• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 11, 2020

    Hearthstone But they were all of them deceived...

    Hearthstone But they were all of them deceived...

    But they were all of them deceived...

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Coolest guy I found on hearthstone. Used translator to reply back.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    I'd rather face 1000 demon hunters than sit through a match of rez priest.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    It is probably one of the least fun decks to play against. Atleast demon hunter games were fast.

    submitted by /u/Hawlk
    [link] [comments]

    Firestone - Hour-by-hour class popularity after Demon Hunter release

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    I love playing hour long games

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    I don't hate Rez Priest. I hate this little shit being resurrected 100 times.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    This is much more accurate

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    I thought I was the good guy putting DHs in their place...

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    playing against rez preist is not fun

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    Found a use out of Duskfallen Aviana. "TLDR" is at 2:11

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    Can it at least be a DH that will smorc me in 5 minutes?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    This was a fun and quick game against a spell druid

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    I present to you: The unluckiest Apex Blast into the luckiest Soul Mirror

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    Libram Pally is the only counter

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    Blizzard should've made a tech card like the other 2 crabs

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    We're gonna be rich!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:32 PM PDT


    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Stop fucking posting about it every goddamn hour. All I've been reading on this sub is how Res Priest is ruining the game. Maybe think of why Res Priest exists in the first place? Aggro running out of check, Priest being shoehorned into an archetype that even Priest players hate.

    This sub has nothing but hate for Priest. Since day one, even when Priest has literally been the worst class in the game, I've read nothing but vitriol.

    Every expac there're always tempo classes that kill you by turn 6, but I don't see anyone complain about them as much as they complain about Priest. I love playing dying against tempo Rogue, face Hunter, and now Demon Hunter before I get to even defend myself.

    What suggestions do you have to make Priest better then? Priest has had the most staple cards HoF'd for the sake of "class identity", despite other classes being all over the damn place. Hurr durr remove Priest from the game lol is not an answer.

    submitted by /u/25thskye
    [link] [comments]

    A battle of evil VS ...evil...?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Demon Hunter might not be perfectly balanced, but nothing makes me want to quit the game more than Res Priest

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 04:36 AM PDT

    Seriously, getting to the point where I just concede when the first Infiltrator is played, because I can play 3 or 4 games in the time it takes to finish one game against priest -_-

    submitted by /u/Dovahtiim
    [link] [comments]

    Happy Easter Weekend.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    Looks like r/fuckdruid is back on the menu boys.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    That IS surprising.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    All this talk of DH nerfs while Togwaggle goes untouched

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    As long as he approves I suppose.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:27 AM PDT

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