• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 15, 2020

    Hearthstone new card - Grand Lackey Erkh

    Hearthstone new card - Grand Lackey Erkh

    new card - Grand Lackey Erkh

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 10:03 AM PST

    Poor Soggoth

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 10:24 AM PST

    New Card - Air Raid

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 10:02 AM PST

    New Card - Winged Guardian

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 10:01 AM PST

    New Card - Aeon Reaver

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 10:01 AM PST

    Blue Dragonflight Crystalmancer. Descent of the Dragons fanart by Goddasaurus (me).

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 04:04 AM PST

    I'll do you one better, NLplays

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 10:54 AM PST

    TIL you can see what’s in a mirror-entitied Chromatic Egg

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Me and my bro Kripp decide to sell all our minions in the last round

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 02:34 AM PST

    Well, here we go, I actually made a reddit account for this. Kripp and me were the last ones in the game and he made me a deal that we would sell our own board and he would make a reddit comment. Chat advised me to make an account so he would have to do it.Sorry I don't have the final board of this. I don't actually know how to prove it was me. All I can say is that my twitch is Bluttaufe, I chatted during that time and my bnet is Pestnebel, he might have hovered over my name during the game. I'm actually too old to be bothered to do more but here's a screen of my account and mmr. Hope that's enough for you guys :) So, AMA I guess? I don't know if I can find the time to answer or if anyone is interested, gotta go back to work tomorrow :P

    Some clips of it here

    Also if anyone could tell me how to reddit and clip that actual stuff for me, that would be great.

    Edit: Thanks u/BlackChaosGG for the clips!

    Edit 2, Electric Boogaloo: He kept his word!

    submitted by /u/Pestnebel1
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    "We're probably going Murlocs next turn" - Purple

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 08:24 AM PST

    New Hearthside Chat

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 09:59 AM PST

    Destroyed a whole mans career

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 06:29 AM PST

    Firestone - Most elusive Tombs of Terror bosses

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 05:51 AM PST

    Tavern Brawl this week is... "Road to Northrend" (Jan. 15, 2020)

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 09:25 AM PST

    EDIT TO ADD: thanks for the Silver, good sir or madam -- always glad to help out! O:-)

    Description: "For the final conflict against EVIL, Reno Jackson must conjure a portal to Northrend! If only he knew how..."

    Format: Dungeon Run-style -- prebuilt decks against a series of 8 PVE bosses. You start with 4 decks to choose from: Elise (druid), Brann (hunter), Reno (mage) and Finley (paladin), and there are 5 "deck locked" icons that hint at more decks you could unlock as you log play-throughs and wins in this event. (Or maybe they're placeholders for a follow-up TB event next week, who knows?)

    Reward: a Classic pack for your first win. EDIT 2: "first win" means the first boss; you do not have to complete an entire run to succeed :-)

    History: This is the first time we've seen this TB format, though of course we've had numerous Dungeon Run-style formats before. As I do my first play-through, I'll add a few notes or tips on the various levels.

    P.S. there's a minion, available in Reno decks but not sure about other classes, called Lei Firepaw. 2/6 for (2) with "After you cast a spell, cast it again with the same target." Play Lei, protect Lei, win. Lei is bae, Lei is life... Lei with Reno's Lucky Hat (x2) pumping up your Headcrack spell (x2) is just filthy!

    submitted by /u/AintEverLucky
    [link] [comments]

    Aviator Bob is a no fly zone

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 10:19 AM PST

    When I face Aviator Bob in the new Tavern Brawl on mobile, the game crashes immediately upon drawing cards. Also since it's against the computer, the game doesn't end and will continually reconnect and crash again.

    submitted by /u/Imlikinglife
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 11:40 AM PST

    Rexxar took some lessons from Jaina, now he shoots fire arrows

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 06:44 AM PST

    Tavern Brawl is bugged and causes my game to repeatedly crash.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 09:40 AM PST

    Rank 20 to Legend with Highlander Control Dragon Warrior with a 51-26 score from rank 5 to Legend (Guide and stats)

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:21 AM PST

    TL;DR: I reached rank 5 with a 71% winrate, having a positive winrate against all classes with the exception of Rogues. Winrate from rank 5 to Legend dropped to 66% because my most common matchup was Rogue.


