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    Tuesday, April 14, 2020

    Hearthstone Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

    Hearthstone Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

    Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Hello members of the /r/hearthstone community,

    This is part of a series of weekly threads aimed at both new and old players from the community. It is designed so that everybody may ask any and all questions regarding the game's mechanics, decks, strategies and more.

    Please keep it clean and try to add more than just a one or two word response. As the goal of this post is to increase the community's knowledge, the thought process matters as much as the answer! There is also a Theorycrafting Thursday weekly post, for those who wish to discuss some of the more intricate aspects of the game.

    Sticky Threads and Guides - Great resources for new players!

    Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    If you hate res priest i hope that makes you happy

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    Breath of dreams

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    200 IQ play from my opponent

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    The most important dev answers from the recent AMA

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    On upgrading cards to golden versions:

    We've actually discussed "Upgrade Card to Golden" as a new feature - it's an idea we like and are considering. It'd probably work just as you'd expect. We don't have any specific timelines to announce - hopefully we'll be able to in the future.

    On more deck slots & rearranging them:

    This is a request that comes up consistently—we've heard you loud and clear and are taking it seriously. And yes, The ability to rearrange your decks should be coming during this expansion phase.

    On upcoming balance changes:

    For Demon Hunter, we are still monitoring the data as it comes in but expect 1 or 2 cards to see a change.

    For other standard cards, we are looking at a number of cards including Sacrificial Pact, Bad Luck Albatross, Frenzied Felwing, and Kael'Thas. When it comes to Sac Pac, we don't believe it is fun if it plays such a large role in the metagame. That says a lot about where the meta is and your ability to play certain cards. Also, it would be awesome to see more Jaraxxus!

    For Wild [...] expect to see changes to Open the Waygate and Bloodbloom.

    Finally for Arena, we are looking to do a full microadjust patch alongside these changes or shortly after. DH is still a little too strong here and we want to bring up the other classes to close this gap.

    On collections/squelch/quests:

    1) We have some long-term goals of revisiting the Collection Manager, especially on mobile, and I think this sort of thing would likely fall under that. Nothing planned in the short-term though.

    2) We hear the request for auto-squelch, but still think it would be a net negative for the game. Emotes are implicitly good-natured, and we want to support them as such. Manually squelching can be used for the extremely rare outlier of toxicity.

    3) One of the great things about Demon Hunters is that they attack a LOT. It's super fun! However, that has the downside of sounding repetitive, hearing that voice line over and over. In the next major patch, we'll be adding some alternative exertion lines for Illidan attacking, to reduce the repetition. Not TOO much though, what would Lord Illidan be without his VENGEANCE? ;)

    4) We'll keep this idea in mind. In general, there's risk of clutter; when you're in a game, we want you focused on playing that game. But, maybe there's something here we can do, in the rare case that you're wondering "have I played enough Pirates for my Pirate quest yet?"

    On new game mode/achievements:

    Yes, the new game mode we plan to launch this year will allow you to use older cards and there will also be achievements that link into older expansions, so you may want to keep your Wild cards. We are a collectible card game and would like our players to feel better about their collection and its value.

    On guild/clan system:

    Totally agreed on a Guild/Clan social system - it's something Hearthstone would greatly benefit from. As you mentioned, it would be a great springboard for many new features and game modes. Social System been on our list for a while. This year we decided to pursue Progression, Achievements, and New Game Mode as higher priorities for now, but we will reassess in the future.

    On making temporary cards (like from Evocation) brighter/more visible:

    Can do, thanks for calling it out.

    On nerfing Rez Priest:

    We take this feedback seriously, and Resurrect Priest has been the source of lots of discussion on the team. The flip-side of this, though, is that a huge number of people are really enjoying playing Resurrect Priest and have invested a lot into building their decks. If its prevalence and win-rate reach an alarming point we'd almost certainly make changes, and we'll cross that bridge if we come to it.

    On tanking MMR when playing meme decks at rank floors:

    For each rank floor such as Diamond 5 or Legend, we also have a system to prevent players from tanking their MMR for the next season. We know a lot of players like to test new decks or just try fun decks at the rank floors so we made sure this was in place for players such as yourself.

