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    Friday, November 22, 2019

    Hearthstone New Warrior Galakrond evolutions & Heropower

    Hearthstone New Warrior Galakrond evolutions & Heropower

    New Warrior Galakrond evolutions & Heropower

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:07 AM PST

    New card - Secure the Deck

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:58 AM PST

    New card - Clear the Way

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:57 AM PST

    Name a better card if added to battlegrounds. I’ll wait

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:16 PM PST

    DoD meta solved!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:09 AM PST

    To be truly random, the Rat King's hero power should be random on the first turn

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:08 AM PST

    Card reveals without a source

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:08 AM PST

    So... another card reveal without source. It's already past reveal time and we have no clue where it will come from.

    Honestly, that's not a good design. If it comes from official stream or something, just link to it so people can know what to expect. If it's from an official video, just say so. Inform us.

    And the worst part is that LOTS of cards this reveal season don't have links. So we'll just have to guess a source?

    submitted by /u/stonekeep
    [link] [comments]

    $300K Battlegrounds Brawl - Hero & Player Data (spoilers)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:36 PM PST

    $300K Battlegrounds Brawl - Hero & Player Data (spoilers)

    Hero Performance

    Hero Total Points Average Place # of Games Avg. Points Per Game
    Nefarian 21 2.86 7 3
    Patchwerk 22 3.36 11 2
    Yogg 18 3.5 10 1.8
    AFKay 24 3.83 12 2
    Brann 22 4.25 12 1.83
    George 14 4.29 7 2
    Sindragosa 3 4.33 3 1
    Lich King 8 4.75 4 2
    Deryl 15 4.91 11 1.36
    Rat King 6 5.55 11 0.55
    Curator 6 5.75 8 0.75
    Akazamzarak 1 6 3 0.33
    Elise 0 6.25 4 0
    Toki 1 6.67 3 0.33
    • The above data is sorted by avg. place, and because some heroes only had one or two games like Firebat with Wagtoggle and Toast with Patches (both surprisingly good games), so those along with the 2 Rag, 1 Bartendotron and 1 Gallywix are filtered out in this view. The heroes never picked were Finley, Jaraxxus, Putricide, Pyramad, and Shudderwock.
    • Deryl and Lich King are examples with heroes with some of the most polarizing games; either they win big or lose hard. A data set of only 14 lobbies is too small for a concrete conclusion, but a preliminary theory for this could be the tactical decision of whether or when or not to lean into a specific hero power strategy (i.e., when or if you dance as Deryl in a certain game? Or do you try to capitalize on the Lich King with a 6-star deathrattle or scale another big minion for that slot?) George could also be another hero with polarized performance, with the key factor being if Nefarion is in the lobby.
    • Rat King had a poor showing especially when looking at points per round and Firestone's placement results (below), potentially due to tournament having less aggressive meta?
    • Nefarian performed really well; this lines up with my personal and the prevailing theory that Nef at high level play has one of the strongest endgames, along with hard countering George (George only got a higher rank than Nef in Game 5B, and both first place George's had lobbies without Nef); Nefarian doesn't appear on Firestone's rank likely due to their data being over a wider MMR range, it mostly has heroes with strong early game performing well.
    Firestone's Post-Patch Hero Stats Global Avg. Place 300K Avg. Place
    Patchwerk 3.8 3.36
    Rat King 3.94 5.55
    Yogg 3.96 3.5
    AFKay 4.08 3.83
    Brann 4.09 4.25