    Hello everybody,

    I am an avid Warrior player, having started playing Hearthstone back in January 2014 and soon after falling in love with the Control Warrior archetype. I reached my first Legend playing Control Warrior during the Secret Paladin meta, but even when the deck is not in a healthy state I usually find myself tinkering around with different builds to find something that is somewhat functional in the meta.

    I did not play Control Warrior during the Rise of Shadows meta because I hate Elysiana as a card and did not enjoy the countless mirrors at the time and found myself playing different decks. This time around however, with the extreme power level of Galakrond decks giving numerous decks real win conditions, playing Elysiana became suicide and the general game plan of old Mech Control Warrior became obsolete until I started playing around with Dragonqueen Alexztraza in a Highlander Warrior build whose win condition is to overwhelm the opponent with Voone value while keeping the board under control using good old Warrior removal tools that buy you time to reach your power turns.

    I started playing the deck at rank 20 by the very end of December and quickly got to rank 10 until ladder reset and I resumed the climb somewhere around January 6 , cruising to rank 5 and have reached Legend today.

    The Proof


    The Deck

    I started with a very similar list with the one I have posted above, but I made 3 changes along the way to rank 2: Evasive Dragon got replaced by Sn1pSn4p; Armorsmith got replaced by Acolyte of Pain; EVIL Quartermaster got replaced by Tomb Warden.

    • Sn1pSn4p massively outperforms Evasive Dragon and the only fear I had was that there would not be enough dragon consistency in the list without the extra Dragon, but these concerns were quickly put to rest and Sn1pSn4p is an auto-include card currently;
    • Armorsmith did a lot of work from ranks 20 to 10 as I faced a lot of Face Hunter and just Aggro decks in general, but from rank 5 on I quickly realized that Aggro is a tiny percentage of the meta so I replaced the card with Acolyte of Pain and the extra draw helps you reach your combo pieces faster (Voone/Alex/Deathwing);
    • Tomb Warden is a recent addition to the list and mostly a Galakrond Warrior tech card as plenty of games against the deck came to the point of me removing every single minion the Warrior player put in the board but eventually dying from Invoke plus Hero Power damage or just Leeroy getting duplicated for over 20 damage burst by the end of the game. Tomb Warden shuts this down and is a surprisingly good card in most matchups.

    Highlander Control Dragon Warrior

    # 1x (1) Eternium Rover

    # 1x (1) Shield Slam

    # 1x (1) Town Crier

    # 1x (2) Dragon Roar

    # 1x (2) Frightened Flunky

    # 1x (2) Warpath

    # 1x (2) Weapons Project

    # 1x (2) Zephrys the Great

    # 1x (3) Acolyte of Pain

    # 1x (3) Ramming Speed

    # 1x (3) Shield Block

    # 1x (3) Smolderthorn Lancer

    # 1x (3) SN1P-SN4P

    # 1x (4) Militia Commander

    # 1x (4) Molten Breath

    # 1x (4) Omega Devastator

    # 1x (4) Restless Mummy

    # 1x (4) War Master Voone

    # 1x (5) Big Ol' Whelp

    # 1x (5) Brawl

    # 1x (5) Dragonmaw Scorcher

    # 1x (5) Dyn-o-matic

    # 1x (5) Emberscale Drake

    # 1x (5) Plague of Wrath

    # 1x (5) Supercollider

    # 1x (5) Zilliax

    # 1x (8) Deathwing, Mad Aspect

    # 1x (8) Tomb Warden

    # 1x (9) Dr. Boom, Mad Genius

    # 1x (9) Dragonqueen Alexstrasza


    The stats

    I will be posting the rank 5 to Legend stats first because these seem to be more relevant and they are all post-nerfs while the Rank 20 to rank 5 ones include pre-nerf data.

