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    Monday, December 2, 2019

    Hearthstone Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

    Hearthstone Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

    Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:07 PM PST

    Hello members of the /r/hearthstone community,

    This is part of a series of weekly threads aimed at both new and old players from the community. It is designed so that everybody may ask any and all questions regarding the game's mechanics, decks, strategies and more.

    Please keep it clean and try to add more than just a one or two word response. As the goal of this post is to increase the community's knowledge, the thought process matters as much as the answer! There is also a Theorycrafting Thursday weekly post, for those who wish to discuss some of the more intricate aspects of the game.

    Sticky Threads and Guides - Great resources for new players!

    Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    (Concept) Instead of speeding up the Poisonous animation or conditionally skipping it, just make it take no extra time by integrating it with the damage visuals.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:13 AM PST

    New card - Stormhammer

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:01 AM PST

    New Card Revealed - Mindflayer Kaahrj

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:04 AM PST

    New card - Depth Charge

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:00 AM PST

    New Card Revealed - Chronobreaker

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:04 AM PST

    New card - Bronze Explorer

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:00 PM PST

    Khadgar doing what he does best

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:52 AM PST

    Constructive Post (Including Lore): Please Change Stormhammer to "Firebolt Crossbow" or Something Else

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:49 AM PST

    TL;DR: Stormhammers are used against dragons by Gryphon Riders, who are more like mounted warriors/knights than they are Hunters. Change Stormhammer to present a "Firebolt Crossbow" that uses dragonfire as ammunition, and you 'fix' every flavour issue with the card, and free up an iconic weapon for later use in a more befitting class.

    Hi. I'm just going to get right into it:

    I like the new card, and I like its effect. In terms of statline and effect, I think it is well-balanced, cool, and even very deserving as a Hunter card, considering how they already have a 3 Mana 3/2 Weapon that tries to go 'infinite' in another way.

    However, the card art and name does not seem to align well with the Hunter class. At all, really. Don't misunderstand me: I know that Gryphons are clearly a theme being pushed for Hunters in this expansion, and they encapsulate two things Hunter are meant to do very well - Beasts and Rush. I think that's excellent.

    However, there is a difference between using Gryphons as Beasts of War and thus befitting the Hunter class, and using the armaments of the famed, iconic Gryphon Riders as Hunter weapons.

    Gryphon Riders are not hunters, they are warriors, more akin to knights than they are dwarven riflemen. Their general strategy often involves charging in and swooping out, much like a literal cavalry charge. However, we know that Stormhammers can be used and thrown to great effect.

    And that's another type of Stormhammer use. The use of a Stormhammer by a Mountain King. For example, let's take the story of Muradin Bronzebeard after he was rendered amnesiac by Arthas' claiming of the legendary sword, Frostmourne. A chunk of the runeblade's icy prison struck Muradin as it shattered, knocking him out cold and, for the longest time, causing us to believe him dead (fun fact: Magni used the grief of believing his brother to be dead to help him forge a different legendary sword: the Ashbringer).

    He was not dead, but he no longer knew who he was. But it did not take him terribly long to find a new home, and that is in thanks to his great power and use of a Stormbolt to slay a giant jormungar.

    Muradin Bronzebeard also uses his Stormbolt ability a lot in Heroes of the Storm.

    Moreover, there is another flavour problem with the Stormhammer. Its synergy with dragons.

    Gryphon Riders were introduced to Warcraft in Warcraft II. During this time, the Red Dragon Aspect, Alexstrasza, had fallen a slave to the Dragonmaw Orcs stowed away in Grim Batol (long story short: the Dragon Soul), forced to breed new dragons to serve the will of the Old Horde. As you might imagine, this meant that they served as feral mounts that they would train and harness on the battlefield. Against naval forces, the dragons were used to devastating effect, even killing the son of Lord Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, Derek Proudmoore.

    The dwarven Wildhammer Clan was up to the task, and it was their Gryphon Riders who supported the Alliance of Lordaeron to counter this terrible foe.

    In other words, the Stormhammer is an iconic weapon of the same forces who were used to fight dragons, not work with them. And how better to emphasise this than in an iconic gryphon rider himself? Falstad Wildhammer. Or, as he would later become known to some, Falstad Dragonreaver.

    Yeah. Dragonreaver. Dude got named for his ability to annihilate dragons.

    So... what do we do?

    Assuming I've won you over and you believe as I do that the Stormhammer weapon is a flavour fail on part of being a Hunter weapon and a Dragon-synergy weapon, I make a single suggestion: change the card name and art to depict a "Firebolt Crossbow." A crossbow that uses literal flame as ammunition. Not only does it retain a badass elemental nature, but it makes a wee bit of a sense as to how a Dragon might actually work with it. Dragons are known in fantasy for breathing fire, and while not all dragons breath fire in Warcraft, we know that Hunter Proto-Drakes can, as well as the Red Dragons who are helping the "Good classes" of the Year of the Dragon.

    Just by doing that, you change the card to something that thematically fits the Hunter's use of ranged weaponry and synergy with Dragons, while freeing up the iconic Stormhammer for use in a more appropriate class - preferably Warrior, but also potentially Shaman.

