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    Monday, May 4, 2020

    Hearthstone "Golden-" "LEGENDARY!!" ._.

    Hearthstone "Golden-" "LEGENDARY!!" ._.

    "Golden-" "LEGENDARY!!" ._.

    Posted: 04 May 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    Maybe DH was actually our savior all along. DH never relied on card generation/RNG to win.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    Let it be known that Nelly is a good fiend by the by.

    DH is the embodiment of consistency. The first, true embodiment of consistency since the old days of like, Miracle Rogue.

    And DH was introduced into the game so far gone into degenerate RNG swinging tactics and disgusting amounts of card generation, that they immediately destroyed everything in this game. Because all of those card generation effects and RNG swinging cards just can't compare to the raw consistency of a solid class.

    While you're playing a card that randomly cast spells or randomly adding a random minion to your hand that probably randomly transforms another minion into a random minion that costs a random mana cost higher, DH is playing cards that ALWAYS draw when played from the left. That always cost 1 mana when played from the right. That always shits on everything with one damage to all for every side card played from the DH's hand.

    You can count the amount of RNG/Card generation cards DH has in its collection, on one foot. DH wasn't and isn't in the wrong. Its the game that is wrong. Its the classes other than DH, that are wrong. If they even had half as many solid and consistent, Not-so-RNGy-Cards as DH, DH would have never been so powerful.

    Let's unnerf DH. Let's start reworking all these card generation and RNG-Heavy based cards into something more consistent. DH is truly the way to go. You all should realize this now, instead of persecuting DH for your Sins, you greedy and ever selfish bastards.

    submitted by /u/Alphazonex
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    I feel much safer now

    Posted: 04 May 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Brann got powercreeped

    Posted: 04 May 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    Please nerf Altruis!

    Posted: 04 May 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    Greetings, fellow Demon Hunters! A Priest Thoughtstole my Altruis, buffed it with Apotheosis, then cleared my board, did some face damage and healed for a huge amount of health. We need to do something about this! Please Blizzard, nerf Altruis.

    - Convincing Demon Hunter (honest).

    submitted by /u/Blaireeeee
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    How it feels playing ladder right now

    Posted: 04 May 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    "Please Blizzard?" "No."

    Posted: 04 May 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Oh, that didn't do anything.

    Posted: 04 May 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    Look who's hiding now

    Posted: 04 May 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    Despite all of the Demon Hunter complaints, I wanted to truly thank the Hearthstone team for the work they've done so far!

    Posted: 04 May 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    I'm fully aware that DH is very powerful right now, and perhaps could use another tweak for balance. However, I wanted to applaud the devs for all the awesome things they've done so far. I think we've been spoiled with new implementations in the game.

    1. DUPLICATE PROTECTION across ALL rarities: I never thought in a million years that we would've gotten this change. I could maybe have seen this change for Epic cards as well as Legendaries, but NEVER for all rarities. I am not a FTP player, but this change was so healthy for the game's player base and longevity. Every player benefits from this change, especially FTP players. It's an incredible feeling not having to craft any common or rare cards anymore!
    2. A NEW CLASS, DEMON HUNTER: Again, I was convinced that Hearthstone would always have 9 classes. Back in the Ben Brode days, you would be hard-pressed to see any significant changes to the game, (but I still love Ben!!). A whole new class is simply amazing to see, and gives players more opportunities to create different decks and playstyles. *****I'm aware of DH's current power level. I know it's hard to see any appreciation for this class right now, especially given how hard it is to play against. But the fact that the developers actually brought a new class into the game is enough for me to be appreciative. If Demon Hunter didn't exist, this thread would probably be full of complaints about Secret Rogue ;)****
    3. NEW GAME MODE: BATTLEGROUND: Last fall, we got a whole new game mode. And I'm not just talking about a cheesy tavern brawl (even though an "alpha" version of BG was used as a weekly tavern brawl), I'm talking about a genuinely fun new mode. I've spent hours upon hours playing BG. Even though I wasn't a huge fan of how they monetized Battlegrounds, (locking 2 out of the 4 heroes in the selection), I honestly have gotten used to it, and it doesn't bother me anymore. I still have fun. Battlegrounds is a whole new way to play Hearthstone. It's also nice to see some "bad" traditional cards become awesome Battlegrounds cards AKA Cobalt Guardian (RIP in peace).
    4. RANKED MODE REWORK: Not only is the new Ranked system less grindy, but the rewards for reaching certain ranks are awesome! I believe if you hit Legend you get 5 packs, 7 rares and 1 epic, (with duplicate protection). It's much more enjoyable to play ranked, and the star bonuses also give players a nice boost when working up the ranks.
    5. BUFFING CARDS: BOOMSDAY: I remember Ben Brode saying that he essentially "doesn't believe" in buffing cards. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that Hearthstone has some BAD cards (PRAISE HIR'EEK). I love that the team decided to experiment with some buffs to some Boomsday cards. It's a refreshing change of pace and changes up the meta a bit. I hope that they do more of this in the future!