    Rank 5 to Legend data:

    Priest: 4-0

    - Quest Ressurect Priest (4-0)

    Hunter: 9-1

    - Face Hunter (6-1)

    - Highlander Hunter (1-0)

    - Mech Hunter (1-0)

    - Quest Hunter (1-0)

    Warlock: 9-3

    - Leeroy Handlock (3-1)

    - Galakrond Handlock (3-0)

    - Zoo Galakrond (3-2)

    Paladin: 3-1

    - Murloc Paladin (1-0)

    - Highlander Paladin (1-0)

    - Mech Paladin (1-1)

    Druid: 6-1

    - Embiggen Druid (1-0)

    - Thijs Quest Dragon Druid (4-0)

    - Treant Druid (1-1)

    Rogue: 10-16

    - Highlander (4-8)

    - Galakrond Rogue (3-5)

    - Malygos Galakrond (2-3)

    - Deathrattle Rogue (1-0)

    Mage: 3-2

    - Highlander Mage (2-2)

    - Cyclone Mage (1-0)

    Shaman: 2-0

    - Galakrond Shaman (1-0)

    - Aggro Shaman (1-0)

    Warrior: 5-2

    - Galakrond Warrior (4-2)

    - Highlander Control Dragon Warrior (1-0)

    Rank 20 to rank 5 data:

    Priest: 10-2

    - Quest Ressurect Priest (8-0)

    - Hakkar+Elysiana Ressurect Priest (0-1)

    - Albatross Ressurect Priest (0-1)

    - Combo Priest (2-0)

    Hunter: 14-3

    - Face Hunter (10-1)

    - Highlander Hunter (2-0)

    - Mech Hunter (0-1)

    - Midrange Hunter (1-0)

    - Quest Hunter (1-0)

    - Highlander Quest Hunter (0-1)

    Warlock: 9-2

    - Dragon Handlock (2-0)

    - Galakrond Handlock (3-0)

    - Zoo Galakrond (4-2)

    Paladin: 4-0

    - Mech Paladin (2-0)

    - Holy Wrath Paladin (2-0)

    Druid: 4-0

    - Embiggen Druid (3-0)

    - Dragon Druid (1-0)

    Rogue: 1-3

    - Highlander (0-1)

    - Deathrattle Rogue (1-2)

    Mage: 2-2

    - Highlander Mage (2-2)

    Shaman: 7-4

    - Galakrond Shaman (3-3)

    - Highlander Galakrond (1-0)

    - Quest Galakrond (2-0)

    - Quest Shaman (1-0)

    - Elysianna Control Shaman (0-1)

    Warrior: 7-4

    - Pirate Warrior (3-0)

    - Galakrond Warrior (3-3)

    - Highlander Aggro (1-0)

    - Highlander Dragon Control (0-1)

    General Game Plan

    This deck's early game is very similar to any old Control Warrior list: play defensive minions, keep clearing the board efficiently, spare your AOE accordingly as you have access to Brawl/Plague of Wrath/Zephrys/Deathwing/Possible Deathwing number two. As you reach turns 8/9 that is when your deck starts causing some havok with Voone duplicating Alex or Deathwing. Most decks cannot handle consecutive Dragonqueen Alexztraza, the very few that do it are left with limited options in their hand and Boom or your other dragons will close out the deal at some point.