    On buffing cards:

    We don't have any current plans for something exactly like the Rise of the Mechs event from last year. In general, if cards we release aren't achieving our aims, then we're open minded about making changes. Don't be surprised if you do see the odd buff alongside other card changes we make throughout the year.

    On events to shake up the meta:

    You will see more of that in the future, but you will also see events that bring different types of play experiences to Hearthstone. Ben detailed some of this in our Year of the Phoenix video, there's a lot of great stuff in the pipeline!

    On a teaser for upcoming archetypes:


    I think that's all for now.

    submitted by /u/Rooonaldooo99
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    The buff paladin needs

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    Druid hits the legendary triple from Exotic Mountseller.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Upcoming nerfs for albatross, felwing, Quest Mage and DH Warlock

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    For other standard cards, we are looking at a number of cards including Sacrificial Pact, Bad Luck Albatross, Frenzied Felwing, and Kael'Thas. Some of these cards present some raw power that is just a little too high (Bad Luck Albatross, Frenzied Felwing), while a card like Kael'Thas can create some crazy swing turns but that's usually only fun for one player. Kael'Thas is a super interesting card though so we don't want to kill off his combo potential entirely.

    For Wild, we know there has been a lot of very strong reactions to Quest Mage and Darkest Hour Warlock. These decks play in a one-player fashion similar to other decks we've nerfed in the past. There's going to be crazy combos in Wild, but we don't think these two decks in particular are healthy. Expect to see changes to Open the Waygate and Bloodbloom.

    - Potential changes to sac pact means we can see more jaraxxus guys ^^

    All answer here from Hearthstone Team AMA --- HS_Alec answered https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/g0okne/hearthstone_team_ama_april_14/fnel6p8/?context=3


    submitted by /u/Frequance
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    Yhea. Seems fair

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    Fallen Kripperino, we will never forget

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Oh boy I haven’t been on in a while

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    What are the odds.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    I genuinely believe that buffs to Paladin and Warrior (and Shaman) would do more to "fix" a meta centered around Demon Hunter + Warlock than small nerfs to either class would.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    Paladin, Warrior and Shaman are notoriously good classes in the mid-stages of the game. Warlock kinda skips over that stage with AOE's, Demon Hunter tempo's them out.

    If these three forgotten classes had more tools to have an impact on the meta, they could de-polarize it, forcing Demon Hunter to play a slower style (because heals and taunts) and Warlock to compete for the board earlier (because the weapon damage, buffs and larger creatures from PalWarSha are much more threatening).

    It feels like the "fair" classes got pushed out of the game, but helping them back into the meta could do wonders to the polarization we currently observe.

    Sadly, knowing Blizzard, it'll probably take another expansion or two, instead of a swift balance patch. Which is unfortunate, because I Feel like we are so, so close...

    submitted by /u/ZephrysTheGrate
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    The Grizzled Wizard tech is finally viable!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    Starving buzzard balance suggestion

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    Even in death, Gul'dan held influence over Illidan and his children's card games

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 05:24 AM PDT

    2017 HCT World Championship - Wild Growth or Hero Power?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Skip to 46:40. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOIgkKQD_ow

    I watched this game last night and saw Fr0zen choose Wild Growth over hero power. Naturally, being a nerd with nothing better to do, I decided to calculate just how likely this move was to cost him the game. My calculations are as follows.


    Tom's chances of not having Leroy in his mulligan: 29/30 * 28/29 * 27/28 * 26/27 = 0.867

    Tom's chances of having Leroy in his mulligan: 1 - 0.867 = 0.133

    Tom replaces all four cards so the above probability is meaningless

    Tom's chances of not drawing Leroy as a replacement card (if Leroy was not in mulligan): 25/26 * 24/25 * 23/24 * 22/23 = 0.846

    Tom's chances of not having Leroy in his starting hand: 0.846

    Tom's chances of having Leroy in his starting hand: 0.154 (not likely but not impossible)

    Turn 1:

    Tom draws a card, the odds of it not being Leroy are 25/26

    25/26 * 0.846 = 0.814

    Tom now has a 0.186 chance of having Leroy (the highest it gets)

    Tom plays Swashburgler, one of his four starting cards

    Tom's updated chances of having Leroy in his starting hand are 3/4 * 0.154, or 0.115 (not sure about the math on this one but I don't know a better way to do it)