    Player Performance

    Player Team Total Points Average Place
    Solary Rabid Rangers 19 3.14
    Dog Mega Fins 19 3
    Kolento Rust Buckets 16 3.43
    Surrender Doom Bringers 16 3.29
    Amaz Rust Buckets 13 4.71
    Firebat Doom Bringers 13 4.14
    Kibler Rust Buckets 12 3.43
    Hafu Mega Fins 12 4.71
    RDU Mega Fins 11 4.43
    Thijs Rust Buckets 10 4.14
    RegisKillbin Rabid Rangers 7 5.57
    Toast Rabid Rangers 6 5.29
    Asmodai Doom Bringers 5 5.86
    Zalae Doom Bringers 5 5.29
    xChocoBars Rabid Rangers 2 5.57
    Trump Mega Fins 2 6
    Total 168 4.5
    • Dog and Solary/Vince had the same point total, but Dog had a slightly better showing placement-wise.
    • Some players have polarizing game placements, which potentially indicates all or nothing style strategy (Amaz and Surrender are decent examples); very memeable for streaming and semi-useful for format like this. There are much better ways to find this empirically, this is primarily a casual observation.
    • Despite tying for the 7th highest point slot, Kibler tied for 4th (with Kolento) on average placing. Going off this small data set, Kibler would have very likely been a much high earner if the rounds continued and his performance was similar. (Also note, both Rust Buckets.)
    • Furthermore, all the Rust Buckets are in the top 10 points earners and average placement. They are the only team to do so. This was the first bit of evidence showing that their team strategy was effective.
    Team Total Points Average Place Place Gap
    Rust Buckets 51 3.93
    Mega Fins 44 4.54 -0.61
    Doom Bringers 39 4.64 -0.11
    Rabid Rangers 34 4.89 -0.25
    Total 168 4.5 -0.96
    • The Rust Buckets obviously won by 7 points, with a 5 and 5 point spread behind them.
    • While close in points, a big difference in average placing, with the RBs placing over half an average rank higher than the Mega Fins (RBs 3.93, Mega Fins 4.54).
    • The biggest success of RB's team strategy is shown by the points earned by rank. RB only had 10 points or 2 first place wins, which was the least of all the teams, but far outpaced the other teams in 2nd and 3rd placings. Nearly half of RB's total score was from 2nd place wins.
    Player Place Total Points % of Score
    Rust Buckets 1 10 19.61%
    2 24 47.06%
    3 14 27.45%
    4 3 5.88%
    Rust Buckets Total 51
    Mega Fins 1 30 68.18%
    2 8 18.18%
    3 4 9.09%
    4 2 4.55%
    Mega Fins Total 44
    Doom Bringers 1 15 38.46%
    2 16 41.03%
    3 4 10.26%
    4 4 10.26%
    Doom Bringers Total 39
    Rabid Rangers 1 15 44.12%
    2 8 23.53%
    3 6 17.65%
    4 5 14.71%
    Rabid Rangers Total 34
    • While Team Battlegrounds isn't a real competitive format (yet), the RB strategy to strategize/tavern/weaken during their civil battle phases yielded high results and would yield even better results in a point structure with a higher 3rd place point prize and likely be weaker with a more heavily valued 1st place.


    • Theoretically, you could look at each player's three hero options for each round to see who had the highest win potential based options given
    • Standard deviation as far as hero placings would be useful and a lot more reliable with a larger data set.
    • Match-up comparison is would be the biggest data insight you could get with the data (if you had a larger baseline data set to compare it to). This would give consideration when choosing your heroes at the mulligan; in other words, based on which two heroes you know won't be in your lobby, what is the best hero choice? Like if you ever have George and Nef in your selection, you know George's hero power will be uncontested at the endgame.
    • For team strategy, looking at how the Rust Buckets affected each other (like how much health or how throwing slowed down overall performance) game by game would be most useful for team strategy. Initial review shows most of the RB's game have them within three or so places of each other.
    • Player MMR vs. tournament would be interesting, but between different accounts players have and three regions with different scales as far as meta and skill goes, it'd would just amount to an interesting supplement.
    • The portion of MMR I was able to find showed that the MMR rings somewhat true for the teams, though the top player being Dog had much lower MMR than the next two highest by placement, Kolento and Surrender.
    • Blizzard Page for the event
    • Firestone's Post-Patch Hero Stats Post
    submitted by /u/mayhalf
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:18 AM PST

    If you’ve been playing BGs all month, don’t forget your monthly Ranked chest...

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:48 AM PST

    Stop I could only get so hard

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:52 AM PST

    *Upgrading tavern to tier 5*. *hitting the refresh button for awesome minions*

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:44 AM PST

    Another hearthstone-style commission from me ;)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:39 PM PST

    The planets have aligned! (7 (7/7) 7 (7/7) 7 (7/7))

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:09 AM PST

    Meta solved

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:10 AM PST

    Disguised Toast is moving to Facebook Gaming

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:24 AM PST

    My girlfriend’s Christmas gift for this year: A beautiful 3D crafted version of Pyros with her favorite card back! Thanks to Osvald 3D Crafts on the Etsy shop!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 07:23 PM PST

    What the fuck

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:01 AM PST

    Go away mum!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:11 PM PST

    Somebody mentioned iconic trios? (Screenshot in comments)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 04:04 PM PST

    Savjz + Khadgar = Clown Fiesta

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:06 PM PST

    The Yogg dream

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:35 AM PST


    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:02 AM PST

    Game doesn't end when I swing for lethal, ends turn after when we tie

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 03:32 AM PST

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