    Some tips:

    1. Don't throw away your Dragonmaw Scorcher if you know that you are playing against a deck that will require a big board clear later on and Dragonmaw Scorcher is the perfect turn 10 activator to Plague of Wrath while leaving a 3/6 body on the board.
    2. Militia Commander is a good keep against Galakrond classes because it removes Shield of Galakrond and sticks on the board with 1 life.
    3. Always keep Alex in your starting hand against Druids as they cannot handle instant gigantic boards and even if they somehow do it once (only Quest Druid has a chance to do it), they cannot handle wave number two.
    4. Alex is also a good keep against Highlander Mage and if you get her in your starting hand alongside Voone keep them both. I have won games against them were I pressured them down with Alex on 8 followed by Alex on 9 and they could not handle it;
    5. Don't be overly greedy with Voone. Just duplicating Alex or Deathwing can win games by itself. Very rarely do you need to duplicate 3 or 4 Dragons. In fact, against decks that go wide on the board (Warlocks) It is more important to duplicate Deathwing than Alex and you should do it when you have the opportunity or else you will be forced to play Deathwing later on and lose copy number two.

    Matchup details

    I will be sticking to the most relevant matchups or else this guide would go on forever:

    • Quest Ressurect Priest (12-0): An autowin matchup against the traditional list, less so if they are playing Hakkar+Elysiana or Albatross Ressurect Priest. Keep Boom, Brawl and Plague of Wrath in the mulligan. You don't attack face, you clear all their minions, don't leave any injured on alive and purposefully make bad trades to guarantee that yours are also not left injured for them to heal. Keep Brawl and Plague of Wrath as answers for their big Mass Ressurection turns and copy both Deathwing and Alex with Voone but don't play them except near fatigue when the Priest has already wasted both copies of Mass Ressurection and almost all his minions. If you do this the Priest will complete his Quest near fatigue and will gain almost no value from it and you finish the Priest off with your two copies of Alex and Deathwing - just remember to not overextend and the Priest will run out of removal.
    • Face Hunter (16-2): Another autowin matchup. Keep Rover, Town Crier, Zephrys and Weapon's Project in the mulligan. Armor gain cards like Shield Block, the 5/5 dragon and Smouldering Breath can also be kept depending on your other cards. You generally remove every minions they throw at you, outarmor their face damage and finish the game with Tomb Warden or any of your big minions really. A lot of the times the Hunter will concede when he sees how much armor gain you have or when Zilliax hits the board. Don't play into Explosive Trap unless you know you are going to kill the Hunter in a couple of turns. Play around Snake Trap accordingly.
    • Zoo Galakrond (7-4): I think this matchup is more favoured to you than the stats might indicate because I lost one game against someone playing double Expired Merchant for triple Galakrond and two other losses involved losing a 1/11 roll for a Sea Giant surviving a Brawl, the same with another loss with another lost 1/8 Sea Giant roll. Otherwise you have more than enough answers in your deck for whatever they throw at you. Keep Rover, Crier, Weapon's Project, Zephrys, Dynomatic and Scorcher in your starting hand. Brawl can also be a keep depending on the rest of your hand.
    • NoHandsGamer Galakrond Handlock (6-0): Very easy matchup. They put less pressure than Zoo in the early game and don't play cards like Mountain Giant that require instant removal. It is common to finish this matchup without taking a single health damage other than old Alex battlecry and with over 15 armor. Every piece of removal in your deck lines up perfectly with that they play and you have more than enough time to find these answers.
    • Leeroy Handlock (5-1): This matchup is tougher because they have much more pressure in the early game with Mountain Giants, Drakes, Abyssal Summoner and have a lot of burst to finish you off. I generally like keeping Zephrys against Warlock because of the flexibility he offer in the different matchups and an early Shadow Word Death can be clutch. Otherwise you have cards like Smolderthorn Lancer and Shield Slam that should be kept for their giants and Abyssal Summoners instead of their Drakes and some of your Rush minions can also help in clearing their board. Armor up out of their combo range while removing their minions and you will be fine.
    • Thijs Quest Druid (4-0): I have been seeing more of this deck recently and thought it might be worth mentioning that you absolutely must keep Alex in your starting hand against these Druids. Double Dragonqueen ends these games fast and don't give them a chance to play the new Ysera and discover more Alexs and Yseras. This is certainly a matchup that old Elysiana Warrior would lose and this deck doesn't because of Alex and Voone.
    • Highlander Mage (4-4): A balanced matchup as the stats indicate. Sometimes you pressure them out of the game, sometimes they pressure you out of the game and sometimes you survive all they throw at you and finish with Alex. Highlander Mages playing a greedier list with Pyroblast have an edge against you because of the extra reach, but otherwise this matchup can go anywhere. Keep Alex in the starting hand and if you also get Voone alongside her keep him.
    • Galakrond Warrior (6-5): This matchup seemed unfavoured to me until I started including Tomb Warden and I have been winning much more games since then. It is probably 50/50 right now. Mulligan for aggro and you should have no problem dealing with their early game. If they get a turn 7/8 fully invoked Galakrond then you will have a tough match in your hands, if not then you should be fine. You can remove their minions just fine, even the buffed ones, but they can deal massive amounts of damage from Invokes + Hero power and finish games with gigantic doubling charger minions. I was at 30 life and 30 armor at one point once and still lost because the Warrior dealt 29 Invoke + Hero power damage to my face and finished me off with two 14 damage Leeroys so that is why it is important to have some Taunt minions to block your face and Tomb Warden is amazing at that.
    • Galakrond Rogue (3-5): Extremely hard matchup. You can deal with their early game and you have a lot of ways to clear boards and gain armor, but they have much more value than you through their near infinite lackey generation that gives them cards like Yeras, Alex, Waxadread, Academic Espionage and Dragon's Hoard can discover good anti-Warrior legendaries like Tekahn, Antonidas and others. Dr. Boom cannot keep up with their value generation and all you can deal basically is hope they drew horribly because you don't really have a chance otherwise.
    • Highlander Rogue (4-9): This matchup shares some of the problems of the previous one but since their deck is more inconsistent you can sometimes get a win through some Dragonqueen Alex shenanigans or some pure old face game.
    • Malygos Rogue (2-3): The easiest of the Rogue matchups but still tough. Sometimes you armor outside combo range, sometimes they have more burst than you can handle, simple as that.