    Tom's updated chances of not having Leroy: 0.154 - 0.115 = 0.039, 0.814 + 0.039 = 0.852 (yes, I know that is 0.853, but if you use the full decimal rather than rounding to three places, it is 0.852)

    Tom's updated chances of having Leroy: 0.148 (similar to starting hand)

    Swashburgler pulls Patches out of the deck

    Turn 2:

    Tom draws a card, the odds of it not being Leroy are 23/24 (one less card bc Patches)

    23/24 * 0.852 = 0.817

    Tom now has a 0.183 chance of having Leroy

    Tom plays all the cards from his starting hand, leaving only the two cards he has drawn

    Leroy was not in Tom's starting hand, so the only chance Tom has it is if he drew it. The above probability is now meaningless.

    Tom's chances of not drawing Leroy on Turn 1 or 2: 25/26 * 23/24 = 0.921

    Tom's chances of having Leroy: 1 - 0.921 = 0.079 (the lowest it gets)

    Turn 3:

    Tom draws a card, the odds of it not being Leroy are 22/23

    22/23 * 0.921 = 0.881

    Tom now has a 0.119 chance of having Leroy

    Tom plays no cards. He would have played Swashburgler, Fire Fly, Southsea Deckhand, Prince Keleseth, or Southsea Captain (7 cards).

    Tom's chances of not drawing Leroy on Turn 1, 2, or 3 are now 18/19 * 16/17 * 15/16, or 0.836

    Tom's chances of having Leroy are 0.164 (about a one in six)

    Turn 4:

    Tom draws a card. He plays it and it is Swashburgler.

    Tom's chances of having Leroy remain at 0.164 (still about a one in six)

    Turn 5 (the future for fr0zen):

    Tom has a 14/15 to not draw Leroy

    Tom's chances of not having Leroy will be 0.836 * 14/15 or 0.780

    Tom's chances of having Leroy will be 0.220 (highest yet and more than one in five)

    If given infinite time, Frozen can conclude that Tom has a ~22% chance of having Leroy and therefore lethal. Frozen had two 1/1 tokens and a 3/3 jade golem on board while Tom had nothing. The easiest question to ask here is whether Wild Growth increases Frozen's win probability by 22% more than using his hero power.

    Frozen's hand contains Aya and Jade Blossom. Having eight mana instead of seven next turn allows him the following options that otherwise wouldn't exist:

    Play Aya and hero power (a gain of one hero power at the cost of one hero power so meaningless)

    Topdeck other copy of Wild Growth (~4.5% chance) and play it and Aya. He has a ~4.5% chance to benefit.

    Topdeck Branching Paths (~9% chance), pick draw, and draw a 1-cost card to play with Jade Blossom or a 4-cost card. Options are Jade Idol (1 left), Spellstone, Mark of the Lotus (1 left), Branching Paths (1 left), Fandral, Oaken Summons, or Swipe (1 left), (~43% chance on one draw, ~68.5% chance on two draws). This is of course assuming he would draw rather than gain armor, my best guess is that he would armor once and draw once. He has a ~6% chance to benefit, but a more likely number is ~4% with one draw.

    Topdeck Nourish (~9% chance), choose draw (almost guaranteed), and play three 1-cost cards, or Innervate and a 4-cost card. There are four 1-cost cards in the deck, and the odds of drawing three of them are 0.3%. The chances of drawing Innervate or a 4-cost card on the first draw are ~28.5%, and the chances of drawing Innervate on the second or third draw are ~19.5%, so the chances of it working are ~5.5%. The chances of drawing Innervate on the first draw are ~9.5%, and the chances of drawing a 4-cost card on the second or third draw are ~52%, so the chances of it working are ~3%. The chances of missing the first draw are ~62%, then the chances of drawing Innervate are 10%, and the chances of drawing a 4-cost card are 30%. The chances of drawing Innervate, then a 4-cost card are ~3%, and the chances of drawing a 4-cost card and then Innervate are also ~3%, so the chances of it working are ~6%. He could also draw exactly two Innervates and the other Nourish (~0.085% chance), or exactly two Innervates and Branching Paths (~0.35% chance) and then use Branching Paths to draw a 1-cost card (~23.5% chance on one draw and ~42.5% chance on two draw). This is once again assuming that he chooses draw over armor. He has a ~7% chance to benefit.