    I feel that a lot of people are very negative towards the devs right now. I understand that the current meta is not healthy long term, but give them some slack! I'm sure in due time that they will tweak DH to be in line with other classes. I am so happy with where the team has taken this game. This team has done more in the past year than other years combined. I love that they're not afraid to try new things and experiment. I have faith that the team will do right by us! I'm looking forward to the future for new and exciting things!

    submitted by /u/efloyd29
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    Even stolen I can win with my cards lol

    Posted: 04 May 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    The case for RNG, (some) mana cheating, and card generation.

    Posted: 04 May 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    I know some of you are reaching for that downvote already, but hear me out. The Demon Hunter thread currently on the front page has garnered quite a bit of acclaim, probably because it's a positive thread about Demon Hunter that isn't about game balance (though some people may have not noticed the rallying cry at the end to un-nerf the class).

    There has been a long brewing irritation with how random the game has gotten, and to be fair, it has gotten quite excessive. However, I do think that in service of that desire, people are only looking at the negatives now, and the positives from back then. People like the fantasy of "winning with the cards you put in your deck", but we used to have that, and it wasn't so great, and there are decks now that mostly follow that and they are trash because they don't have Demon Hunter's overpowered card set.

    Murloc Paladin, for example, is very light on RNG, card generation (by today's standards, but it only generates murlocs, so even if it drew cards like Demon Hunter instead, the effect would be almost the same), and doesn't have any mana cheating. Yet it's trash. That's because "it has to win with the cards it put in its deck", and if that gameplan and those cards aren't good enough, then you just lose. Hunter used to have this problem. It was either oppressive or trash, because it had to play the cards it put in its deck and had no recovery or card draw, so the moment they lost the board it was game over.

    Remember turn 1 Yeti? Never forgeti. Bottom left. Concede. Sorry, "the cards you put in your deck" didn't include losing the board hard on turn 1 and never getting it back, so you just lose. Perhaps that was the old equivalent to Altruis clearing a board of 8/8's.

    And that, in a nutshell, is one of the problems with only playing the cards you put in your deck. You are confined into a narrow gameplan and there isn't any real room for deviation. If your deck has a bad matchup, or you go second in the mirror, or whatever the case is, then you just lose. And you can feel that when the match starts and it's not fun. I prefer the feeling of going into every game with the idea that I have a chance to win. Now, obviously you always have a chance to win, even freeze mage has taken the odd game from a control warrior once in a blue moon, but I mean a real chance to win, to see where the game goes rather than knowing how it will playout from the beginning.

