• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 10, 2019

    Hearthstone Descent of Dragons Pack Opening Megathread

    Hearthstone Descent of Dragons Pack Opening Megathread

    Descent of Dragons Pack Opening Megathread

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:57 AM PST

    Descent of Dragons Pack Opening Megathread

    Greetings and salutations!

    Here Be Dragons! Welcome to the Descent of Dragons folks! With the launch of the new expansion, we have 140 brand new cards to enjoy. Share your awesome pack opening results here, let everyone know what that awesome free legendary you got was or let the salt flow freely because you got the absolute worst one!

    Whether by text, image, VOD or stream is up to you!


    • The single player content is not being released until some time in January.

    • Log in to receive three free Descent of Dragons card packs, plus two copies of Shield of Galakrond, and then all five Legendary Galakrond Hero Cards when you open the packs.

    • There's some fantastic Day 1 Deck List Compilations going around too. Both Hearthstone-Decks.net and Hearthstone Top Decks are doing a great job of keeping us all in the loop on what's getting played.

    • You can see the pre-release card listing here.

    • The pity timers are set so with every expansion, you get a legendary at some point in the first 10 packs and then at least one legendary within every 40 packs after the previous legendary. When you open a legendary, the pity time resets.

    • You can also discuss the expansion live, and post your card packs over in our Discord server!!!
      Join us over at ----> http://www.Discord.gg/hearthstone

    Please keep this thread limited to Descent of Dragons related posts and pack openings.

    On a side note, be sure to check out /r/HSPulls and Pitytracker!

    submitted by /u/tharic99
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    Descent of Dragons Pros & Streamers Deck Lists Compilation

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:32 AM PST

    Hey /r/hearthstone, Stonekeep from Hearthstone Top Decks here. We're back for another round of live deck list posting! I'm really excited for the expansion. Looking at the power level of new cards, it should really shake up the meta. Shake up is not even a good way to describe it - I feel like it will create a completely new meta, unlike the final expansion of last year (Rastakhan's Rumble). Let's just hope that some of the new strategies won't be significantly more broken than average.

    I'll start by posting some theorycrafts prepared by our writers. Once the expansion is out, everyone opens their packs and builds decks, I'll start adding new lists from pros & streamers. Expect first decks to come out ~30-60 minutes after launch!

    If you want to test out the five free Galakrond cards without breaking the bank, we've also prepared semi-budget and budget Galakrond decks for each class. Budget builds run only Commons/Rares. Semi-budget also play Epic Lieutenants ("If you've Invoked twice") and Kronx Dragonhoof, because those cards make them so much better. Check them out here!

    Happy expansion release, good luck with your pack openings and enjoy new decks! :)


    Day 1


    Day 1


    Day 1


    Day 1


    Day 1


    Day 1


    Day 1


    Day 1


    Day 1

    submitted by /u/stonekeep
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    Naxx is out!!

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 05:26 AM PST

    New Grizzled Wizard OTK Done

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 12:38 PM PST

    thats a high roll all right

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 11:14 AM PST

    Just a reminder: you get a free C'thun if u purchase a wotog pack

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:41 AM PST

    Everyone is ecstatic because they can buy wild packs in the new shop, but for mobile only player like me, this brought tears (of happiness) to my eyes.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:12 AM PST

    Okay I love Bandersmosh

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:55 AM PST

    Evasive Feywing, best artwork of the expansion?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:33 PM PST

    Hearthstone is now like this

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 01:00 PM PST

    Have you been good or naughty this year ? [Fanart]

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:33 AM PST

    False Advertisement at its best.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 09:30 AM PST

    I love him

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 01:48 PM PST

    LOOK AT THE FLAVOR TEXT!!! This makes me so happy :D

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 01:11 PM PST

    The actual best card art in this expansion is Galakron from the Warlock class!

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 03:50 AM PST

    Thank you for the better quests!

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 06:07 AM PST

    Not sure if it has been mentioned, but I really do appreciate the new quests.

    1. Better payouts: 60g now seems to be default, making it easier for a F2P to earn packs.

    2. Broader criteria: Not just 2 classes, but 3, giving you more flexibility.

    3. Rewards that encourage playing, not just playing: play X games, rather than win X games.

    Just wanted to acknowledge the efforts from the Hearthstone team. Now to go spend my gold on wild packs in the store. :)

    submitted by /u/CaseyTan
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    That disappointing moment when you realized youve accidentally spent all your gold on rise of shadow packs

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:09 AM PST

    Flik Skyshiv kills different Slimes

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 02:21 PM PST

    Yes, we know whizbang_hs is gone, but I'm gonna reveal why his account was so young

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 06:04 AM PST

    One day, u/Arnie-Pye decided to gild people. Why? I dont know. I think they wanted to see the sub active.

