my best guesses.

    paladin, there are odd paladin and mech buff paladin. flames alone wins this matchup against mech buff paladin. odd paladin can be tricky but a well timed flame can also win you the game on the spot.

    mages: swarm the board against quest mage, sometimes it is better to leave an egg up as you need the egg to absorb the flamewaker missiles. against reno quest and reno, the plan is the same as against all control decks: kill them ASAP.

    DH/hunter/rogue/pirate warrior/druid: they have a hard time dealing with wide boards or zoo in general, so almost a free win if you get off to a fast start.

    Other warlocks: discard warlock can be a coin flip: who gets the merchant + hand combo off, who wins. if you both get it off, you likely win as you have access to plague of flames and lackies. against even, mech'thun and reno, the plan is the same as against all control decks: kill them ASAP.

    priest: the plan is the same as against all control decks: kill them ASAP.

    Second section, standard vs. wild

    as a dumpster legend player in both, i find wild a little bit more fun than standard right now. the problem with standard is that, how you win is most of the time determined by whether your opponent drew a card, but not how you pilot. for example,

    • when spell druid draws and plays overgrowth on 4, they win against rogues so easily because they can play mountseller next turn and it's gg for rogue.

    • mages also beat rogue almost 100% if they reno on 6.

    • against highland hunter, you often find yourself prey that they don't rotnest on 5 or brann on 7.

    also, even though quest mage limits a lot of deck building options in wild, the meta is still way more diverse than standard, case in point, i went 20-6 with my own homebrew to legend in wild, this would never happen in standard. in wild, most classes have at least two competitive T2+ decks. whereas in standard, you know that mages are most likely highlander (in wild they can be quest or reno), warlocks are most likely quest (in wild they can be reno, cube, mech'thun, even or discard) and druids are most likely spell (in wild they can be togg, token, jade or linebreaker). this obviously is expected as wild has more cards, but i don't consider the standard meta healthy right now as the classes are too one-dimensional.

    Third section, hearthstone vs. chess

    I included this section to illustrate a point: you need to put in the work, if you want to do well in something.

    in hearthstone, when people lose, they tend to complain about the meta, the opponent's good luck (or their own lack of) aka RNG. as a 2000~2200 chess player myself, i can tell you that, chess and hearthstone are different, but are also similar in a lot of ways. chess players get better through memorizing opening lines, memorizing end game patterns, reviewing their losses, doing tactical puzzles, and etc. hearthstone does have a lot of RNG to it, but over the long run, better players have a higher success rate as they know when to utilize their RNG by mulligan correctly, and they will go for a risky play at the right time. these skills come with practice and carefully reviewing your games, especially your losses, they don't come through complaining or self-pity. However, one huge advantage with hearthstone over chess is that, you can be creative, build a homebrew and and utilize the element of surprise.

    TLDR: work on your game-play, review your losses, learn the meta, and hit legend!

    Format: Wild (Year of the Phoenix)

    Class: Warlock (Gul'dan)

    Mana Card Name Qty Links
    1 Grim Rally 2 HSReplay,Wiki
    1 Kobold Librarian 2 HSReplay,Wiki
    1 Plague of Flames 2 HSReplay,Wiki
    1 Power Overwhelming 2 HSReplay,Wiki
    1 Runic Egg 2 HSReplay,Wiki
    1 Soulfire 2 HSReplay,Wiki
    2 EVIL Genius 2 HSReplay,Wiki
    2 Expired Merchant 2 HSReplay,Wiki
    2 Nerubian Egg 2 HSReplay,Wiki
    2 Scarab Egg 2 HSReplay,Wiki
    2 Serpent Egg 2 HSReplay,Wiki
    2 Zephrys the Great 1 HSReplay,Wiki
    3 Devilsaur Egg 2 HSReplay,Wiki
    3 Teron Gorefiend 1 HSReplay,Wiki
    4 Nightshade Matron 2 HSReplay,Wiki
    6 Hand of Gul'dan 2 HSReplay,Wiki

    Total Dust: 4760

    Deck Code: AAEBAf0GAvyjA9S6Aw7OBs4H+g2JtAKrwgLy0ALchgPEiQOInQP9pAO9pgOdqQO1uQO2uQMA

    submitted by /u/Glancealot
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    Phase 2 Game Mode Speculation

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    After Blizzard revealed the newest Hearthstone expansion will be Scholomance Academy, and one of the biggest tenets of the new set is dual-class card designs (40 of the 135 cards will belong to more than one class), I wonder...

    Will the new game mode be something similar? What if you had the ability to choose TWO classes of cards to use? What if you could choose WHICH of their hero powers you wanted to use? What if the hero power you used was a COMBINATION of both classes you chose from?

    If Blizzard went this route, it would add 45+ different class combinations to choose from, and would seriously change the game... for balance reasons, I'm sure it would have its own banned/restricted list of cards, but for a game that's been feeling like more and more of the same over the last few years, adding new options for players to choose from as they look to build new constructed decks seems like a great idea!

    Let me know what you all think! What dual class combinations would be strongest? What cards would get banned?

    submitted by /u/L33b3rt
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    2 days after a break with Libram Paladin and Totem Shaman (decks in comments)

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:44 PM PDT

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