    Firebolt Crossbow is just something I came up with off the top of my head, and I'm sure someone else can come up with something a bit more inspired if they wanted. In any case, I think I understand the natural progression of "Hunters use Gryphons" in Descent of Dragons (as we can clearly see) to "Hunters use Gryphon Rider armaments." I can see how that may have happened, but I still think that the Stormhammer and its history is (far) better suited to the Warrior class.

    submitted by /u/Sita093016
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    Descent of Dragons Card Reveal Livestream with Kripp, Dean Ayala and Chriss Sierra Dec 4th 10 AM PDT!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:47 AM PST

    What the new Stormhammer feels like...

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:05 PM PST

    TRUMP Dragon's Decent Card Reveal [STORMHAMMER]

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:03 AM PST

    Card rework idea for Silverback Patriarch

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:00 PM PST

    After so many 8th place i finally managed to pull it off.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:33 AM PST

    FACT: Kobolds and Catacombs has the most nerfed cards in history of HS. But I think new expansion will be like this

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:09 PM PST

    New epic neutral revealed

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:04 AM PST

    Idea for Battlegrounds. Make Charge minions attack first, no matter where they are on the board. This adds another level of decisions and can they could add more charge minions.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:34 PM PST

    Some kid in art class did his project on Disguised Toast

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:41 AM PST

    How do you deal with a 20 health taunt? Riftcleaver.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:20 PM PST

    New card got me like

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:15 PM PST

    Zephrys the Great Complete Guide

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:22 AM PST

    Zephrys the Great Complete Guide

    Hello guys! In this post I will try to give you a complete guide to Zephrys the Great! We can all agree that Zephrys indeed is really great, but if you really want to see him do great things more often than not, then this post should really help you. If you preffer to watch my video about it instead, here is a link to it:


    Now let's get into it!

    First, let's get some basic information and some more advanced information out of the way. As you probably know by now, even though I still see some people ask me from time to time on stream, Zephrys will only give you cards from the Basic and Classic set. 2 cards you shouldn't be expecting to see from those sets are shadow step and Youthful Brewmaster, because they can give you too much value, so the team decided to cut them out.

    No wishing for extra wishes!

    Also, Zephrys works with the information that is available to both players – Both players Health, Number of cards left in deck and hand, Minions on the board, Available mana and total mana crystals. Do not expect him to know the cards in your hand and definitely don't expect him to know your opponent's hand. In this regard, make sure to play the cards you want Zephrys to know about, before you play him, so he has the information needed to give you the card needed. If you are looking for lethal, drop those burn spells from your hand and he will do the rest for you.

    Zephrys does understand basic card text as well, like Deathrattle, Divine Shield and after they patched him, he now understands Doomsayer's effect as well. I am not sure he understands Reborn though, since I've had games where I've tried to get a silence or a hex out of him and he didn't give me either of those on a nasty reborn taunt minion, so feel free to drop a comment under the post, if you have some info about that or if you find any inaccuracies in this post. On the other hand, he actually overvalues Deathrattles a bit too much and might not give you that perfect board clear, just because of a friggin mecharoo on the opponent's board. If you have a way to pop a deathrattle, best do that before you play Zephy, cuz that might spook him into giving you some random trash that could lose you the game.

    In the past, he didn't really understand that Rush, does not mean charge and he did give savage roars and blood lusts to boards that didn't have lethal with it. I'm not sure if they patched that or not, but if the rush dude on your board doesn't matter too much for you, best trade him off, before playing Zephrys, to find that card you are looking for.

    For your Zephrys to work the way you want him to, you really need to guide him to the mana cost of the card you are looking for. Make sure to leave your mana as close as possible to that card. Make all the decisions you can before actually playing him – attack with minions, drop cards and everything else, that can guide him in the direction you are going for, or you might end up with other options instead. He can also give you a card to play on curve for your next turn, so leaving him at zero mana will hint him that you need a card for next turn, or a 0 mana silence or backstab. Usually, he only gives you 1 card per scenario, so for example, you get 1 card that deals with something on the board, one that heals you and one that can be played on next turn for instance. When Zeph has no idea what to give you he usually gives you… you guessed it – Tirion and sometimes Ysera too.

    Also don't forget, it's not a bad play to drop Zephrys as a tempo play on curve in some matchups. I know we all want to use him as a finisher or a big board clear, but sometimes, playing him for the tempo, is the right play and that alone can win you the game. It really comes down to the matchup though, so think it over and make your decision.

    Now let's start off with an example of all of the cards you might expect from Zephrys. Note, that these are not all of the basic and classic cards, but the ones we have actually seen Zephrys give (or at least I think I've seen).

    Favorite Zephrys Cards

    As you can see, there are quite a lot of cards to choose from, so you really need to do everything you can to guide Zephy in the right direction.

    Now let's move down to the more specific scenarios. Probably the most important information you will ever need for Zephrys is his lethal arsenal from hand, so here it is.