    He then decided to divert people's attention to an alt he made, u/whizbang_hs, probably so he could operate from there.

    Come second day, I realize the gifter would have a high level of gilding trophies on their profile. I checked everyone who had recently gotten "Gilding V" or higher, and only one browsed this sub; u/Arnie-Pye. I think that was their main because they had a ton of posts on it.

    Once I messaged them about it he/she didnt reply and hid their comment and post history.

    A week later, when the gilding resumed, their gilding trophy went up to "Gilding IX", meaning they had continued the spree. Yesterday, u/Arnie-Pye's account of many months was deleted at the same time u/whizbang_hs made the post.

    Now we could try to find their account again based on their post/comment history, looking out for which teams and decks they liked, but to honour their wishes, I'm not gonna try.

    So thank you whizbang

    submitted by /u/ElfinRanger
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    Whizbang the Wonderful

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:18 PM PST

    This has been fun, now I must leave. Please do not try to find me.



    submitted by /u/Whizbang_HS
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    Stealing the Lich King’s weapon causes him to be immune and not able to play cards for the remainder of the game.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:50 AM PST

    Some funny stuff from RU Hearthstone VK community

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:59 PM PST

    Blizzard, how about we make it a keyword already?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 12:27 PM PST

    Bandermosh is one hell of a drug

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 01:36 PM PST


    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 12:59 AM PST

    How to actually play Deryl

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:17 AM PST

    Hi, I'm Athanatov, 8k EU. There have been a lot of Deryl guides on this sub, and, frankly, I think they're mostly incorrect. I know that sounds condescending, but it's why I'm writing this. Since I've gotten the hang of this hero, I've been almost flawless top 4 with him ('almost' because I tried to take midgame with a single minion once. Tip #1: Don't do that). I think he's the strongest hero by far, and perfect play should get you a near guarantueed top 4 at any MMR. Proof.

    So for the uninitiated, Dancin' Deryl is an odd hero as far as Battlegrounds is concerned. His hero power will passively give +1/+1 to two random targets in the shop - which can be the same minion - whenever you sell a minion. The way people 'dance' is by buying all the minions in the shop, except the one you want to buff, and then start selling to create one single huge minion. I will keep referring to this method as 'dancing'. Not all minions are created equally, but the fact that you can skyrocket any minion's stats makes Deryl incredibly consistent.

    So I've seen high MMR players suggest two broad lines of play. The first is to use your hero power early on to powerspike and be able to tier up aggressively, much like you'd play Sindragosa or Yogg. While this can be correct occasionally, I don't think that uses the hero to his full potential. The second is to stick to tier 3 and just 'dance' every turn. The advantage of this is that there will be 4 minions in the shop, which is convenient, because at 9/10 gold, you can buy three and sell three and all buffs will land on the last minion. I don't like this either, as the board space will quickly run out, and there are very few premium targets available.

    My approach could be considered middle-of-the-road. I think the place to be for Deryl is tier 4, where we can find the best units to buff as well as the best minions to cycle. More on those later. We will get some early dances in, but it's the tier where we hope to spend most of our time.

    I will start off with some general guidelines, and will then delve off into the specifics, particularly the mid game.

    Reroll sparingly

    The most important realisation for most players who have some success with Deryl is that rerolls are expensive, even much more so than other heroes. This is fine, because we don't need them as much. Deryl can make any ragtag band of minions work. You don't have to force Murlocs every game. Buy whatever you fancy (especially early), because anything will turn into a buff later. Tempo (i.e. the strongest board short term) and filling the board in general is your first priority as Deryl. The more health we save, the more fun stuff we can do later.

    Don't overcommit

    More relevant now than ever as Poisonous is incredibly common. Like any other hero, maintaining a full board is a good idea. One big minion will get traded into by 4/1 Rats or that one Poisonous boy. For those that don't know, the player with the most minions will get the first attack, which is very valuable if you want to your minions to die in a certain order. Again, we're happy to sell our weak minions later, which is also the point where we get the juicier targets.

    Evaluate your relative strength

    Arguably one of the hardest things to do in BG is to adapt what you're doing based on the other player's position. If you're struggling and face someone that just dealt 15 damage to another hero, it may not be the time to tier up. Of course this goes for any hero, but the contrary is more interesting. You also need to know when you're ahead.