    In total, he has a ~15.5% chance for the Wild Growth to matter on his next turn (Turn 5). After that, the extra mana crystal only matters if he topdecks Ultimate Infestation on Turn 6 or 7 and can play it one turn early, or is able to do more through Branching Path/Nourish sequences on Turn 6. Given these insignificant benefits, Wild Growth most likely does not increase his win probably by 22%.

    My conclusion: Even if he did not know that Tom had Leroy, Frozen still should have used his hero power instead of Wild Growth.

    A disclaimer: I am in no way criticizing Frozen, who clearly did not have enough time or information to do these calculations. In his position I would have done the same thing, as would most players. However, it is interesting to see the impact that using his hero power would have had. If Tom still goes Leroy, he needs one damage for lethal, meaning he probably still wins, but maybe Frozen could have found an out with Branching Paths, Oaken Summons, Jade Behemoth, Spreading Plague, or his Death Knight (~41% chance to get one of those). Also, I wrote this at 4:30 am so I probably made a bunch of mistakes. One of these is that I forgot to include the second copy of Violet Teacher in the list of 4-cost cards he could draw. Luckily I don't think it changes the numbers drastically. Hope you enjoyed and let me know what you think!

    TL;DR: Given infinite time to decide, Frozen should have used his hero power.

    submitted by /u/ROOSHEEYUH
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    Shaman is super fun this expension

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    If you guys are tired of Res Priest, imagine playing agains Res Druid

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    Need Help beating Demon Hunter, Well Firebat Has you covered

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    Ashes of Outland | Budget Decks

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    Ashes of Outland | Budget Decks

    Greetings, I am Cursed, a competitive hearthstone player representing Team Phantasma.

    Ashes of Outland has been out for a few days and while there have been a lot of interesting new decks, the meta is still far from being figured out. Like any other expansion, budget players will be in a constant struggle of wanting to play the new decks and having fun, while keeping in mind they need to save dust to create the top tier decks once the meta stabilizes.

    For this reason, in this article, in collaboration with my teammate Pain, we will present some budget decks that perform extremely well and should last you until you feel safe to start crafting some legendaries.

    Spell Druid

    Budget Players will be delighted to know that one of the best decks at the moment is actually one of the cheapest ones as well! Spell Druid has been doing incredibly well both in ladder and in tournaments and, since Kael'Thas was a free Legendary, you only need some rares and 2 epic cards to play it!

    Navigating the deck you should mulligan aggressively for Fungal Fortunes, Overgrowth and Glowfly Swarm. The only other consideration would be keeping Crystal Power or Wrath against hyper aggressive decks like Demon Hunter. Always keep in mind your opponent's aoe options and try to play around if possible, either by buffing your tokens out of range at the turn you spawn them or by using Soul of the Forest.


    Dust Cost: 2260 (Kael'Thas not counted)

    Deck Code: AAECAZICCFb9AsQGw5QD05wD4p8DsawDrroDC/4B0wP3A7mUA9ulA/m1A+W6A+i6A+y6A+66A++6AwA=


    One of the most popular archetypes of budget decks has always been the Zoo variation of Warlock.

    Interestingly, the deck has gotten a lot of tools with the recent expansion and can set up some impressive turns. I honestly feel like people have been sleeping on the power level of Zoo, mainly because they focus on the Galakrond option of the class that hard counters Demon Hunters. However, Zoo appears to be a very strong deck with good matchups on its own, like the abovementioned Spell Druid!

    Getting the hang of this Zoo version can be a little tricky because you need to heavily adjust your mulligans and playstyle to your opponent's deck. Aside the obvious mulligan keeps, Imprisoned Scrap Imp and the Expired Merchant plus Hand of Gul'dan combo, you will need to decide whether you want an aggressive opening hand, pressuring your opponent from turn 1, or you need to go for Imp's buff in a large hand to win a specific matchup.

    For an example, against Spell Druid, the optimal start would be Flame Imps into nonstop aggression while against Resurrect Priest searching for Imprisoned Scrap Imp and getting maximum value would be the way to go.