    Zephrys Lethal Cards with no board

    You might notice that cards like Evis and Swipe are missing, but that is just because, you can dish out the same or even more damage with the cards you are seeing in the picture. The 0 mana sac pack is only there for the ones who actually fall into Zephy's trap and pick Jaraxxus. I didn't include Kill Command, since we are talking about lethal, so the overload doesn't matter. The avenging wrath needs to be on an empty board to be guaranteed and for the gorehowl, there needs to be no taunt on the board. You will get pyro only if you opponent is at 10 hp or lower even if you can't play it that turn. If you want the pyro, best use Zephy with 0 or very little mana left.

    The second most important one would be your Lethal outs with a big minion or a big board on.

    Zephrys Lethal Cards with board or big minion

    Inner fire is quite situational, but if you manage to stick a big healthy minion on the board, you might end up dishing out a ton of damage for 1 mana, so it's definitely worth the mention. The others are pretty self-explanatory. Like I said, I'm not sure that Zephrys understands the difference between rush and charge, so he might end up giving you Bloodlust or Savage Roar, when you in fact can't kill the opponent with your board, so be careful.

    Now here is the list for all of the single-target removals you might expect.

    Zephrys Single Target Removal Cards

    Included the transforms and freezes here as well. Having this by your side when you are figuring out how to deal with an opponent minion should really help you guide Zephy to the right answer.

    On the board clear and control section, there are quite a few good options for really big boards, as well as not so big options.

    Zephrys Board Clear Cards

    I have to say, I'm not sure if I have ever seen Blade Flurry pop from Zephy, but then again, it has to be a really specific situation for that to work. I still think it's possible though. Keep in mind that he really likes fan of knives on 3 mana, so you need to do some work to convince him to drop the lightning storm instead. Like I said, he is really spooked by deathrattles, so try popping those before begging Zeph to drop the thunder. If you are looking for Mass Dispell, again you need to have something really worth silencing (in Zephy's opinion). I've begged him for it against a Ress priest, but the bastard decided to give me random stuff instead, which lost me the game in the end.

    Here are the minions you can expect when you play him on an empty board with enough mana to play them, or with exact mana to play them next turn.

    Zephrys Cards for Minions on Curve

    If you play Zephy on curve, you will always get Animal Companion, Wild Growth and Blightwing. If you however have a secret on, he will give you Eaglehorn instead of Blightwing most of the time. If you have a big hand, he will give you a Twilight Drake, or even a Mountain Giant. Don't get baited to pick Jaraxxus, since if you are playing against another Highlander deck you will get sac packed.

    If you are low on hp, here are the heals you can expect.

    Zephrys Heal Cards

    For the sac pact you need to have an opponent demon obviously. If you need to heal and remove a minion with 5 hp, Holy Fire would be in your picks. If you have 7 mana left however, Guardian of Kings would almost always be his choice, since he overvalues him a bit. Lay on Hands will be very hard to pull off for you. You need to be low on health with almost no cards and also have some board, or you will get Guardian instead.

    And lastly, here are the tech picks you might get.

    Zephrys Tech Cards

    Flare is not the easiest to get and he won't always give it to you, especially when there is only 1 secret against you. Sometimes he will prefer Infiltrator even if the opponent has 2 or even 3 secrets if I remember correctly so make sure to leave 2 mana only if you really want it. MC Tech is almost always among the picks when the opponent has at least 4 minions. Do expect to see the crazed alchemist when you are facing a doomsayer too.

    Hope you enjoyed and if you have any advice, questions or ideas on how to make this guide better, drop a comment bellow! :)

    submitted by /u/KrisOfivE
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    the restaurino of HEARTHSTONE SUPERSTARS

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:58 PM PST

    Those of you questioning the new Hunter mace correlation clearly haven’t seen warcraft hunters!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:37 PM PST

    new control priest?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:04 AM PST

    (Concept) With Battlegrounds - Hearthstone has laid the groundwork for raids and I am here for it.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 11:43 AM PST

    It's been awhile since I had any excitement about Hearthstone, as Constructed, Wild, and Arena have long been pretty much dead to me.

    I played the game enough to get the gold needed to unlock the deck building dungeon runs which gave me the most satisfaction and challenge.

    But with Battlegrounds I'm back, and despite everyone else's valid criticisms of the balance needed for the format, I'm more interested in what it has opened up.

    You can now have 8 players in the same extended format game of deckbuilding.

    This means that using the same mechanics with few changes - Blizzard could now do a sort of Co-Op Dungeon Run.

    Players could share a health pool, and go into combat against the same boss. After each round if the boss is still up, they continue building their decks. If the boss is down they are rewarded and move to the Next boss.

    Healing classes could focus on getting through rounds by providing healing to the Group health pool.

    Tank Classes could build up armor of which maybe some leftover armor carries to the next round for all players.

    DPS classes could focus on strategies to take bosses down faster so that Rage timers don't trigger or bosses don't build into something insurmountable.

    The formula isn't perfect but the UI layout is there.

    I think that this plus a more integrated community tool would go a long way towards bringing new people into the game.

    submitted by /u/whats-your-plan-man
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    Arch-Thief Rafaam, new cards coming to Hearthstone Battlegrounds in December 5 patch

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 11:05 AM PST

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