    You see, as Deryl we're really not trying to dance every turn. Being ahead allows us to wait 1 or 2 turns. In the meantime you can tier up or stock up on minions we like to sell. The more minions you have on hand, the bigger you can make the premium minion that pops up. Towing the line is hard, but it's what separates the better Deryl players.

    Stay calm

    Very obvious tip, but crucial for playing Deryl. A dance can be hectic, and we don't want any accidents. Deryl doesn't have the luxury of thinking for 30 seconds and then starting the turn on the rope. If possible, use the battle stage to work out how you're (potentially) doing your next turn. What are the minions we want to sell? Do we have the board space for our Khadgar + token minions shenanigans? Can we afford to tier up at the end of the turn? It probably will go wrong sometimes (or often). Just don't panic. I've won games floating 7 gold at the end of my turn. Another small tip is that if you're unsure if you'll finish on time, Freeze at the start of the dance so you don't lose the buffs.

    Minions to look out for

    Minions we like come in one of three flavours. There are minions we're looking to buy and sell, minions we're looking to buff and minions that we want to keep, but don't need to buff (I will refer to these as 'secondary'). I will be going roughly in order of tiers. Tier 6 won't be included, as it's rarely relevant.

    Minions to buy and sell:

    Alleycat/Murloc Tidehunter: Two minions for the price of one? Sign me up. We effectively get a 4/4 buff for net 1 gold. Not that these minions can get tricky with board space. This is something you need to plan for.

    Any buff that works with our board: More stats for the same price. Sounds good to me. Don't be greedy. You'll usually pass up something like Rockpool Hunter, but 3/3 stats for net 2 gold is a fine deal. This also includes stuff that buffs our board passively, like a Demon if we have Wraith Wreaver (for some reason).

    Primalfin Lookout: A combination of the above. As long as we have a Murloc, we get two minions (or three if you get Tidehunter) and almost always a free buff. Activating this is a good reason to keep a Murloc around.

    Minions to buff:

    Divine Shield: Divine Shield is obviously powerful with big minions. George is (one of) the best top 1 heroes for his ability to do so. Divine Shield is common in tier 1 and 2 and is usually one of our first dance targets. Bonus points if it also has Taunt. Shoutout to the usually terrible Bolvar which has high health and some additional upside. EDIT: This includes Cobalt Guardian.

    Rat Pack: Comes early and is great for a small dance. No need to buff this to too much, but a ~6/6 Rat can carry you early on.

    Imp Gang Boss: Tier 3 is pretty weak in general, but this one scales nicely with stats, allowing you to create a bunch of imps. Soul Juggler is a great synergy for the mid game.

    Magnetic: Magnetic allows us to 'cheat' by putting two buffed minions in the same board space. Buffs on a Magnetic minion will carry over. Annoy-o-module in particular comes with Divine Shield, so it's one of the best targets available. Ideally keep a Mech around to abuse these to their full potential.

    Security Rover: Basically a much stronger Imp Gang Boss in addition to having a much more useful tribe. A big Security Rover can hard counter Token comps.

    Cave Hydra: Cave Hydra is often how you top 1. Usually Cave Hydra is just an investment in the future, but Deryl isn't a fair hero. We can get a huge one right out of the gate. Cave Hydra is so strong, that it's often worth to tank health to freeze and stock up on 'sellables'. Do mind your positioning. In a 6 big minion comp it won't get sniped very often, so you can afford to put it a bit further back than usually. People will often have a Divine Shield Taunt on the outside, so ideal positioning is often 1) small crap, 2) high attack, 3) Hydra.

    Annihilan Battlemaster: Only if you're low on health obviously. Having a huge pool of health makes attack buffs that much more valuable. A 9/39 is so much better than a 3/30. It's also a 5 star that survives long, so it can help kill people before they get their board of Divine Shield/Poisonous Murlocs.

    Ironhide Direhorn: Not as great as the rest of the list, but we can reliably get some 5/5's with the buffs. Won't rock your world, but upside is upside.

    Boogeymonster: Still terrible, but imagine how great it would be to win with a huge Boogeymonster. Do it for the memes.

    Secondary minions:

    Pairs: Triplicates combine their buffs. This is valuable as we can dance on said triplicate and combine buffs into a single board space, much like Magnetic. That's why we can hold on to the second minion with base stats, just in case we get it. Worst case scenario, we sell it for the +2/+2 buff.