    Dust Cost: 2120

    Deck Code: AAECAfqUAwAPMPIB9QXOB8IItZ8D/aQD/acD+a4DsLYDurYDtbkDtrkDx7kD3r4DAA==

    Aggro Warrior

    The non-Galakrond, Aggro Warrior archetype had started getting some traction and seeing play prior to the expansions release. Empowering the already existing build with powerful new cards that play around the 'damaged minions' condition, results in a solid deck that can go toe to toe with any opponent. For this one it is only needed to invest in crafting Bloodsworn Mercenary, a powerful and versatile card that is used in the majority of Warrior decks at the moment.

    Playing the deck is quite straight forward, though some of the combos might need some getting used to. You generally mulligan for Imprisoned Gan'arg and your 2 drops, while keeping in mind potential combinations of cards, like Temple Berserker with Inner Rage and Bloodsworn Mercenary or Risky Skipper and Bomb Wrangler. Ideally, you want to seize the board and pressure your opponent so you can reach victory during the midgame.


    Dust Cost: 2240

    Deck Code: AAECAQcADxYcsAKQA44F1AjSpQP0pwPcqQOktgOrtgO8uQOcuwOeuwPevgMA

    Dragon Hunter

    Another preexisting archetype. Dragon Hunter, or at least this budget version, can only capitalize on one new card, Pack Tactics, but that should be more than enough to keep an already strong deck alive and kicking. The Deck has always been very effective against slow decks, like Spell Druid and Combo Demon Hunter, while the addition of Explosive Trap can help it hold its own against the aggro decks of this meta, like Aggro Demon Hunter and Zoo.

    This archetype is very simple to play. Hard Mulligan for your early curve and keep hitting your opponent in the face until they run out of health, using Stormhammer, secrets and Corrosive Breath along the way to take care of annoying threats.


    Dust Cost: 2320

    Deck Code: AAECAR8AD8kE4QSXCIqtA4utA/muA/uvA/yvA/6vA+ewA/+wA4exA7q2A6+3A6S5AwA=

    Demon Hunter

    Demon Hunter is the recently released new class. Despite the nerfs, the class feels extremely powerful with Aggro, Midrange and Combo Demon Hunter dominating the meta. The deck suggested here isn't exactly the cheapest of decks, since it does run 2 legendaries. However, figuring that everybody will want to try out the class, I did my best to present a list that is as budget as it can be, while still maintaining its power level.

    It should go without saying that mastering a completely new class should take some time. The outcast mechanic in particular can sometimes be tricky to set up, especially combined with Altruis the Outcast. Aside that, this version is an extremely aggressive one. Search for early drops in the mulligan and start chipping away your opponent's health from the first few rounds. The powerful outcast draw engine of the class is so good that you will rarely run out of gas.


    Dust Cost: 4320

    Deck Code:


    Honorable Mention :
    Non Adventure Decks

    The following decks will be a solid suggestion for players that still have not unlocked the cards from the Galakrond's Awakening adventure. They cost a bit more than our previous suggestions in terms of dust, but this is necessary to maintain a high power level, without using adventure cards.

    Otk Demon Hunter

    A particularly fast new combo deck on the block using Kael'thas and cheap spells combined with inner demons to deal lots of damage to the opponent. Even though the deck is quite hard to pilot, it takes advantage of the new outcast mechanics to cycle extremely fast while keeping the board under control at the same time. As for mulligan you keep cheap cycle cards and good outcast cards if they are at the left of your hand.


    Dust Cost: 4780 (Not counting Kael'Thas)

    Deck Code:


    Galakrond Evolve Shaman

    A more linear midrange deck that some people may be familiar with as it combines the 2 previous shaman archetypes from the last metas (Evolve + Galakrond). It has a standard midrange deck gameplan that fights for the board while invoking Galakrond, but has some incredible ''power turns'' with the newly introduced card Boggspine Knuckes.

    Developing the weapon at the right time wins games, as the deck has plenty of good evolve targets such as Desert Hare, Dread Corsair and Mogu Fleshshaper. I tend to keep early drops alongside with the new weapon to establish a board presence as fast as i can.