    There are other problems, that have less to do with balance and more to do with overall game enjoyment. When you have to play the cards you put in your deck, and people only play the best cards, then those are the only cards you see. I remember looking into my collection and feeling sad that so many cool cards were never played. And I mean NEVER. How would they end up on the game board if nobody is putting them into their deck? They don't. Cards would come out and you would go the entire expansion without seeing them in the game once. That doesn't happen anymore, and we have all come to take that variety for granted. Imagine every game was a Demon Hunter mirror match. Imagine that for 4 months at a time.

    Ok, so that explains card generation and RNG, but what about mana cheating? That's still evil right? Well, sometimes, yes. I do think they have gone a bit too far with mana cheating, but some mana cheating serves a good purpose, because it allows you to temporarily break the rules, which helps to escape that linear feeling the game used to have. It all has to be in moderation though. Handlock mana cheating a giant and giving it taunt because it tapped for 3 turns broke the tempo mold and made for an interesting deck designed around nonstandard gameplay.

    I think the reason people hate DQA is because she combines all three things together, RNG, card generation, and mana cheating. To be clear, I'm not attacking DQA or any particular card or deck here, simply pointing out observations. DQA might still be fair given the current level of all those things in the game and the deck building restrictions, but the combination of mechanics makes her a prime target for anyone looking to have less of those things in the game.

    There is a reason LoE was one of the most beloved expansions/adventures ever. The discover mechanic was so well received that they made it permanent. Were we all stupid back then? Aside from the fact that the power level of those cards was much lower than what we have now, it was the early days, when things were more like what people want to return to, with stiff linear games that were decided in large part to matchups and mulligan and going first. Sure, a skilled player could narrow or broaden the margins on the matchup spreads, but the matchups were still the matchups and they played out very similar every game. Discover gave us the first real taste of what a digital card game can do.

    Paper card games don't restrict people to using only their main deck, and often have side decks so people can swap out cards. Hearthstone doesn't have that, so it takes advantage of its digital nature to give us a replacement in the form of card generation and discover effects.

    Well, I think this is long enough. I just wanted to put out some food for thought. I want people to consider both the positives and the negatives of all these systems and mechanics before charging rushing to judgement.

    submitted by /u/gauss_sto
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    How I feel as a control purist with gold borders and 0 DH games player

    Posted: 04 May 2020 04:36 AM PDT

    haha murloc go mrgllll

    Posted: 03 May 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    Kalecgos OP

    Posted: 04 May 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    14 years later

    Posted: 04 May 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    Any word on a Zephrys update or even an acknowledgement of his compromised discover mechanic?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    I am sick of facing res priest, especially when you have the one card that « should » be able to save you and it's not doing its job.

    I was offered, at 7 mana, with an empty board facing 2 convincing infiltrator, Stampeding Kodo (I guess), Tiron (?) and Twilight Drake (?!). Hell is that?

    Has any dev openly recognized the issue with Zephrys lately by the way?

    Edit : I was hoping for a mass dispel, silence or an hex even, but nop. As for brawl, I think three minions on board is too few for it to be discovered but still, twilight drake and the always to be Tirion...

    submitted by /u/SimpleSky
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    I was gonna meme with this guy for playing a golden Cho; after losing horribly I realized I recognized his name from somewhere...

    Posted: 04 May 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    RNG vs Consistency, I chose my side

    Posted: 04 May 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Reached legend with Highlander tempo priest featuring the meta defining Nat Pagle

    Posted: 04 May 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    Counter, despite being a keyword, is only used for one card in the Classic set (Counterspell) and no other set has used the keyword since.

    Posted: 04 May 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    It's really odd to me that this specific keyword is limited to one card in the entire game, was it just forgotten about? Were there plans for it to even be a keyword? It's just jarring in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/ItzMrKrabs
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    Stop copying me!

    Posted: 04 May 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Truly the peak of ysera builds, 5 red whelps and 2 waxrider togwaggles

    Posted: 04 May 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    Mr X- He's Gonna Give It To Ya

    Posted: 04 May 2020 04:31 PM PDT

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