    Nightmare Amalgam: I'm sure I don't have to tell anyone how broken this card is, but it's even better for Deryl. If you're looking at the 'to sell' list, you'll notice that simply having Amalgam makes a lot of minions classify. Eats every buff, while activating Lookout and Magnetic. You don't need to dance on Amalgam. He's fine as is. Save the hats for something that's harder to buff.

    Spawn of N'zoth: 8/8 stats for a tier 2 minion, while being great for popping Divine Shield. Given that you really don't need anything specific as Deryl, he's a great placeholder until you run out of board space. Actually has anti-synergy with buffs, as you want it to die early.

    Crowd Favorite: Gets buffed passively for doing the stuff you already like to do. You'll probably end up selling it, but it's a fine guy to keep around for a while. Not worth dancing on as it's just a pile of stats.

    Khadgar: Very, very risky, but potentially rewarding. You need a lot of practice with Deryl to properly pull it off, but Khadgar can give you additional tokens from Alleycat and Tidehunter. More tokens = more hats = happy Deryl. Plan ahead if you're planning on using this, in particular how you're going to free up board space. The timer is tight.

    Shifter Zerus: Different because you don't actually play it, but if we're gonna hold on to some minions anyway, we might as well roll the dice and see what we can get.

    Brann Bronzebeard/Lightfang Enforcer: Deryl really doesn't need these to get a big board, but the best and second best minion in general are still pretty nice to have. There's only so much you can get dancing. Brann in particular has nice synergy with our 'sellables', while Lightfang is great with our ragtag board.

    Minions to avoid:

    Wraith Wreaver: We don't need Bait Wreaver for stats. There are safer ways to powerspike.

    Vulgar Homunculus: 2 damage for a good dance is often still worth it, but if you're on the fence you could hold off a turn.

    Poisonous: We appreciate our turn timer and would like it to be long. Obviously Poisonous is still a powerful mechanic, but do you really need that on a 50 attack Amalgam? You can reset the game at the start of a battle phase to get around it if you have to.

    When to dance

    So basically all of the above is to help you evaluate this one important question. When do we dance? The answer to this is unfortunately not cut and dry, which is what makes Deryl such a difficult hero. Adaptability is key; every Deryl game should be different. However there are some general rules you can follow.

    First dance

    You generally want to at least wait until the board is full before your first dance. If you get your Alleycats and Tidehunters this will of course be earlier. If you can buff a Rat Pack a bit, go for it, but the longer you can wait, the more reliable the dance will be. I generally do this between 7 gold and the first 10 gold turn. 9 gold is generally the easiest, as it's the first turn where you can guarantee all buffs will land on the desired target.

    Tier 3:

    Then I would get one or two dances in at tier 3. The tavern is still at 4 gold, so this will allow us to get a bit of a powerspike and set up to tier up again in relative safety. This is a stage where we start evaluating our health. The safer we are, the earlier we can continue to the next stage. If you're getting beat up, hang here for a while and aim for top 4.

    Tier 4:

    Tier 4 is where Deryl play starts getting really interesting. We can no longer dance every turn as the tavern will now offer 5 minions. That's a total of 15 gold you need to spend and 4 you get back, which comes out at 11 net cost. It's fine though, for three reasons. Firstly, if we've powerspiked correctly, we can afford to 'skip' a turn to make the next more powerful. Secondly, powerful minions start coming in and we want to maximize our buffs anyway. Lastly, we'd run out of board space anyway.

    At this stage we can also get the very occasional reroll. Generally speaking though, start buying stuff. The safer you are, the longer you can spend just buying until the right target comes along. Find something on the to buff list? Freeze and spend the rest of your gold. Start planning how you're gonna perform the dance next turn.

    The dance at this stage is a bit tricky, as we can't always get all buffs on the same unit. First identify what you want to buff. Then see if there's a secondary unit or a Magnetic unit that isn't your primary target. Buy the three other units. Now this way we don't mind if some buffs miss, as we'll still profit. Sell 2, buy the secondary minion, then sell whatever you don't want. Go all out if you find a Cave Hydra. Mind that if you've saved up a lot of stuff, you can actually tier up at the end of your turn.

    The Double Dance:

    So, given that a minion retains buffs if Frozen, you can spread out your dance over several turns. You can do this, for example, if you're sitting on some buff cards. This way you can get immediate value from those, while maintaining the late game value of the big buffed targets. Or you might be (greedily) fishing for triplicates. Doesn't come up often, but useful to keep in mind.

    Guide ended up larger than expected. Feel free to ask for clarification, suggest corrections/additions, or call me a stupid noob. Will probably be addressing it tomorrow, given the expansion.

    submitted by /u/Athanatov
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