    Dust Cost: 4560

    Deck Code: AAECAfWfAwLjtAPTwAMOnALuBrSXA8aZA9SlA9ipA7etA7mtA/6uA6qvA9CvA9u4A924A+G4AwA

    Face Deathrattle Hunter

    A new style of face hunter emerged with the new expansion and the new deathrattle cards that hunter got are to blame. Teron Gorefiend is an extremely good card that synergizes a lot with the Toxic Reinforcements side quest and with the other deathrattle cards.

    The real annoying thing about this deck though is that your opponent feels forced to trade the deathrattle minions because you threaten to copy the deathrattle with Mok'Nathal Lion and if you have a secret up, the situation gets even better because Pack Tactics is a powerful card in your arsenal. Scavenger's Ingenuity is another good addition, a card that you almost always keep in mulligan along with Dwarven Sharpshooter and Toxic Reinforcements


    Dust Cost: 4440

    Deck Code: AAECAR8CyQTUugMOqAK1A5IF7Qb+DOyWA/OnA/uvA/yvA4WwA864A6S5A/a6A/+6AwA=


    There are various strong budget decks to choose from for players that wish to wait for the meta to settle and get maximum value from their dust. Furthermore, even if you haven't yet acquired the Galakrond's Awakening cards, there are solid decks you can build, but you will have to invest a little more dust into them.

    The most important thing is that anyone can enjoy the expansion and the new Demon Hunter class, no matter their collection!

    You can see more info about Cursed and his content: Twitter | FB | Twitch |Discord| Instagram|

    You can follow Pain: Twitter

    This article was made in collaboration with the staff members of the community based eSports organization Team Phantasma: Twitter| Instagram|URL

    submitted by /u/Reg_Cursed
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    All gold legendary demons!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    So... These cards will be a target for the upcoming nerfs as well as 1-2 Demon Hunter Cards we don't know about yet (we are 100% sure about the 2 wild cards, but not entirely sure about there other ones so be aware).

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Spot the third-wheel

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    This community has become really toxic and some people here really need to chill

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    I used to play HS since the release of Boomsday and I stopped around the time when SoU got released, partially because of that whole scandal and partially because the game just got really stale and boring.So... I was browsing the internet one day and I saw that Blizz introduced a tenth class into the game, and I thought that's interesting so I visited this sub for one more time to catch up to the new stuff and perhaps start playing again.

    First thing I saw, Res Priest hate post. I thought to myself, okay, I remember it being a really annoying deck and that people still have scars because of Big Priest. Next post, Demon Hunter, the new class! This is what I wanted to see. Oh look another hate post. I did some research and I saw that class has some really OP cards that need to be nerfed. And I found out some of them were nerfed. Okay. It's a fast Aggro deck, I realise why the deck might annoy some people. People request more nerfs. Great. But then I decided to search by new. gurl

    People are straight up attacking each other here, and having and having nuclear meltdowns over a video game

    I'm not excusing the balance team at all. This game never had really good balance. I remember Odd/Even decks being 80% of the meta, I remember during Rastakhan when Hunter had 5 meta decks. I remember Dr. Boom turning games into an infinite AFK. I remember Conjurer Mage making 32/32 stats on T5 (that deck was so fun to play though, i had some horrible f2p version), SN1P-SN4P... this list could go on forever. The best meta I remember was early Rise Of Shadows, and even them we had Tempo Rogue almost be Tier 0. The game, as much as I see, is not on a good state at all, and needs more fixing potentially

    But I feel like some people need to know this: If you aren't enjoying the game, if it doesn't bring you any sense of joy or entertainment, if the game occupies way too much of your mind/your time, if it makes you angry and salty all the time, if it affects your day to day life, if you're throwing way too much money into it, maybe you should stop playing. Maybe play another video game, start a new TV show, read a new book, write your own book, learn a new language, listen to some relaxing music, do art, workout, whatever...

    I'm aware that the gaming communities can become very toxic and hostile, but maybe we all need to calm down a little and make the experience better for everyone, both the new, old and returning players. I won't even start about the pandemic which is just making everyone even more anxious. You have the right to not be happy with the game. You have the right to complain. But don't be toxic to others. Don't attack each other. Don't throw substance-less rage fits over the game.

    TL;DR: Calm your tits. If the game is lowering the qualory of your life, stop playing

    submitted by /u/BlueBerryOranges
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