    Final thoughts

    I think this deck is super fun to play and unlike the previous Elysiana Warrior offers a proactive finishing condition that leads to more fun for both players. As you can see from my data the deck would be perfectly positioned to do well in the meta if not for the current rise in Rogue players. If the trend continues and multiple Rogue decks become Tier 1 then this deck will remain outside the meta, gatekeeped by these Highlander and Galakrond Rogue decks that include more value than you can possibly handle. Looking forward to the adventure to see if the meta will shake up and we will see less Galakrond Rogues to open up more possibilities for this deck. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/Zergo66
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    Got to rank 5 with Embiggen Dragon Druid! I can't play for very long each day so this was great!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 11:22 AM PST

    Meet Jaina, one of the finest Lackeys in all of Azeroth

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 05:45 AM PST

    Deck Slots: Quit Making excuses

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 09:01 AM PST

    Ok Blizzard. What has to happen to get deck slots in this game?

    I would be willing to pay real money to get them! I seriously don't understand what the problem is.

    Years ago you provided 8 extra slots, but at the same time you introduced wild. Let's look at that.

    I'm exploring decks in wild: I want to make an odd hunter deck. I want to make an even hunter deck. I want to make a face deck. A beast deck. A Reno deck. A secret deck. An even Reno dragon deck. I have to delete 6 decks to make room for this, nullifying the work I put into other classes.

    This is ridiculous. Most of the time when I get an idea for a deck the prospect of deleting my previous decks kills the enthusiasm I have for trying new things. I can't be alone in this. Why is this a thing?

    What little communication about this will roll out some tired stats like (made up here): only 5 percent of players have full deck slots, or most players only play 3 or 4 of the decks, or some other lame excuse.

    Your statistics are based on the limited creative environment you have have made. Give us some room to grow!

    Give us a page of decks for each class.


    I am begging you. I will even pay for it.

    submitted by /u/Catablepas
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    I should really stop playing cardgames after midnight

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 05:19 PM PST

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